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Gender Month Mozambique 2023

In Mozambique, a full Gender Month is being celebrated every year between March, the 8th (International Women Day) and April, the 7th (Mozambican Women Day). In 2023, GIZ Mozambique and EnDev were elected to follow the main theme of the

LIVE TALK: Exploring New Frontiers in Gender-Smart Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Policymaking: A Toolkit

Exploring New Frontiers in Gender-Smart Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Policymaking: A Toolkit 8 March 2023, 14:30- 15:30 (CET) About the Webinar This is the sixth session of a LIVE TALK series on Gender and Climate Risk Finance jointly hosted by the

Knowledge Café // Gender Special // GG-Portfolio der Abteilung 4C – quo vadis und wie?

FMB intern – 4C: Der 8. März, was war das doch gleich für ein Tag? Genau, internationaler Tag der Frauen. An diesem und rund um diesen Tag finden sowohl innerhalb der GIZ als auch außerhalb verschiedene Termine statt (z. B.

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

INFO CARAVANS: Innovation – Technology for the Gender Equality in Civil Status

Les femmes du Bureau National de l’État Civil ensemble pour UN MONDE DIGITAL INCLUSIF :  INNOVATION ET TECHNOLOGIES POUR L’ÉGALITÉ DES SEXES/ Registration: An Important Tool for the Protection of Women and Girls’ Rights in Digital Spaces There will be

Launch Event of the German Federal Foreign Office Guidelines on Feminist Foreign Policy

@Federal Foreign Office On  1 March 2023, 14:00h – 15:00h CET the German Federal Foreign Office will launch its Guidelinies on Feminist Foreign Policy. The event, which will be hosted by Foreign Minister Baerbock, will take place in the Weltsaal of

Feminist Approaches in Alternative Development: The Case of Albania

14. March, 08:00-09:00 CET, Vienna International Center This side event is held in the margins of the 66th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and organized by GIZ’s Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development (GPDPD). It

Iraq: Roundtabel on gender-responsive public services

Baghdad, 12th of March 2023: How can gender equality improve the efficiency and quality of public services in Iraq? How can the voices of women be taken more into account within decision-making processes of the public administration? Female representatives from governmental

Rethinking the digital economy for gender justice and decent work

GIZ’s project ‘Future of Work’ and ILO invite you to the webinar series, taking a closer look at the realities and future of women’s work in the digital economy. After a very successful first session, the second webinar will take

Daycare Center as A Coping Mechanism for Working Parents in Dhaka City: A Study on Social Perception

With the increasing female employment and changing demographical structure, parents are looking for alternative childcare options. Thus the service of daycare centers is getting popular in urban settings of Bangladesh. A study by Tabassum (2017) attempts to find out the

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MenstruAction – From Enthusiasm to Action: See how the GIZ Staff Initiative joined the Global Menstrual Health and Hygiene Movement

Update! Find the newest version of the MenstruAction publication here: FINAL-GIZ_MenstruAction-Publication-2023-03-20-WEB-SP Just in time for Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28th May, the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction celebrates the journey from its beginnings until today in a new GIZ publication, illustrating

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Fostering economic participation of vulnerable groups including IDPs in the Sea of Azov region

U-LEAD with Europe Programme

Engaging Religious and traditional actors to prevent Gender-Based Violence (GBV)


Gender for Basic Education and Professional Training in Mozambique

The Women Development and Training Centres in Libya (WDTC)


GIZ GHANA – GovID Programme



Proyecto para el Fortalecimiento de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en México (PROFOSC)

Women Water Leaders
Promoting gender equality within AWARE

Proyecto Fortalecimiento del Estado de Derecho
en América Central

InsuResilience Center of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions

Gender Award 2022 2nd Prize GG1 category

ASEAN-German Energy Programme’s (AGEP’s) gender inclusive approach on the region’s energy development

Programme “Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia”

Partager pour mieux préserver

GIZ Cambodia Contributions to Internal Gender Mainstreaming


Projet « renforcement des structures de santé, en particulier dans le domaine de la planification
familiale et de la santé des droits sexuels et reproductifs au Burundi »

PAZ COMUNAL: Incidencia política de las mujeres como aporte a la buena gobernanza municipal para la paz


Indo-German Programme on Universal Health Coverage: Empowering women in their health and beyond through national health insurance

Gender meets Religion

Strengthening capacity of government agencies in integrating gender equality in the development of legal normative documents

Promoting gender equality (40% of marks)Which objectives and results has your initiative achieved?Describe the context, the organisational unit, the sector or the situation in your country or region. Tell us which approaches have proven effective, which results have already been

Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina are taking Rights into their own hands through a Free Legal Aid Application

Project: Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Legal ReformCountry: Bosnia and HerzegovinaCategory: GG1 Background information Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Legal ReformThe ORF Legal Reform project is one of the six Open Regional Funds (ORF), which

Concours genre 2022 (contribution GIZ/BGF/PIREDD/Maniema)

Proyecto ROLESSS

Concurso de Género de la GIZ 2022 Postulados: Asesor y coordinadora del Programa S I Frontera. Proyecto ROLESSS (Redes de Orientación y Liderazgo para la Superación del Sufrimiento Social). Lugar de ejecución: municipios fronterizos de Cúcuta y Villa del Rosario

From understanding to action to policy: How gender-sensitive corruption prevention and women’s economic empowerment reinforce each other

GIZ Gender Award 2022 1st Prize GG1 category

Gender equality promotion of CLiPAD/I-GFLL project

Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)

1. Rationale of Intervention – Setting the Context Around 700 million people in India gained access to electricity between 2000 and 2018. This reflects strong and effective policy implementation efforts by various players (International Energy Agency, 2021). But providing reliable

Mujeres indígenas, acceso a la justicia y COVID-19

12 March | 19.00 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Reflect on the justiciability of the rights of indigenous women in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Oaxaca; in order to mainstream the perspectives of interculturality; racism, gender and legal pluralism in its various lines of work.


Lanzamiento de Grupo de Trabajo de Género e Integridad Empresarial

11 March | 17.00 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Join the efforts of local organizations in Mexico and Colombia that are already working on the issue of Gender and Business Integrity.

Violencia de género durante la pandemia por COVID-19

8 March | 16.00 CET | Workshop for Gender Group Mexico and CSOs |
Discussion of the effects of confinement on men and women, as well as the actions and challenges of care from the perspective of organized civil society.

Online Conference “Access of women in rural areas to property rights”

26 February | Online conference for invited guests |
The online conference focused on increasing the cooperation for active promotion of positive examples of gender equality, establishment of mechanisms for education and information of the women from the rural areas for their economic and social development.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Gender Equality in Tunisia

10 March | 10.00 CET | Online event for GIZ staff in French |
Presentation and discussion of the findings of a COVID-19 impact analysis on gender equality in Tunisia, including 

Conférence débat sur « le genre et le professionnalisme »

8 March | event for gender FPs in Chad | reports in English et en francais |
Presentation on Gender & Professionalism and film streaming

District Gender Dialogue in Mbale and Moroto

All week | dialogue streamed on Ugandan community-based radio |
Open dialogue on the roles of local government, civil society, academia and the media in achieving women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life.

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Breakfast Meeting

12 March | 16.30 – 17.30 CET | virtual event for GIZ India | 
We will explore corruption’s linkages to gender equality issues and how it impacts women’s empowerment.

African Union Panel Discussion on GBV and women migrant workers

10 March | 14.00-15.30 CET | private event for African Union members and stakeholders |
How can Africa achieve social justice by including everyone’s protection needs and voices?

“Towards a Gender-Equal World” – Official Opening of GIZ Gender Week 2021

8 March | 14.00 – 15.30 CET | public virtual event |
This year’s GIZ Gender Week will take stock of how we are dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 at present and how best we can safe-guard achievements made on gender equality against any deterioration and backlash.

WBG Women, Business and the Law 2021 report and findings & German policy provisions and actions aimed at closing existing gender gaps

10 March | 15.00 – 16.30 CET | public virtual event | 
Presentation, discussion and exchange with high-level members of the WBG, BMZ and GIZ. 

Women Success Stories from South East Europe

To promote economic empowerment of rural women through the support of women entrepreneurship, it is crucial that women are informed about property rights, in particular in relation to agriculture businesses. This collection of success stories from women from South East

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Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Karina Blanco (Iniciativa Agenda 2030) |Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB) |Oficina de la Presidencia de la República (OPR) Duración: 13:00 – 15:00 hrs (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México Objetivo: Contribuir

Participación socio política con equidad en Guatemala

Participantes: Colaboradores y colaboradoras de la GIZ Guatemala, personal nacional y expertos CIM de los proyectos y programas. Panelistas invitadas: Diputada al Congreso de la República-Andrea Villagrán y Dra. Ana Silvia Monzón -Docente de Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Month of Roma Women Activism “Roma Women who removes prejudices”

 Am Weltfrauentag beginnt der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen Die Roma-Frauen bauen Vorurteile ab Im Rahmen der traditionellen Maßnahme „Der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen“ startet das Roma-Frauennetzwerk am 8. März 2020 folgende Kampagne „Kinderheirat ist kein Teil der Roma–Kultur

Lancement du Réseau des Femmes Elues Municipales Tunisiennes

Lancement du Réseau des Femmes Elues Municipales Tunisiennes 07 et 08 mars 2020   La Fédération Nationale des Villes Tunisiennes (FNVT) cherche à soutenir les femmes élues dans leur mandat de gestion des affaires locales à travers la création d’un

Economic Empowerment of Women in South East Europe

Two days Regional Workshop (Western Balkan 6 Countries) on strengthening the notarial practices in South East Europe by implementing the gender responsive share of land ownership. The workshop will cover the following sessions: – The LAT methodology and countries’ reporting

Gender Equality Strategy

PRESENTATION OF THE GIZ COUNTRY OFFICE GENDER EQUALITY STRATEGY 2020-2024. The Strategy will be presented to GIZ CO staff members including the members of the Management Team. The objective is to achieve ownership by the staff, lobby for time and

Women in Mining Photo Exhibition

During March we will host a photo exhibition in Bonn (in front of the Mäanderkantine) showing different women working in artisanal and small-scale Mining in Westafrica. Learn about how the mining sector affects women and girls differently than men and

Economy Wins When Women Work – “E4W” : PAKISTAN

Pakistan is an enormously diverse, multiethnic and multicultural society characterized by uneven development and distribution of resources. There are massive inequalities along social strata, regions, religions, gender and urban-rural manifestations. By international comparison, Pakistan is one of the countries with

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2020 Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Celebration de la Journée de la femme 2019 – GIZ, Fondation Hanns Seidel, KfW

LA GIZ en RD Congo célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Femme 2019 en collaboration avec la KfW et la Fondation Hanns Seidel. Cette journée d’échanges et de réflexion s’inscrit dans le cadre de la promotion du dialogue entre collègues (hommes-femmes) afin

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Journée internationale des droits des femmes.

 GIZ Algeria organized on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 workshops on the theme of gender. The sessions were led by Ms. Aicha Zinai, gender expert and member of the National Council of Human Rights ; as well as and by the

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Gender in Ministry of Decentralisation

Atelier de sensibilisation/réflexion sur la Promotion du Genre au sein du Ministère de la décentralisation et de la gouvernance locale

Gender Equality for Good Governance

Given that gender equality is one of the key criteria for good governance, achieving results in this area requires coordinated engagement within and outside institutions and other mechanisms in Kosovo. For this purpose, we invite you to the Gender Equality

Plurinational: The GIZ Rainbow Network

Promoting a more inclusive gender approach Advocating respect for human rights, equal opportunities and integrity are core values of GIZ. The GIZ Rainbow Network is actively pursuing to make this a lived reality by promoting structural embodiment of lesbian, gay,

MENA: Regional approach to institutionalize gender mainstreaming

Women’s political participation in the Middle East is among the lowest worldwide. A goal of the programme Strengthening Women in Decision Making in the Middle East – LEAD is to support an enabling environment for gender equality and women’s leadership

Marocco: Translating GIZ Gender Strategy into practice

Starting with the designation of two new Gender Focal Points in 2015, the GIZ Office in Morocco worked towards the implementation of the GIZ Gender Strategy through a strategic and concerted effort. In early 2016, the Gender Focal Points organized

Tunisia: View of Gender Focal Point Tunisia

Soumission au Concours Genre 2018 Au nom du Groupe Genre de la GIZ Tunisie, nous avons le plaisir de soumettre notre dossier pour le Concours Genre 2018, dans la catégorie “Intégration de la dimension du genre dans l’entreprise”. Nous espérons

Pakistan: Gender and Security

Presently, GIZ employs around 45 international and 350 national staff and implements projects throughout Pakistan, a male and Muslim dominated country. Cultural as well as gender considerations differ considerably from Western norms with gender mainstreaming often considered to be a

Germany: Putting Gender Equality at the Core of the G20

Women20 as International Implementation Partner    Background Diversity and full participation are es-sential for fostering resilient, sustaina-ble and viable economies and socie-ties. Equal rights and women’s eco-nomic empowerment are thus funda-mental for a prosperous world and so-cial development. The Women20

GIZ Bolivia: Community of Practice Practice Gender and Interculturality// Bolivia: GIZ Bolivia Hace Camino Al Andar El Grupo De Temas Transversales

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The plurinational state of Bolivia shows one of the highest indicators of gender-based violence and feminicide in the Americas. Statistically, 7 in 10 women will experience some sort of violence in their life, most likely during´a romantic

Brazil: Unterstützung brasilianischer Unternehmen bei der Einführung und Umsetzung eines Diversity-Managements

I. Förderung der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird der bereits erfolgreich angestoßene Prozess beschrieben, den die Auslandshandelskammer (AHK) São Paulo und die GIZ Brasilien zur Förderung des Diversity Managements bei brasilianischen Unternehmen angestoßen haben. Die Idee für

Nicaragua: The “glass ceiling” for women also exists in National Human Rights Institutions

At first glance, the world of ombudsman institutions in Latin America is female: The majority of the staff is female and in almost all institutions, there is a specialized unit dealing with women’s rights. Yet, this reality is different: While

Indonesia: Opening insight: KPK saved the life of Mr. Rumi’s baby

Assistance in Preventing and Combating Corruption in Indonesia (APCC) Entry for the Gender Competition 2017 Opening insight: KPK saved the life of Mr. Rumi’s baby “Corruption not only stops counties from getting wealthier, it ruins peoples’ life.” says an officer

Burundi: La Femme Burundaise, leader du changement

Contexte sur le Genre au Burundi   Au Burundi, comme dans la plupart d’autres so-ciétés, la culture attribue aux filles et aux femmes des rôles et fonctions différentes de celles des garçons et des hommes et ce fait engendre des

Benin: Gender House

  Le tableau ci-avant présenté montre plusieurs dimensions du genre à savoir : Tout d’abord, l’homme sur l’échelle en train de mettre l’enseigne GIZ et la femme qui met la peinture sont un noir et une blanche tous deux employés

Madagascar: Leadership au feminin dans la gouvernance locale

Une faible participation des femmes La stratégie de développement de Madagascar est basée sur la Décentralisation. Ainsi, les communes, en tant que gouvernement local, jouent un rôle prépondérant pour la mise en œuvre de toute politique de développement de proximité.

Botswana: Operationalization of UNSCR 1325 in the SADC Region

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The GIZ Peace Security and Good Governance Programme (PSGG) commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) supports the Southern African Development Community (SADC), one of the five Regional Economic Communities in Africa.

Sierra Leone: Empowering Women in Sierra Leone’s Mining Communities

Please note that the following characters and dialogue are fictive and do not reflect a situation that has really happened. However, figures, events and names cited are correct. And nonetheless, just maybe, somewhere in Sierra Leone’s East and major mining

Rwanda: Striving for gender equality in local planning processes

Country: Rwanda Project: Striving for gender equality in citizen-oriented participatory governance Submitted by: One Mainstreaming team (Anna Emil & Dieneke ter Huurne) and the Decentralisation and Good Governance programme (Dominique Habimana, Celine Mukamana, Tristan Powell) “Rwandan culture and patriarchal systems

Lunch debate/Déjeuner-débat: En quoi la décentralisation contribue-elle à l’épanouissement et à l’émergences des femmes ?

Event Documentation: The Topic of the day was “Economic Empowerment in a changing world of work”. We gave several Inputs in order to give an overview on global questions of gender before focusing on Mali discussing the following Topics: –

Celebrated Debate: Gender-Week Mozambique

About 50 colleagues participated in the Gender Week Event of GIZ Mozambique, including some representatives from NGOs and EU delegation. Based on a participative approach and on pictures of Mozambican women – fruit sellers, waste collectors and accountants from the Mozambican

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Engendering the electoral process ahead of the 2017 general elections in Kenya

Kenya has made strides in achieving gender equality and equity in the last years. Article 27 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 espouses the rights of women as being equal to men’s and  accords them equal protection and benefit before

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Closing event of the gender week in Benin: 13 events in total

Event Documentation: GIZ Benin participated in the GIZ Gender Week from 06 to 10 march 2017 by organizing 13 out of 43 events held by the Africa Department, for example an exhibition about gender and equal access to energy which

Conference “Gender-sensitive Budgeting” at the Benin Ministry of Planning

Event Documentation: On the occasion of the International Women’s Day the program “Macroeconomic advisory service on poverty reduction”  (ACMERP) organised a conference on the subject “gender-sensitive budgeting”.  The conference took place at the Ministry of Planning. Pictures: Have a look at

“Make your move!”

On the 8th of March 2017, citizens in Mafeteng, Lesotho, are going to be encouraged to voice out their own individual opinions concerning gender. These different opinions will generate an innovative and productive environment for a discussion that will point

Women’s Day in Mokhotlong, Lesotho

As the GIZ PISA project is a platform that provides political information, we as the local PISA Center in Mokhotlong will, on the 8th of March 2017, concentrate on women’s rights. Especially in rural areas, women are faced with challenges

Women in leadership – be bold for change in Lesotho

We as the GIZ PISA Maseru district team, will spend the entire morning of the 07th of March 2017 on the topic of Gender equality. We have invited two women that are in leading positions, to share with the citizens

High school Debate on Gender Activity

Men and women should be treated equally. This very basic topic is going to be our motto here at the PISA district center in Quthing, Lesotho. On Friday 08th of March 2017 we will invite the debating clubs of two

Gender lunchbreak Tanzania

Open discussion (ask questions, share experirences) on gender during lunch brek

Women in public spaces

Event Documentation: On the occasion of the celebration of the International Women’s Day by GIZ in Mozambique, the Good Financial Governance („BGF“) program is pleased to present several of its initiatives for gender equity and women empowerment in the country.

Gender at GIZ Mauritania

We would like to raise awareness on the importance of gender in our projects and to look at gender issues amongst staff – the whole GIZ in Mauritania is invited to exchange and discuss these topics. The results of a survey among

Women, Land and Corruption

The national chapter of Transparency International in Madagascar produced a short movie (~ 5 minutes) on the topic: “Women, land and corruption”. This short movie will be broadcasted on the national TV channel of Madagascar (TVM) and a private channel

Open Forum: Transforming Leadership – Women, Men, Power and Potential

The GIZ Global Leadership Academy together with the Asian Development Bank co-convenes an Open Forum at the GIZ Representation in Berlin on 31 March 2017 with welcome remarks by Dr. Christoph Beier, Vice-Chair of GIZ Management Board, and Debra Kertzmann,

Gender in the perception of Kyrgyz society

UN Women will present and discuss with GIZ-Kyrgyzstan the key results of the Study “Gender in the perception of society”: What do these perceptions mean for our daily work and how can we deal with the resulting challenges or opportunities?

OECD issues new DAC gender equality policy marker

The OECD DAC has launched new minimum criteria for the DAC gender equality policy marker. As from January 2017 a gender analysis and a ‘do no harm’ approach is compulsory for all aid activities to ensure at minimum that the

Posted in Gender Week Blog

“Beauty of Taxation” – an innovative approach to female empowerment

Women Empowerment by Educating Beauty Salons Entrepreneurs At first, few would dare to associate taxation with beauty. But the two can be combined as evidenced by the collaboration of Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), in the

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Presentation/Discussion on ‘Gender-Sensitive Project Implementation’

Date: 09 March 2017, 14.00 – 16.00 h, GIZ Kosovo House 1, big conference room Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to join us for a short presentation and a discussion on ‘Gender-Sensitive Project Implementation’ on Thursday, 09.03.2017.