SDG 05: Gender Equality
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Algeria: Concours genre 2020 de la GIZ

Contexte du projet : En Algérie, la participation des femmes aux activités politiques, publiques et sociales rencontre une grande discrimination. Certes plusieurs dispositifs (loi) institutionnels ont été déployés par le gouvernement afin d’assurer l’égalité d’accès aux décisions politiques et publiques,

Jordan: Women reclaiming public space in a small town

Background In 2012 the Jordanian Ministry of Environment and the German government with its implementing agency GIZ have established a partnership for contributing to Jordan’s ambitions to achieve sustainable development and protection of the environment. The partnership has since then


MOZAMBIQUE/GOOD FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE PROGRAMME CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE While the Mozambican constitution declares equal rights for everyone and takes an explicit stance against discrimination, women do not have the same degree of access to political decision- making processes, education and economic

Serbia: Introducing the Regulatory Gender Test in Serbia

Looking at Public Policy Through a Gender Lens   Context and Initiative In 2016, Serbia’s Statistical Office introduced the EU Index of Gender Equality as the first country outside of the EU to collect these data. The gender equality index for


GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE (GBV) PREVENTION IN SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOLS CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Southern Africa, gender-based violence is among the most severe and widespread human rights violations. According to Moult et al (2014): • Girls tend to be the victims of

El Salvador: Concurso de Género de la GIZ 2020

Contexto El Programa Regional REDD tiene como objetivo principal consolidar mecanismos de financiamiento para la implementación y monitoreo de medidas para la protección de los bosques y el manejo forestal con normas de calidad robustas. Una de las líneas de

Pakistan: The 1st Women Digital Empowerment Portal for the women of Khyber Pakhtunwa

The 1st Women Digital Empowerment Portal for the women of Khyber Pakhtunwa – the second largest province with more than 50% women population – now caters to the Social Economic Political and Legal needs of W O M E N.

Bangladesh: The journey of Josna Ara

Kyrgyzstan: Rule of Law

Portfolio of GIZ Kyrgyzstan has a project that works on a regional level with the goal of ensuring equality for all in legal system – Rule of Law. This project is important because it ensures that no person can be

Kyrgyzstan – Vision needs Attitude – Attitude meets Action

Vision needs Attitude – Attitude meets Action. With this already well-known motto, GIZ Kyrgyzstan office has started its new approach in promotion of gender equality. We call it a ‘reboot’ in the internal system of GIZ Kyrgyzstan office and projects

Togo: Lutte contre les stéréotypes sexuels dans le système d’apprentissage professionnel et réduction de l’influence négative des déterminants socioculturels du statut de la femme sur l’économie locale

1.       Brève présentation du Togo Le Togo est un petit pays situé en Afrique de l’ouest. Il couvre une superficie de 56 785 km² avec une population de 7,6 millions d’habitants[1] dont 51% vit en milieu rural. Pays non industriel, l’économie


DEVELOPING AN ANTI-SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY FOR GIZ JORDAN AND LEBANON CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Jordan and Lebanon, sexual harassment at the workplace is widespread and constitutes an obstacle to equal employment of women and men. Yet, both the Jordanian and


“INCLUSIVE, GENDER EQUAL LABOUR MARKET IN THE MAKING” A Journey of Social Protection Programme in Indonesia in Doing the Implementation Differently     Social Protection and Mainstreaming Gender Issues While at It   In the context of the bilateral cooperation


ULAANBAATAR CITY BACKGROUND: Mongolia is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. The sparsely populated countryside contrasts with the capital city Ulaanbaatar, which is home to almost 1.5 million inhabitants, or half of the country’s population.  In Ulaanbaatar,

Pakistan: Sanitation for Millions

Promoting Gender Equality in Sanitation for Millions Program, Pakistan. Contextual Background and General situation Analysis Balochistan, being the largest province, spreads over an area of 347,190 Sq, KMs and forms 43.6 per cent of the total area of Pakistan. In

Laos: Promotion of Gender Equality through the engagement with the Green Climate Fund

Context Lao PDR is a landlocked, Least Developed Country with dwindling forest cover, from 70% in the 1960s to 58% in 2015. Forests are not only an important sector for Laos´ national economy, but are also central to the income,

Bangladesh: GIZ Bangladesh’s Journey towards Gender Equality

#SAY YES TO “HARASSMENT FREE WORLD” CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The Government of Bangladesh has ratified Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 1979 and adopted the National Women Development Policy 2011. To achieve gender equality

Pakistan: Gender Disparities in Local labour Market

Background   Evidence-based employment policy-making requires identifying and quantifying the best practices and inefficiencies in the job market, such as underutilization of skilled workforce and lack of decent job opportunities. This is the first step in designing employment policies aimed

Brazil: Development of a GIZ Brazil Policy Against Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

  Intro The development of internal guidelines for GIZ Brazil office to combat sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the workplace brought up innovative actions to the national office context. A specific external ombudsman for these types of cases was

Brazil: Gender Working Group

GIZ Brazil’s gender working group (WG gender) has been improving and expanding its activities with the objective of transforming the organizational culture of GIZ on gender equity and respect for diversity. As Brazil is increasingly distant from achieving gender goals,

Brazil: Intersectionality and inclusive non-sexist language: Gender Working Group and SFF Human Rights

Gender mainstreaming within the company Introduction – Social and political scenario Despite the constitutionally guaranteed rights and ratified international obligations regarding human rights and gender equity, Brazil continues to face cultural and political barriers that are structurally patriarchal, sexist and

Laos: Gender Equality in Micro Finance

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE: The GIZ “Microfinance in Rural Areas – Access to Finance for the Poor (AFP)” is part of the Lao-German Development Cooperation and commissioned by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented through GIZ (Deutsche

Côte d’Ivoire: Projet Agroforesterie COMOE Dabakala

Ecouter et retenez bien « agroforesterie COMOE Dabakala » C’est à l’exécution de ce projet que se situe notre part active pour le concept genre au sein de notre entreprise. En effet l’élimination de toute forme de discrimination à l’égard

Georgia: A Gently Fermenting Revolution – Women in the Georgian Wine Business

Private Sector Development and Vocational Education and Training in South Caucasus 1. Context Georgia is one of the oldest winemaking countries in the world. Viticulture and viniculture, have a long tradition dating back over 8000 years. In today’s time, the


GENDER GROUP TUNISIA: FOR A CULTURE THAT RESPECTS DIFFERENCE Gender Competition 2020 – Gender Mainstreaming – 1st Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Tunisia is undergoing profound political, social and juridical changes. Since 2011 Tunisia has embarked on a democratic transition, in

Madagascar: Women Empowerment for a Greener Future in the South-West of Madagascar (Atsimo-Andrefana)

Supported by PAGE, the Environmental Project of GIZ Madagascar The environment, forestry and renewable energy sector are at the centre of the bilateral cooperation between Germany and Madagascar. The Programme d’Appui à la Gestion de l’Environnement (PAGE) is a support

Benin: Semaine du Genre

Partant d’un constat général, les femmes et les hommes font souvent l’expérience de différenciation à cause de la répartition des rôles dans la société et la famille. Cela découle sur des inégalités dans les opportunités, les conditions et les privilèges.

Cameroon: A strong voice for equal opportunities

Radios and women entrepreneurs in rural Cameroon call for gender equality Five radio stations in the rural north of Cameroon produce a series on micro-entrepreneurs of nontimber forest products (NTFP). In fifty programmes, the women talk about their business and


PROMOTING ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN Gender Competition 2020 – GG2 – 1st Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The Indian start-up scene is on the rise. Across the metropolitan cities incubators and accelerators are set up to provide support for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Pakistan: Inspiring Change – Women in Action in the Textile & Garment Industry of Punjab

Introduction to GIZ’s Labour Standards Programme in Punjab In the area of labour and environmental standards, particularly in the textile and garment industry in Pakistan’s Punjab province, GIZ’s Labour Standards Programme (LSP) is carrying out activities which aims to improve

Peru: Incorporar la perspectiva de género en el sector transporte urbano en Perú

1. Fomento de la igualdad de género En 2017, Lima fue nombrada entre las 5 ciudades más peligrosas del mundo para las mujeres, con el tercer transporte más inseguro para ellas, según el ranking Thomson Reuters Foundation1. Teniendo en cuenta

Ethiopia: The Female Innovator Support Group Hawassa, Ethiopia (FIS) & Its expansion to further Universities

GIZ Sustainable Training & Education Programme (STEP II), GIZ Ethiopia 1. Introduction – How it started and what we have achieved so fare The GIZ Sustainable Education and Training Programme of Ethiopia (STEP) is mainly active in the areas Higher

Colombia: COSIENDO COLCHAS – mujeres de Colombia trabajan para prevenir la violencia de género

Mujeres enrutadas y más empoderadas’ es un proyecto que trabaja con mujeres víctimas del conflicto para que sanen cosiendo y tengan una fuente de sustento económico. En el campo uno no sabe qué es eso de género”, cuenta Melfi Rojas,

Turkey: Bridging the Gender Gap in Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus

Community Centres and Local Initiatives Project (CLIP) in Turkey Context and initiative Turkey is one of the signatory countries of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). Refugee and migrant

South Africa: „Woman in Plumbing”, – or why pipes don’t care who installed them

A review on implementing gender issues in a male dominated work environment       South Africa has one of the most progressive, equality supporting constitutions in the world which states that: “No person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly

Pakistan: Female Internship Program

Background GIZ Pakistan as part of its commitment to mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda (SDG: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), and alignment of personnel structure to have a diversified workforce with adequate and balanced gender ratio, set

Colombia: Programa de Acceso a Tierra para Mujeres

Desde el inicio del proceso de restitución de tierras en el 2012, se ha hecho visible una problématica estructural de la sociedad colombiana: las mujeres no disponen de la propiedad de sus predios rurales. Por eso, cuando se abrió la


A MEMORY PROCESS WITH LGBTQI VICTIMS OF THE ARMED CONFLICT CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Despite the advances on LGBTQI rights in Colombia, there is still a widespread lack of knowledge about the impact of the armed conflict on members of the

Yemen: Towards Gender Equality

GIZ Gender Competition 2020 The Youth Employability Improvement Program (YEIP) in Yemen is part of the Special Initiative on Stabilization in the Middle East and North Africa funded by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented

Colombia: Pathways to Equity and Peace in Colombia

Building Capacities for Peace – FORPAZ Context and Initiative The Colombian armed conflict has had a devastating impact on society and has caused innumerable victims. The consequences have been particularly severe for women, reinforcing the conditions of vulnerability they have

Germany: Global Leadership Academy – Unveil the Hidden Presence: Trafficking in Women and Children

Ein Leadership und Innovation Lab der Global Leadership Academy In Kooperation mit dem Sektorprogramm Gleichberechtigung und Frauenrechte fördern und der Thomson Reuters Foundation    Warum wir einen Dialog über Frauen- und Kinderhandel brauchen Menschenhandel ist eine der schwersten Menschenrechtsverletzungen unserer

Bolivia: Comunidades de Práctica (CdP) en Género y Energía en La Paz y Cochabamba

A partir de estas políticas internas, el PEERR organizó un grupo focal para la realización del “Análisis de género del Programa de Energías Renovables PEERR II”. Resultado de ello, se reconoció la necesidad de crear un espacio de encuentro entre

Bolivia: Y la actitud se encontró con la acción – Política de Recursos Humanos sensibles a la equidad de género en la GIZ Bolivia

Antecedentes Han pasado más de 50 años de presencia y trabajo de la Cooperación Alemana en Bolivia, actualmente la GIZ como empresa ejecutora de programas y proyectos de la cooperación técnica entre el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia y la República

Bolivia: Energía y luz para un nuevo tiempo en la vida de las mujeres de Tarija – Bolivia

SETAR: La primera empresa pública, Líder en tolerancia cero a la Violencia hacia las Mujeres “Cuando una trabajadora es víctima de la violencia hacia la mujer, su producción cae como si al año dejara de trabajar dos meses completos”. Zaida

Bolivia: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Friendly Companies

  Promoting gender equality in Bolivia   Context and initiative   The Bolivian Constitution of 2009, grants equality to Bolivian women and men, prohibits and punishes all forms of discrimination on the basis of sex, colour, age, sexual orientation and

Bolivia: Mano a Mano para la Prevención de la Violencia contra las Mujeres

“Aprendí a que hay que respetar y no pegar y sobre todo decir ‘¡No a la violencia!’” “Aprendí que no tienen que pegar a las mamás y que ‘¡Yo soy Valiosa!’” Testimonios de niñas y niñas participantes de la Ruta

Germany: From Zero to Gender

Context and initiative According to the latest predictions of the World Economic Forum it will take another 108 years to close the existing economic gender gap on a world-wide average. The German development cooperation in collaboration with partners from the

Germany: Vision needs Attitude, Attitude meets Action

Die „Gespräche zur Internationalen Zusammenarbeit“ am Weltmädchentag in der GIZ-Repräsentanz Berlin Gezielte Förderung von Mädchen und jungen Frauen, Gleichberechtigung in allen Lebensbereichen, weltweit. Aus einer gemeinsamen Vision ist eine gemeinsame Aktion mit Tradition geworden. Seit drei Jahren nimmt die GIZRepräsentanz

Guatemala: Escuela de Formación Ciudadana – Democracia en nuestra escuela

    Una experiencia de equidad y de participación de la juventud Escuela de Formación Ciudadana: Democracia en nuestra escuela   Una experiencia de equidad y de participación de la juventud   Fomento de la igualdad de género. ¿Qué objetivos


Programa Desarrollo del Modelo Mexicano de Formación Dual (MMFD) Presentado por José Medrano y Alfonso Figueroa I. Fomento a la igualdad de género La educación es un eje central para el desarrollo humano. De la formación depende en buena medida


C40 Cities Finance Facility – CFF facilita el acceso a financiamiento para proyectos de mitigación y resiliencia al cambio climático en áreas urbanas al proporcionar asistencia técnica para desarrollar las prioridades de sostenibilidad de las ciudades en propuestas de inversión

Ukraine: ULead with Europe

STRENGTHENING GENDER EQUALITY AT THE LOCAL LEVEL AND CONTRIBUTING TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme (U-LEAD with Europe) supports the Ukrainian government to implement a comprehensive decentralisation and regional

Ghana: GIZ Gender Competition 2020

Introduction Market Oriented Agriculture programme (MOAP) in Ghana working on supporting the actors of the value chain. The aim of MOAP is to enhance quality agricultural production, increase income and create jobs along the value chains. The activities are starting

Economy Wins When Women Work – “E4W” : PAKISTAN

Pakistan is an enormously diverse, multiethnic and multicultural society characterized by uneven development and distribution of resources. There are massive inequalities along social strata, regions, religions, gender and urban-rural manifestations. By international comparison, Pakistan is one of the countries with

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Mali: « Prix Genre » 2020

1.         CONTEXTE ET JUSTIFICATION L’Office du Niger, à travers le barrage de Markala et son énorme potentiel irrigable, constitue potentiellement un outil important de sécurité alimentaire pour le Mali. Mais cet énorme potentiel reste encore sous-valorisé. En effet, fin novembre

Germany: Providing Gender-responsive Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance

Closing the gender gap The InsuResilience Partnership – Envisioning Climate Risk Adaption The InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP) for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) Solutions was established to strengthen the resilience of developing countries and pro-tect the lives

Tajikistan: Gender Approach within TRIGGER II

Promoting gender equality Which objectives and results has your initiative achieved? Describe the context, the organisational unit, the sector or the situation in your country or region. Tell us which approaches have proven effective, which results have already been generated


CONSTAT Faible taux de présence des femmes aux postes de responsabilité et aux postes techniques dans le Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances (MEF) et le Ministère du Plan et du Développement (MPD) CONSÉQUENCE L’absence de femmes aux postes de



Nepal: Making Life Better For Girls And Women In Nepal – Month After Month

BREAKING THE SILENCE AND TABOOS SURROUNDING MENSTRUAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT CONTEXT Many restrictions surrounding menstruation in Nepal and worldwide have arisen out of deeply entrenched cultural and religious traditions and beliefs. In Nepal, during menstruation; often girls and women are barred

East Africa: “Transforming Women in Business into Economic Contributors in the East African Community”

1. Promotion of Gender Equality in the GIZ-EAC Programmes An important objective of the GIZ programmes supporting the EAC Integration Process is to ensure that women in the region are actively contributing to the integration process, for example through cross-border

Uganda: Smart Farming: Taking Action to Change Attitudes in smallholder farming households

Smart trainings made in Uganda: Taking action to change gender attitudes in smallholder farming households    Context and initiative Agriculture is a key engine in local and regional economic development in East Africa and a critical source of income for

Liberia: #WeAreProtected

GIZ LIBERIA STAFF PROTECT EACH OTHER AGAINST SEXUAL HARASSMENT CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE After a hard-hitting article on sexual abuse at a Liberian girls’ school was published in US media in October 2018, Liberian women’s rights activists started to mobilize under


Accouchement à domicile : appui à la déclaration de naissance des enfants malgaches La population de la Commune de Sadjoavato, région DIANA, en attente de la régularisation de leur copie de naissance, lors d’un processus de jugement supplétif   PROMOTION

Pakistan: Refugee Management Support Programme

1. Promoting Gender Equality In the 2018 Global Gender Gap Report Pakistan ranked 148 out of 149 countries, largely due to the low educational attainment and subsequent low economic participation and opportunities for women, as well at poor health and


BUILDING BLOCKS TO LARGE CHANGE IN GIZ VIETNAM Gender Competition 2020 – Gender Mainstreaming – 2nd Place CONTEXT The Vietnamese culture is influenced by Confucianism’s interpretations, characterised by male privilege and hierarchical relationships, resulting in gender stereotypes and inequality. This


PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN CLIMATE ACTION IN VIETNAM CONTEXT In Vietnam, like in many other countries, women are more vulnerable to adverse environmental impacts and have less access to and control over resources and a limited voice in decision- making


IMPROVING THE NATIONAL GENDER STATISTICAL SYSTEM IN VIETNAM CONTEXT Despite making a substantial progress on key gender equality measures, Vietnamese women are confronted with insufficient political and economic opportunities, inequality, and discrimination. Lack of reliable gender statistical data is one

South Caucasus: Empower People – Empower Structures: Joined forces for Gender Equality

Good local Governance in the South Caucasus (GG-1) Gender Relations in the South Caucasus All three countries in the South Caucasus are deeply entrenched with traditional structures and attitudes towards what constitutes as adequate behavior of a man or a

DRC: Projet Renforcement et Efficacité des Services Eau en République Démocratique du Congo

“Mettre la personne qu’il faut à la place qu’il faut plutôt que le sexe qu’il faut à la place qu’il faut.” Ruffine Mabanza, Point Focal Genre du projet RESE   Si la problématique Genre est présente dans bien des secteurs,

Burundi: Genre, un des piliers pour le Projet « Adaptation au changement climatique pour la protection des ressources en Eau et Sol, ACCES »

Promotion du genre Contexte Au Burundi, environ 90 % de la population tire sa subsistance des ressources du sol et de l’agriculture (vivrière). Ces ressources sont soumises à de fortes pressions liées à la surpopulation et à la surexploitation des terres.

India: Indo-German Social Security Programme: Advancing gender equality towards Universal Health Coverage

Social health insurance for vulnerable families in India Context and Initiative In India, out of pocket payments for health care impoverish millions of persons every year. Furthermore, India’s patriarchal society heavily disadvantages women and girls in terms of decision-making about

India: Targeted Public Distribution System

1. Brief Introduction As per the World Food Programme’s gender policy report (, women and girls make up 60% of the world’s chronically hungry. Little progress has been made in ensuring the equal right to food for women as enshrined

India: Community Nutrition Gardens: Empowering women in rural India

Introduction: The GIZ Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience Project (FaNS) is part of the global special initiative ‘One world – No Hunger’ of the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). FaNS aims to improve the food and

India: Digital tools to empower women on nutrition security

FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY, ENHANCED RESILIENCE PROJECT (FaNS), INDIA Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 2nd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE One fourth of undernourished people in the world live in India. In 2016-18, 39.5% of children under five in the

Pakistan: Gender Realization and Gender Mainstreaming in the Local Councils Association of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The Local Councils Association of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (LCA-KP) province in Pakistan is the representative body of the elected councils and councillors across the province. The main function of the association is to represent the collective voice of the councillors

Germany: Women in Mining

STRENGTHENING GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EXTRACTIVE SECTOR                   Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women and girls account for between a third and up to half of


                                          CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNAL GENDER MAINSTREAMING Annex 1: Corporate culture Gender equality is intrinsically linked to sustainable development and is vital to the realization of human right for all. The   overall objective of gender is a society in which women

Regional: Gender equality in the sustainable management of mining resources in the Andean countries

Introduction and context Latin America and the Caribbean are abundant with natural resources and biodiversity. The extractive industries have been a lever for growth in the Andean countries, contributing considerably to their economic development. However, an inadequate management and governance

What does it mean to be a man and a feminist?

What does it mean to be a man and a feminist? Many male colleagues wonder which role they can take on when it comes to the promotion of gender equality. Discussions on gender equality are mostly dominated by women. But

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Women, Peace and Security – Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of UN Resolution 1325

Women, Peace and Security: Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of UN Resolution 1325  Strengthening the Women and Peace and Security Agenda is one of the main focuses of Germany’s membership in the UN Security Council in 2019/20. The aim

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Vernissage #ClosingTheGenderGap

Vernissage #ClosingTheGenderGap  The interactive and multi-media exhibition #ClosingTheGenderGAP – Sustainable Development needs Gender Equality showcases the worldwide commitment of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development for the promotion of gender equality.  After a short introduction you will have

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GIZ Gender Award Ceremony

GIZ Gender-Award Ceremony In 2019 almost twice as many teams applied for the GIZ Gender Award 2020 as two years ago, exceeding all our expectations. The 120 applications received are an impressive testimony to our commitment and our contribution to

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Regional: Competitive African Rice Initiative

Business-driven women working in rice value chains in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania Context. Rice is one of the key staple foods in Africa. The demand is rapidly increasing: the population is growing, people are moving to urban areas

South Eastern Europe: Empowering Women through Access to Land

Photo credits Jutta Benzenberg, Copyright GIZ EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH ACCESS TO LAND OPEN REGIONAL FUND FOR SOUTH EAST EUROPE – LEGAL REFORM CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Although it is widely recognized that equality in land ownership rights has a positive impact

Albania: Talents and Ideas for Albania’s Future – Women can make it

Type of intervention: Street fair – “ Shero- talk” The “German October” is a traditional event which occurs in Albania since 2007. The activities are mainly organized by the German Embassy in Tirana in cooperation with other German actors in

Pakistan: Economy Wins When Women Work – “E4W”

Pakistan is an enormously diverse, multiethnic and multicultural society characterized by uneven development and distribution of resources. There are massive inequalities along social strata, regions, religions, gender and urban-rural manifestations. By international comparison, Pakistan is one of the countries with

Benin: Résultats du Projet ProPFR en matière d’approche genre sur la Phase 2016-2019

Programme Spécial “Un Seul Monde sans Faim” SEWOH Projet Promotion de Politique Foncière Responsable (GIZ/ProPFR) 1 Promotion de l’égalité de genre Contexte / Situation / Baseline / Problématique  L’état de droit règne au Bénin et la société civile joue


TOWARDS GREATER GENDER EQUALITY THROUGH-OUT THE CONFLICT CYCLE Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Globally the vast majority of actors in the peace and security sector are men. The full, equal and meaningful participation of


WE EMPOWER WOMEN IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 1st Place   CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The transport sector is not gender neutral: It is dominated by men and with this, transport planning and mobility systems are

Chad: GIZ Gender Competition 2020

CONTEXT GIZ in its global vision aims specifically at strengthening the participative dynamics of local development and the implementation of local initiatives in a balanced development with women as decision-makers. Indeed, the target groups of this contribution are rural women

Benin: Les Femmes: Acteures du secteur de l’énergie !

Contexte régional (Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest CEDEAO) En général, les projets sur les Energies Renouvelables (EnR) et l’Efficacité Energétique (EE) sont jugés très techniques et sont mis en oeuvre dans la neutralité de l’aspect genre. Cependant,

Chile: Mehr Frauen-Energie in Chile

“Gerade für Frauen ist es wichtig, Räume und Möglichkeiten zur Inspiration, zum Austausch und zur Kooperation zu schaffen”, sagt Dr. Simone Peter, Präsidentin des Bundesverbandes Erneuerbare Energien e.V. in Deutschland in einem Interview, “denn auch in der Energiebranche sind Frauen

Cambodia: Nutrition knowledge for better health choices in the family

The GIZ project “Improvement of Livelihoods and Food Security (ILF I+II)” supports land recipient families to use the land that they received from the Cambodian government. Activities focus mainly on establishing a home garden that provide diversified and healthy nutrition

Gender-Transformative Change in Agricultural Skills Development

Women are the backbone of Africa’s agricultural sector. How many times have you heard this phrase? Over and over, experts have highlighted the importance of women in the agricultural workforce and in rural development. Too often, words have failed to

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Let’s talk Gender – from local to national, on and offline!

GIZ Colombia and APC (Presidential Office for int. Cooperation) launched their gender publication and participated in an international campaign for Women in Rural areas of Latin America From the fifteen stories that brought to life the publication Junt*s transformamos Colombia

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Regional Workshop on Target Group Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming in the context of Migration in the Western Balkans

Regional Workshop on Target Group Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming in the context of Migration in the Western Balkans   Concept Note The Regional Workshop on Target Group Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming will aim to offer a platform for the exchange

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International Women’s Day 2019

Dear colleagues, On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, on behalf of GIZ Laos, we are glad to invite you to GIZ Laos at the Lao-German House (GIZ Office Vientiane) on 18 March 2019 at 2.30 pm. The objective

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SEXUAL HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS (PROSAD) IN BURKINA FASO CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Before the law, men and women are considered equal in Burkina Faso. However, in reality women’s rights are continuously denied and neglected; violence against women by their own

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HOME GARDENS IN YEMEN CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Cultural, traditional and political norms in Yemen allocate mainly caring and reproductive tasks to women; their movement is often limited to their homestead and fields. The Sustainable Food Security Program, implemented on behalf

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