Female leadership
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Conférence débat sur « le genre et le professionnalisme »

8 March | event for gender FPs in Chad | reports in English et en francais |
Presentation on Gender & Professionalism and film streaming

Leadership in Fragile Contexts – The Role of Women in Peacebuilding

4 March | 16.00 – 17.30 CET |
Which countries and individuals are exemplary for the participation of women in foreign
policy? Which responsibility does German foreign policy bear? How do women perceive their
role on the foreign policy stage and are their demands heard? What special challenges arise
in fragile contexts? These are some of the questions we would like to explore at our event.

Cómo cerrar las brechas de género – buenas prácticas de Centroamérica

11 March | 17.00-18.30 CET | public virtual event |
Closing gender gaps in the sectors of transport, REDD+, violence prevention, energy and geothermal energy

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Breakfast Meeting

12 March | 16.30 – 17.30 CET | virtual event for GIZ India | 
We will explore corruption’s linkages to gender equality issues and how it impacts women’s empowerment.

Campaign #womenmobilize

All of March | virtual activities, publication launch, #womenmobilize |
Follow the Hashtag #womenmobilize on Social Media to stay updated with new campaigns, insights and events! Publication of the third “Remarkable Women in Transport” 

Striving for Generation Equality – What a short film has to do with women entrepreneurship promotion in India

9 March | 11:00-12:30 CET | GIZ online event |
Join us for an exclusive screening of the critically acclaimed short film B. Selvi & Daughters followed by a discussion of the the film campaign and female entrepreneurship in the context of Generation Equality.

Mes de la Equidad, la Igualdad y la Justicia de Género en la GIZ Bolivia y Paraguay

All week | private events for GIZ Paraguay and Bolivia staff and one public song competition |
One week full of activities, events and competitions about gender equality

Female Leadership: Successes and Challenges during COVID-19

9 March | 10.30 – 12.00 CET |  GIZ Bangladesh only – documentation here |
The event highlights how COVID-19 impacted women leaders, especially their successes and challenges during the pandemic. Three women leaders will share their experiences.

Women Economic Empowerment – Best Practices from Zambia’s Agricultural Projects

17 March | 09.00 – 11.00 CET | Virtual event |
If you ever wondered what role Women Economic Empowerment can play in your project, hop in and get inspired!

Women´s Economic Empowerment in Africa (WEE) – Working towards Gender Equality in times of COVID-19

1 March | 10.00 – 12.00 CET | Public virtual event – watch recording here |
As many Covid-19 measures build on existing social and economic structures which are not gender-neutral, the effects of the pandemic affect African women particularly hard.

Multimedia exhibition: Meet the seven “Game Changers – Women in Agriculture”!

Women in rural areas bring about great changes every day despite many obstacles. As part of the special initiative ONE WORLD – No Hunger, seven women from Africa and Asia have been awarded for their commitment to agriculture. From now

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Entrepreneurship support in the rural electrification sector: Women and Men as actors of change !

Clean Energy Mini-grids (CEMG) are increasingly emerging as a very sustainable solution to energy challenges. The role of developers, operators and entrepreneurs of mini Grids is therefore crucial and their expertise and skills fundamental to the successful of the operating/management

Posted in Gender Week Blog

GIZ Bangladesh celebrates International Women’s Day 2020 – Breaking Gender Stereotypes

The Gender Working Group of GIZ Bangladesh hosted the International Women’s Day 2020 event at Long Beach Hotel in Dhaka on 8 March 2020 on the theme of Breaking Gender Stereotypes to discuss about Champions in Bangladesh who are already

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Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Jerome Martin – Fondo Conjunto México-Alemania (GIZ) | Miguel Macias – Coord. de iniciativa regional de migración (Save the Children México) | Selvia Vargas – Experta en género (Save the Children México) Duración y


Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Karina Blanco (Iniciativa Agenda 2030) |Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB) |Oficina de la Presidencia de la República (OPR) Duración: 13:00 – 15:00 hrs (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México Objetivo: Contribuir


Fecha: 10 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: José Medrano y Alfonso Figueroa – Sistema de Formación Dual México (GIZ) | Patricia Valdés – Business Partner (NESTLE) | Aprendices de empresa-escuela | Nancy Legorreta-Directora general de la agencia de publicidad (Kreatif Media).

Ghana: Video Screening ATVET for Women

On occasion of the GIZ Gender Week 2020, the GIZ South Africa and GIZ African Union in South Africa offices hosted an interactive session on ‘Gender Equality and Empowerment is my Culture: From Attitude to Action’. As part of this,

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GIZ Bangladesh celebrates International Women’s Day 2020

The Gender Working Group of GIZ Bangladesh hosted the International Women’s Day 2020 event at Long Beach Hotel in Dhaka on 8 March 2020 on the theme of Breaking Gender Stereotypes to discuss about Champions in Bangladesh who are already

Change comes from within – Gender Coaching and Gender Transformative Change in Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET4Women)

During the on-going Gender Week 2020, ATVET4Women would like to give you an appetizer of our ‘Gender Coaching’, which we have developed to become gender-transformative change makers in Africa. We will also show an example of the gender-transformative change that we

Lancement du Réseau des Femmes Elues Municipales Tunisiennes

Lancement du Réseau des Femmes Elues Municipales Tunisiennes 07 et 08 mars 2020   La Fédération Nationale des Villes Tunisiennes (FNVT) cherche à soutenir les femmes élues dans leur mandat de gestion des affaires locales à travers la création d’un

Don`t miss! A Panel of Gender experts discussing Zebra style Politics & Women’s Rights

Panel Discussion concerning “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” This session marks the official opening of the Gender Week 2020! Refer to attachment for detailed agenda, speakers

Lady`s Breakfast – GIZ NA celebrates International Women’s day

Panel Discussion on “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” Complementing the GIZ Gender Week 2020, GIZ Namibia organised a Panel Discussion where a group of four experts

Women’s cooperatives facing the challenges of the rural environment

This year, GIZ celebrates the first anniversary of the implementation of the GENDER strategy in its countries of intervention, an opportunity that we seize to allow you to learn more about the first female cooperatives in Algeria created as part

Economic Empowerment of Women in South East Europe

Two days Regional Workshop (Western Balkan 6 Countries) on strengthening the notarial practices in South East Europe by implementing the gender responsive share of land ownership. The workshop will cover the following sessions: – The LAT methodology and countries’ reporting

Women in Media – Workshop in the Framework of the GIZ-CPS Kenya Project “UMOJA-Radio for Peace”

•• A two-day workshop for community journalist women and the Catholic Radio stations to discuss matters of leadership and policies in our media houses. In our newsrooms, sexual harassment and sexual violence is a problem and most of our stations

Sharing space: Gender in GIZ Lebanon’s project world

The highlight of the week will be a small conference (rather gathering style with some snacks) where some the project participants/beneficiaries will be invited to talk about their experiences. It will be a great opportunity for first-hand insights into the

Germany: Sector programme “Sustainable rural areas” – International meetings of women living in drug crop cultivation areas

Projects involved:  Sector Project “Sustainable Rural Areas” (SV ZLR1, GG1) – Division G530 The sector project advises the BMZ on anchoring rural development approaches, including Alternative Development, in international policy processes. It cooperates with key national and international partners,


REFLECTING THE REALITY OF WOMEN’S ACTIVE ROLE IN THE CASHEW VALUE CHAIN                 CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women are actively engaged throughout the cashew value chain; about 80% of labor in harvesting and more


MOZAMBIQUE/GOOD FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE PROGRAMME CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE While the Mozambican constitution declares equal rights for everyone and takes an explicit stance against discrimination, women do not have the same degree of access to political decision- making processes, education and economic

Bangladesh: The journey of Josna Ara


“INCLUSIVE, GENDER EQUAL LABOUR MARKET IN THE MAKING” A Journey of Social Protection Programme in Indonesia in Doing the Implementation Differently     Social Protection and Mainstreaming Gender Issues While at It   In the context of the bilateral cooperation

Georgia: A Gently Fermenting Revolution – Women in the Georgian Wine Business

Private Sector Development and Vocational Education and Training in South Caucasus 1. Context Georgia is one of the oldest winemaking countries in the world. Viticulture and viniculture, have a long tradition dating back over 8000 years. In today’s time, the

Cameroon: A strong voice for equal opportunities

Radios and women entrepreneurs in rural Cameroon call for gender equality Five radio stations in the rural north of Cameroon produce a series on micro-entrepreneurs of nontimber forest products (NTFP). In fifty programmes, the women talk about their business and


PROMOTING ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN Gender Competition 2020 – GG2 – 1st Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The Indian start-up scene is on the rise. Across the metropolitan cities incubators and accelerators are set up to provide support for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Ethiopia: Energising Development (EnDev) contributions towards Gender Mainstreaming

Background Ethiopia is a landlocked country with an estimated 109 million [1]people representing the second most populous nation in Africa following Nigeria. The country is endowed with abundant renewable energy resources with an enormous potential for electricity generation. Despite this,


Programa Desarrollo del Modelo Mexicano de Formación Dual (MMFD) Presentado por José Medrano y Alfonso Figueroa I. Fomento a la igualdad de género La educación es un eje central para el desarrollo humano. De la formación depende en buena medida

Economy Wins When Women Work – “E4W” : PAKISTAN

Pakistan is an enormously diverse, multiethnic and multicultural society characterized by uneven development and distribution of resources. There are massive inequalities along social strata, regions, religions, gender and urban-rural manifestations. By international comparison, Pakistan is one of the countries with

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2020 Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

DRC: Projet Renforcement et Efficacité des Services Eau en République Démocratique du Congo

“Mettre la personne qu’il faut à la place qu’il faut plutôt que le sexe qu’il faut à la place qu’il faut.” Ruffine Mabanza, Point Focal Genre du projet RESE   Si la problématique Genre est présente dans bien des secteurs,

India: Targeted Public Distribution System

1. Brief Introduction As per the World Food Programme’s gender policy report (wfp.org/publications/wfp-gender-policy), women and girls make up 60% of the world’s chronically hungry. Little progress has been made in ensuring the equal right to food for women as enshrined

Germany: Women in Mining

STRENGTHENING GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EXTRACTIVE SECTOR                   Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women and girls account for between a third and up to half of

Regional: Competitive African Rice Initiative

Business-driven women working in rice value chains in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania Context. Rice is one of the key staple foods in Africa. The demand is rapidly increasing: the population is growing, people are moving to urban areas

Albania: Talents and Ideas for Albania’s Future – Women can make it

Type of intervention: Street fair – “ Shero- talk” The “German October” is a traditional event which occurs in Albania since 2007. The activities are mainly organized by the German Embassy in Tirana in cooperation with other German actors in

Benin: Résultats du Projet ProPFR en matière d’approche genre sur la Phase 2016-2019

Programme Spécial “Un Seul Monde sans Faim” SEWOH Projet Promotion de Politique Foncière Responsable (GIZ/ProPFR) 1 Promotion de l’égalité de genre Contexte / Situation / Baseline / Problématique  L’état de droit règne au Bénin et la société civile joue

Gender-Transformative Change in Agricultural Skills Development

Women are the backbone of Africa’s agricultural sector. How many times have you heard this phrase? Over and over, experts have highlighted the importance of women in the agricultural workforce and in rural development. Too often, words have failed to

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Let’s talk Gender – from local to national, on and offline!

GIZ Colombia and APC (Presidential Office for int. Cooperation) launched their gender publication and participated in an international campaign for Women in Rural areas of Latin America From the fifteen stories that brought to life the publication Junt*s transformamos Colombia

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Female lawyer breakfast

The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Legal Reform (ORF-LR) project together with the IPA 2017 project “Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans”, organized on the 26th of March in Tirana, Albania, a “Working Breakfast with Female

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Celebration de la Journée de la femme 2019 – GIZ, Fondation Hanns Seidel, KfW

LA GIZ en RD Congo célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Femme 2019 en collaboration avec la KfW et la Fondation Hanns Seidel. Cette journée d’échanges et de réflexion s’inscrit dans le cadre de la promotion du dialogue entre collègues (hommes-femmes) afin

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“Empowerment goes Digital” auf dem Digital Gateway

Empowerment goes Digital! Digital technologies open up undreamt-of possibilities and at the same time harbour the risk of reproducing or even exacerbating existing inequalities. Our new Trend-Topic provides suggestions on how this can be avoided, shows what kind of gender-specific differences

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Round table “Mauritanian Working Women”

  Dans le cadre du partenariat établi autour de l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de la feuille de route pour l’engagement avec la société civile en Mauritanie, l’UE et les Etats membres participants (l’Allemagne, l’Espagne et la France) organisent

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Charla bimodal sobre equidad de género

En sintonía con el lema de la estrategia actualizada de género y recientemente difundida “Género recargado: La visión necesita actitud y la actitud se encuentra con la acción”, se realizará una charla de sensibilización en temas de género, especialmente para las

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Womanomics – successfull female positioning in the job

Our first two events 2019 Speed Coaching – Female Finance “Language and Salary Negotiation” and the keynote event “Womanomics” took place in Eschborn with a sensational success! The registrations for our offered Speed Coaching – Female Finance “Language and Salary

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Laos: Inspirational Presentation on Female Leadership and Career Development

In November 2018, the European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR (ECCIL), together with Austcham, Austaid and the Lao Business Women’s Association, invited 180 female students to an inspirational presentation on female leadership and career development in Vientiane.

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Resumen del Seminario “Juntas Crecemos con Energía, mujeres liderando la innovación con Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética”

Conversatorio_final Desde Chile compartimos un ejemplo de buena practica: Seminario “Juntas Crecemos con Energía, mujeres liderando la innovación con Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética”  Para difundir las posibilidades que las Energías Renovables y la Eficiencia Energética ofrecen a los emprendimientos

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Girls2Leaders (Communication sur le leadership féminin suivi d’un slam des 24 stagiaires intègres de la Ministère de Finances et Ministère de Plan et de Développement (MEF/MPD/INSAE) sur leur expérience comme femme en profession Une activité du projet “Appui-Conseil Macroeconomique pour

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Leadership féminin en Afrique francophone

Leadership féminin et Promotion des Objectifs du Développement Durable en Afrique Francophone : Colloque en coopération avec la Délégation de l’Union Européenne à l’université Abomey-Calavi

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Forum Table Discussion: Economic independence: testimonies from women entrepreneurs

Organisation of Forum Table discussion on Economic independence: testimonies from women entrepreneurs. Place: Municipality of Canton Muisne, Date: March 8 Time: 9h00 – 13h30 Organisers: Peace and Development and the Coalition for Gender Equality of Canton Muisne and ProCamBio II,

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Tanzanian women entrepreneurs bring powerfoods from Africa to Europe

Freshly prepared, dried, as powder or oil, as food supplements or cosmetics – Baobab and Moringa can be used to make a wide variety of products. So far, however, African plants can hardly be found in local and European shops because

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with: , , , ,

Women for the energy sector: let’s inspire our young generation!

Experienced women are inspirational role models for young girls! Known as a male-dominated sector, the energy sector requires high skills, consistency and hard work. More women have been working in this sector for years now and have gained many years

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Women can do anything! Crafts, entrepreneurship, local governance!

Women can do anything! Get active in the craft sector, build enterprises, construct communities. A dual apprenticeship system exists in Kpalimé, Togo. Yet, young women are largely underrepresented in classes. They lack role models who could inspire them to go

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Gender in Ministry of Decentralisation

Atelier de sensibilisation/réflexion sur la Promotion du Genre au sein du Ministère de la décentralisation et de la gouvernance locale

Mentoring Program for women at GIZ

GIZ’s female colleagues will exchange opinions, interests and expectations to create a mentoring program within the institution that allows colleagues in the G3 and G4 bands to learn from more experienced colleagues and will allow them to develop their careers,

GIZ: Policy of equality

Atelier La politique d’égalité des sexes dans la GIZ, y compris la conciliation de la vie professionnelle et familiale, les rôles de genre et la protection contre la discrimination et le harcèlement sur le lieu de travail ensemble avec la

GIZ: Human Ressource Strategy

Atelier pour AMAs: La nouvelle stratégie Ressource humaine de la GIZ: ce qui change ici en vue d’améliorer l’équilibre entre profession et famille avec la Chargée de l’égalité de la GIZ, Mme Sabine Gürtner

Girls Day in Finance Ministry

Girl’s Day Les ENEAMES à  la découverte des professionnels de la politique économique du Bénin Visite par une cinquantaine d’étudiantes dans les deux ministères (lancement DC et Ambassade)

Gender Week 2018: Breaking the Glass Ceiling

The GIZ Bangladesh Gender Working Group is organising the Gender Week 2018 event “Breaking the Glass Ceiling” commemorating International Women’s Day on 8 March 2018 in Dhaka. The session explores how more women can achieve leadership positions. Rubana Huq, Managing Director, Mohammadi

“Women at Work” / Photo Contest

Photo Contest “Women at Work” On the occasion of the GIZ Genderweek 2018, GIZ Tunisia invites you all to take part in a photo contest around the motto “Women at work” open to everyone on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GIZTunisie/posts/1643550399062860 Participate

Get involved & stay engaged: Urban activism and more opportunities for Women’s Empowerment

Indonesia’s identity as a multicultural country, with the fourth biggest population worldwide and as one of the twenty most important industrial and emerging market economies (G 20) is one of the largest and most influential economies in the region (ASEAN)

Gender Café “Women’s careers: keys to success”

GIZ and KfW Cameroon dedicate the afternoon of International Women’s Day 2018 to women’s careers. All female colleagues of GIZ and KfW Cameroun in Yaoundé are invited to participate in the Gender Café, to discuss which factors can lead to

Talent exhibition village, conferences and carnival celebrations

GIZ Madagascar is taking part in the gender week celebrations led by the Ministry promoting gender equity. Numerous women’s associations that we support from our intervention regions – eco-tourism, protected area management, jewelry linked to artisanal mining, women’s mayors association

Yemen: Empowering Women by Ensuring Food Security and Breaking Stereotypes in Beekeeping

Empowering Women by Ensuring Food Security and Breaking Stereotypes in Beekeeping Yemen, one of the world’s poorest countries, has been affected politically and suffered from human crisis since March 2011, and later devastated by war since March 2015. Such crisis

Liberia: Capacity Development in the Transport Sector

Project Name: 12.2539.0-001-00 Capacity Development in the Transport Sector in Liberia with focus on private sector development Duration: 2008 – 2019 Partner: Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Finance and Development, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Education, Association of Liberian

Cot d*Ivoire: La promotion de l’égalité du genre dans la gestion durable des ressources naturelles

La promotion de l’égalité du genre dans la gestion durable des ressources naturelles à la périphérie du Parc national de Taï en Côte d’Ivoire: Cas des ressources halieutiques du Lac de Buyo et des arbres forestiers alimentaires. Introduction Depuis 1993,

Madagascar: Leadership au feminin dans la gouvernance locale

Une faible participation des femmes La stratégie de développement de Madagascar est basée sur la Décentralisation. Ainsi, les communes, en tant que gouvernement local, jouent un rôle prépondérant pour la mise en œuvre de toute politique de développement de proximité.

Ethiopia: The Female Innovator Support Group & First Female Business Idea Competition at Hawassa University

1. Introduction – How it starts and what we have achieved so fare 2. Background – What need to be known to understand the low female participation? 3. The FIS Concept, the FIS Group and the FIS Activities & Capacities

1ra Jornada de Formación de la Red Mujeres en Energía Renovable y Eficiencia Energética (REDMEREE)

Este evento formó parte de las acciones para el fortalecimiento de capacidades de la REDMEREE, una red cuyo objetivo es impulsar un sector de energía renovable y eficiencia energética que promueva un desarrollo sustentable y humano donde mujeres y hombres

In-house conversation about women’s professional development and leadership / Conversatorio sobre liderazgo y desarrollo profesional de las mujeres

El Conversatorio sobre liderazgo y desarrollo profesional de las mujeres tuvo como objetivo generar un espacio de diálogo a través del cual mujeres en puestos gerenciales compartieran algunas experiencias y recomendaciones en el tema con colegas de la GIZ. El

Lunch debate/Déjeuner-débat: En quoi la décentralisation contribue-elle à l’épanouissement et à l’émergences des femmes ?

Event Documentation: The Topic of the day was “Economic Empowerment in a changing world of work”. We gave several Inputs in order to give an overview on global questions of gender before focusing on Mali discussing the following Topics: –

Gender Sensitive Initiatives to Reduce Malnutrition: A Joint Action to Improve Dietary Diversity among Women and Children in Madhya Pradesh (India)

“It has been the tradition for women and girls to eat last. This is how it has always been. No one dares question the tradition”. (Pregnant woman, District Chhatarpur) Sheopur and Chhatarpur are among the most backward and remote districts

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Global Platform on Gender Equality and Religion launched

Building on the growing recognition that the role of faith-based organizations in addressing the needs of women and girls is critical, a global Platform on “Gender Equality and Religion” was launched on 15 March at the on-going UN Commission on

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Gender Corner at Country Planning Conference in Mongolia

Event Documentation: During GIZ Gender Week 2017, the Gender Focal Points (GFP) of GIZ Mongolia created a Gender corner in the Country Planning Workshop on March 10, 2017. The gender corner introduced the GFPs as well as promoted the GIZ

MY WORLD Mentoring Toolkit available now

The MY WORLD Mentoring Toolkit explaining the Young Women Mentoring Program in Uganda presented at GIZ Eschborn during GIZ Gender Week 2017 is now available on DMS for GIZ colleagues. Hopefully the toolkit will be useful to all those interested in setting up a similar program

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Wear you purple ribbons if you stand for equality on IWD (and every other day)

On march 8th 2017, the Corporate Sustainability Handprint Comittee for Family and Work balance proposed to wear purple ribbons. Instead of just saying “Happy International Women´s Day”, we invited all GIZ Costa Rica personnel to wear purple ribbons to conmmemorate and

Engendering the electoral process ahead of the 2017 general elections in Kenya

Kenya has made strides in achieving gender equality and equity in the last years. Article 27 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 espouses the rights of women as being equal to men’s and  accords them equal protection and benefit before

Posted in Gender Week Blog

GIZ India : Gender Cafe and more..

At GIZ India, we began the GIZ Gender Week with an action punch self-defense session! The Risk and Security Desk of the GIZ Office organized separate sessions related to safety and self-defense techniques for both men and women. Both men

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Power With Purpose is recognising female leadership in global development

Devex and McKinsey & Company are honoring five female leaders that are tackling some of the biggest challenges ahead of the global development community. Social Entrepreneurs, heads of foundations and aid agencies, corporate sustainability pioneers, public figures and elected officials;

Posted in Gender Week Blog