Agenda 2030 - SDG 5
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From Evidence to Prevention. How to Prevent Violence against Women in Ecuadorian Universities – Video

More than a third of female professors and students in Ecuadorian universities claim have been assaulted by their (ex) partners and members of the university community. And almost a third of male students and lecturers admit having assaulted their (ex)

Posted in Gender Week Blog

The Interactive Path – Step by step against violence: A successful initiative that crosses borders

In 2012, the Interactive Path- Step by step against violence methodology was developed by the regional ComVoMujer programme implemented by GIZ, which recognized that addressing violence against women at an early stage is one of the most effective preventive measures.

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Historic Rwandan’s Women Bonfire Event

 Step into history at the Rwandan Women’s Bonfire, an evening dedicated to honoring the incredible stories of Rwandan women who have left an enduring impact on our nation. From the poetic strength of Nyirarumaga to Kamaliza’s diverse legacy as a

Women in Waste Management

GIZ Rwanda/Burundi invites to a virtual Expert Exchange on Women in Waste Management. We will be discussing how to engage women in the waste sector, the topic of leadership and innovative strategies in waste management. Textile waste management, sustainable practices,

Film Screening Event Breaking female gender roles in the light of women’s economic empowerment

GIZ Rwanda/Burundi invites to the Film Screening Event Breaking female gender roles in the light of women’s economic empowerment We will be screening the three short films The Driver, Queen of Inanga and Lake Women (Kinyarwanda with English subtitles) followed

Opening Event #I am remarkable

GIZ Rwanda/Burundi invites to the virtual Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event in 2024! Do you sometimes struggle with sharing your achievements because you are afraid of sounding like you are bragging?  Cultural and modesty norms as well as imposter syndrome

Men at Work – Exchange Rwanda/Burundi

In the light of the upcoming Gender Month 2024, male colleagues are invited to the very first GIZ Rwanda/Burundi men@work exchange, offering a dialogue about work, gender equality and health in GIZ. Today, achieving gender equality requires everyone to be

Through the Lense of Intersectionality: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as an Integral Component of Feminist Policies

Through the Lense of Intersectionality: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as an Integral Component of Feminist Policies If you leaf through our clients’ most recent strategic documents, it becomes clear: whether Feminist Development Policy, the Human Rights Concept of German

MenstruAction – One goal, many initiatives

As highlighted by the German Development Minister Svenja Schulze on the international Menstrual Hygiene Day in 2022, “Menstruation should not be a taboo!” Aligned with BMZ’s ‘Feminist development policy – for just and strong societies worldwide’, we, the staff initiative

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Gender month & IWD in GIZ Nigeria & ECOWAS

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences Women Mobilize Women and Mobycon present the webinar series “Intersectionality of Gender & Mobility”. Delve into the world of mobility with us as we challenge assumptions and embrace inclusivity! 🚶‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚇 The

BMZ Gender Action Plan 2023 – 2027 – Introduction and way forward

Dear colleagues, on December 2023 the BMZ launched its 3rd Development Action Plan on Gender Equality (BMZ GAP III). It translates the German Feminist Development Strategy into concrete measures for the years 2023 to 2027 and provides concrete guidance on

Presentation of the National Strategy for Women in Lebanon

The National Committee for Lebanon Women (NCLW) launched the National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2022-2030. GIZ Lebanon – GWG, on the occasion of the International Women’s day, is organizing a debrief on the strategy with NCLW guest speaker covering

Feminist Development Policy in practice – Are you familiar with GIZs Gender Tools?

Online Event: 13.03.2024, 16:00 – 17:00 CET (please click on the image to enlarge it)   Use the following link to join the meeting: Hier klicken, um an der Besprechung teilzunehmen Besprechungs-ID: 332 941 099 990 Passcode: gD6aiq Mit einem

Periods@Work – Why the topic of menstruation belongs at work

When? Tuesday, 14. March, 13:00 – 14:00 CET Where? MS TEAMS With? Daniela Spies, Equal Opportunities Commissioner, Adela Llatja, Gender Focal Person GIZ Albania, Katrin Freitag, Senior Expert Facility Management, Daphne Manolakos, Member of the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction, …

The Ecuadorian business sector makes a difference in the fight against violence against women!

In an effort to create a safer and more equal environment, the business sector is taking action against this deep-rooted problem in our societies. According to INEC’s 2019 National Survey on Gender Violence against Women, approximately 7 out of 10

Posted in Gender Week Blog

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024   Don’t miss – the GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024 on Friday, 8th March, 11:00 – 13:00 h CET Where: Bonn, GIZ Campus, Auditorium and online via livestream   We are honored to count on the

Technical Support for the Comprehensive Technical Education Initiative with Egypt – TCTI

Woman’s Path Festival

Gender Mainstreaming and Inclusion – Creating Impacts for East Africans

Transforming Lives: Empowering Gender-Based Violence Survivors

Proyecto “Creo en mi”

Digitalization and Women in Tech in Rwanda

Step aside Gentlemen – Female Innovators coming

The Ecuadorian business sector is betting on the prevention of violence against women

Violence against women is, unfortunately, a reality for 7 out of 10 Ecuadorian women, and it is up to all of us to fight for change (INEC, 2019). The business sector needs to get involved too! The numbers speak for

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Unraveling the Ties: How Violence Against Women Impacts Food Security in Ecuador

Violence against women (VAW), in most cases perpetrated by their (former) partners, leaves physical and psychological aftereffects on women and their families. These consequences range from physical and emotional ailments to economic costs for the assaulted women and their households.

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Unidas Week 2023 – Foreign Minister Baerbock presents Unidas Award to Colombian Vice-President Márquez

During her visit to Latin America, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock honoured Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez with the Unidas Award for Women’s Rights and Democracy at the end of Unidas Week 2023, the most important annual network meeting of

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Breaking Ground: Exploring the Gendered Impact of the Energy Transition on Mining Communities

31.05.2023, 10:45-11:45 AM (CEST) This side event at the margins of the BMZ High-Level Forum on Mineral Supply Chains will be jointly organized by the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) and the multi-stakeholder group Women’s

Posted in Gender Week Blog

“Be a real man” and stand up for gender justice – an OECD Development Centre and GIZ joint event addressing masculine norms

“Be a real man” Masculine norms governing our lives and relationships – at home, at the conference table and on the battlefield – and stand up for gender justice While more and more men and boys engage in promoting gender

Posted in Gender Week Blog

In the Dominican Republic, equal financial rights boosted women’s businesses

When it comes to financial inclusion, women in the Dominican Republic have long been stuck in the “second row”. Half of all micro-entrepreneurs in the country are women. However, women receive less credits to start their own businesses, and if

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Social Media Campaign #ethicalleadership

On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2023 on the theme Embrace Equity (#EmbraceEquity), a social media campaign was run on GIZ South Africa and partner-owned channels profiling female business leaders unpacking ethical leadership and the role equity plays in

Weblog article: “Creating ‘Integrated and safe neighbourhoods for all’ through international peer learning exchange”

Creating public spaces in which all genders and vulnerable groups feel safe is a task of global significance. What works and what doesn’t in implementing this goal is therefore not limited to one place or project. On the contrary, projects

Weblog article: „Navigating the Concrete Jungle: The Gender Divide in Urban Life”

Different genders experience cities in distinct ways. Nine out of ten women feel unsafe in public spaces, they continue to face inaccessibility, insecurity and various forms of sexual harassment and violence. In her Urbanet article Paula Meth addresses the intersection

Innovation and Technology in Bangladesh for Gender Equality

On 14 March 2023, GIZ Bangladesh came together to commemorate International Women’s Day and Gender Month. The event focused on digitalisation, technology and innovation and its potential for enhancing gender equality and digital and economic empowerment.   Ms. Nina Clausing,

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Gender inside GIZ: STOP IT – Preventing and dealing with sexual harassment

Gender inside GIZ Feminist Development Cooperation in Practice   Dear colleagues,   You are invited! STOP IT – Preventing and dealing with sexual harassment 30.03.2023 13:00 – 14:00 CET   What is sexual abuse and harassment? What are the consequences?

Activités de la Journée Internationale de la Femme (JIF) au Cluster Bonne Gouvernance

Objectif global : Sensibiliser les collègues sur les questions du Genre, Leave no one Behind et sur la promotion de l’accès équitable et responsable des femmes et filles au numérique, dans les projets programmes respectifs du Cluster Bonne Gouvernance Objectifs

The Gender/Digitalisation Nexus in development cooperation and project management: Introducing the serious game “Gender – Next Level”

  Gender Inside GIZ Dear colleagues, You are invited! The Gender/Digitalisation Nexus in development cooperation and project management – Introducing the serious game “Gender – Next Level” – developed by the German Government and Federal States Programme 28.03.2023 11:00 –

Weblog Article: „Feminist Urbanism: Smashing the Patriarchy in Urban Design”

The spatial component of feminism is often underestimated. In her article „Feminist Urbanism: Smashing the Patriarchy in Urban Design” Sneha Visakha, legal researcher and host of the “Feminist City Podcast”, raises the questions who cities are made for, who makes

New BMZ Feminist Development Policy: Approaches and Implementation in Cameroon

In the context of the International Women’s Day, the GIZ gender month and the publication of the new German feminist development policy, GIZ Cameroon is organising a panel discussion on this policy. The policy underlines the importance of working in

Gender Equality Week Egypt – REPRESENTATION – Business Future is Female

Agenda March 8th German Gender Equality Week REPRESENTATION – Day 3 – Business Future is Female – is the closing event of the GEW 2023 on International Women’s Day 2023. Hosted by the German Embassy in Cairo, in cooperation with

Gender Equality Week Egypt – DIVERSITY – Digital Access for ALL.

DIVERSITY – Day 2 German Gender Equality Week is organized by GIZ Egypt’s InnoPA project and aims at gathering insights of relevant stakeholders of the Egyptian digital society on key values and principles for digital inclusion. Sessions will address how

RIGHTS – WenDo self-defence and –assertion training

6 March 2023 Gender Equality Week RIGHTS – Day 1  offers a holistic WenDo self-defence and –assertion training, tailored for women and is considered as a means of preventing violence. WenDo goes beyond the concept of teaching physical techniques as

LIVE TALK: Exploring New Frontiers in Gender-Smart Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Policymaking: A Toolkit

Exploring New Frontiers in Gender-Smart Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Policymaking: A Toolkit 8 March 2023, 14:30- 15:30 (CET) About the Webinar This is the sixth session of a LIVE TALK series on Gender and Climate Risk Finance jointly hosted by the

Rights, resources, representation: Indigenous women and girls in German development cooperation

Dear colleagues, Indigenous women and girls play a key role as leaders, knowledge-bearers, and human rights and environmental defenders. At the same time, Indigenous women and girls face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence. Nationally and internationally,

Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event

Dear colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to our Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event in 2023!   Do you sometimes struggle with sharing your achievements because you are afraid of sounding like you are bragging? Cultural and modesty

Demystifying Feminism. Local feminist achievements and challenges

In March 2023, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) will launch its Feminist Development Strategy. The policy was already announced in early 2022, raising questions about what it would imply, especially for implementing agencies like GIZ

Social media awareness campaign – via employee-generated-content (EGC)- conveying our stand for Gender Equity and Inclusion

At the GIZ-Pakistan Country Office level, we are planning a social media awareness campaign – via employee-generated-content (EGC) – conveying our stand for Gender Equity and Inclusion. We aim to publish content on a daily basis throughout March on Twitter and

Knowledge Café // Gender Special // GG-Portfolio der Abteilung 4C – quo vadis und wie?

FMB intern – 4C: Der 8. März, was war das doch gleich für ein Tag? Genau, internationaler Tag der Frauen. An diesem und rund um diesen Tag finden sowohl innerhalb der GIZ als auch außerhalb verschiedene Termine statt (z. B.

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

MenstruAction Updates 2023 – Info Session

Dear GIZ colleagues, the GIZ staff initiative MenstruAction invites you to a general info session on Friday 3rd of March from 10 to 10.30 CET to inform you about the planned activities and products in 2023 and around the worldwide

#hackathon basé sur les solutions vocales (#IVR : Interactive Voice Response)

Les projets d’appui au Centre de Transformation Digitale (CTD) de la GIZ  Bénin organisent la Journée de l’Inclusion Numérique et du Genre (JING 2023) le 08 Mars 2023. Dans ce contexte, un #hackathon basé sur les solutions vocales (#IVR :

Launch Event of the German Federal Foreign Office Guidelines on Feminist Foreign Policy

@Federal Foreign Office On  1 March 2023, 14:00h – 15:00h CET the German Federal Foreign Office will launch its Guidelinies on Feminist Foreign Policy. The event, which will be hosted by Foreign Minister Baerbock, will take place in the Weltsaal of

develoPPP impacts gender inclusivity in textile supply chains

With develoPPP, GIZ pools resources, knowledge and capital from companies and development cooperation so that both sides achieve more than they would alone (win-win). With this interactive event, we want to showcase the possibilities of cooperation with the private sector

Gender Training for Forest Stakeholders

Forests play a central role as natural carbon sinks in Viet Nam’s goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 as they cover 42 per cent of the nation’s land area. However, forest quality remains poor, species diversity is low, forests

Rethinking the digital economy for gender justice and decent work

GIZ’s project ‘Future of Work’ and ILO invite you to the webinar series, taking a closer look at the realities and future of women’s work in the digital economy. After a very successful first session, the second webinar will take

International Women’s Day – sport event

What: Open Fun sports Day Who: 80 kids (40 girls, 40 boys) When: 11th March, 10am- 2pm Where: Jordan-Al Karak Objective: Celebrating the International Women’s Day Concept: There will be 8 stations/topics with several exercises. Kids will be divided into

Feminist Development Policy in practice – Are you familiar with GIZs Gender Tools?

Feminist Development Policy in practice –  Are you familiar with GIZs Gender Tools? Mittwoch, 8. März 2023 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rom, Stockholm, Wien Find the outlook invitation in our Gender Network calendar: Ereignis (

Award Ceremony and Book Launch Remarkable Feminist Voices in Transport 2023

Award Ceremony of the Women Mobilize Women Initiative (WMW): „Remarkable Feminist Voices in Transport 2023“ 02.03.2023, 15:00 – 19:00 CEST, GIZ Berlin representation (by invitation only) Sector Project Sustainable Mobility (SV NaMo) G310 Agenda: Welcoming words by BMZ Panel discussion

MenstruAction – From Enthusiasm to Action: See how the GIZ Staff Initiative joined the Global Menstrual Health and Hygiene Movement

Update! Find the newest version of the MenstruAction publication here: FINAL-GIZ_MenstruAction-Publication-2023-03-20-WEB-SP Just in time for Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28th May, the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction celebrates the journey from its beginnings until today in a new GIZ publication, illustrating

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GIZ Bangladesh -Gender Equality for a Sustainable Tomorrow

GIZ Bangladesh Gender Working Group (GWG) observed the International Women’s Day 2022 by hosting an online event on 8 March. With the theme “Gender Equality for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, the discussion centred around why feminism as a concept is good for

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“Support of Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia (SRECA)” brings together Chinese, German and Mongolian women entrepreneurs

In 2022, “Support of Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia (SRECA)” brings together Chinese, German and Mongolian women entrepreneurs for the second time.  Last year, the SRECA project, which is implemented by GIZ on behalf of the BMZ, initiated a triangular

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The Public Service – Change Agent for Gender Equity

116 GIZ colleagues including management, representatives of the German Embassy, the Mozambican-German Cultural Centre (CCMA) and KfW participated during the virtual launch of the GIZ Gender Month in Mozambique on March 8, 2022. During the launch, participants raised awareness and

Panel sur la promotion de l’accès à l’emploi, de la lutte contre les discriminations et de la protection sociale des femmes au Sénégal

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Projet Ensemble vers la Réforme du Travail, la GIZ a tenu un panel de partage autour de l’égalité de genre sous la présidence effective de Monsieur Samba SY, Ministre du Travail,

Política Exterior Feminista en México

Política Exterior Feminista en México Objetivo General Conocer en qué consiste la Política Exterior Feminista (PEF) que México adoptó en 2020, incluyendo sus objetivos, ejes de trabajo, principios y propuesta de trabajo 2020-2024. Objetivos Específicos • Visibilizar con colegas de

cTVET project improves TVET schools’ organisational gender capacities through Participatory Gender Audits

Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training (cTVET)  developed and submitted recommendations to formulate gender sensitive articles to be integrated in the TVET law revision. The government working group for TVET law reform process were working together with national gender

Voces de mujeres centroamericanas: Juntas para la transformación

Para poner en primer plano las mujeres y su rol crucial en la transformación de las sociedades centroamericanas, escucharemos a mujeres de distintos sectores y países que han sido involucradas en proyectos GIZ del Portafolio SICA y que han participado

aGENDERsetting bei der Weltbank –
erfolgreich multilaterale Entwicklungspolitik beraten

Inauguración del programa de Mentoría 2022

Programa de Mentoría de la GIZ Bolivia La capacitación constante del personal de la GIZ, a nivel global, es un aspecto importante que promueve el desarrollo profesional. En ese sentido, desde el año 2012, se han llevado a cabo distintos

Strengthening capacity of government agencies in integrating gender equality in the development of legal normative documents

Promoting gender equality (40% of marks)Which objectives and results has your initiative achieved?Describe the context, the organisational unit, the sector or the situation in your country or region. Tell us which approaches have proven effective, which results have already been

Women going Digital – Business Scouts for Development

Die HerausforderungBei gleichem Ausbildungsniveau und identisch hoher Teilnahme am formellen Arbeitsmarkt von Frauen im Vergleich zu Männern könnte das weltweite Wirtschaftswachstum bis zu 20 Billionen US-Dollar höher sein als es heute der Fall ist. Dieses Ungleichgewicht schlägt sich in vielen

GIZ Gender Analysis as tool to promote gender equality in higher education in Mongolia

On March 15, 2022 German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT), will set the spotlight on the GIZ Gender Analysis developed for the new project duration. During the event the new Gender Analysis and trainings for partners will promote a

Women in STEM for Development Cooperation – A PMD Workshop

To promote our PMD offers and to specifically address SDG 5 – gender equality in development cooperation – we are planning an event for the beginning of March. In a four-hour workshop we want to inform and discuss with female

Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to take the opportunity to exchange on different topics related to challenges women face in Albania and how to address those through economic empower. Together with the Country Director of

Encuentro de mujeres líderes constructoras de paz

El Encuentro forma parte del programa de actividades preparado por el Servicio Civil para la Paz (ZFD) junto con las Organizaciones Contraparte en Conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Este evento tiene el objetivo de visibilizar y celebrar los logros

Gender Indicators Governance and Conflict

The sectoral department: 4C GOvernance and Conflict is starting a process of collection and analysing of gender indicators for further programs / projects in development cooperation. For  more information please contact


For more information and to register visit this site: #smartdevelopmentday – Scaling innovation in an interconnected world (

GGKP webinar – Inclusive green economies: No just transition without gender equality

Why is gender equality essential for thriving, inclusive green economies? What are the main barriers to women’s full participation, and how can we enable full and equal participation of women in an inclusive green economy? Are there success stories for

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Makes Business Sense – Insights from a Gender Transformative Approach

GIZ India Gender Week 2022 MS TEAMS Online Exchange On : Gender Makes Business Sense (GmBS) – Insights from a Gender Transformative Training Day : 10th March Time : 3:00 – 4:30 pm Indian Standard Time. Meeting link : provided

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Day Online Meet 2022

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Day Online Meet 2022 TOPIC: DE-CODING THE ‘APLAK GENDER CODE OF CONDUCT’ WHEN: WEDNESDAY, 9TH MARCH 2022, 3:00 – 4:15 PM (INDIAN STANDARD TIME) WHERE: MS TEAMS MEETING Promoting gender equality is one of the essential

The Road to Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

When? Thursday 10th March 2022; 11:30 – 13:00 (CET)  Where: MS Teams We want to invite you all to join another important and closely related global campaign, because… It’s time to get ready for Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022! 2022 is

Feminist Foreign Policy

When? Wednesday, 9. March 2022, 16.00 – 17:00 CET Where? Berlin, GIZ Representation, online via Live Stream  With? Dr. Günter Sautter, Director General, Federal Foreign Office Marthe Wandou, Cameroonian Gender and Peace Activist Laureate of the Alternative Nobel Prize 2021

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony

GIZ Gender Competition 2022 and Award Ceremony When? Friday, 11. March 2022, 11:00 – 13:00 CET Where? Bonn, GIZ Campus Auditorium, Live Stream With? Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary State Secretary, BMZ Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Member of GIZ Management Board Award

We can only achieve it together! GIZ colleagues from more than 28 countries join hands for a world free of period poverty and stigma

No one should be kept from realizing their full potential because they menstruate! GIZ colleagues worldwide – from interns to the Chair of the Management Board – raise their hands to support the cause.     Just as the red

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Namibia’s Gender Week – Respect Her

All week | campaign and activities |
Joint campaign with the White Ribbon Campaign, panel discussion, masculinity session and GIZ photo campaign

Out of the Box – Efforts to promote Gender Equality at Mongolian Technical University recognized for their contribution to foster equal potentials

After | photo competition | 

Roundtable Discussion Concerning Gender Equality

12 March | Private event for project members in Mongolia |
Discussion on how we can support gender equality initiatives with access to training, events, and workshops.

The Week of Timor-Leste’s Women Leaders

All week | online exhibition on Facebook | 
Exhibition of Timorese leaders of institutions and NGOs but also women that are leading their families through the pandemic and into a better future

Building Back Better – With Gender-Responsive Infrastructure

10 March | 15.30 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Highlighting the great challenges and great potential of Gender-Responsive Infrastructure to build back better.


Online Conference “Access of women in rural areas to property rights”

26 February | Online conference for invited guests |
The online conference focused on increasing the cooperation for active promotion of positive examples of gender equality, establishment of mechanisms for education and information of the women from the rural areas for their economic and social development.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Gender Equality in Tunisia

10 March | 10.00 CET | Online event for GIZ staff in French |
Presentation and discussion of the findings of a COVID-19 impact analysis on gender equality in Tunisia, including 

Gender Equality in Land Tenure

5 March | 10.00-11.00 CET | online discussion for GIZ staff |
Assuring equal right and equal access of women and men to land ownership

Generation Equality Forum – GIZ internal Info Session

4 March | 09:30-10:00 CET and 16:00-16:30 CET | virtual event for GIZ staff |
The SP Gender informs about the Generation Equality Forum, Germany’s role and thematic focus in the Action Coalition Economic Justice and Rights.

Gender Meets Tech: Young Iraqi startups develop digital solutions to end gender-based violence

11 March 2021 | 13.00 CET | virtual public event |
Two GIZ project will discuss their jointly implemented online hackathon to find innovative digital solutions to prevent violence against women and girls in Iraq.

African Union Panel Discussion on GBV and women migrant workers

10 March | 14.00-15.30 CET | private event for African Union members and stakeholders |
How can Africa achieve social justice by including everyone’s protection needs and voices?

Striving for Generation Equality – What a short film has to do with women entrepreneurship promotion in India

9 March | 11:00-12:30 CET | GIZ online event |
Join us for an exclusive screening of the critically acclaimed short film B. Selvi & Daughters followed by a discussion of the the film campaign and female entrepreneurship in the context of Generation Equality.

Mes de la Equidad, la Igualdad y la Justicia de Género en la GIZ Bolivia y Paraguay

All week | private events for GIZ Paraguay and Bolivia staff and one public song competition |
One week full of activities, events and competitions about gender equality

Work-life Balance during Covid-19 pandemic – Survey

March 9 | 10.00-11.30 CET | private event for GIZ-Kosovo only |
Survey and result presentation on how GIZ Kosovo staff experience the effects of the pandemic, especially in terms of gender equality perspective.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes – Online theater

11 March | 10.00-12.00 CET | private event for GIZ Kosovo and Macedonia |
Through online theater and entertainment prepared by experienced artists, GIZ Kosovo Gender Group will challenge gender stereotypes.

Pakistan: Gender Week 2021

All week | time TBD | these are private events for GIZ Pakistan |
GIZ Pakistan has designed several physical and virtual activities and events for this gender week.