SDG 05: Gender Equality
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The shadow pandemic: Online and ICT*-facilitated violence against women and girls during COVID-19

10 March | 14.00-15.00 CET | GIZ online event |
When women and girls do have access to the Internet, they face online violence more often than men in many different ways. Research and activists confirm that this problem has increased during the Covid-19.

Leadership in Fragile Contexts – The Role of Women in Peacebuilding

4 March | 16.00 – 17.30 CET |
Which countries and individuals are exemplary for the participation of women in foreign
policy? Which responsibility does German foreign policy bear? How do women perceive their
role on the foreign policy stage and are their demands heard? What special challenges arise
in fragile contexts? These are some of the questions we would like to explore at our event.

District Gender Dialogue in Mbale and Moroto

All week | dialogue streamed on Ugandan community-based radio |
Open dialogue on the roles of local government, civil society, academia and the media in achieving women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life.

Role of Women in building an energy conscious society

10 March | 09.5-11.15 CET | virtual event for APLAC gender focal points |
Panel discussion with national gender experts from academia, industry and the public sector will attempt to shed light on the rarely explored gender-energy nexus

Women share experiences in video snippets

All week | event for GIZ Mozambique staff and public video campaign |
20 short videos about female empowerment in Mozambique are published throughout the week 

Gender Equality in Land Tenure

5 March | 10.00-11.00 CET | online discussion for GIZ staff |
Assuring equal right and equal access of women and men to land ownership

Cómo cerrar las brechas de género – buenas prácticas de Centroamérica

11 March | 17.00-18.30 CET | public virtual event |
Closing gender gaps in the sectors of transport, REDD+, violence prevention, energy and geothermal energy

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Day Online Meet 2021

11 March | 10.00-11.00 CET | public virtual event |
Join in to discuss how the pandemic has affected Equality, what we can and should do given our work and how to progress towards a gender equal world.


GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Breakfast Meeting

12 March | 16.30 – 17.30 CET | virtual event for GIZ India | 
We will explore corruption’s linkages to gender equality issues and how it impacts women’s empowerment.

Webinar: Gender Lens Investing

8 March | 16.00 -17.15 CET | public virtual event|
This webinar outlines the concept of gender lens or gender smart investing, and takes a deep-dive into the regional experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Campaign #womenmobilize

All of March | virtual activities, publication launch, #womenmobilize |
Follow the Hashtag #womenmobilize on Social Media to stay updated with new campaigns, insights and events! Publication of the third “Remarkable Women in Transport” 

Generation Equality Forum – GIZ internal Info Session

4 March | 09:30-10:00 CET and 16:00-16:30 CET | virtual event for GIZ staff |
The SP Gender informs about the Generation Equality Forum, Germany’s role and thematic focus in the Action Coalition Economic Justice and Rights.

Podcats from Space – Live Recording with Women Mobilize Women

9 March | 15.00 – 15:30 CET | Virtual event for GIZ staff |
In the framework of GIZ Gender Week, we would like to introduce you to our new podcast and give you the chance to be part of our conversation

Gender Meets Tech: Young Iraqi startups develop digital solutions to end gender-based violence

11 March 2021 | 13.00 CET | virtual public event |
Two GIZ project will discuss their jointly implemented online hackathon to find innovative digital solutions to prevent violence against women and girls in Iraq.

Quiz on Gender Equality

All week | This is a private activity for the Programe Migration & Diaspora | 
Each day, the quiz will focus on a different topic: Gender and Covid-19, Gender within GIZ, Gender and Migration, Facts on the topic of Gender, Women as Role Models.

Striving for Generation Equality – What a short film has to do with women entrepreneurship promotion in India

9 March | 11:00-12:30 CET | GIZ online event |
Join us for an exclusive screening of the critically acclaimed short film B. Selvi & Daughters followed by a discussion of the the film campaign and female entrepreneurship in the context of Generation Equality.

Mes de la Equidad, la Igualdad y la Justicia de Género en la GIZ Bolivia y Paraguay

All week | private events for GIZ Paraguay and Bolivia staff and one public song competition |
One week full of activities, events and competitions about gender equality

NICD Learning from the Field – IRC Approach Engaging Men through Accountable Practices to Reduce Gender Inequalities and Promote Non-Violence

10 March | 13.00- 14.30 CET  | Virtual event – participate via MS-Teams |
EMAP is an approach to prevent gender-based violence through a structured process of overcoming violence-related gender stereotypes. IRC members are going to share valuable field experiences from different contexts and important lessons learnt.

Reaction – Reflection – Action: follow-up discussion on women’s economic empowerment and Covid-19

11 March | 13.30 – 15.00 CET | This is a virtual event |
What options are there towards more gender transformative change and against “business as usual”? How do we shape our COVID-19 response in collaboration with donors, partners and target groups? Do we have good experience to draw upon?

Female Leadership: Successes and Challenges during COVID-19

9 March | 10.30 – 12.00 CET |  GIZ Bangladesh only – documentation here |
The event highlights how COVID-19 impacted women leaders, especially their successes and challenges during the pandemic. Three women leaders will share their experiences.

Work-life Balance during Covid-19 pandemic – Survey

March 9 | 10.00-11.30 CET | private event for GIZ-Kosovo only |
Survey and result presentation on how GIZ Kosovo staff experience the effects of the pandemic, especially in terms of gender equality perspective.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes – Online theater

11 March | 10.00-12.00 CET | private event for GIZ Kosovo and Macedonia |
Through online theater and entertainment prepared by experienced artists, GIZ Kosovo Gender Group will challenge gender stereotypes.

The implications of Emerging Tech on Gender Equality – Workshop

14 April | 09.30 – 11.30 CET | this is a virtual event with limited spaces – RSVP by email to register |
In this Workshop, we want to understand the implications of disruptive technologies concerning gender equality. Together we will outline the impact on gender equality that may infer from the technologies listed in the Tech Detector.

Pakistan: Gender Week 2021

All week | time TBD | these are private events for GIZ Pakistan |
GIZ Pakistan has designed several physical and virtual activities and events for this gender week.

Women Economic Empowerment – Best Practices from Zambia’s Agricultural Projects

17 March | 09.00 – 11.00 CET | Virtual event |
If you ever wondered what role Women Economic Empowerment can play in your project, hop in and get inspired!

“Towards a Gender-Equal World” – Official Opening of GIZ Gender Week 2021

8 March | 14.00 – 15.30 CET | public virtual event |
This year’s GIZ Gender Week will take stock of how we are dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 at present and how best we can safe-guard achievements made on gender equality against any deterioration and backlash.

WBG Women, Business and the Law 2021 report and findings & German policy provisions and actions aimed at closing existing gender gaps

10 March | 15.00 – 16.30 CET | public virtual event | 
Presentation, discussion and exchange with high-level members of the WBG, BMZ and GIZ. 

Women´s Economic Empowerment in Africa (WEE) – Working towards Gender Equality in times of COVID-19

1 March | 10.00 – 12.00 CET | Public virtual event – watch recording here |
As many Covid-19 measures build on existing social and economic structures which are not gender-neutral, the effects of the pandemic affect African women particularly hard.

Photo Campaign Regional Office North

In the framework of the GIZ Gender week, the regional office North conducted a photo campaign to call attention to the discrimination of women and other minorities. As the team of the regional office North is operating Germany-wide, a campaign

Menstrual Hygiene Day is happening. Period

Approximately 1.9 billion women and girls menstruate between two and seven days a month on average. The recurring process of menstruation has a decisive influence on the lives of women and girls worldwide. Oftentimes, they are poorly informed, or menstruation is a taboo

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Stereotypes + Violence – the thematic afternoon with a gender perspective at the GIZ

The unequal treatment based on one persons sex, is a common and transversal phenomenon throughout the world, an injustice that we must fight for every day, particularly on International Women’s Day on which people all over the world have been

“Equal rights, equal opportunities” – International Women’s Day 2020 in the Federal Foreign Office

  There is still a lot to do in the field of women’s rights and gender equality, both internationally and in the Federal Foreign Office. “Women’s rights are one of the most pressing political issues of our time,” said Foreign Minister Heiko Maas.

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Fecha: 09 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: 15 Colaboradores varones de GIZ México (entre practicantes nacionales, Asesores técnicos (Junior/Senior), AV y coordinadores de clúster) Duración y Horario: 09:30-11:30 am (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México (AGM) Objetivo:


Fecha: 10 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: William Jensen – RainbowNetwork (GIZ) | Diego de León – QueersXclimate | Cardin Pastelería | Artistas invitad@s. Duración y Horario: 16:00 – 18:00 hrs. (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México


Fecha: 11 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Camilo de la Garza (Alianza Mexicana – Alemana de Cambio Climático GIZ) | Itzá Castañeda y Eugenio Fernández – Consultores especialistas | Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Duración y Horario: 09:00


Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Jerome Martin – Fondo Conjunto México-Alemania (GIZ) | Miguel Macias – Coord. de iniciativa regional de migración (Save the Children México) | Selvia Vargas – Experta en género (Save the Children México) Duración y


Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Karina Blanco (Iniciativa Agenda 2030) |Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB) |Oficina de la Presidencia de la República (OPR) Duración: 13:00 – 15:00 hrs (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México Objetivo: Contribuir


Fecha: 10 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: José Medrano y Alfonso Figueroa – Sistema de Formación Dual México (GIZ) | Patricia Valdés – Business Partner (NESTLE) | Aprendices de empresa-escuela | Nancy Legorreta-Directora general de la agencia de publicidad (Kreatif Media).


Fecha: 13 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Miriam Monterrubio- EUROCLIMA+ y C40CFF (GIZ) | Gisela Méndez – Ex Secretaria de Movilidad del Gobierno del Estado de Colima. Duración y Horario: 13:00 – 14:00 (1 hora) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia

Internal event: Reflections on Gender in GIZ El Salvador

Firstly, the results of the survey on gender in our business culture (that was conducted in 2019) and the gender action plan for 2020 are presented, and there is a space for discussion and feedback on the results of the

Participación socio política con equidad en Guatemala

Participantes: Colaboradores y colaboradoras de la GIZ Guatemala, personal nacional y expertos CIM de los proyectos y programas. Panelistas invitadas: Diputada al Congreso de la República-Andrea Villagrán y Dra. Ana Silvia Monzón -Docente de Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

North Macedonia: GIZ Gender Week

Please find the report of the GIZ Gender Week 2020 in North Macedonia here: GIZ Country Office Report on Gender Week Events 2020 – North Macedonia

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Ghana: Video Screening ATVET for Women

On occasion of the GIZ Gender Week 2020, the GIZ South Africa and GIZ African Union in South Africa offices hosted an interactive session on ‘Gender Equality and Empowerment is my Culture: From Attitude to Action’. As part of this,

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GIZ Bangladesh celebrates International Women’s Day 2020

The Gender Working Group of GIZ Bangladesh hosted the International Women’s Day 2020 event at Long Beach Hotel in Dhaka on 8 March 2020 on the theme of Breaking Gender Stereotypes to discuss about Champions in Bangladesh who are already

Bed of Thorns Movie Night

To commemorate International Women’s Day Celebrations that took place over the weekend on Sunday 8th, an event was held on 6th March at plot 19, and was attended by 41 staff from CUSP, PRUDEV and RISE and created awareness and appreciation

We need to talk! Gender sensitive language in the media

Putting words into action – during the Gender Week the team of GIZ Kosovo talks about the issue of gender-sensitive language in media. Still gender-equalities and outdated stereotypes are often echoed across local media. Traditional depictions feminine and masculine roles


GENDER WORKING GROUP OF BRAZIL: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MAINSTREAMING Gender Competition 2020 – Gender Mainstreaming – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Brazil, gender-based inequalities permeate the economic, educational, political, health, safety and work spheres. They are historical and structural

Change comes from within – Gender Coaching and Gender Transformative Change in Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET4Women)

During the on-going Gender Week 2020, ATVET4Women would like to give you an appetizer of our ‘Gender Coaching’, which we have developed to become gender-transformative change makers in Africa. We will also show an example of the gender-transformative change that we

Estrategia de género. Avances y desafíos

Jornada “Estrategia de Género. Avances y desafíos” En la GIZ Paraguay celebraremos el Día Internacional de la Mujer con una jornada de trabajo para analizar nuestras acciones en el marco de la Estrategia de Género 2019 y mejorar nuestra comunicación


“Mulheres e Educação Profissional: Desafios, sucessos e lições para o futuro” The Education Programme of GIZ Mozambiques celebrates Gender Equality with a focus on professional training (TVET). Therefore, an event will be held in Maputo including panel debates and a

Month of Roma Women Activism “Roma Women who removes prejudices”

 Am Weltfrauentag beginnt der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen Die Roma-Frauen bauen Vorurteile ab Im Rahmen der traditionellen Maßnahme „Der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen“ startet das Roma-Frauennetzwerk am 8. März 2020 folgende Kampagne „Kinderheirat ist kein Teil der Roma–Kultur

Lancement du Réseau des Femmes Elues Municipales Tunisiennes

Lancement du Réseau des Femmes Elues Municipales Tunisiennes 07 et 08 mars 2020   La Fédération Nationale des Villes Tunisiennes (FNVT) cherche à soutenir les femmes élues dans leur mandat de gestion des affaires locales à travers la création d’un

Knowledge Café: Step It Up for Gender Equality in South African Media – Winning Project of the GIZ Gender Prize

Knowledge Cafe:  Step It Up for Gender Equality in South Africa Media – One of this year’s winners of the GIZ Gender Prize (in category GG2) !! –   The Step It Up for Gender Equality in South African Media

Taller Interno “¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Violencia contra las Mujeres?”

En la GIZ Bolivia le decimos ¡NO a la violencia contra las mujeres! El Director Residente, el Grupo de Trabajo en Temas Transversales (GTT) y el SFF Prevención, invitamos a  colaboradoras, colaboradores de la GIZ, consultoras y consultores AKUT / IP

AIZ Information desk

Information on current gender training courses and learning opportunities with a gender reference – here we look forward to your feedback: what meets the need, what do you want? Tips & tricks on gender sensitivity in the workplace And: 10

Movie Night “Bed of Thorns”

Invitation 05.03.2020b

Make a Statement – Gender Photo corner

Colleagues are invited to make a statement and raise awareness against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. The Photo Corner at country office calls for joint action, collaboration and creativity. Photo corner – make a Statement

Don`t miss! A Panel of Gender experts discussing Zebra style Politics & Women’s Rights

Panel Discussion concerning “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” This session marks the official opening of the Gender Week 2020! Refer to attachment for detailed agenda, speakers

Lady`s Breakfast – GIZ NA celebrates International Women’s day

Panel Discussion on “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” Complementing the GIZ Gender Week 2020, GIZ Namibia organised a Panel Discussion where a group of four experts

Let`s Talk – Gender Inequality at Work

Interactive, fun and practical session which aims to explore opportunities of how men can contribute towards gender equality at the workplace. Sea detailed programme here: Let’s talk Masculinity & Gender_04.03

Knowledge Café: Women, Peace and Security | Was bedeutet die Agenda Frauen, Frieden, Sicherheit für unsere Arbeit?

Was bedeutet die Agenda Frauen, Frieden, Sicherheit für unsere Arbeit? 2020 wird das Jahr der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter mit so vielen Jubiläen wichtiger internationaler Vereinbarungen wie noch nie zuvor: 5 Jahre Agenda 2030 (Agenda 2030 +5), 20 Jahre VN Resolution 1325

Women’s cooperatives facing the challenges of the rural environment

This year, GIZ celebrates the first anniversary of the implementation of the GENDER strategy in its countries of intervention, an opportunity that we seize to allow you to learn more about the first female cooperatives in Algeria created as part

Regional Commemoration of International Women’s Day 2020

EAC Main Hall, Arusha, Tanzania Please find more information in the flyer

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Gender “Get to know your rights” Workshop

GIZ Arusha, Tanzania Please see the flyer for more information

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#EachforEqual Campaign

EAC GIZ Staff in Arusha, Tanzania 17. – 21.02.2020 Please see the flyer for more information

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Economic Empowerment of Women in South East Europe

Two days Regional Workshop (Western Balkan 6 Countries) on strengthening the notarial practices in South East Europe by implementing the gender responsive share of land ownership. The workshop will cover the following sessions: – The LAT methodology and countries’ reporting

Roundtable on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

Organizing Roundtable on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment with Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy The objectie of the event is to open a discussion with the lead Governmental representatives and governmental body in charge

Sex-Disaggregated Data Collection Mechanism

Workshop on Internal GIZ CO Sex-Disaggregated Data Collection Mechanism. The objective of the workshop is to prepare the project staff nominated for collection of the sex-disaggregated data for use of the system (excel-based software templates) that is going to be

Gender Equality Strategy

PRESENTATION OF THE GIZ COUNTRY OFFICE GENDER EQUALITY STRATEGY 2020-2024. The Strategy will be presented to GIZ CO staff members including the members of the Management Team. The objective is to achieve ownership by the staff, lobby for time and

Women in Media – Workshop in the Framework of the GIZ-CPS Kenya Project “UMOJA-Radio for Peace”

•• A two-day workshop for community journalist women and the Catholic Radio stations to discuss matters of leadership and policies in our media houses. In our newsrooms, sexual harassment and sexual violence is a problem and most of our stations

Gender & Displacement: Interactive Panel Discussion and Exhibition

In the framework of the GIZ Gender Week and the Philippine Women’s month, we kindly invite you to our event on the nexus between Gender & Displacement consisting of a panel discussion and an exhibition. The event is organised by

Inclusion Initiative Pakistan

  Gender Equity in Pakistan: “There is No Tool for Development More Effective Than the Empowerment of Women” says United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Though women constitute 49% of Pakistan’s population, they constitute only 24% of the labour force. According

Women in Mining Photo Exhibition

During March we will host a photo exhibition in Bonn (in front of the Mäanderkantine) showing different women working in artisanal and small-scale Mining in Westafrica. Learn about how the mining sector affects women and girls differently than men and

Germany: Gender @ Global NDC Conference

A HARASSMENT-FREE CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In 2019, the two projects NDC Assist (BMZ) and the Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (BMU) organized an international climate conference in Berlin, the Global NDC Conference.

Ethiopia/South Sudan: Proposal for the GIZ Gender Competition 2020

Introduction: Magnitude and Scope of Gender Inequality in Ethiopia In Ethiopia, 80 percent of the population resides in rural areas and women provide most of the agricultural labour in these communities. However, their contributions often go largely unrecognized and their

Bangladesh: Empowering women in the garments industry – Business-driven approaches to gender mainstreaming

A new business-driven approach to women’s empowerment in the ready-made garment industry. On behalf of – German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Applicant – GIZ Bangladesh Gender Working Group Context   As the biggest contributor to Bangladesh’s

African Union: Gender within the African Continental Free Trade Area

Promoting gender equality   The Programme Support to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is one of the main projects within the GIZ African Union portfolio, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our ever-growing team is supporting the African Union

Pakistan: Creating agents of change in Pakistan

A larger part of the work that the Financing Sustainable Development (FSD) component of the Support to Local Governance Programme (LoGo) has been focused on during the last few months has been on aligning the businesses of women entrepreneurs in


CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The peace agreement of 2016 has changed Colombia: Many people in the country want reconciliation and believe in an upswing. The oldest leftwing guerrilla movement has surrendered most of its weapons. But the post-conflict country is facing

Algeria: Premières coopératives féminines preuve d’une bonne gouvernance environnementale et développement économique

Cadre juridique et institutionnel de l’intégration du genre en Algérie Plusieurs stratégies, programmes et mécanismes ont été conçus en Algérie pour promouvoir l’égalité des sexes et favoriser l’autonomisation des femmes parmi lesquels nous citons la stratégie nationale pour l’intégration et

Burkina Faso: Budgeting for Gender and Children’s Rights

Payoffs from coherent social and fiscal policies can be substantial. This is particular true in Burkina Faso where only one of 100 women and only four in 100 men complete secondary school, where only 26 percent of women and 44


 L’EXEMPLE DU PROGRAMME D’ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR POUR LES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ET L’EFFICACITÉ ENERGÉTIQUE (PESEREE)    Comment passe-t-on d’une liste d’objectifs et d’activités ayant pour mots clés énergies renouvelables, formations, entreprenariat féminin à un projet construit dans lequel est intégré une approche

Sharing space: Gender in GIZ Lebanon’s project world

The highlight of the week will be a small conference (rather gathering style with some snacks) where some the project participants/beneficiaries will be invited to talk about their experiences. It will be a great opportunity for first-hand insights into the

Germany: Out of the blind spot – Visibility to women professionals

1. Corporate culture When at a conference, we try to count the number of women and men at the audience. Not surprisingly, women are often in a numeric balance, if not in advantage. Nevertheless, this advantage cannot be extrapolated when

Germany: Changing Norms on Menstruation – Co-creating Menstrual Health and Hygiene Actions

Introduction In November 2019 the German Parliament agreed that from January 2020 the tax on sanitary products – the so-called Tampon Tax – would be decreased from 19% to 7%. At this year’s Menstrual Hygiene Day (28.05.) PtS Flachsbarth (


PROYECTO PILOTO TRICICLOS ELÉCTRICOS EN SAN JUAN COMALAPA, GUATEMALA PROGRAMA EUROCLIMA+            En el espacio público interactúan y conviven las personas y grupos que conforman una sociedad. Ahí observamos con más claridad las desigualdades sociales, como

Germany/Ghana: Programme Migration for Development – GENDER AND MIGRATION CONFERENCE PROGRAM

Stakeholders urged to be a voice, not an echo on gender and migration related issues. Gender is critical to the migration phenomenon. Migration is not gender neutral as gender is pivotal to any discussion that bothers on both the causes

Liberia: Empowering women in Renewable Energies

The all-female u.lab Hub at GIZ/EnDev Liberia Moving towards gender equality is essential for sustainable development. In Liberia, there are only few female energy professionals, especially in the technical areas, and there is no women-led solar installation business. Goals and

Germany: Sector programme “Sustainable rural areas” – International meetings of women living in drug crop cultivation areas

Projects involved:  Sector Project “Sustainable Rural Areas” (SV ZLR1, GG1) – Division G530 The sector project advises the BMZ on anchoring rural development approaches, including Alternative Development, in international policy processes. It cooperates with key national and international partners,

Namibia: GIZ Gender Strategy

Find GIZ Namibia’s contribution here.

Jordan: “What are Masculinities?”

1. Country context Jordan Bordering Syria, the West Bank, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Jordan is in the center of the ‘Middle East’ with approximately 10.5 million inhabitants and categorized as a lower-middle income country. In the recent decades, the Hashemite

South Africa: Step It Up for Gender Equality in South African Media

Gender Competition 2020 – GG2 – 1st Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Gender-based violence (GBV) remains one of the biggest obstacles to development in South Africa, with rape, domestic violence and intimate-partner violence particularly prevalent: one in five women over the


REFLECTING THE REALITY OF WOMEN’S ACTIVE ROLE IN THE CASHEW VALUE CHAIN                 CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women are actively engaged throughout the cashew value chain; about 80% of labor in harvesting and more

Germany: Gender-Offensive beim Betriebssport – Fußball für alle in der GIZ

„Fordert das, was euch zusteht!“ rief Marta, brasilianische Nationalspielerin, in die Kameras zu den Mädchen während der Frauen-Weltmeisterschaft im vergangenen Sommer in Frankreich. Mit ihrem Tor gegen Italien im dritten Spiel Brasiliens bei der Frauen-WM wurde Marta die beste Torschützin

Costa Rica: Género y transporte en Costa Rica

1. Contexto Comprendiendo el enfoque de género como un catalizador del desarrollo sostenible, a continuación se presenta el proceso género-sensitivo de innovación en soluciones a la inseguridad de las mujeres en el transporte público como resultado del trabajo que realiza

Pakistan: Vision needs Attitude – Attitude meets Action

1. Promoting gender equality Gender parity is fundamental to whether and how economies and societies flourish. The constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan gives equal rights to both women and men. However, in actual women are rarely equal to their

Pakistan: Mera Hunar Mera Fakhar – My Skill My Pride!

Promoting gender equality: Pakistan has more than 2.2 million population with the 60% youth across the country. We as the national of Pakistan face numerous challenges while being in the cluster of youth population specially when we speak about women

Rwanda: Tackling Gender Inequalities and Multiple Discrimination through promoting the Concept of a diverse and inclusive Workplace to owners and managers of companies in the Rwandan Energy Sector

Vision needs Attitude – Attitude meets Action At GIZ Rwanda the vision of tackling gender inequalities and multiple discrimination in the Energy Sector needs an inclusive attitude. In order to start changing the attitude of people working in the energy


“When women thrive, all of society benefits, and succeeding generations are given a better start in life.” – Kofi Annan, Ghanaian diplomat and former General Secretary of the United Nations Introduction: Agriculture is an important engine of enhancing livelihoods and

GIZ India : Gender Market Place : ”When ‘Attitude Meets Action”

GIZ India Gender Day 2020 : When ”Attitude Meets Action”  We at GIZ India kicked off the Gender Week 2020 with a Gender Breakfast Meeting organized on Monday, 3rd March by the project – Womens Economic Empowerment (Her&Now). The Breakfast meeting focused