SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
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African Union: Gender within the African Continental Free Trade Area

Promoting gender equality   The Programme Support to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is one of the main projects within the GIZ African Union portfolio, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our ever-growing team is supporting the African Union

Pakistan: Creating agents of change in Pakistan

A larger part of the work that the Financing Sustainable Development (FSD) component of the Support to Local Governance Programme (LoGo) has been focused on during the last few months has been on aligning the businesses of women entrepreneurs in

Sharing space: Gender in GIZ Lebanon’s project world

The highlight of the week will be a small conference (rather gathering style with some snacks) where some the project participants/beneficiaries will be invited to talk about their experiences. It will be a great opportunity for first-hand insights into the

Liberia: Empowering women in Renewable Energies

The all-female u.lab Hub at GIZ/EnDev Liberia Moving towards gender equality is essential for sustainable development. In Liberia, there are only few female energy professionals, especially in the technical areas, and there is no women-led solar installation business. Goals and


REFLECTING THE REALITY OF WOMEN’S ACTIVE ROLE IN THE CASHEW VALUE CHAIN                 CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women are actively engaged throughout the cashew value chain; about 80% of labor in harvesting and more

Pakistan: Mera Hunar Mera Fakhar – My Skill My Pride!

Promoting gender equality: Pakistan has more than 2.2 million population with the 60% youth across the country. We as the national of Pakistan face numerous challenges while being in the cluster of youth population specially when we speak about women


“When women thrive, all of society benefits, and succeeding generations are given a better start in life.” – Kofi Annan, Ghanaian diplomat and former General Secretary of the United Nations Introduction: Agriculture is an important engine of enhancing livelihoods and

Bangladesh: The journey of Josna Ara

Togo: Lutte contre les stéréotypes sexuels dans le système d’apprentissage professionnel et réduction de l’influence négative des déterminants socioculturels du statut de la femme sur l’économie locale

1.       Brève présentation du Togo Le Togo est un petit pays situé en Afrique de l’ouest. Il couvre une superficie de 56 785 km² avec une population de 7,6 millions d’habitants[1] dont 51% vit en milieu rural. Pays non industriel, l’économie


“INCLUSIVE, GENDER EQUAL LABOUR MARKET IN THE MAKING” A Journey of Social Protection Programme in Indonesia in Doing the Implementation Differently     Social Protection and Mainstreaming Gender Issues While at It   In the context of the bilateral cooperation

Pakistan: Gender Disparities in Local labour Market

Background   Evidence-based employment policy-making requires identifying and quantifying the best practices and inefficiencies in the job market, such as underutilization of skilled workforce and lack of decent job opportunities. This is the first step in designing employment policies aimed

Georgia: A Gently Fermenting Revolution – Women in the Georgian Wine Business

Private Sector Development and Vocational Education and Training in South Caucasus 1. Context Georgia is one of the oldest winemaking countries in the world. Viticulture and viniculture, have a long tradition dating back over 8000 years. In today’s time, the

Madagascar: Women Empowerment for a Greener Future in the South-West of Madagascar (Atsimo-Andrefana)

Supported by PAGE, the Environmental Project of GIZ Madagascar The environment, forestry and renewable energy sector are at the centre of the bilateral cooperation between Germany and Madagascar. The Programme d’Appui à la Gestion de l’Environnement (PAGE) is a support

Pakistan: Inspiring Change – Women in Action in the Textile & Garment Industry of Punjab

Introduction to GIZ’s Labour Standards Programme in Punjab In the area of labour and environmental standards, particularly in the textile and garment industry in Pakistan’s Punjab province, GIZ’s Labour Standards Programme (LSP) is carrying out activities which aims to improve

South Africa: „Woman in Plumbing”, – or why pipes don’t care who installed them

A review on implementing gender issues in a male dominated work environment       South Africa has one of the most progressive, equality supporting constitutions in the world which states that: “No person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly

Yemen: Towards Gender Equality

GIZ Gender Competition 2020 The Youth Employability Improvement Program (YEIP) in Yemen is part of the Special Initiative on Stabilization in the Middle East and North Africa funded by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented

Bolivia: Comunidades de Práctica (CdP) en Género y Energía en La Paz y Cochabamba

A partir de estas políticas internas, el PEERR organizó un grupo focal para la realización del “Análisis de género del Programa de Energías Renovables PEERR II”. Resultado de ello, se reconoció la necesidad de crear un espacio de encuentro entre


Programa Desarrollo del Modelo Mexicano de Formación Dual (MMFD) Presentado por José Medrano y Alfonso Figueroa I. Fomento a la igualdad de género La educación es un eje central para el desarrollo humano. De la formación depende en buena medida

Ghana: GIZ Gender Competition 2020

Introduction Market Oriented Agriculture programme (MOAP) in Ghana working on supporting the actors of the value chain. The aim of MOAP is to enhance quality agricultural production, increase income and create jobs along the value chains. The activities are starting

Economy Wins When Women Work – “E4W” : PAKISTAN

Pakistan is an enormously diverse, multiethnic and multicultural society characterized by uneven development and distribution of resources. There are massive inequalities along social strata, regions, religions, gender and urban-rural manifestations. By international comparison, Pakistan is one of the countries with

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2020 Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Tajikistan: Gender Approach within TRIGGER II

Promoting gender equality Which objectives and results has your initiative achieved? Describe the context, the organisational unit, the sector or the situation in your country or region. Tell us which approaches have proven effective, which results have already been generated

East Africa: “Transforming Women in Business into Economic Contributors in the East African Community”

1. Promotion of Gender Equality in the GIZ-EAC Programmes An important objective of the GIZ programmes supporting the EAC Integration Process is to ensure that women in the region are actively contributing to the integration process, for example through cross-border

Germany: Women in Mining

STRENGTHENING GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EXTRACTIVE SECTOR                   Gender Competition 2020 – GG1 – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Women and girls account for between a third and up to half of

Regional: Gender equality in the sustainable management of mining resources in the Andean countries

Introduction and context Latin America and the Caribbean are abundant with natural resources and biodiversity. The extractive industries have been a lever for growth in the Andean countries, contributing considerably to their economic development. However, an inadequate management and governance

Regional: Competitive African Rice Initiative

Business-driven women working in rice value chains in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania Context. Rice is one of the key staple foods in Africa. The demand is rapidly increasing: the population is growing, people are moving to urban areas

Albania: Talents and Ideas for Albania’s Future – Women can make it

Type of intervention: Street fair – “ Shero- talk” The “German October” is a traditional event which occurs in Albania since 2007. The activities are mainly organized by the German Embassy in Tirana in cooperation with other German actors in

Pakistan: Economy Wins When Women Work – “E4W”

Pakistan is an enormously diverse, multiethnic and multicultural society characterized by uneven development and distribution of resources. There are massive inequalities along social strata, regions, religions, gender and urban-rural manifestations. By international comparison, Pakistan is one of the countries with

Benin: Les Femmes: Acteures du secteur de l’énergie !

Contexte régional (Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest CEDEAO) En général, les projets sur les Energies Renouvelables (EnR) et l’Efficacité Energétique (EE) sont jugés très techniques et sont mis en oeuvre dans la neutralité de l’aspect genre. Cependant,

Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador: Family vegetable gardens: Promoting Gender equality

Protection of tropical forests and watershed management     CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The Trifinio Region is the border area shared by El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as defined in the Trifinio Treaty and Plan. Here gender-based discrimination and women’s marginalisation

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Girls and Career Day : TVET and general education students invited to discover internship and job opportunities in GIZ Côte d’Ivoire technical fields

As part of its gender strategy aiming to boost parity within its teams, GIZ Côte d’Ivoire held a Girls and Career Day on 29 March 2019. Eighty (80) female pupils and students, as well as guidance counsellors and Ivorian Ministry

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Round table “Mauritanian Working Women”

  Dans le cadre du partenariat établi autour de l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de la feuille de route pour l’engagement avec la société civile en Mauritanie, l’UE et les Etats membres participants (l’Allemagne, l’Espagne et la France) organisent

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Women and their environment across the ages

The German cooperation is celebrating women’s day with a day of discussions around the change women face due to a changing natural environment and changes in the legal situation of women in the past hundred years in Europa and in

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Kick-off: IDA Community MAP & Employment

Kick-off: IDA Community MAP & Employment 6.3.2019, 14:00-15:30, CET   Finding work, but how? When an applicant has secured a job abroad, but their partner is unable to find employment, plans for a foreign assignment can begin to fall apart.

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Forum Table Discussion: Economic independence: testimonies from women entrepreneurs

Organisation of Forum Table discussion on Economic independence: testimonies from women entrepreneurs. Place: Municipality of Canton Muisne, Date: March 8 Time: 9h00 – 13h30 Organisers: Peace and Development and the Coalition for Gender Equality of Canton Muisne and ProCamBio II,

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Tanzanian women entrepreneurs bring powerfoods from Africa to Europe

Freshly prepared, dried, as powder or oil, as food supplements or cosmetics – Baobab and Moringa can be used to make a wide variety of products. So far, however, African plants can hardly be found in local and European shops because

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with: , , , ,

Awareness Raising Workshop on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

During our GIZ Mali General Assembly we will have a session focussing on the topic of sexual harassment at the workplace. The objective is to create awareness on sexual harassment, inform the colleagues of GIZ Mali about the policies in

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DUFUNA-FEM Code Camp: Software development training programme preparing female students for tech careers in Nigeria

There are many obstacles for women who want to build tech careers in Nigeria. However, programmes particularly focusing on female trainees encourage women who might otherwise not have considered joining. It is also noticeable that employers are particularly keen on

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with:

The way forward: dual training for young women in the hotel industry in Bolivia

Bringing together economic and development interests never has been more concrete and exciting. Within the ExperTS network and as part of a pilot project, a three-month training programme for the hotel industry was developed and implemented. The training was oriented

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with: , ,

Women can do anything! Crafts, entrepreneurship, local governance!

Women can do anything! Get active in the craft sector, build enterprises, construct communities. A dual apprenticeship system exists in Kpalimé, Togo. Yet, young women are largely underrepresented in classes. They lack role models who could inspire them to go

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Berlin: Gleichberechtigung- Was bringt sie, was kostet sie?

„Welt im Wandel“ – eine Veranstaltungsreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH und des Verlags Der Tagesspiegel GmbH Die Benachteiligung von Frauen im Wirtschaftsleben ist eine Realität. Weltweit leisten Frauen 66 Prozent der Arbeit, haben aber nur zehn

« La contribution des femmes du Bénin aux objectifs de l’Agenda 2030 »

Ouverture de l’exposition de photos « La contribution des femmes du Bénin aux objectifs de l’Agenda 2030 »

#PressForProgress this International Women’s Day, 8 March 2018

Through Women. Fast forward. EY (Ernst & Young Global Limited) is playing a vital role as the #PressForProgress main campaign sponsor of International Women’s Day  on Thursday, 8 March and beyond. EY is calling on all people to help build

Posted in Gender Week Blog

GIZ’s 1st Gender Salon How to empower WOMEN in Kosovo’s education and economy?

Herewith we’d like to cordially invite you to GIZ’s 1st Gender Salon How to empower WO MEN in Kosovo’s education and economy? On the background of a significantly lower labour force participation among women in Kosovo than men, we would

Exhibition “Life through our eyes” by women workers in the Cambodian garment industry

  Life through our eyes Made by Cambodian garment workers  Opening event of the exhibition on Sunday, 11 March 2018 in Phnom Penh The exhibition Life through our eyes features photographs taken by Cambodian garment workers. To enable female workers

Get involved & stay engaged: Urban activism and more opportunities for Women’s Empowerment

Indonesia’s identity as a multicultural country, with the fourth biggest population worldwide and as one of the twenty most important industrial and emerging market economies (G 20) is one of the largest and most influential economies in the region (ASEAN)

Gender Café “Women’s careers: keys to success”

GIZ and KfW Cameroon dedicate the afternoon of International Women’s Day 2018 to women’s careers. All female colleagues of GIZ and KfW Cameroun in Yaoundé are invited to participate in the Gender Café, to discuss which factors can lead to

Talent exhibition village, conferences and carnival celebrations

GIZ Madagascar is taking part in the gender week celebrations led by the Ministry promoting gender equity. Numerous women’s associations that we support from our intervention regions – eco-tourism, protected area management, jewelry linked to artisanal mining, women’s mayors association

Workplace Talk: Best Practice Example for external Gender Mainstreaming

In the course of Gender Week 2018, GIZ Uganda’s Mainstreaming Task Team conducted a total of 4 activities. The start of Gender week was celebrated with a Join in Circuit (JIC). The JIC is a practical and interactive tool, developed

Albania: From moving away to moving mountains: How Albanian rural women and returnees shape their future

BUSINESS IDEAS COMPETITION OF THE ALBANIAN ALPS 1. Challenge Rural women, especially in the Albanian Alps the access to know how and information is very limited and even inexistent in many cases. They are not exposed to any information on

Kosovo: Integrating Gender in Waste Management Capacity Development

CONTEXT  Municipalities in Kosovo face a huge challenge when it comes to providing essential services for their citizens and this is evident in the waste management sector. The country still lacks an organized integrated system of waste management. As it

MENA: Regional approach to institutionalize gender mainstreaming

Women’s political participation in the Middle East is among the lowest worldwide. A goal of the programme Strengthening Women in Decision Making in the Middle East – LEAD is to support an enabling environment for gender equality and women’s leadership

Iraq: Gender-sensitive Cooperation within Transitional Development Assistance – Finding a Balance in Conflict-torn Northern Iraq

Background In the wake of the civil war in Syria and the rise of the so-called Islamic State, Iraq is facing a heavy wave of displacement, which affects more than 3 million people di-rectly and causes enormous strain and hardship

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Modernisation of Municipal Services

Sub-project: „Municipal services for the creation of employment opportunities for vulnerable groups” Component: Dissemination of the Competencies Passport to Serbia ABOUT THE COMPONENT: The Sub-Project „Municipal services for the creation of employment opportunities for vulnerable groups” is aiming to build

Mongolia: Forestry and Gender

Introduction Forestry is considered a gender blind sector naturally, because it is traditionally a male dominated, labor intensive sector. Internationally, women’s role in forestry is becoming vital for their positive contributions in terms of farming and food production in agroforestry

Yemen: Empowering Women by Ensuring Food Security and Breaking Stereotypes in Beekeeping

Empowering Women by Ensuring Food Security and Breaking Stereotypes in Beekeeping Yemen, one of the world’s poorest countries, has been affected politically and suffered from human crisis since March 2011, and later devastated by war since March 2015. Such crisis

Mongolia: Promoting gender equality and decent work and economic growth on the provincial level

Background information Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Integrated Mineral Resource Initiative (IMRI) program supports the Mongolian decision makers in promoting sustainable social and economic development, economic policies

Pakistan: Beauty of Taxation

Women Empowerment by Educating Beauty Salons Entrepreneurs: At first thought, few would dare to associate taxation with beauty. But the two can be combined as evidenced by the collaboration of Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA), one of the Revenue Authorities in

Jordan: Empowerment of Gender through Water Wise Plumbers

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Jordan, the educational system ensures equal access to girls and boys, women and men. This has provided a highly educated female population with the potential to advance Jordan’s economic, social, and political development. Despite this, women

Egypt: Advancing Women’s Financial Inclusion

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Gender equality concerning the access to financial resources and services is a key issue in order to promote women’s empowerment as well as economic growth and sustainable development. While the positive impact of financial inclusion is widely

Pakistan: Gender and Security

Presently, GIZ employs around 45 international and 350 national staff and implements projects throughout Pakistan, a male and Muslim dominated country. Cultural as well as gender considerations differ considerably from Western norms with gender mainstreaming often considered to be a

Germany: Putting Gender Equality at the Core of the G20

Women20 as International Implementation Partner    Background Diversity and full participation are es-sential for fostering resilient, sustaina-ble and viable economies and socie-ties. Equal rights and women’s eco-nomic empowerment are thus funda-mental for a prosperous world and so-cial development. The Women20

Sri Lanka: Vocational Training in North & East of Sri Lanka

GIZ Gender Competition 2018 GIZ Sri Lanka: Vocational Training in North & East of Sri Lanka (GIZ-VTN) Introduction In collaboration with the Government of Sri Lanka and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH,

Indonesia: Gender Issues are not a problem for us

LESSONS LEARNED FROM EXTENSION WORKERS FOR AGROFORESTRY AND GREEN ECONOMY – MALINAU, NORTH KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA – Just recently, after discussing gender concepts in a meeting of young extension workers (penyuluh) in Malinau, North Kalimantan, a male member of the group

Bangladesh: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program

1. Promoting gender equality Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is one of the three priority areas of German development cooperation in Bangladesh. The objectives of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP) are:  Developing locally customized technological solutions on

Nepal: Rebuilding life from the Rubble

In Nepal, women are usually assigned traditional gender roles related to the care economy with limited access to markets, education, health care, and decision-making processes. Thus the loss of lives and the destruction of houses and household assets, destruction of

Indonesia: Gender Mainstreaming in the Indonesia Forestry Sector

The FORCLIME approach FORCLIME’s approach is derived from the recognition that responsibilities, vulnerabilities and decision-making powers of individuals and groups in relation to forestry and climate change can be attributed to social structures based on characteristics such as gender, ethnicity,

Nicaragua: Mujeres empoderadas, Reducen deuda en ENACAL

PROGRAMA DE ASISTENCIA TECNICA DE AGUA Y SANEAMIENTO (PROATAS) Empresa Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (ENACAL) Mujeres empoderadas, Reducen deuda en ENACAL Concurso de Género – GIZ 2018 1. Introducción La población estimada de Nicaragua para el 2017 es de

Guatemala : ADAPTATE

Beitrag zum Genderwettbewerb GIZ 2018 Vorschlag von Esther Klauss, Entwicklungshelferin und Norbert Rose, Berater Programm: Anpassung der Ländlichen Entwicklung an den Klimawandel PN: 2014.2166.8 Gender Kennung: GG1, OE 2500 1. Förderung der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter Guatemala ist ein von Klimaveränderungen

India: Conservation And Sustainable Management Of Coastal And Marine Protected Areas In India

Country: GIZ In INDIA Full Name of the program Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in India (CMPA) PN (complete 12 digits) 11.9299.6.001.00 AV / Program Director Dr. Konrad Uebelhoer Name of Team Members Dr. Michael

India: Promoting Gender Equality in the Value Chain Development

Country: GIZ INDIA Full Name of the program: Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector – India (GIC) PN (complete 12 digits): 14.0967.1-012.00 AV / Program Director: Jonathan Ziebula Name of Team Members: Dhananjaya B N and Rajeshwari

India: Gender Sensitive Initiatives to Reduce Malnutrition

Gender Sensitive Initiatives to Reduce Malnutrition: A Joint Action by the Food & Nutrition Security & Enhanced Resilience Programme (FaNS-GIZ) & Department of Women & Child Development to Improve Dietary Diversity among Women and Children in Madhya Pradesh (India) “It

Benin: Grünes Innovationszentrum (ProCIVA)

Grünes Innovationszentrum (ProCIVA) Benin Oder wie Unternehmerinnen für eine Besserstellung der Frauen in Benin sorgen In vielen afrikanischen Ländern haben die Frauen noch einen langen Weg bis zur Emanzipation vor sich, so auch in Benin. Das traditionelle Rollenbild ist fest

Cameroon: AFROSAI Women Leadership Academy

AFROSAI Women Leadership Academy: Strengthening female leadership in External Audit in Africa 1. Background on Cooperation Partners The regional Good Financial Governance (GFG) in Africa programme, implemented by GIZ on behalf of BMZ and EU, works towards empowering African decision-makers

15 African Countries: Gender in agricultural value chain promotion

“The African farmer and her husband…” This proverb entails in essence the importance of women in the African agricultural sector: women form the backbone of African smallholder farming. However, significant gender inequalities can be found in people’s access to key

Liberia: Capacity Development in the Transport Sector

Project Name: 12.2539.0-001-00 Capacity Development in the Transport Sector in Liberia with focus on private sector development Duration: 2008 – 2019 Partner: Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Finance and Development, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Education, Association of Liberian

Madagascar: Resilience par Chaines de Valeur

Le Grand Sud, une région où les femmes sont mises à l’écart du développement « Homme et femme, chacun est complémentaire » Gandhi.   Le grand sud de Madagascar est la zone la moins développée de l’île où 89% des

Madagascar: Reinsertion professionnelle des femmes marginalisees dans le secteur minier a Madagascar

CONTEXTE Le Programme d’Appui à la Gestion de l’Environnement de la Coopération Allemande (PAGE/GIZ), lancé en 2015 a choisi le secteur de l’environnement comme domaine d’intervention. Il regroupe cinq composantes dont (i) la protection et utilisation durable des ressources naturelles,

Bonn: Women in Agricultural Value Chains: Experiences, Impacts & Commitments for the Future

                                                                                                                       © Klaus Wöhrmann Women in Agricultural Value Chains – Experiences, Impacts & Commitments for the Future When? Thursday, 8. March 2018, 14:00-17:30 CET plus Reception afterwards Where? GIZ Bonn, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40; 53113 Bonn; Conference Room “Saal Nil”and S4B With? Dr.

Ethiopia: On the Move to Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

INTRODUCING STEP The Sustainable Training and Education Programme (STEP) is committed to improve the quality of education in vocational colleges and universities of Ethiopia for women and men. We work together to better the quality of teaching, establish effective systems

Ethiopia: The Female Innovator Support Group & First Female Business Idea Competition at Hawassa University

1. Introduction – How it starts and what we have achieved so fare 2. Background – What need to be known to understand the low female participation? 3. The FIS Concept, the FIS Group and the FIS Activities & Capacities

Kenya: #SheShapesSolar

Using social media to create awareness and interest of women by women in the solar industry The Campaign 1.How we got here 2.The process 3.How does it look? 4.So what? How did we get to a campaign? Selected project outputs

Sierra Leone: Empowering Women in Sierra Leone’s Mining Communities

Please note that the following characters and dialogue are fictive and do not reflect a situation that has really happened. However, figures, events and names cited are correct. And nonetheless, just maybe, somewhere in Sierra Leone’s East and major mining

Tanzania: Unlocking Benefits of Electrification for Women

According to the 2017 Global Gender Gap Report, Tanzania ranks 68th out of 144 countries in terms of women’s economic participation, and is far away from closing the gender gap. Access to and utilization of electricity in Tanzania continues to

Uganda: Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Many of Uganda’s developmental issues can be traced back to underlying Gender inequalities. Over half of married women report to have experienced violence by their partner. Internationally Uganda has the highest percentage of women (40%) and men (36%) who agree

Eschborn: GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2018

Where? Friday, 9. March 2018, 12 noon – 3:00 pm Where? Eschborn, Audi 1+2, Live Stream With? Tanja Gönner, GIZ Board Member and Caren Grown, World Bank Group Senior Director GIZ Gender Award 2018: Gender equality is a quality feature

Ghana: Women moving the city

Public transport in Ghana‘s capital city Accra is strongly dominated by men and almostentirely provided by self-organized small scale private mini-bus operators. Questionable driving attitude among the operators and male drivers leads to a high rate of accidents. In order

Senegal: Egalité des genres : Valorisation des activités des femmes rurales au Sénégal: Exemple du projet pilote à Félane

L’accès aux énergies renouvelables : une opportunité pour l’autonomisation économique des femmes rurales Le Sénégal a fait de grandes avancées dans la prise en compte du genre dans les différents secteurs du développement, mais un long chemin reste encore à

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Madagascar: L’egalite, ca marche! Au sein du programme d’appui a la gestion de l’environnement

1. Promotion de l’égalité entre les sexes Contexte A Madagascar, les femmes subissent les effets des pesanteurs socioculturelles et des préjugés sexistes qui entravent le plus souvent leur contribution au développement, elles sont les premières victimes des crises et des

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Burkina Faso: 1ère femme chauffeur de la coopération allemande au Burkina 

GIZ – Concours genre 2016 Expérience de Mlle Nakoulma 1ère femme chauffeur de la Coopération Allemande au Burkina !!! En réponse à l’appel de la Chancelière Allemande, Angela Merkel, lors de son discours à la réunion des dirigeantes et dirigeants

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Timor Leste: Advisory and Training for the Maritime Sector in Timor-Leste (ATMI-TLS)

Project title: Advisory and Training for the Maritime Sector in Timor-Leste (ATMI-TLS) Project data: Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Lead executing agency: Timor-Leste Ministry for Transport and Communication (MoTC) Duration: 07/2013 – 06/2016 Gender Marker:

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