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Formation sport pour le développement (S4D) & égalité du genre

En Afrique, environ 20 millions de jeunes arrivent sur le marché du travail chaque année, ce qui représente le plus grand potentiel de main-d’œuvre du monde. Pour atteindre l’objectif de « ne laisser personne pour compte » et d’une « transition juste », les

Mga Awit, Tula, at Kwento ni Dakila (Advocacy Concert)

In celebration of the International Women’s Month, GIZ Philippines, together with the German Embassy Manila and UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, will be holding an advocacy concert to promote gender equality across all spaces. The event aims to

Gender Equality – Gender Awareness Events (GIZ Liberia)

GIZ Liberia supports local partners in the Southeast of the country, one of the remotest and hardest-to-reach places in the country, with their awareness campaigns. The Tubman University in Harper is supported to organize a workshop for faculty staff and

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

MenstruAction Updates 2023 – Info Session

Dear GIZ colleagues, the GIZ staff initiative MenstruAction invites you to a general info session on Friday 3rd of March from 10 to 10.30 CET to inform you about the planned activities and products in 2023 and around the worldwide

Schreibwerkstatt: Menstrual Health &Hygiene – Social Media Fokus

Interne Schreibwerkstatt am 09.03.2023, 10:30-15:30 im GIZ Campus Bonn mit der Autorin, Journalistin und Redenschreiberin Friederike Bauer mit dem Ziel: “Geschlechterrollen aufbrechen und soziale Normen verändern, dabei gleichzeitig öffentlichkeitswirksam und gefällig schreiben.” Hintergrund ist die wiederkehrende Kommunikation – vor allem

MenstruAction – From Enthusiasm to Action: See how the GIZ Staff Initiative joined the Global Menstrual Health and Hygiene Movement

Update! Find the newest version of the MenstruAction publication here: FINAL-GIZ_MenstruAction-Publication-2023-03-20-WEB-SP Just in time for Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28th May, the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction celebrates the journey from its beginnings until today in a new GIZ publication, illustrating

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The Join-Circuit in Zambia: an effective and efficient tool for Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)

Engaging Religious and traditional actors to prevent Gender-Based Violence (GBV)


Gender for Basic Education and Professional Training in Mozambique

S4DA Gender Champions vying for the Real Champions Crown

Programme “Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia”

Projet « renforcement des structures de santé, en particulier dans le domaine de la planification
familiale et de la santé des droits sexuels et reproductifs au Burundi »

#NepalsMenstrualMovement is reaching millions

Designing gender-sensitive technological innovations for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in low resource settings

Fit for School Program

Gender Award 2022 1st Prize GG1 category

Sexualised misconduct at the workplace – A holistic approach to implement GIZ’s Zero Tolerance Policy

Sensibilisierung für LSBTI Inklusion in einem herausfordernden Kontext in Ruanda

Nigeria: Empowering Women in Male-dominated Skills Sectors and Support for Vulnerable Groups.

Women Innovation Camp 2021:
Promoting Gender Equality through the Collaboration with the Private Sector

« Accès aux services et soins de santé pour tous·tes »

Indo-German Programme on Universal Health Coverage: Empowering women in their health and beyond through national health insurance

Gender meets Religion

Safe access to water, sanitation and health for women and girls in schools

Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina are taking Rights into their own hands through a Free Legal Aid Application

Project: Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Legal ReformCountry: Bosnia and HerzegovinaCategory: GG1 Background information Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Legal ReformThe ORF Legal Reform project is one of the six Open Regional Funds (ORF), which

Why donors should be more gender-sensitive in their programming

Women have suffered disproportionately from the economic fallout of COVID-19, shows a new policy brief by the DCED Working Group on Women’s Economic Empowerment. Although donors adjusted operations and issued new support in response, they should also adopt and promote a multidimensional and

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We can only achieve it together! GIZ colleagues from more than 28 countries join hands for a world free of period poverty and stigma

No one should be kept from realizing their full potential because they menstruate! GIZ colleagues worldwide – from interns to the Chair of the Management Board – raise their hands to support the cause.     Just as the red

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Its Women’s Turn, in the People’s Game by Frank Olukohe, S4DA Team Ghana/Kenya

  Habiba’s efforts to increase participation of girls in football and use sport to address socialchallenges in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya  Football, the world’s most popular sport, played by millions and followed by even more. Like their counterparts across the

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Work-life Balance during Covid-19 pandemic – Survey

March 9 | 10.00-11.30 CET | private event for GIZ-Kosovo only |
Survey and result presentation on how GIZ Kosovo staff experience the effects of the pandemic, especially in terms of gender equality perspective.

WBG Women, Business and the Law 2021 report and findings & German policy provisions and actions aimed at closing existing gender gaps

10 March | 15.00 – 16.30 CET | public virtual event | 
Presentation, discussion and exchange with high-level members of the WBG, BMZ and GIZ. 

Menstrual Hygiene Day is happening. Period

Approximately 1.9 billion women and girls menstruate between two and seven days a month on average. The recurring process of menstruation has a decisive influence on the lives of women and girls worldwide. Oftentimes, they are poorly informed, or menstruation is a taboo

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Psychosocial Support for Female Suvivors of Violence: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue

The project on Psychosocial Support in Jordan organises a half day interdisciplinary dialogue in the Jordanian Ministry of Health. Different actors from NGOs, Ministries and Academia will discuss the relevance of psychosocial support for female victims of violence and the

GIZ India : Gender Market Place : ”When ‘Attitude Meets Action”

GIZ India Gender Day 2020 : When ”Attitude Meets Action”  We at GIZ India kicked off the Gender Week 2020 with a Gender Breakfast Meeting organized on Monday, 3rd March by the project – Womens Economic Empowerment (Her&Now). The Breakfast meeting focused


HOME GARDENS IN YEMEN CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Cultural, traditional and political norms in Yemen allocate mainly caring and reproductive tasks to women; their movement is often limited to their homestead and fields. The Sustainable Food Security Program, implemented on behalf

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PROMOTING MEN’S ENGAGEMENT IN BIRTH PREPAREDNESS IN CENTRAL ASIA CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Central Asia, religion and traditionstrongly influence societal behavior, especially when it comes to power relations and gender perceptions. Firmly established family hierarchies impact virtually all aspects of

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GIZ a TOP-Performer – Global Health 50/50 Report 2019

The independent Global Health 50/50 Initiative is associated to the Centre for Gender and Global Health at the University College London. It promotes, tracks and regularly reports on initiatives and global efforts to improve health worldwide. Its 2019 report entitled

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with: , , ,

Femme entrepreneuse épanouie = équilibre du ménage

« Femme entrepreneuse épanouie = équilibre du ménage. Quelle contribution à la conservation de la nature et à  Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle ?» formation pratique : valorisation du fromage du soja pour améliorer le revenu et la nutrition du ménage (les

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Gute Ernährung – nicht nur Frauensache

8. März, 13.00 – 14.30 Uhr, Bonn, Saal Donau Die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter ist in vielerlei Hinsicht eng verknüpft mit den Themen Ernährung und Ernährungssicherung. Die Zusammenhänge werden, u.a. in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, seit vielen Jahren international diskutiert. Verschiedene Studien verweisen

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Promotion of Equal Access to High-Tech Medical Services

BOOKLET_Gender week_HTM Project_2019 The following events are held within the framework of the Gender Week 2019 in Uzbekistan: On March 5, we will celebrate the week of promoting gender equality regarding “Gender equality in GIZ” at the GIZ Uzbekistan Office. The following

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Talent exhibition village, conferences and carnival celebrations

GIZ Madagascar is taking part in the gender week celebrations led by the Ministry promoting gender equity. Numerous women’s associations that we support from our intervention regions – eco-tourism, protected area management, jewelry linked to artisanal mining, women’s mayors association

Pakistan: Thinking Pink at GIZ Pakistan

Gender as a cross-cutting topic in Pakistan German development cooperation has been engaged in Pakistan for more than 50 years. Pakistan currently represents one of the biggest portfolios of GIZ worldwide. According to the country strategy of the Federal Ministry

India: Gender Sensitive Initiatives to Reduce Malnutrition

Gender Sensitive Initiatives to Reduce Malnutrition: A Joint Action by the Food & Nutrition Security & Enhanced Resilience Programme (FaNS-GIZ) & Department of Women & Child Development to Improve Dietary Diversity among Women and Children in Madhya Pradesh (India) “It

Mauritania: Khaima Pipi

The competition entry can be downloaded. (In German)  

Gender Sensitive Initiatives to Reduce Malnutrition: A Joint Action to Improve Dietary Diversity among Women and Children in Madhya Pradesh (India)

The Department of Women & Child Development, Bhopal in collaboration with GIZ & the NGOs celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th of March, 2017 to improve nutritional diversity and improved quality intake of diets in a gender-equitable manner to reduce

Gender Sensitive Initiatives to Reduce Malnutrition: A Joint Action to Improve Dietary Diversity among Women and Children in Madhya Pradesh (India)

“It has been the tradition for women and girls to eat last. This is how it has always been. No one dares question the tradition”. (Pregnant woman, District Chhatarpur) Sheopur and Chhatarpur are among the most backward and remote districts

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Movie screening “Girl Rising”

From Academy Award-nominated director Richard E. Robbins, Girl Rising journeys around the globe to witness the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world. Viewers get to know nine unforgettable girls living in the

Exposition « le genre et accès à l’énergie » / Exhibition “gender and access to energy”

The program “Energising Development” (EnDev) organise the exhibition “gender and access to energy” to show through pictures the relevance of the gender dimension in the energy sector. The exhibition highlights the negative effects of the lack of access to energy

Women Solidarity March, Lesotho

Looking at the International Women’s Day values, the GIZ PISA team in Leribe is conducting in cooperation with Bacha – re – Bacha the Women Solidarity March on the 8th of March 2017. We want the gender and health issues

GloBe: BACKUP Health: Towards Gender Sensitivity in Global Fund Programmes – Adressing the linked SRH and HIV needs of key populations

Context and Initiative Gender equality means that all genders enjoy equal resources or benefits, or equal access to and use of services – this also applies to healthcare. However, gender-related barriers to health undermine the right to health for all.

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Cameroon: L’implication des hommes, l’accès géographique, financier et socio culturel des femmes et des filles: des atouts pour la planification familiale

Contexte et justification Dans le cadre de l’amélioration de la situation sanitaire des femmes et des enfants et dans le but d’accorder plus d’importance au droit à la santé de la reproduction, le Ministère de la santé publique a adopté

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