Peace and Security
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Women in Law Enforcement in Albania

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to take the opportunity and continue with the informal series of meetings for women to women, and exchange on different topics related to challenges, barriers and biases that women face

Conflict Sensitivity & Do No Harm Exposure Workshop

In the context of International Women’s Month, we are happy to invite you to our workshop on “Conflict Sensitivity & Do No Harm”! In the workshop you will be able to revisit the concept of “Conflict Sensitivity” and learn about

Launch: “Gender: First Steps”

The methodology emerges as an innovative proposal in response to the limitations of traditional gender training approaches for public servants and private sector employees. Developed from the Conversápolis exchange space, facilitated by GIZ/German Cooperation, this methodology aims to overcome the

Iniciativa de Género y Diversidad para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024   Don’t miss – the GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024 on Friday, 8th March, 11:00 – 13:00 h CET Where: Bonn, GIZ Campus, Auditorium and online via livestream   We are honored to count on the

The Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption

Transforming Lives, Shaping Futures: A Collaborative Approach to Tackle Gender-Based Violence in South Africa

Transforming Natural Resources Conflicts through the Three Rs: A Gender-Centric Approach

Safeguarding Housing, Land, and Property Rights of Syria Refugees and Internally Displaced People – HLP II

Social Mapping boosts gender equality at local level



Supporting Peaceful Coexistence in Yemen (SPCY) Action Area Women and Gender Empowerment

Sustainable Urban Development-Smart Cities II (SUDSC II)

Promoting Economic and Social Participation of Internally Displaced Persons and Host Population Communities

Men as champions to end violence against women and girls in Africa: The African Union Positive Masculinity Initiative

Piloto de empoderamiento de mujeres cacaoteras en contexto de postconflicto, en el departamento de Caquetá, Colombia

On Behalf of the Participatory Integrated Land Use Planning (PILUP II) and Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment (S2RAI II)

Formation, Incubation and Acceleration of Youth Initiatives

Gender, Diversity and Human Rights in the Energy and Urban Transformation Cluster (GIZ Brazil)

Embrace Equity: Empowering Women for Cross-Border and Fair Business in ASEAN

Empowered to Play, Period.


Change the system, not the women!

Arabia Felix Brand

Learning about and Operationalizing Intersectional and Gender-transformative approaches in GIZ practice

Mobilizing and capacitating the Faith Sector as a credible and effective stakeholder in addressing gender-based violence in South Africa

Joint Gender Transformative Approaches Working Group (GTA-WG)


Planting seeds of change in India: How communal gardening and nutrition trainings improve nutrition security for women and young children and transform gender roles


Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Rohstoffsektor für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation

34_Deutsch_GG1_GLOBE_Geschlechtergerechtigkeit Rohstoffsektor

Renforcement de la résilience des femmes à travers les cultures de diversification


Importance of Research and Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming in a Sustainable Economic Development Project

31_English_GG1_EMC_Economic participation vulnarable groups

¡Intercambio de saberes entre y para mujeres! Una apuesta por la incidencia política, económica y social de mujeres rurales en Colombia.

30_Espanol_GG1_APLAK_Propaz II

Beit Byout: GIZ’s Gender Advocacy in Lebanese Communities

28_English_GG2_EMZ_Lebanon, Middle East_Gender Working Group

The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility: Making Business easier for Women

27_English_GG2_APLAK_ICR Facility

Output 3 Sustainable Business development and output 4 Fostering employment & Employability


Unidas Week 2023 – Foreign Minister Baerbock presents Unidas Award to Colombian Vice-President Márquez

During her visit to Latin America, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock honoured Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez with the Unidas Award for Women’s Rights and Democracy at the end of Unidas Week 2023, the most important annual network meeting of

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Gender Month Mozambique 2023

In Mozambique, a full Gender Month is being celebrated every year between March, the 8th (International Women Day) and April, the 7th (Mozambican Women Day). In 2023, GIZ Mozambique and EnDev were elected to follow the main theme of the

New BMZ Feminist Development Policy: Approaches and Implementation in Cameroon

In the context of the International Women’s Day, the GIZ gender month and the publication of the new German feminist development policy, GIZ Cameroon is organising a panel discussion on this policy. The policy underlines the importance of working in

Info Session: Internationa Women`s Day

The online info session will be organised on the occasion of the International Women`s Day on 08.03.2023 (14.00h-15.15h CET) with the topics: Reason for celebrating International Women’s Day (historical perspective) Feminist movement in Serbia Where are do we stand today

Knowledge Café // Gender Special // GG-Portfolio der Abteilung 4C – quo vadis und wie?

FMB intern – 4C: Der 8. März, was war das doch gleich für ein Tag? Genau, internationaler Tag der Frauen. An diesem und rund um diesen Tag finden sowohl innerhalb der GIZ als auch außerhalb verschiedene Termine statt (z. B.

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

Die Zukunft der Entwicklungs- und Außenpolitik ist feministisch !!! ??? Lesung und Diskussion mit Kristina Lunz und Sheena Anderson (CFFP)

Liebe Kolleg*innen,  das SV Menschenrechte, die GIZ-Genderbeauftragte und das KC 4C10 Rechtsstaat, Menschenrechte, Gender und Sicherheit laden zu einer virtuellen Lesung mit anschließendem Gespräch mit Kristina Lunz am 13. März um 16:00 Uhr ein. Die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen der

Webinario: “Como producir un curso en linea, sin morir en el intento”

Objetivo: Colegas de la GIZ en Latinoamérica y el Caribe conocerán en la práctica el proceso de producción de un curso de aprendizaje en línea. Conversarán sobre los desafíos y las soluciones en las diferentes etapas y se intercambian sobre

Fostering economic participation of vulnerable groups including IDPs in the Sea of Azov region

U-LEAD with Europe Programme


Proyecto Fortalecimiento del Estado de Derecho
en América Central

Safe Access to Digitalization for Women in Syria


PAZ COMUNAL: Incidencia política de las mujeres como aporte a la buena gobernanza municipal para la paz

Proyecto ROLESSS

Concurso de Género de la GIZ 2022 Postulados: Asesor y coordinadora del Programa S I Frontera. Proyecto ROLESSS (Redes de Orientación y Liderazgo para la Superación del Sufrimiento Social). Lugar de ejecución: municipios fronterizos de Cúcuta y Villa del Rosario

How to grow women-led ventures

Women face special challenges when starting and growing a business. Accelerators provide mentorship and training. However, many are unduly tailored to the needs of men. Including more women as mentors, investors, and jury members can help to attract more women

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Why donors should be more gender-sensitive in their programming

Women have suffered disproportionately from the economic fallout of COVID-19, shows a new policy brief by the DCED Working Group on Women’s Economic Empowerment. Although donors adjusted operations and issued new support in response, they should also adopt and promote a multidimensional and

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Violencia de género durante la pandemia por COVID-19

8 March | 16.00 CET | Workshop for Gender Group Mexico and CSOs |
Discussion of the effects of confinement on men and women, as well as the actions and challenges of care from the perspective of organized civil society.

Leadership in Fragile Contexts – The Role of Women in Peacebuilding

4 March | 16.00 – 17.30 CET |
Which countries and individuals are exemplary for the participation of women in foreign
policy? Which responsibility does German foreign policy bear? How do women perceive their
role on the foreign policy stage and are their demands heard? What special challenges arise
in fragile contexts? These are some of the questions we would like to explore at our event.

Gender Meets Tech: Young Iraqi startups develop digital solutions to end gender-based violence

11 March 2021 | 13.00 CET | virtual public event |
Two GIZ project will discuss their jointly implemented online hackathon to find innovative digital solutions to prevent violence against women and girls in Iraq.

NICD Learning from the Field – IRC Approach Engaging Men through Accountable Practices to Reduce Gender Inequalities and Promote Non-Violence

10 March | 13.00- 14.30 CET  | Virtual event – participate via MS-Teams |
EMAP is an approach to prevent gender-based violence through a structured process of overcoming violence-related gender stereotypes. IRC members are going to share valuable field experiences from different contexts and important lessons learnt.


Fecha: 11 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Camilo de la Garza (Alianza Mexicana – Alemana de Cambio Climático GIZ) | Itzá Castañeda y Eugenio Fernández – Consultores especialistas | Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Duración y Horario: 09:00


Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Jerome Martin – Fondo Conjunto México-Alemania (GIZ) | Miguel Macias – Coord. de iniciativa regional de migración (Save the Children México) | Selvia Vargas – Experta en género (Save the Children México) Duración y


Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Karina Blanco (Iniciativa Agenda 2030) |Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB) |Oficina de la Presidencia de la República (OPR) Duración: 13:00 – 15:00 hrs (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México Objetivo: Contribuir

Knowledge Café: Women, Peace and Security | Was bedeutet die Agenda Frauen, Frieden, Sicherheit für unsere Arbeit?

Was bedeutet die Agenda Frauen, Frieden, Sicherheit für unsere Arbeit? 2020 wird das Jahr der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter mit so vielen Jubiläen wichtiger internationaler Vereinbarungen wie noch nie zuvor: 5 Jahre Agenda 2030 (Agenda 2030 +5), 20 Jahre VN Resolution 1325

Women in Media – Workshop in the Framework of the GIZ-CPS Kenya Project “UMOJA-Radio for Peace”

•• A two-day workshop for community journalist women and the Catholic Radio stations to discuss matters of leadership and policies in our media houses. In our newsrooms, sexual harassment and sexual violence is a problem and most of our stations

Women, Peace and Security – Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of UN Resolution 1325

Women, Peace and Security: Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of UN Resolution 1325  Strengthening the Women and Peace and Security Agenda is one of the main focuses of Germany’s membership in the UN Security Council in 2019/20. The aim

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Let’s talk Gender – from local to national, on and offline!

GIZ Colombia and APC (Presidential Office for int. Cooperation) launched their gender publication and participated in an international campaign for Women in Rural areas of Latin America From the fifteen stories that brought to life the publication Junt*s transformamos Colombia

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GIZ CIVIL PEACE SERVICE IN CAMBODIA CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The mass crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the period of 1975 to 1979 are well known. Under the command of a radical communist regime, the entire country

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SUPPORT OF MEASURES TO STRENGTHEN THE PEACE PROCESS IN NEPAL CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Gender inequality was one of the root causes of 10 years of armed conflict in Nepal. In the current post-conflict context, the Nepali-German Support of Measures to

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“Empowerment goes Digital” auf dem Digital Gateway

Empowerment goes Digital! Digital technologies open up undreamt-of possibilities and at the same time harbour the risk of reproducing or even exacerbating existing inequalities. Our new Trend-Topic provides suggestions on how this can be avoided, shows what kind of gender-specific differences

Posted in Gender Week Blog, Year 2019 Tagged with: ,

EmpowHERment! Economic empowerment of refugee women: Unleash potential – transform societies

Lama Ahmad © GIZ/C. Cannizzo (Berlin, March 11, 16:30 – 18:30 o’clock) Flight and displacement cannot just increase gender-specific risks for women, but also open up new room for maneuver: in fragile contexts, gender relations can be renegotiated and tasks

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Civil Peace Service: Women – Actors for Peace

On March 1st, the Civil Peace Service (CPS) of GIZ started the Facebook Campaign Women – Actors for Peace. Throughout the month, we will post information regarding this topic. On March 8th, two of our CPS advisors in Guatemala will take

Sexual Harassment in the workplace – and how to defend yourself

The International Women’s Day is celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women while calling for gender equality.  GIZ Laos wants to use this occasion to bring into focus an issue that some might want to cover: sexual

Gender Week and Competition Colombia

We just launched our Gender Competition 2018 in Colombia! All programs in Colombia are invited to present their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the Agenda 2030. invitation competition gender week. (in spanish)    

Nicaragua: The “glass ceiling” for women also exists in National Human Rights Institutions

At first glance, the world of ombudsman institutions in Latin America is female: The majority of the staff is female and in almost all institutions, there is a specialized unit dealing with women’s rights. Yet, this reality is different: While

Botswana: Operationalization of UNSCR 1325 in the SADC Region

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The GIZ Peace Security and Good Governance Programme (PSGG) commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) supports the Southern African Development Community (SADC), one of the five Regional Economic Communities in Africa.

Bonn: Women, Peace and Security – Preventing War and Sustaining Peace

Genderweek – „Women, Peace and Security: Preventing war and sustaining peace“ UN Security Council Res. 1325 calls for more support for women’s participation in peace negotiations and in post-conflict reconstruction. Germany’s role in the implementation of Res.1325 and the on-going

Comic on sexual abuse in peacekeeping missions

The short Comic by Jan Grebe and Bourahima Zongo tells the Story of Ama who is raped by a soldier, getting pregnant and therefore is expelled from her Family home. The aim of the Comic is to indicate legal failures prosecuting

Posted in Year 2017

The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) opens a Child Care Room for Staff Members

With the assistance of the GIZ Support, the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) has developed a comprehensive Gender Policy. The Policy seeks to enable KAIPTC staff who are either nursing mothers or parents of young children to balance

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Impact du Genre au niveau des partenaires directs ou indirects de la GIZ/RDC

Concernant la semaine Genre, la GIZ/RDC organise des interview auprès de ses partenaires directs ou indirects pour savoir l’impact du Genre dans leurs activités ou même leurs vies. Ses interview seront enregistrés sous forme d’un vidéo de 5 à 10

“Gender is not only about women and children”

The Qacha’s Nek GIZ PISA team will address the issues of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and child labor. The overall goal will be, to provide young people at the PISA office in Qacha’s Nek with Information about GBV in their

Women and the New Humanitarian Agenda – attend the event

Last year’s World Humanitarian Summit was a first step towards recognising the central role of women in humanitarian crises. Women are not only disproportionally affected by humanitarian disasters, with over 75 percent of the 125 million people in need of

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Shaping Our Future Through Conversations that Matter : ’Gender Equality in the Changing World : Planet 50-50 by 2030′

Event Documentation: Café Tables at GIZ India’s Gender Café Event were discussing issues pertinent to both men and women of a changing world: Empowerment of women through digital solutions; Gender sensitive communications, ‘Addressing women’s safety’ ‘Role and involvement of Men in

Gender in Conflict-Affected Areas- an opportunity to learn

Webinar “Applying a Gender Lens to Responsible Business Practices in Conflict-Affected Areas” According to the World Bank, 2 billion people live in countries where development outcomes are affected by fragility, conflict and violence. Sustainable development comes under threat in conflict-affected

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Yemen: No business as usual – strengthen Yemeni Business Women in times of war

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Since 2015, Yemen is in a full-blown armed conflict with men and women struggling to nourish themselves and their children. Due to the security situation the Private Sector Development Project (PSDP) is fully implemented in the Business

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Colombia: Excombatientes, masculinidades, feminidades y la paz – Como producir zapatos o yogures puede cambiar roles de género y apoyar a la reconciliación y a la paz

El contexto El Centro de Reconciliación de Florencia es una casa que se encuentra en un barrio vulnerable del municipio de Florencia. Caquetá en uno de los departamentos más afectados por el conflicto armado en Colombia. El barrio la Ciudadela,

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Africa Regional: Gender Mainstreaming within the African Peace and Security Architecture

The GIZ Support Project to the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) has supported the KAIPTC in developing a Gender Policy, which was officially launched in September 2014 and is being implemented by the KAIPTC since September. Gender has

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