Gender, Mobility, and Socio-Economic Status: Perspectives from India

Exciting news! 🗣 The next premiere of Women Mobilize Women’s highly anticipated webinar series in collaboration with Mobycon is just around the corner! In this webinar series, we dive into topics surrounding the intersectionality of gender and mobility.

In episode 3, ‘Gender, Mobility and Socio-Economic Status’, host Melissa Bruntlett is joined by Sonali Vyas, Associate Director at Safetipin, and Sarika Panda, Director at Nagarro and Founder Trustee of Raahgiri Foundation, to discuss mobility experiences in India, including the barriers to access as well as successful solutions helping to create more inclusive mobility.

When we focus solely on the gendered experience of transport, we can often overlook the economic impact of (lack of) access to transport/mobility. Not just in terms of the cost of transport itself, but also lack of access to essential services such as education, healthcare, and employment. Only by understanding this intersection of experience can we identify solutions.

📅 Save the Date:
March 21, at 11:00 a.m. CET
Sign up here and make sure to save the event in your calendar: Ep. 3: Gender, Mobility and Socio-Economic Status: Perspectives from India | LinkedIn

Tune in to learn about the complexities of mobility! 💡