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Addressing different attitudes towards gender roles and changing gender roles in the household – lively discussions, a creative competition and a final event around Gender Equality

For GIZ, the promotion of gender equality is not only a commitment, but a guiding principle and a quality feature of its work. GIZ Rwanda, through the One Mainstreaming Team is organizing a Gender Month, which is dedicated to reflect

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Round table “Mauritanian Working Women”

  Dans le cadre du partenariat établi autour de l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de la feuille de route pour l’engagement avec la société civile en Mauritanie, l’UE et les Etats membres participants (l’Allemagne, l’Espagne et la France) organisent

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GIZ Kosovo speaks #BalanceforBetter

“GIZ Kosovo marks gender week with lively debates and reflection of its own gender perceptions” Like previous years, the GIZ Kosovo Gender Group marked the Gender Week with two interesting events – this year with a special emphasis on reflection

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How gender stereotypes are influenced by Kosovo’s education system?

“GIZ Kosovo marks gender week with lively debates and reflection of its own gender perceptions” Like previous years, the GIZ Kosovo Gender Group marked the Gender Week with two interesting events – this year with a special emphasis on reflection

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Café Dialogue

Café Dialogue “The feminists of GIZ Ecuador: Who Are They?” As part of this year´s Gender Week events, GIZ Ecuador held a Café Dialogue “The Feminists of GIZ Ecuador: Who Are They?” on 7 March. The informal discussion sought to

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Promotion of Equal Access to High-Tech Medical Services

BOOKLET_Gender week_HTM Project_2019 The following events are held within the framework of the Gender Week 2019 in Uzbekistan: On March 5, we will celebrate the week of promoting gender equality regarding “Gender equality in GIZ” at the GIZ Uzbekistan Office. The following

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Indonesia (Timor Leste) – Understanding the Causes of Gender-Based Inequality in Indonesia (Video)

IMPRESSIONS OF THE EVENT: The short movie of the Gender Working Group GIZ Indonesia explains and illustrates causes, challenges and problems of gender-based inequality in Indonesia.  (with English subtitles) Kenapa ada ketidaksetaraan gender? / Understanding the Causes of Gender-Based Inequality

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Benin (Cotonou) – Celebration of International Women’s Day by the Programme for Water, Hygiene, and Sanitation (ProSEHA)

The dinner-discussion brought together local authorities in charge of water and health and partners of the Sectorial Programme for Water, Hygiene, and Sanitation (ProSEHA/GIZ). When? 6th of March 2015, 19h30 – 21h30 IMPRESSIONS OF THE EVENT: Highlights of the event

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Benin (Cotonou) – Celebration of the International Women’s Day by the Programme for Decentralization (PDDC)

The main aim of the event is to encourage interest in the theme and reinforce plans for gender advocacy to be executed with partners of the Programme for Decentralization (PDDC). Therefore a questionnaire with ten questions was sent to the

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Mexico (Mexico City) – Movie Screening and Discussion: “Man for a Day”

¿Qué es ser un hombre? ¿Qué define a una mujer? Ser un hombre por un día. ¿A qué conduce un experimento de tal naturaleza? Diane Torr y Katarina Peters crearon un poderoso instrumento de reflexión que rebasa el ámbito de

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Mexico (Mexico City) – Workshop: Masculinities – Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality

¿Te gustaría aprender a mejorar tus relaciones humanas con las mujeres y los otros hombres? ¿Te gustaría adquirir herramientas de autoconocimiento que te permitan una convivencia pacífica  y colaborativa con las y los demás? ¿Has sentido alguna vez que ser hombre

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Vietnam (Hanoi) – “By Choice or By Chance” – Documentary Movie Screening

The recent Vietnamese Documentary Movie (2013) “By Choice or By Chance” will be screened at GIZ Country Office to all interested staff. Following the screening, 1-2 of the main female characters whose lives are shown in the movie as well

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El Salvador (San Salvador) – Gender Event – ¿When is a man a man?

Two external experts are invited to speak to GIZ staff about masculinity. José Manuel Ramirez, psychologist, will first give some insights on the concept itself and afterwards Guadalupe Portillo (UNFPA) talks about the linkages between masculinity and the violence caused

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Burundi (Bujumbura) – Challenging Gender Roles: Short film featuring GIZ colleges

GIZ Burundi is producing a short film starring colleagues from all projects who answer the same 5 questions. The short film will then be used as an introduction to a series of discussion rounds during the gender week. When? 3rd,

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