Communicating Gender
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Women´s Economic Empowerment in Africa (WEE) – Working towards Gender Equality in times of COVID-19

1 March | 10.00 – 12.00 CET | Public virtual event – watch recording here |
As many Covid-19 measures build on existing social and economic structures which are not gender-neutral, the effects of the pandemic affect African women particularly hard.

Multimedia exhibition: Meet the seven “Game Changers – Women in Agriculture”!

Women in rural areas bring about great changes every day despite many obstacles. As part of the special initiative ONE WORLD – No Hunger, seven women from Africa and Asia have been awarded for their commitment to agriculture. From now

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Women Success Stories from South East Europe

To promote economic empowerment of rural women through the support of women entrepreneurship, it is crucial that women are informed about property rights, in particular in relation to agriculture businesses. This collection of success stories from women from South East

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Photo Campaign Regional Office North

In the framework of the GIZ Gender week, the regional office North conducted a photo campaign to call attention to the discrimination of women and other minorities. As the team of the regional office North is operating Germany-wide, a campaign

Entrepreneurship support in the rural electrification sector: Women and Men as actors of change !

Clean Energy Mini-grids (CEMG) are increasingly emerging as a very sustainable solution to energy challenges. The role of developers, operators and entrepreneurs of mini Grids is therefore crucial and their expertise and skills fundamental to the successful of the operating/management

Posted in Gender Week Blog

GIZ Bangladesh celebrates International Women’s Day 2020 – Breaking Gender Stereotypes

The Gender Working Group of GIZ Bangladesh hosted the International Women’s Day 2020 event at Long Beach Hotel in Dhaka on 8 March 2020 on the theme of Breaking Gender Stereotypes to discuss about Champions in Bangladesh who are already

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Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Karina Blanco (Iniciativa Agenda 2030) |Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB) |Oficina de la Presidencia de la República (OPR) Duración: 13:00 – 15:00 hrs (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México Objetivo: Contribuir


Fecha: 13 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Miriam Monterrubio- EUROCLIMA+ y C40CFF (GIZ) | Gisela Méndez – Ex Secretaria de Movilidad del Gobierno del Estado de Colima. Duración y Horario: 13:00 – 14:00 (1 hora) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia

North Macedonia: GIZ Gender Week

Please find the report of the GIZ Gender Week 2020 in North Macedonia here: GIZ Country Office Report on Gender Week Events 2020 – North Macedonia

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GIZ Bangladesh celebrates International Women’s Day 2020

The Gender Working Group of GIZ Bangladesh hosted the International Women’s Day 2020 event at Long Beach Hotel in Dhaka on 8 March 2020 on the theme of Breaking Gender Stereotypes to discuss about Champions in Bangladesh who are already

We need to talk! Gender sensitive language in the media

Putting words into action – during the Gender Week the team of GIZ Kosovo talks about the issue of gender-sensitive language in media. Still gender-equalities and outdated stereotypes are often echoed across local media. Traditional depictions feminine and masculine roles


“Mulheres e Educação Profissional: Desafios, sucessos e lições para o futuro” The Education Programme of GIZ Mozambiques celebrates Gender Equality with a focus on professional training (TVET). Therefore, an event will be held in Maputo including panel debates and a

Photo Campaign Regional Office Nord

In the framework of the GIZ Gender week, the regional office North is planning a photo campaign to call attention to the discrimination of women and other minorities. As the team of the regional office North is operating Germany-wide, a

Knowledge Café: Step It Up for Gender Equality in South African Media – Winning Project of the GIZ Gender Prize

Knowledge Cafe:  Step It Up for Gender Equality in South Africa Media – One of this year’s winners of the GIZ Gender Prize (in category GG2) !! –   The Step It Up for Gender Equality in South African Media

Don`t miss! A Panel of Gender experts discussing Zebra style Politics & Women’s Rights

Panel Discussion concerning “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” This session marks the official opening of the Gender Week 2020! Refer to attachment for detailed agenda, speakers

#EachforEqual Campaign

EAC GIZ Staff in Arusha, Tanzania 17. – 21.02.2020 Please see the flyer for more information

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Economic Empowerment of Women in South East Europe

Two days Regional Workshop (Western Balkan 6 Countries) on strengthening the notarial practices in South East Europe by implementing the gender responsive share of land ownership. The workshop will cover the following sessions: – The LAT methodology and countries’ reporting

Roundtable on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

Organizing Roundtable on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment with Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy The objectie of the event is to open a discussion with the lead Governmental representatives and governmental body in charge

Women in Media – Workshop in the Framework of the GIZ-CPS Kenya Project “UMOJA-Radio for Peace”

•• A two-day workshop for community journalist women and the Catholic Radio stations to discuss matters of leadership and policies in our media houses. In our newsrooms, sexual harassment and sexual violence is a problem and most of our stations

Pakistan: Creating agents of change in Pakistan

A larger part of the work that the Financing Sustainable Development (FSD) component of the Support to Local Governance Programme (LoGo) has been focused on during the last few months has been on aligning the businesses of women entrepreneurs in


CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The peace agreement of 2016 has changed Colombia: Many people in the country want reconciliation and believe in an upswing. The oldest leftwing guerrilla movement has surrendered most of its weapons. But the post-conflict country is facing

Rwanda: Tackling Gender Inequalities and Multiple Discrimination through promoting the Concept of a diverse and inclusive Workplace to owners and managers of companies in the Rwandan Energy Sector

Vision needs Attitude – Attitude meets Action At GIZ Rwanda the vision of tackling gender inequalities and multiple discrimination in the Energy Sector needs an inclusive attitude. In order to start changing the attitude of people working in the energy

GIZ India : Gender Market Place : ”When ‘Attitude Meets Action”

GIZ India Gender Day 2020 : When ”Attitude Meets Action”  We at GIZ India kicked off the Gender Week 2020 with a Gender Breakfast Meeting organized on Monday, 3rd March by the project – Womens Economic Empowerment (Her&Now). The Breakfast meeting focused

Côte d’Ivoire: Projet Agroforesterie COMOE Dabakala

Ecouter et retenez bien « agroforesterie COMOE Dabakala » C’est à l’exécution de ce projet que se situe notre part active pour le concept genre au sein de notre entreprise. En effet l’élimination de toute forme de discrimination à l’égard

Economy Wins When Women Work – “E4W” : PAKISTAN

Pakistan is an enormously diverse, multiethnic and multicultural society characterized by uneven development and distribution of resources. There are massive inequalities along social strata, regions, religions, gender and urban-rural manifestations. By international comparison, Pakistan is one of the countries with

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2020 Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,


CONSTAT Faible taux de présence des femmes aux postes de responsabilité et aux postes techniques dans le Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances (MEF) et le Ministère du Plan et du Développement (MPD) CONSÉQUENCE L’absence de femmes aux postes de


IMPROVING THE NATIONAL GENDER STATISTICAL SYSTEM IN VIETNAM CONTEXT Despite making a substantial progress on key gender equality measures, Vietnamese women are confronted with insufficient political and economic opportunities, inequality, and discrimination. Lack of reliable gender statistical data is one

Vernissage #ClosingTheGenderGap

Vernissage #ClosingTheGenderGap  The interactive and multi-media exhibition #ClosingTheGenderGAP – Sustainable Development needs Gender Equality showcases the worldwide commitment of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development for the promotion of gender equality.  After a short introduction you will have

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GIZ Gender Award Ceremony

GIZ Gender-Award Ceremony In 2019 almost twice as many teams applied for the GIZ Gender Award 2020 as two years ago, exceeding all our expectations. The 120 applications received are an impressive testimony to our commitment and our contribution to

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Gender-Transformative Change in Agricultural Skills Development

Women are the backbone of Africa’s agricultural sector. How many times have you heard this phrase? Over and over, experts have highlighted the importance of women in the agricultural workforce and in rural development. Too often, words have failed to

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Let’s talk Gender – from local to national, on and offline!

GIZ Colombia and APC (Presidential Office for int. Cooperation) launched their gender publication and participated in an international campaign for Women in Rural areas of Latin America From the fifteen stories that brought to life the publication Junt*s transformamos Colombia

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Morocco: Shaking up gender roles in the “land of never-ever”

Innovative pedagogical approaches to promote bottom-up transformation   Context and initiative “Our society is not ready yet!” is a common phrase one is confronted with in the course of working to promote gender equality in Morocco. Since the “democratic spring”

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„Gender equality is not a danger, but an opportunity”

„Pippi Langstrumpf is the strongest woman I know” – Day of activities and fun on topic of gender equality On 7th of March’s GIZ Jordan Day, the gender working group (GWG) took the opportunity to celebrate the International Women’s Day,

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Youth Durbar on GBV and Sexual Harassment

The Gender and Communication Unit of GIZ Ghana, partnered the Women Peace and Security Institute (WPSI) of the Kofi Anna International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) and the WIPNET Program of the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), to hold a

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Photo competition #Balanceforbetter

GIZ Nigeria organized a photo competition amongst it’s programmes to depict their understanding of the theme for International Womens’ Day 2019 #Balanceforbetter.GIZ Nigeria_Gender Week photo competition

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Movie and Staff Workshops on Gender Equality

On the 7th of March GIZ Sierra Leone celebrated International Womens Day by organizing a two hour event in each project location. Before the event a 5 minute movie was filmed including not only GIZ employees but also partners and

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All things Gender: interactive mapping tool

Looking for Gender-related documents and strategies? Our mapping tool might help! As the only GG2 project in agriculture and skills development (TVET), we are always trying to keep up with Gender news and developments. Our project supports the African Union

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with: , , , , ,

Celebration de la Journée de la femme 2019 – GIZ, Fondation Hanns Seidel, KfW

LA GIZ en RD Congo célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Femme 2019 en collaboration avec la KfW et la Fondation Hanns Seidel. Cette journée d’échanges et de réflexion s’inscrit dans le cadre de la promotion du dialogue entre collègues (hommes-femmes) afin

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Women for the energy sector: let’s inspire our young generation!

Experienced Women are inspirational role models for young girls. Known as a male-dominated sector, the energy sector requires high skills, consistency and hard work. More women work in this sector for years now and gained many years of experiences. It’s

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International Woman’s Day 2019 GIZ African Union Office

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day on 8th of March 2019, the GIZ AU celebrates women’s achievements and their crucial role for sustainable development worldwide. Under this year’s theme #BalanceforBetter, people all over the world are advocating to

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Charla bimodal sobre equidad de género

En sintonía con el lema de la estrategia actualizada de género y recientemente difundida “Género recargado: La visión necesita actitud y la actitud se encuentra con la acción”, se realizará una charla de sensibilización en temas de género, especialmente para las

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Women and their environment across the ages

The German cooperation is celebrating women’s day with a day of discussions around the change women face due to a changing natural environment and changes in the legal situation of women in the past hundred years in Europa and in

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Journée internationale des droits des femmes.

 GIZ Algeria organized on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 workshops on the theme of gender. The sessions were led by Ms. Aicha Zinai, gender expert and member of the National Council of Human Rights ; as well as and by the

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Awareness Raising Event at TVET school in Tripoli, North Lebanon

Gender Equality Awareness Raising Event at TVET school in Tripoli, North Lebanon In the frame of International Women’s Day 2019, an awareness raising event on gender equity and equality took place at Al Saade Technical Institute, a public TVET school

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Ladies Breakfast

International women’s day is a big day for inspiration and change. In this networking session many female colleagues from different projects came together to exchange and share their thoughts and experiences. Verousckha from the transport project sparked an energised and

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GIZ Kosovo speaks #BalanceforBetter

“GIZ Kosovo marks gender week with lively debates and reflection of its own gender perceptions” Like previous years, the GIZ Kosovo Gender Group marked the Gender Week with two interesting events – this year with a special emphasis on reflection

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How gender stereotypes are influenced by Kosovo’s education system?

“GIZ Kosovo marks gender week with lively debates and reflection of its own gender perceptions” Like previous years, the GIZ Kosovo Gender Group marked the Gender Week with two interesting events – this year with a special emphasis on reflection

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Café Dialogue

Café Dialogue “The feminists of GIZ Ecuador: Who Are They?” As part of this year´s Gender Week events, GIZ Ecuador held a Café Dialogue “The Feminists of GIZ Ecuador: Who Are They?” on 7 March. The informal discussion sought to

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Brown Bag Lunch “Le genre, ça me concerne ?”

GIZ Mali Invitation Brown Bag Lunch Gender 06-03-2019 We, the gender focal points GIZ Mali, will host a Brown Bag Lunch for interested colleagues to discuss the basic notion of gender by using interactive methods!

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Women for the energy sector: let’s inspire our young generation!

Experienced women are inspirational role models for young girls! Known as a male-dominated sector, the energy sector requires high skills, consistency and hard work. More women have been working in this sector for years now and have gained many years

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with: , ,

Women can do anything! Crafts, entrepreneurship, local governance!

Women can do anything! Get active in the craft sector, build enterprises, construct communities. A dual apprenticeship system exists in Kpalimé, Togo. Yet, young women are largely underrepresented in classes. They lack role models who could inspire them to go

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GIZ India Gender Meet: Gender Reloaded

GIZ INDIA GENDER DAY 2019 SYNOPSIS REPORT FOR GIZ GENDER MEET: GENDER RELOADED 7th March, GIZ Office, New Delhi, India GIZ India organized a Gender Meet: Gender Reloaded’ on Thursday, 7th March, 2019 to take into cognizance the new reloaded

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Enabling Equality and Economic Empowerment for all Women and Girls – A Thought Leadership Roundtable around Gender and Disability

For more information on the speakers, please see the flyer: Disability and Gender event during GIZ Gender week Description of the event:  One in five women globally live with disability, about 80% of them in the global south. In Zambia,

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Dinner and a TED Talk: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s ‘We should all be feminists’

‘Dinner and a TED Talk’ at GIZ Uganda as part of Gender Week 2019            Link: Invitation TED Talk On Wednesday, 6th of March 2019, we will have a get together after work. The evening, that will kick off with

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GIZ Gender-Slam: Gender Reloaded

  Gender-Slam – Programm – ENGL (Eschborn, March 8, 11:00-13:00 am, Auditorium and live-streamed on the Intranet) Please find the recording of the GIZ Gender Slam 2019 here (click for internal link – GIZ staff only). Copyright: GIZ/Rajiv Raman On

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IMRI Roundtable meeting

In every year, GIZ celebrates the GIZ Gender Week in March to highlight the central role gender equality plays in sustainable development. GIZ supports the attainment of equal rights, duties and opportunities for women and men is an explicit goal,

IMRI Roundtable meeting

In every year, GIZ celebrates the GIZ Gender Week in March to highlight the central role gender equality plays in sustainable development. GIZ supports the attainment of equal rights, duties and opportunities for women and men is an explicit goal,

Website launch:

On International Women’s Day, the the website for gender equality and sustainable development initiative: #women2030! was launched. The international theme for 8th of March this year is “press for progress”. As such the website shares some stories of the brilliant womxn involved in #women2030, in

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Girls Day in Finance Ministry

Girl’s Day Les ENEAMES à  la découverte des professionnels de la politique économique du Bénin Visite par une cinquantaine d’étudiantes dans les deux ministères (lancement DC et Ambassade)

« La contribution des femmes du Bénin aux objectifs de l’Agenda 2030 »

Ouverture de l’exposition de photos « La contribution des femmes du Bénin aux objectifs de l’Agenda 2030 »

Gender Week 2018: Breaking the Glass Ceiling

The GIZ Bangladesh Gender Working Group is organising the Gender Week 2018 event “Breaking the Glass Ceiling” commemorating International Women’s Day on 8 March 2018 in Dhaka. The session explores how more women can achieve leadership positions. Rubana Huq, Managing Director, Mohammadi

Gender Awareness Sessions

The Gender Working Group (GWG) would like to invite you to join our “Gender Awareness Session” as part of the GIZ Gender Week in March. For this year, we prepared a modular approach and included external speakers to make this

Gender Week and Competition Colombia

We just launched our Gender Competition 2018 in Colombia! All programs in Colombia are invited to present their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the Agenda 2030. invitation competition gender week. (in spanish)    

Join-in Circuit on gender-relevant issues

In the course of Gender Week 2018, GIZ Uganda’s Mainstreaming Task Team conducted a total of 4 activities. The start of Gender week was celebrated with a Join in Circuit (JIC). The JIC is a practical and interactive tool, developed

Daily newsfeeds and gender brown bag lunch: Gender week Vietnam 2017

Event Documentation: During the Gender Week Vietnam , 4 colleagues in GIZ Vietnam sent out daily briefings on different topics: GIZ gender strategy, gender-based violence, the Convention on Eliminating Discrimination Against Women and discrimination against women at work. At the

Gender Corner at Country Planning Conference in Mongolia

Event Documentation: During GIZ Gender Week 2017, the Gender Focal Points (GFP) of GIZ Mongolia created a Gender corner in the Country Planning Workshop on March 10, 2017. The gender corner introduced the GFPs as well as promoted the GIZ

An application to prevent and fight violence against women…? / ¿Una App para prevenir y combatir la violencia contra las mujeres…?

…Yes, of course! / ¡…claro que sí! The National Corporation for Telecommunication of Ecuador (CNT-EP) presented the new design and functions of its application “Junt@s” (Together) this 8th of March 2017 on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, especially for

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Celebrated Debate: Gender-Week Mozambique

About 50 colleagues participated in the Gender Week Event of GIZ Mozambique, including some representatives from NGOs and EU delegation. Based on a participative approach and on pictures of Mozambican women – fruit sellers, waste collectors and accountants from the Mozambican

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Engendering the electoral process ahead of the 2017 general elections in Kenya

Kenya has made strides in achieving gender equality and equity in the last years. Article 27 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 espouses the rights of women as being equal to men’s and  accords them equal protection and benefit before

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Panel: Be Bold for Change. Sustainable Development Goals: Ensuring no one is left behind.

On Thursday, 9 March 2017, more than 55 participants followed the Invitation of the GIZ Gender Working Group Indonesia, Timor-Leste and ASEAN to join the GIZ Indonesia Gender Event 2017. The resource persons and participants have experienced an exciting event

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Communicating Gender Award 2017 – Indonesia, Timor-Leste and ASEAN

The GIZ Communicating Gender Award 2017 took place to appreciate the hard work put in by projects in gender mainstreaming. On Thursday, 9 March 2017, more than 55 participants followed the Invitation of the GIZ Gender Working Group Indonesia, Timor-Leste

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GIZ India : Gender Cafe and more..

At GIZ India, we began the GIZ Gender Week with an action punch self-defense session! The Risk and Security Desk of the GIZ Office organized separate sessions related to safety and self-defense techniques for both men and women. Both men

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Café temático: Gênero

In this event we will discuss  achievements and challenges of Gender mainstreaming with GIZ Brasil staff, as well as with guests from USAID and UN Women.

GIZ Cambodia Gender Week – Film Screening Event and Gender Competition

Event Documentation: What has gender equality to do with James Bond? In a video clip released for International Women’s Day 2011, Judi Dench and Daniel Craig, famously known as “M” and James Bond, reflect on some aspects of gender inequality

Photo stories “Super women” / Fotohistorietas “super mujeres”

Event Documentation: “Super women, true women” Exhibition of various photo stories about local women and their work during the events organized by local authorities in the Tungurahua and Napo provinces of Ecuador. We will also host two events where those


As we are striving for a bold change, we the Berea team will celebrate the International Women’s Day (IWD) by providing a platform in a form of a seminar for presentations on gender based violence, child protection, youth rights and

Impact du Genre au niveau des partenaires directs ou indirects de la GIZ/RDC

Concernant la semaine Genre, la GIZ/RDC organise des interview auprès de ses partenaires directs ou indirects pour savoir l’impact du Genre dans leurs activités ou même leurs vies. Ses interview seront enregistrés sous forme d’un vidéo de 5 à 10

Gender Breakfast Meeting 2017 in Ghana

The GIZ Ghana Gender Network under the auspices of the Country Director is organising a Gender Breakfast Meeting as part of the Gender Week 2017 and also to commemorate the International Women’s Day 2017. The event will be to used to

Mentoring and gender equality at GIZ Mali

GIZ Mali is about to develop a gender equality policy for GIZ staff on country level and to implement a mentoring system to be able to promote female staff to higher positions in order to meet the percentage aimed at

“Make your move!”

On the 8th of March 2017, citizens in Mafeteng, Lesotho, are going to be encouraged to voice out their own individual opinions concerning gender. These different opinions will generate an innovative and productive environment for a discussion that will point

“Gender is not only about women and children”

The Qacha’s Nek GIZ PISA team will address the issues of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and child labor. The overall goal will be, to provide young people at the PISA office in Qacha’s Nek with Information about GBV in their

Women Solidarity March, Lesotho

Looking at the International Women’s Day values, the GIZ PISA team in Leribe is conducting in cooperation with Bacha – re – Bacha the Women Solidarity March on the 8th of March 2017. We want the gender and health issues

Women’s Day in Mokhotlong, Lesotho

As the GIZ PISA project is a platform that provides political information, we as the local PISA Center in Mokhotlong will, on the 8th of March 2017, concentrate on women’s rights. Especially in rural areas, women are faced with challenges

Women in leadership – be bold for change in Lesotho

We as the GIZ PISA Maseru district team, will spend the entire morning of the 07th of March 2017 on the topic of Gender equality. We have invited two women that are in leading positions, to share with the citizens

High school Debate on Gender Activity

Men and women should be treated equally. This very basic topic is going to be our motto here at the PISA district center in Quthing, Lesotho. On Friday 08th of March 2017 we will invite the debating clubs of two

“Be bold for change: Be gender champion” GIZ Rwanda

Event documentation: Gender Equality remains high on the political agenda for development – in Rwanda, in Germany and internationally – and is a guiding principle and quality feature of our work. The event “Be bold for change: Be gender champion” brought

Gender lunchbreak Tanzania

Open discussion (ask questions, share experirences) on gender during lunch brek

Lunchtime Quiz on Gender and Gender Equality

During this event, we seek to discuss and exchange some surprising facts about Gender and Gender Equality in Tanzania in a fun and engaging way!

Show your support for Gender Equality!

GIZ Tanzania, is widespread throughout the country, with colleagues working in many different towns and regions. In order to enable all of our colleagues to show their support for Gender Equality and come together as one GIZ on this occasion,

Brown Bag Picnic “Unlock the Potential! – Fostering Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment through GIZ projects”

Event Documentation: GIZ Laos invitedall staff members as well as interested colleagues from partner institutions to a Brown Bag Picnic “Unlock the Potential! – Fostering Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment through GIZ projects” on International Women’s Day. There were Inputs about several

INTERACTIVE CINEMA ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS – GIZ Tunisia’s Gender Group members invite their colleagues to be “theatrical”

Event Documentation: In the scope of GIZ Gender Week 2017, GIZ Tunisia’s Gender Group members invited their colleagues to be “theatrical”. Our event “Interactive Cinema” started rather conventionally with a warm welcoming by our group members Sarah Chaar and Feriel

Women, Land and Corruption

The national chapter of Transparency International in Madagascar produced a short movie (~ 5 minutes) on the topic: “Women, land and corruption”. This short movie will be broadcasted on the national TV channel of Madagascar (TVM) and a private channel

Launch of the Gender Equality and Religion Platform

Launch of the Gender Equality and Religion Platform for the Gender Responsive Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development / CSW 61 15 March 2015 | United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations in New York There is growing

The soundtrack to gender equality – listen to Les Amazones d’Afrique

Article retrieved from the Guardian, 20 February 2017 ‘The Album is a love letter to men’  ‘We are sick of seeing women suffer because of violence,” says Pamela Badjogo, Afro-jazz and blues singer. “In the family, in the war zones. We

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Gender Pop-Up Centre

Date: 08 March 2017, 10.00 – 17.00 h, GIZ Kosovo House 1, big conference room Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to join us at the Gender Pop-Up Centre on Wednesday, 08.03.2017, at GIZ Kosovo. You can stop by

Competition in Traditional Dancing on International Women Day

The World´s Women Day on 8th of March is a big event in Lao PDR, usually, women do not have to go to work and their husbands or boyfriends buy flowers, take them out to drink beer or cook for

“Beauty of Taxation” – Women Empowerment by Educating Beauty Salons Entrepreneurs

Success Story : Women Empowerment by Educating Beauty Salons Entrepreneurs: At first thought, few would think to associate taxation with beauty. But the two can be combined as evidenced by the collaboration of PRA and the German Development Partner, GIZ, in

Shaping Our Future Through Conversations that Matter : ’Gender Equality in the Changing World : Planet 50-50 by 2030′

Event Documentation: Café Tables at GIZ India’s Gender Café Event were discussing issues pertinent to both men and women of a changing world: Empowerment of women through digital solutions; Gender sensitive communications, ‘Addressing women’s safety’ ‘Role and involvement of Men in

Be bold for Change at GIZ Indonesia

Event Documentation: Gender equality is a human right. Human rights are a guiding principle for German development policy. It is key to sustainable development. As in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), gender equality is again firmly enshrined in the 2030

Zambia: Comic of GIZ Zambia Gender Strategy

Background: GIZ Zambia, namely the country director Mr. Thomas Schaef and the Gender working group1 are helping to contribute towards the company wide and Africa Department gender strategies, by promoting gender at country as well as program level and making

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