Climate Change
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Gender, Mobility, and Socio-Economic Status: Perspectives from India

Exciting news! 🗣 The next premiere of Women Mobilize Women’s highly anticipated webinar series in collaboration with Mobycon is just around the corner! In this webinar series, we dive into topics surrounding the intersectionality of gender and mobility. In episode

TUEWAS Women Expert Database

The TUEWAS Women Expert database is a crowd-sourced database of women experts working in transport, energy, water, environment/climate, and urbanism. As women are notoriously underrepresented in Asian scientific conferences and policy events, as well as consultancy work, especially those not

Women in Waste Management

GIZ Rwanda/Burundi invites to a virtual Expert Exchange on Women in Waste Management. We will be discussing how to engage women in the waste sector, the topic of leadership and innovative strategies in waste management. Textile waste management, sustainable practices,

ICM-Lesotho: The Role of Women in Natural Resource Management

The Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) programme in Lesotho commemorates this year’s International Women´s Day with a Community-Dialogue on the role of women in natural resource management (NRM). The goal of the ICM programme is the sustainable management of land and

Conférence nationale sur la femme rurale et l’agriculture sous condition irriguée

De concert avec le collège des femmes agricultrices de la Coordination togolaise des organisations paysannes et de producteurs agricoles (CTOP), cette conférence sera organisée le 12 mars sous le thème : « L’irrigation : un levier de renforcement de l’autonomisation économique des femmes

Iniciativa de Género y Diversidad para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe

Innovando en el procesamiento y transformación de la paja toquilla

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Gender Month 2024 Event Plan

“Lunch Quiz – How much do you know?” and movie night “Women (2019)” Arthus-Bertrad

GIZ has been active in China since 1979, focusing on promoting sustainable and inclusive development through various projects and programs. In recent years, GIZ has placed a significant emphasis on green development, working closely with Chinese partners to address environmental

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences Women Mobilize Women and Mobycon present the webinar series “Intersectionality of Gender & Mobility”. Delve into the world of mobility with us as we challenge assumptions and embrace inclusivity! 🚶‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚇 The

Integración de la perspectiva de género en el financiamiento a infraestructura sustentable

Del diseño a la implementación de políticas públicas con perspectiva de género

GIZ Data Lab & Data Service Center: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Climate Policies through AI-Driven Solutions

GIZ Data Lab & Data Service Center: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Climate Policies through AI-Driven Solutions In climate policy documents, identifying references and concrete measures concerning demographic groups in vulnerable situations poses significant challenges due to the complexity and expansiveness of

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Knowledge Exchange Meet – Learning Together – Gender in Agrivoltaics

GIZ India – ‘Gender in Agrivoltaics’ – Knowledge Exchange Meet Agrivoltaics, the practice of having solar panels and food crops on the same land is a topic that is steadily gaining traction globally! To get ourselves ahead of the curve,

Transforming Natural Resources Conflicts through the Three Rs: A Gender-Centric Approach


Strengthening youth and children participation in Climate change policy



Rural Women of Pakistan Embrace Innovative Agriculture Practices to Combat Climate Change

Machinery rings as self-help organizations for smallholder family farms in Kenya: a project of the Fund for Promotion of Innovation in Agriculture (i4Ag)

Mujeres comunitarias y recicladoras, son ahora la Fortaleza Circular

Mujeres emprendedoras ante el cambio climático

Pioneering Gender Inclusive Urban Development
Application for the GIZ Gender Awards: C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)

Grant Agreement der GIZ Brasilien mit der University of Manchester für den Amazonienfonds der brasilianischen Entwicklungsbank BNDES

#TeamGender quest for Gender Mainstreaming.


LA RED DE MUJERES: Un espacio para fortalecer el liderazgo y compartir saberes que contribuyen a la sostenibilidad de la reserva de biosfera

InsuResilience Center of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions

Women’s Energy Fund – FEM

Fortalecimiento del turismo gastronómico con enfoque de género en la Parroquia Salima – provincia de Esmeraldas

El Aja y las lideresas de Tsapau

Embrace Equity: Empowering Women for Cross-Border and Fair Business in ASEAN

Empowering Women in the Kepulauan Seribu Community: A Focus on Gender Inclusivity and Collaboration

Concurso de género Equidad para un futuro sostenible: El rol vital de las mujeres en Centroamérica y República Dominicana

A Feminist Lens to Food Security in Cambodia

Agenda Provincial de Género y Cambio Climático de Cañar

Beyond the Blueprint: Joining hands for Gender Transformative Approaches

Boosting women representation in TUEWAS sectors

New Face of Woman in Rural Areas

Breaking ground: Empowering Indigenous Women as Guardians of Biodiversity in Laos

CITIES: trazando la ruta hacia el enfoque género transformador

Joint Gender Transformative Approaches Working Group (GTA-WG)


Empowering Women Through Innovative Flower Waste Management

Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Rohstoffsektor für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation

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The Cities Challenge Empowering women* as active shapers of sustainable urban development

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Elevating Gender Equality Initiatives in Lao PDR: Advancing through the Continuation of the Emission Reductions Programm


Breaking Chains, Building Voices: Gender Transformative Approaches in Plastic Waste Management for Inclusive and Sustainable Communities- Trivandrum


Promotion of Solar Water Pumps- Indo-German Energy Programme

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Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)


Unidas Week 2023 – Foreign Minister Baerbock presents Unidas Award to Colombian Vice-President Márquez

During her visit to Latin America, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock honoured Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez with the Unidas Award for Women’s Rights and Democracy at the end of Unidas Week 2023, the most important annual network meeting of

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Breaking Ground: Exploring the Gendered Impact of the Energy Transition on Mining Communities

31.05.2023, 10:45-11:45 AM (CEST) This side event at the margins of the BMZ High-Level Forum on Mineral Supply Chains will be jointly organized by the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) and the multi-stakeholder group Women’s

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Madagascar Gender Month 2023

Madagascar Gender month 2023_Eng

Small Steps Towards an Empowered Tomorrow

Check out the knowledge product ‘Small Steps Towards an Empowered Tomorrow’, compiled by the Gender Working Group, Natural Resource Management and Agroecology (NRMAE), GIZ India. The Working Group primarily supports projects in its activities towards gender sensitisation, gender equality and

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Café Temático: Justiça Climática – o que é e por que precisamos dela?

Você já ouviu falar de Justiça Climática? O fato que as mudanças climáticas afetam diferentes grupos de forma distinta já é um conhecimento comum, falando-se muito em “vulnerabilidades”. Embora o reconhecimento de que as consequências impactam a população de forma

LIVE TALK: Exploring New Frontiers in Gender-Smart Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Policymaking: A Toolkit

Exploring New Frontiers in Gender-Smart Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Policymaking: A Toolkit 8 March 2023, 14:30- 15:30 (CET) About the Webinar This is the sixth session of a LIVE TALK series on Gender and Climate Risk Finance jointly hosted by the

Rights, resources, representation: Indigenous women and girls in German development cooperation

Dear colleagues, Indigenous women and girls play a key role as leaders, knowledge-bearers, and human rights and environmental defenders. At the same time, Indigenous women and girls face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence. Nationally and internationally,

Mini-launch of the study report “Post-Covid-19 Green Recovery assessment of road transport in Viet Nam – From a gender perspective”

Transport certainly remains a pillar for any development model and economy. To recover the operation of road transport enterprises in the “new normal” and improve adaptability to ensure a stable and sustainable economy, it is essential to conduct this study

Women Together in the Pacific – A Talanoa on Women in Climate Change

Background: Women face disproportionate vulnerabilities to climate change across the world. Men and women often have different roles and responsibilities, determining whom has access to power and decision-making authority within the household and community. These social dimensions impact women’s access

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

Justiça Climática – o que é e por que precisamos dela?

Você já ouviu falar de Justiça Climática? O fato que as mudanças climáticas afetam diferentes grupos de forma distinta já é um conhecimento comum, falando-se muito em “vulnerabilidades”. Embora o reconhecimento de que as consequências impactam a população de forma

Gender Training for Forest Stakeholders

Forests play a central role as natural carbon sinks in Viet Nam’s goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 as they cover 42 per cent of the nation’s land area. However, forest quality remains poor, species diversity is low, forests


Empoderamiento de las mujeres indígenas Wayuu en la actividad artesanal como modelo
sostenible en el Parque Nacional Natural Bahía Portete Kaurrele en La Guajira, Colombia


Alianza Mexicana-Alemana de Cambio Climático III

InsuResilience Center of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions

Gender Award 2022 2nd Prize GG1 category

ASEAN-German Energy Programme’s (AGEP’s) gender inclusive approach on the region’s energy development

One swallow doesn´t make a summer:
A Success history of women network in the Solar
Energy in Brazil

Recuperación de prácticas ancestrales para mejorar el manejo de los recursos hídricos

GCF Kenya

Gender Mainstreaming in the Indonesian Forestry Sector

Mozambique: Examples from an Inclusive
Business Approach combining Baobab fruit
commercialisation, life skills and nature

Concours genre 2022 (contribution GIZ/BGF/PIREDD/Maniema)

Gender equality promotion of CLiPAD/I-GFLL project

Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)

1. Rationale of Intervention – Setting the Context Around 700 million people in India gained access to electricity between 2000 and 2018. This reflects strong and effective policy implementation efforts by various players (International Energy Agency, 2021). But providing reliable

How to grow women-led ventures

Women face special challenges when starting and growing a business. Accelerators provide mentorship and training. However, many are unduly tailored to the needs of men. Including more women as mentors, investors, and jury members can help to attract more women

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Migración climática con perspectiva de género

11 March | 15.30 CET | Climate Change Cluster & Gender Working Group Mexico |
Session on the interlinkages between Climate Change and Migration with a gender perspective.

Ganadería sustentable de montaña con equidad e inclusión de género

10 March | 18.00 CET | Gender Working group Mexico and Climate Change Cluster |
Provide a productive alternative with equity and gender inclusion, to improve the quality of life of mountain inhabitants through the sustainable use of their natural resources.

Role of Women in building an energy conscious society

10 March | 09.5-11.15 CET | virtual event for APLAC gender focal points |
Panel discussion with national gender experts from academia, industry and the public sector will attempt to shed light on the rarely explored gender-energy nexus

Cómo cerrar las brechas de género – buenas prácticas de Centroamérica

11 March | 17.00-18.30 CET | public virtual event |
Closing gender gaps in the sectors of transport, REDD+, violence prevention, energy and geothermal energy

Entrepreneurship support in the rural electrification sector: Women and Men as actors of change !

Clean Energy Mini-grids (CEMG) are increasingly emerging as a very sustainable solution to energy challenges. The role of developers, operators and entrepreneurs of mini Grids is therefore crucial and their expertise and skills fundamental to the successful of the operating/management

Posted in Gender Week Blog


Fecha: 10 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: William Jensen – RainbowNetwork (GIZ) | Diego de León – QueersXclimate | Cardin Pastelería | Artistas invitad@s. Duración y Horario: 16:00 – 18:00 hrs. (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México


Fecha: 11 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Camilo de la Garza (Alianza Mexicana – Alemana de Cambio Climático GIZ) | Itzá Castañeda y Eugenio Fernández – Consultores especialistas | Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Duración y Horario: 09:00

Diving into the Gap: Climate Considerations @ GIZ Gender Week


Women and their environment across the ages

The German cooperation is celebrating women’s day with a day of discussions around the change women face due to a changing natural environment and changes in the legal situation of women in the past hundred years in Europa and in

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Journée internationale des droits des femmes.

 GIZ Algeria organized on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 workshops on the theme of gender. The sessions were led by Ms. Aicha Zinai, gender expert and member of the National Council of Human Rights ; as well as and by the

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La femme agricultrice et la Gestion Durable de Terre

Enregistrement d’émission radio grand public de 45min en langue locale avec des femmes agricultrices sur le thème « La femme agricultrice et la Gestion Durable de Terre (GDT) pour son autonomisation et celle de sa famille. » Diffusion des émissions enregistrées à

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Gender and Climate Change. Gender-responsive NDC-Implementation – What does it mean in practice?

When GUCCI Meets GAMMA – Recognising Women as Powerful Stakeholders in Climate Action By now, it is widely recognized that climate change affects women and men differently and that women worldwide are often disproportionately affected by its impacts. Women’s rights

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Women in agricultural production

Exposition de posters sur les femmes transformatrices de produits agricoles et d’échantillons de ces produits agricoles Jeux de cartes par rapport aux ODD entre collègues en vue de refléter l’impact genre du programme à l’atteinte de l’Agenda 2030

Women in agriculture

Emission grand public avec un groupe de 30 femmes qui communiqueront sur: « l’intensification des exploitations agricoles dirigées par les femmes » : plaidoyer des femmes pour diriger des exploitations agricoles

Costa Rican women in Climate Change

Last february, the first assembly of Costa Rican women in Climate Change was held in order to elect a group of representatives for the Citizens´ Consultive Council for Climate Change (5C). Within short time they established a blog for gender

Gender Mainstreaming in the Thai-German Climate Change Policy Programme

In order to strengthen gender mainstreaming in the project implementation and also to strengthen the capacities of all staff included in the implementation of the new BMUB Thai-German Climate Change Policy Programme, a 3-hour workshop will be held on March

Photography contest: men-women equality in agricultural value chains

GIZ project on adapting agricultural value-chains to climate change (GIZ/PrAda) in Madagascar  is organizing a photography contest on the topic of “men-women equality in agricultural value chains”. The aim is to show through pictures major issues linked to gender and

Kosovo: Integrating Gender in Waste Management Capacity Development

CONTEXT  Municipalities in Kosovo face a huge challenge when it comes to providing essential services for their citizens and this is evident in the waste management sector. The country still lacks an organized integrated system of waste management. As it

Indonesia: Gender Mainstreaming in the Indonesia Forestry Sector

The FORCLIME approach FORCLIME’s approach is derived from the recognition that responsibilities, vulnerabilities and decision-making powers of individuals and groups in relation to forestry and climate change can be attributed to social structures based on characteristics such as gender, ethnicity,

India: Conservation And Sustainable Management Of Coastal And Marine Protected Areas In India

Country: GIZ In INDIA Full Name of the program Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in India (CMPA) PN (complete 12 digits) 11.9299.6.001.00 AV / Program Director Dr. Konrad Uebelhoer Name of Team Members Dr. Michael

Fiji: Petani women transform degraded land into productive food gardens

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women’s land rights in the Kingdom of Tonga are recognised to be very restrictive and land ownership is denied to all women. Tongan men enjoy proprietorial rights to a town allotment (for residence) and a tax or

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Mongolia: Biodiversity and Adaptation of Key Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change II Programme “Promotion of the gender equality in the forestry sector of Mongolia”

Biodiversity and Adaptation of Key Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change II Programme “Promotion of the gender equality in the forestry sector of Mongolia” INTRODUCTION Nomadic Mongolians’ livelihood patterns, their traditions and values, basic economy including labor division of men and

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Algeria: Projet H’lib Dzair

Projet H’lib Dzair Ensemble pour renforcer et professionnaliser le métier de l’élevage en Algérie Background du projet Avant de présenter l’apport du projet H’lib Dzair dans le cadre de l’égalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes, nous avons

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