Internal Gender Mainstreaming Activities
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Mentoring Program for women at GIZ

GIZ’s female colleagues will exchange opinions, interests and expectations to create a mentoring program within the institution that allows colleagues in the G3 and G4 bands to learn from more experienced colleagues and will allow them to develop their careers,

Self Defense Class

Instrucción de técnicas de defensa personal para hombres y mujeres: Supervivencia y estrategias de escape. Fecha por confirmar! Aprenderemos técnicas de pie y de suelo para poder controlar a oponentes más grandes y fuertes. No se requiere experiencia previa y no

GIZ: Policy of equality

Atelier La politique d’égalité des sexes dans la GIZ, y compris la conciliation de la vie professionnelle et familiale, les rôles de genre et la protection contre la discrimination et le harcèlement sur le lieu de travail ensemble avec la

GIZ: Human Ressource Strategy

Atelier pour AMAs: La nouvelle stratégie Ressource humaine de la GIZ: ce qui change ici en vue d’améliorer l’équilibre entre profession et famille avec la Chargée de l’égalité de la GIZ, Mme Sabine Gürtner

¿Que significa la Igualdad de Genero en su proyecto?

Gender equality is everyone´s responsibility. In order to provide high quality services and learn more about our projects in Chile we invite everyone who wants to participate to share their contribution to the following topics (up to 1 page). All

Gender Café “Women’s careers: keys to success”

GIZ and KfW Cameroon dedicate the afternoon of International Women’s Day 2018 to women’s careers. All female colleagues of GIZ and KfW Cameroun in Yaoundé are invited to participate in the Gender Café, to discuss which factors can lead to

Culture of respect: the value of diversity

On the evening of the 8th of March, GIZ and KfW Cameroon will celebrate and promote the commitment to equal opportunities and diversity of perspective at the working place – regardless of gender, social background or personal situation. We will

Gender Awareness Sessions

The Gender Working Group (GWG) would like to invite you to join our “Gender Awareness Session” as part of the GIZ Gender Week in March. For this year, we prepared a modular approach and included external speakers to make this

Brown Bag Lunch “Gender Equality: Why it matters”

On the occasion of the global gender week, GIZ Vietnam will organize a Brown Bag Lunch talk on “Gender Equality: Why it matters” for staff on 6 March 2018. This event will be an open space for participants, through playing quiz games, to

Join-in Circuit on gender-relevant issues

In the course of Gender Week 2018, GIZ Uganda’s Mainstreaming Task Team conducted a total of 4 activities. The start of Gender week was celebrated with a Join in Circuit (JIC). The JIC is a practical and interactive tool, developed

Self-Defense Class

In the course of Gender Week 2018, GIZ Uganda’s Mainstreaming Task Team conducted a total of 4 activities. The start of Gender week was celebrated with a Join in Circuit (JIC). The JIC is a practical and interactive tool, developed

Benin: View of Gender Focal Points

Au Bénin les femmes représentent plus de 52% de la population total. Elles ont de tout temps apporté une contribution importante dans les domaines de la vie politique, économique et sociale du pays. Elles sont engagées dans tous les secteurs

Pakistan: Gender and Security

Presently, GIZ employs around 45 international and 350 national staff and implements projects throughout Pakistan, a male and Muslim dominated country. Cultural as well as gender considerations differ considerably from Western norms with gender mainstreaming often considered to be a

Nicaragua: The “glass ceiling” for women also exists in National Human Rights Institutions

At first glance, the world of ombudsman institutions in Latin America is female: The majority of the staff is female and in almost all institutions, there is a specialized unit dealing with women’s rights. Yet, this reality is different: While

Benin: Gender House

  Le tableau ci-avant présenté montre plusieurs dimensions du genre à savoir : Tout d’abord, l’homme sur l’échelle en train de mettre l’enseigne GIZ et la femme qui met la peinture sont un noir et une blanche tous deux employés

Uganda: Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Many of Uganda’s developmental issues can be traced back to underlying Gender inequalities. Over half of married women report to have experienced violence by their partner. Internationally Uganda has the highest percentage of women (40%) and men (36%) who agree

Eschborn: GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2018

Where? Friday, 9. March 2018, 12 noon – 3:00 pm Where? Eschborn, Audi 1+2, Live Stream With? Tanja Gönner, GIZ Board Member and Caren Grown, World Bank Group Senior Director GIZ Gender Award 2018: Gender equality is a quality feature