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cTVET project improves TVET schools’ organisational gender capacities through Participatory Gender Audits

Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training (cTVET)  developed and submitted recommendations to formulate gender sensitive articles to be integrated in the TVET law revision. The government working group for TVET law reform process were working together with national gender

Voces de mujeres centroamericanas: Juntas para la transformación

Para poner en primer plano las mujeres y su rol crucial en la transformación de las sociedades centroamericanas, escucharemos a mujeres de distintos sectores y países que han sido involucradas en proyectos GIZ del Portafolio SICA y que han participado

Conversation on digital tools to the justice system

Technological tools as a response to the justice system in cases of gender violence, with the participation of three judges. Streamed by FacebookLive @ICCPG

“Gender equality for a sustainable tomorrow” – in observance of International Women’s Day 2022

GIZ Mali | Briser les préjugés #SheMapsAndGIS #MasculinitéPositive

Briser les préjugés, pas seulement aujoud’hui, mais tous les jours.  Quand : 08 Mars 2022 Où : Bamako, Mali sur MSTeams Qui: GIZ Mali, OpenStreetMap-Mali, SheMapsAndGis   La GIZ Mali célébre la réussite des femmes dans le domaine de la

Estrategias de Género en GIZ Colombia

Como parte de los eventos de la Semana de Género, GIZ Colombia hará una serie de conversatorios. En el primer conversatorio del 8 de marzo, los Programas Propaz II y Paz Comunal, le cuentan al equipo de GIZ Colombia, como

Experiencias con Enfoque de Género en GIZ Colombia

Marzo 9 11-12 tiempo columbiano El Programa de Manejo Integrado Marino Costero – MIMAC  y la organización social “Hilo Sagrado”, le contarán a todo*as lo*as colaborador*s de GIZ Colombia, los retos y desafíos para trabajar el enfoque de género con

Conversatorio: Una Buena Práctica para Incluir el Enfoque de Género en GIZ Colombia

10 Marzo 11-12 tiempo columbiano El Programa de Empleos Verdes en la Economía Circular -PREVEC de GIZ Colombia, presentará en un conversatorio la construcción y los retos de una Guía con Enfoque de Género para trabajar con la Población Recicladora

Inauguración del programa de Mentoría 2022

Programa de Mentoría de la GIZ Bolivia La capacitación constante del personal de la GIZ, a nivel global, es un aspecto importante que promueve el desarrollo profesional. En ese sentido, desde el año 2012, se han llevado a cabo distintos

Conversatorio: Herramienta para incluir el enfoque de género

Marzo 11 11-12 tiempo columbiano En un conversatorio el Programa Probosques,  le muestra a lo*as colaboradore*as de GIZ Colombia una Herramienta dirigida  verificar el enfoque diferencial y género en proyectos ambientales, donde muestra conceptos relevantes, listas de chequeo. Haga clic

oces de mujeres centroamericanas: Juntas para la transformación

Invitación a evento regional_Voces mujeres centroamericanas En conmemoración del 8 de marzo, invitamos el 11 de marzo 2022, a las 9am UTC-6, al conversatorio regional: “Voces de mujeres centroamericanas: Juntas para la transformación”. La igualdad de género es una de

Gender and Consumer Protection in ASEAN

#BreakBarriers: #Gender and #ConsumerProtection in ASEAN. The GIZ-supported PROTECT project welcomes you to join our celebration of the upcoming International Women’s Day in the talk show #BreaktheBias, #BreakBarriers: Gender and Consumer Protection in ASEAN. Discussion will be conducted in English. Registration is open via or by

Gender and Sex: Meanings, Definitions, Identity and Expression

GWG Workshop module 1. Dear GIZ Lebanon colleagues, On behalf of the Lebanon Gender Working Group and part of the Gender Week activities, we would like to invite you to the workshop entitled: “Gender and Sex: Meanings, Definitions, Identity and

Reflections on Queerness in Lebanon and the Arab World

Who is the queer community in Lebanon? Since when has the queer community been organizing and how? What are the different structural and interpersonal challenges faced? What were the milestones reached in terms of change and legal progress? How did

Female participation in syndicale organisations

GIZ Chad organises a round table discussion about female participation in syndicale organisations. The objective of the event is to inform female staff about the role of syndicats and about the importance of female participation and to increase the number

Femmes et MakerSpaces

Du 01 au 05 Mars 2022, une vingtaine de femmes a pris part à une activité de prototypage au Makerspaces de la Commune de Garoua 2, au Nord du Cameroun. Venant de différent corps de métiers, elles se sont familiarisés

Experience sharing

Experience sharing by projects and the HR Department on how they integrate gender/promote gender equality in their work.

Panel Discussion: Gender Responsive Budgeting: Mainstreaming Girls, Women and Children with Special Needs in Climate Change Adaptation Techniques

GIZ will work with Women Lawyers Association of Malawi to unpack how government can or is supporting girls and women and children with special needs in disaster affected districts. This will be done through: • Discuss budget allocated to the

Gender promotion messages

With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as background we will share gender promotion messages every day throughout the Gender Week.

Comic Book Launch

Launch of a Comic Book on Sexual Harassment prevention and response.

Primer Taller de mesas municipales para la resiliencia urbana

¿Cómo incorporar el enfoque de género en la gestión de riesgos de desastres? Este taller es el primer encuentro con referentes de los gobiernos locales del Área Metropolitana de San Salvador, donde se abordarán temas vinculados a la gestión del

Conversatorio virtual: “Resiliencia y sororidad: mujeres diversas y tiempos de covid-19”

En el marco de la conmemoración de la semana de género en GIZ y con motivo del 8 de marzo, el equipo de género de GIZ Ecuador hemos organizado un Conversatorio virtual interno dirigido al personal y grupo directivo de

Juego de conocimientos “¿Quién quiere ser millonari*?

Será un juego de conocimientos en el formato del conocido concurso “Quién quiere ser millonario”, las preguntas serán referentes a cuanto conocemos sobre historia de mujeres emblemáticas, género y políticas de género de la GIZ”

Reflection session in GT on equity

Space so that through the game in inequality (intentionally), the discussion and reflection on conditions, gaps and opportunities for the search for equality is generated.

GIZ Gender Analysis as tool to promote gender equality in higher education in Mongolia

On March 15, 2022 German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT), will set the spotlight on the GIZ Gender Analysis developed for the new project duration. During the event the new Gender Analysis and trainings for partners will promote a

Presentation of Gender Mainstreaming in EU Accession Talks (Internal Market Policies)

What? Presentation of the Gender Mainstreaming Booklet When? 21.02.2022, 11.00-12.00 hrs. Where? MS Teams Who? GIZ SANECA, GIZ Albania On Monday, 21st February 2022, the GIZ run project “Support to accession negotiations in the economic chapters of the acquis” (SANECA)

Women in STEM for Development Cooperation – A PMD Workshop

To promote our PMD offers and to specifically address SDG 5 – gender equality in development cooperation – we are planning an event for the beginning of March. In a four-hour workshop we want to inform and discuss with female

Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to take the opportunity to exchange on different topics related to challenges women face in Albania and how to address those through economic empower. Together with the Country Director of


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in collaboration with GIZ, will organize an event to share the results of the project Upcycling MAPs into Detergents (UMID), the distribution of vocational training certificates, an exhibition of the products produced and

Encuentro de mujeres líderes constructoras de paz

El Encuentro forma parte del programa de actividades preparado por el Servicio Civil para la Paz (ZFD) junto con las Organizaciones Contraparte en Conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Este evento tiene el objetivo de visibilizar y celebrar los logros


Liebe Kolleg*innen aus dem Personalbereich, wir möchten gendersensibel sein. Doch wann nehmen wir uns mal die Zeit, zu reflektieren, was das konkret bedeutet? Wir möchten die Gender Week 2022 nutzen und das Angebot dazu mit dieser Veranstaltung machen. Gemeinsam können

Gender Indicators Governance and Conflict

The sectoral department: 4C GOvernance and Conflict is starting a process of collection and analysing of gender indicators for further programs / projects in development cooperation. For  more information please contact


For more information and to register visit this site: #smartdevelopmentday – Scaling innovation in an interconnected world (

GGKP webinar – Inclusive green economies: No just transition without gender equality

Why is gender equality essential for thriving, inclusive green economies? What are the main barriers to women’s full participation, and how can we enable full and equal participation of women in an inclusive green economy? Are there success stories for

Gender Week 2022 – Gender Equality in GIZ – Where Do We Stand?

When: March 10th, 13:00-14:00 CET Where: GIZ internal event please contact the organiser for more information Dear colleagues, Do you wonder about the status of gender equality in GIZ? About whether we reached gender parity in our workforce and in management

Gender dimensions in international chemicals policy

Date: Tuesday 15.03 Time: 10:00 to 10:45 CET Where: MS teams We want to invite you all to find out….what does gender have to do with international chemicals policy? Every day, each of us is in touch with chemicals and

GIZ Namibia | 15 Suggestions on How to Raise a Feminist Child

Based on the book “Dear Ijeawele – A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions” by Chimamanda Adichie Ngozi, GIZ Namibia staff will receive every day one of the 15 suggestions via email, starting one week before the gender week (28 February)

GIZ Namibia | Talk Show on Women in Leadership Mentorship Programme

GIZ Namibia colleagues are invited to the WiL talk show, a golden opportunity to meet the first group of GIZ Mentors and GIZ Mentees of the “Women in Leadership” mentorship pilot programme of GIZ Namibia.  A major aim of the

GIZ Namibia | Informal Coffee Discussion on Gender & Diversity

GIZ Namibia colleagues and colleagues from partner organisations are invited to an Informal Coffee gathering and discussion around the intersection of gender and diversity with the main objective targeted at broadening the understanding of inequalities, discrimination and injustices experienced within

GIZ Namibia | Brown Bag Lunch: Gender Inequality & Domestic Violence

When: Mo, 7 March 2022   12h00-13h00 Where: MS Teams link GIZ Namibia colleagues are invited to an informal virtual discussion around gender inequality and domestic violence in Namibia, based on a short public video that is presented. The project leader

BreakTheBias – Gender Awareness Event

Half-day event on stereotypes and gender roles – understanding them and what can we do to change them. Planned are games to explore topics – a roleplay on gender roles and how they can affect freedom of choice/decisions; collection of

GIZ Namibia | Gender Week Photo Competition

Colleagues from GIZ Namibia are called for action to change gender stereotypes by submitting photos of themselves doing tasks typically done by the opposite sex. A photo collage will be published with all submitted photos. Two winner photos will be

Workshop: Gender Sensitive Climate Risk Insurance (CRI)

The event – taking place as a physical meeting in Lusaka – aims at creating a platform for exchange on equal access for women to insurance and the development of ideas on gender-sensitive awareness creation for climate risk insurance (CRI).

Tackling the gender digital divide – insights from #eSkills4Girls in South Africa

8th March, 15.00-15.50 CET Join the session here Digital development offers the opportunity for human rights-based sustainable development. In particular, women in all their diversity and further marginalized groups can use the Internet to develop their potential in education, employment,

Initiation au Marketing Digital pour les femmes du Moungo

Dans le cadre de la célébration de la journée internationale de la Femme, nous avons choisi d’appuyer avec ActivSpaces les femmes qui avaient participé aux trois jours de formation sur le Marketing Digital fin novembre 2021 à Nkongsamba 3ème pour

celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8, 2022, by FATA Development Program – Peshawar

Flyer for Intl Women Day -2022-FDP        Greetings from FATA Development Programme International Women’s Day is an opportunity to think about the progress made in the implementation of cultural policies related to human rights and gender equality. It is also an opportunity to give

¿Cómo lograr la transformación inclusiva ante la nueva realidad post COVID-19? / How to achieve inclusive transformation in the face of the new post-COVID-19 reality?

Together with the Municipality of San Salvador, the GIZ projects ALTERNATIVAS and CaPAZ are organising a dialogue workshop to identify the different challenges concerning gender inequalities, which have become more acute for young people in the context of the COVID-19

Virtual Individual Coaching during the Gender Week 2022

As of now all sessions have been booked As part of the GIZ Gender Week 2022, which will take place from 07th to 11th March 2022, we would like to draw your attention to the 45-minute virtual individual coaching on

Conmemoración del 8 Marzo por el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres (Zacatecoluca, El Salvador)

The GIZ projects ALTERNATIVAS and CaPAZ support the Municipality of Zacatecoluca (El Salvador) in organising the Women’s Festival of Zacatecoluca that will provide information on psychosocial support for survivors of gender-based violence, local TVET measures, information on migration and services

Reflection sessions (by project/programme) on equity and labour rights

Internal Event for the GIZ Guatemala Office/ Evento interno GIZ Guatemala Entre el 1 y 11 de marzo, a cada Programa o Proyecto, se le enviará un “regalo virtual” que corresponda a una tela. Se realizará un espacio de reflexión

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Makes Business Sense – Insights from a Gender Transformative Approach

GIZ India Gender Week 2022 MS TEAMS Online Exchange On : Gender Makes Business Sense (GmBS) – Insights from a Gender Transformative Training Day : 10th March Time : 3:00 – 4:30 pm Indian Standard Time. Meeting link : provided

Does AI advance gender equality? The effects of AI on the working lives of women

When: March 11th, 9.30-1015 Where: Online via this Teams link Are AI and Gender Equality Friends or Foes? Globally, studies show that women in the labor force are paid less, hold fewer senior positions and participate less in science, technology,

Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Diaspora: Virtual Round-table and Networking Event

On Friday, 25th February the Programme Migration and Diaspora will be celebrating women’s entrepreneurship in the diaspora with an online Round-table and Networking Event. You are warmly invited to join us and be inspired by female founders innovating for impact.

NICD – Roles of Female Ex-Combatants in Sustaining Peace

Network International Cooperation in Conflicts and Disasters (NICD) and the Sector Programme “Promoting Gender Equality” invite you to a webinar on Roles of female Ex-Combatants in Sustaining Peace in collaboration with the Berghof Foundation and the GIZ project Youth for a

How to grow women-led ventures

Women face special challenges when starting and growing a business. Accelerators provide mentorship and training. However, many are unduly tailored to the needs of men. Including more women as mentors, investors, and jury members can help to attract more women

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Why donors should be more gender-sensitive in their programming

Women have suffered disproportionately from the economic fallout of COVID-19, shows a new policy brief by the DCED Working Group on Women’s Economic Empowerment. Although donors adjusted operations and issued new support in response, they should also adopt and promote a multidimensional and

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GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Breakfast Meeting

Date/time: 8th March 2022, 11:00-12:00 IST Place: MS Teams Meet Title: Gender Breakfast // Close the GAP – A Grand Challenge for Gender and Progress Content: Project Her&Now (GG2 project : Womens Economic Empowerment) and the Programme Migration & Diaspora

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Day Online Meet 2022

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Day Online Meet 2022 TOPIC: DE-CODING THE ‘APLAK GENDER CODE OF CONDUCT’ WHEN: WEDNESDAY, 9TH MARCH 2022, 3:00 – 4:15 PM (INDIAN STANDARD TIME) WHERE: MS TEAMS MEETING Promoting gender equality is one of the essential

GIZ Women’s dialogue on (in-)equality // GIZ Frauen im Dialog zu (Un-) Gleichstellung

9.3.2022, 12-13h GMT Liebe Kolleginnen*, Good things happen when people come together! Anlässlich des Weltfrauentags laden die drei Gleichstellungsbeauftragten alle GIZ-Frauen* zum offenen Dialog ein. Equal Care Day, Equal Pay Day, International Women’s Day – im März reihen sich die

The WEE Initiative of FMB

When: Tuesday 8th of Märch 2022 11:00-12:30 CET Where: MS Teams GIZ’s FMB launched the Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Initiative: To improve low-threshold availablity (access, framework conditions) for gender-sensitive orientation of WEE programmes; To make available to secroral planners cutting-edge

The Road to Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

When? Thursday 10th March 2022; 11:30 – 13:00 (CET)  Where: MS Teams We want to invite you all to join another important and closely related global campaign, because… It’s time to get ready for Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022! 2022 is

Feminist Foreign Policy

When? Wednesday, 9. March 2022, 16.00 – 17:00 CET Where? Berlin, GIZ Representation, online via Live Stream  With? Dr. Günter Sautter, Director General, Federal Foreign Office Marthe Wandou, Cameroonian Gender and Peace Activist Laureate of the Alternative Nobel Prize 2021

Shaking up the Status Quo, Shaping Gender-Transformative Change! Read the latest GTA publication

  How do we effectively work towards gender equality and women’s empowerment in our projects?  Read the latest publication of the SNRD working group on Gender-Transformative Approaches (GTA) to find out! As part of SNRD Africa and the Sector Network Natural Resources and

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GIZ Gender Award Ceremony

GIZ Gender Competition 2022 and Award Ceremony When? Friday, 11. March 2022, 11:00 – 13:00 CET Where? Bonn, GIZ Campus Auditorium, Live Stream With? Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary State Secretary, BMZ Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Member of GIZ Management Board Award

(Un-)Learning Gender – Responses for LGBTI Inclusion in Times of COVID-19

When? Thursday, 10. March 2022, 14:30 CET Where? Online via Teams With? Dr. Jürgen Zattler (BMZ), Prof. Dr. Uta Ruppert (Goethe University Frankfurt), Evelyn Schnauder (Goethe University Frankfurt), Dr. Julia Ehrt (ILGA World), Élysse Marcellin (Independent Researcher) Exactly one year

We can only achieve it together! GIZ colleagues from more than 28 countries join hands for a world free of period poverty and stigma

No one should be kept from realizing their full potential because they menstruate! GIZ colleagues worldwide – from interns to the Chair of the Management Board – raise their hands to support the cause.     Just as the red

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Gender Corner

12 March | all day | event for Sierra Leone staff
Internal competition about gender topics to promote engagement for creating a more equitable workplace and society.

Gender Week 2020

GIZ Rwanda conducted a Gender Week jointly with equal opportunities officer Sabine Guertner. A number of sessions took place throughout the week, e.g. on: Sexual misconduct at the workplace Female career development in GIZ Overcoming the unconscious bias with focus

Gender Month “Changing Gender Roles in the Household”

GIZ Rwanda conducted a Gender Month Competition on the topic of “Changing Gender Roles in Household”. All programme teams had sessions and discussions on the topic of “Changing gender roles in Household” and each programme was asked to design a

Achievements and Challenges of women in Rwanda

8 March | Virtual event |
Sessions, discussions and music

Video to promote formal land usage rights

8 March | video publication – French|
Awareness raising video for formal land usage rights in Benin

Out of the Box – Efforts to promote Gender Equality at Mongolian Technical University recognized for their contribution to foster equal potentials

After | photo competition | 

A new generation running up the stairs by Véronique Sprenger, Sport for Development in Africa (S4DA) Team Ethiopia

After a long work week, on Friday afternoon my friends and I decide to go to a café located right by Meskel Square. We live in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a beautiful country known for its rich culture, delicious coffee, gorgeous

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Its Women’s Turn, in the People’s Game by Frank Olukohe, S4DA Team Ghana/Kenya

  Habiba’s efforts to increase participation of girls in football and use sport to address socialchallenges in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya  Football, the world’s most popular sport, played by millions and followed by even more. Like their counterparts across the

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Empowered female entrepreneur

8 March | publication |
An article about a female entrepreneur overcoming intersectional discriminations was published in a magazine and online.

S4DA: Brunch, Challenge, Quizzes & Advocacy

All week | Online events & activities for the Sports for Development in Africa project |
Moderated discussion and exchange, quizz, advocacy articles, brunch

Unconscious bias: You think you know them all? – Test yourself!

12 March | 10.00-11.00 CET | Online event for GIZ staff |
Interactive session on stereotypes and prejudices that are obstacles to an inclusive work environment. 

Launch of a podcast to promote gender equality, skills development and TVET in Mongolia – Episode 1: Gender and Career

15 March | online publication and podcast – find links here |
Starting the first episode of the series in honor of the International Womens’ Day will set a sign for gender equality in TVET and skills development. 

Roundtable Discussion Concerning Gender Equality

12 March | Private event for project members in Mongolia |
Discussion on how we can support gender equality initiatives with access to training, events, and workshops.

“Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”

9 March | all morning | physical event for GIZ staff in Uganda |
Awareness and engagement event to galvanize support for gender mainstreaming and programming in Uganda.

The Week of Timor-Leste’s Women Leaders

All week | online exhibition on Facebook | 
Exhibition of Timorese leaders of institutions and NGOs but also women that are leading their families through the pandemic and into a better future

Introducción a Temas de Género y Lenguaje Incluyente (closed group)

10 March | 22.20 CET | Administrative staff in Mexico |
Introduce the administrative staff to Gender issues and inclusive language around administrative processes.

Mujeres indígenas, acceso a la justicia y COVID-19

12 March | 19.00 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Reflect on the justiciability of the rights of indigenous women in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Oaxaca; in order to mainstream the perspectives of interculturality; racism, gender and legal pluralism in its various lines of work.


Violencia Doméstica contra Mujeres y Niñas en tiempos de COVID-19

12 March | 17.30 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Share the results of an analytical model to record domestic violence in municipalities of Mexico according to the profile of the women who report it and the contextual factors.


Micromachismos y la Guía del Buen Aliado

11 March | 23.59 CET | Good Governance Cluster & Gender Working Group Mexico |
Understand the conceptual bases of micromachisms, how they work and how to dismantle them through simple actions.

Lanzamiento de Grupo de Trabajo de Género e Integridad Empresarial

11 March | 17.00 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Join the efforts of local organizations in Mexico and Colombia that are already working on the issue of Gender and Business Integrity.

Migración climática con perspectiva de género

11 March | 15.30 CET | Climate Change Cluster & Gender Working Group Mexico |
Session on the interlinkages between Climate Change and Migration with a gender perspective.

Taller de lenguaje inclusivo

10 March | 23.59 CET | Gender working group Mexico |
Session with practical exercises on how to incorporate inclusive language, workshop limited to 25 people from the GIZ Mexico staff, mainly personnel with communication activities.

Plática sobre los fundamentos básicos del lenguaje inclusivo

10 March | 23.00 CET | GIZ Mexico |
Join us in a brief talk about the abc of inclusive language, what it is and how we can use it in our day to day.

Ganadería sustentable de montaña con equidad e inclusión de género

10 March | 18.00 CET | Gender Working group Mexico and Climate Change Cluster |
Provide a productive alternative with equity and gender inclusion, to improve the quality of life of mountain inhabitants through the sustainable use of their natural resources.

Building Back Better – With Gender-Responsive Infrastructure

10 March | 15.30 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Highlighting the great challenges and great potential of Gender-Responsive Infrastructure to build back better.


Mujeres a bordo

9 March | 19.00 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
This session discusses the importance of female participation in the transport sector to ensure the construction of just and sustainable cities.


9 March | 18.00 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Workshop to raise awareness on the importance of learning as well as promoting dual education as an alternative staying in school.

Violencia de género durante la pandemia por COVID-19

8 March | 16.00 CET | Workshop for Gender Group Mexico and CSOs |
Discussion of the effects of confinement on men and women, as well as the actions and challenges of care from the perspective of organized civil society.

Taller participativo “Inclúyete al género: Análisis con perspectiva de género de las brechas de inclusión financiera para las mujeres mexicanas”

8 March | 10.00 CET | for the Gender Working Group |
Workshop to share an analysis of the existing gender gaps in financial inclusion issues and the benefits of promoting it through the programs promoted by GIZ.

Make It in Albania- I can become a driver of change

8 March | public social media video |
Messages from 11 women who made their dream come true and broke stereotypes and prejudices, in Albania.

Online Conference “Access of women in rural areas to property rights”

26 February | Online conference for invited guests |
The online conference focused on increasing the cooperation for active promotion of positive examples of gender equality, establishment of mechanisms for education and information of the women from the rural areas for their economic and social development.


“What makes a true leader? Does gender matter?”. This question is often raised in every discussion whenever we talk about leadership. In order to find the answer, it would be better to hear the voice of insiders. On the occasion

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#womenmobilize – Showing diversity in the mobility sector

Mobility is a fundamental part of urban life. As long as we live in cities, people and goods will need to move from A to B for various reasons. In the past, cities have been designed for car use so

Posted in Gender Week Blog

What needs to be done to end abuse and exploitation of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon?

12 March | 09.30-11.30 CET | GIZ-Internal online workshop |
the Gender Working Group Lebanon invites you to a workshop on What needs to be done to end abuse and exploitation of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon? An online workshop with the Anti-Racism Movement (ARM)