We from the GIZ Bangladesh Gender Working Group have organized a book reading session on MS Teams online by our very own colleague Ms. Amreen Rahman as a part of our Gender Month 2025 activity on the 11th March 2025…
We from the GIZ Bangladesh Gender Working Group have organized a book reading session on MS Teams online by our very own colleague Ms. Amreen Rahman as a part of our Gender Month 2025 activity on the 11th March 2025…
In the context of International Women’s Month, we are happy to invite you to our workshop on “Conflict Sensitivity & Do No Harm”! In the workshop you will be able to revisit the concept of “Conflict Sensitivity” and learn about…
“Mi Seeri Ma”, est un documentaire en langue Fulfulde et transcris en Français, qui aconte la parcourt de vie de mariage d’une jeune femme qui a été mariée 5 fois et répudié 7 fois. Elle relate le contexte socioculturel de…
NICD WG Gender invites you to a WG meeting and talk on Gender & Religion with the Sector Project Religion for sustainable Development, Project Equal Opportunities and Social Development (EOSD) in Egypt and Islamic Relief Germany 13th March 2024, 10.30-12.00…
When? Tuesday, 14. March, 13:00 – 14:00 CET Where? MS TEAMS With? Daniela Spies, Equal Opportunities Commissioner, Adela Llatja, Gender Focal Person GIZ Albania, Katrin Freitag, Senior Expert Facility Management, Daphne Manolakos, Member of the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction, ……
GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024 Don’t miss – the GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024 on Friday, 8th March, 11:00 – 13:00 h CET Where: Bonn, GIZ Campus, Auditorium and online via livestream We are honored to count on the…
The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility invites public and private sector organisations operating in African, Caribbean, or Pacific (ACP) countries to submit proposals to receive free technical assistance aimed at advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE). The ICR Facility can help…
(see German and French versions below) At the occasion of the International Day of Women’s Rights, the GIZ Niger presented a special event in honor of the 8th march. Led by GIZ Niger’s Gender Focal Person, Hannah Blum, a fairy…
Dear colleagues of GIZ, As part of the GIZ Gender Month 2023, which is taking place in March, we would like to draw your attention to the 45-minute individual coaching on the topic of “Gender sensitivity in the workplace” offered…
Ensemble, nous allons nous plonger dans un sujet qui a plus d’actualité que jamais: celui de la digitalisation. Dans unc adre convivial et interactif, nous allons revoir les concepts de base, discuter les opportunités et les défis qu’y sont liés…
In celebration of the International Women’s Month, GIZ Philippines, together with the German Embassy Manila and UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, will be holding an advocacy concert to promote gender equality across all spaces. The event aims to…
We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative…
Every year, the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign reminds us to take a stand against violence. The global campaign begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and continues through 10…
Update! Find the newest version of the MenstruAction publication here: FINAL-GIZ_MenstruAction-Publication-2023-03-20-WEB-SP Just in time for Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28th May, the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction celebrates the journey from its beginnings until today in a new GIZ publication, illustrating…
Women face special challenges when starting and growing a business. Accelerators provide mentorship and training. However, many are unduly tailored to the needs of men. Including more women as mentors, investors, and jury members can help to attract more women…
No one should be kept from realizing their full potential because they menstruate! GIZ colleagues worldwide – from interns to the Chair of the Management Board – raise their hands to support the cause. Just as the red…
After a long work week, on Friday afternoon my friends and I decide to go to a café located right by Meskel Square. We live in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a beautiful country known for its rich culture, delicious coffee, gorgeous…
Habiba’s efforts to increase participation of girls in football and use sport to address socialchallenges in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya Football, the world’s most popular sport, played by millions and followed by even more. Like their counterparts across the…
8 March | publication |
An article about a female entrepreneur overcoming intersectional discriminations was published in a magazine and online.
All week | Online events & activities for the Sports for Development in Africa project |
Moderated discussion and exchange, quizz, advocacy articles, brunch
12 March | 09.30-11.30 CET | GIZ-Internal online workshop |
the Gender Working Group Lebanon invites you to a workshop on What needs to be done to end abuse and exploitation of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon? An online workshop with the Anti-Racism Movement (ARM)
10 March | 11.00-12.00 CET| Online event for GIZ staff and partners – presentations attached |
We will be unpacking concepts of intersectionality as a framework for project implementation and the working environment.
On 10 December 2020, the Gender Working Group of GIZ Bangladesh hosted “Voices against Violence”, marking the conclusion of this year’s 16 Days of Activism campaign. The international campaign began on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of…
Women in rural areas bring about great changes every day despite many obstacles. As part of the special initiative ONE WORLD – No Hunger, seven women from Africa and Asia have been awarded for their commitment to agriculture. From now…
Am Weltfrauentag beginnt der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen Die Roma-Frauen bauen Vorurteile ab Im Rahmen der traditionellen Maßnahme „Der Monat des Aktivismus der Roma-Frauen“ startet das Roma-Frauennetzwerk am 8. März 2020 folgende Kampagne „Kinderheirat ist kein Teil der Roma–Kultur…
Panel Discussion concerning “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” This session marks the official opening of the Gender Week 2020! Refer to attachment for detailed agenda, speakers…
Panel Discussion on “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” Complementing the GIZ Gender Week 2020, GIZ Namibia organised a Panel Discussion where a group of four experts…
Interactive, fun and practical session which aims to explore opportunities of how men can contribute towards gender equality at the workplace. Sea detailed programme here: Let’s talk Masculinity & Gender_04.03
Gender Equity in Pakistan: “There is No Tool for Development More Effective Than the Empowerment of Women” says United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Though women constitute 49% of Pakistan’s population, they constitute only 24% of the labour force. According…
GIZ Pakistan launches a twitter campaign to break gender stereotypes. All GIZ staff is invited to join us on twitter on Friday, 8th of March. Just write a sentence about how you break out of the stereotype and conclude with…
At the initiative of Esther Loehr and Gereltuya Puntsagdash from JUNGE LISTE Bonn, the Film “In Between” will be shown in the Canteen of Mäanderbau of GIZ in Bonn from 17:00 to 19:00 o`clock on March 8th 2018. Popcorn and…
Gender meets Religion Religious Actors and Gender Equality On March 6th, the Sector Programme Values, Religion and Development hosted an event in collaboration with GIZ Principal Gender Officer Angela Langenkamp and the GIZ Representation on the role of religion for…
“It has been the tradition for women and girls to eat last. This is how it has always been. No one dares question the tradition”. (Pregnant woman, District Chhatarpur) Sheopur and Chhatarpur are among the most backward and remote districts…
Building on the growing recognition that the role of faith-based organizations in addressing the needs of women and girls is critical, a global Platform on “Gender Equality and Religion” was launched on 15 March at the on-going UN Commission on…
Event Documentation: What has gender equality to do with James Bond? In a video clip released for International Women’s Day 2011, Judi Dench and Daniel Craig, famously known as “M” and James Bond, reflect on some aspects of gender inequality…
Ms. Barbara Kalima-Phiri will be talking on her role during her work at the continental level as Africa Director for a Pan Africa research and advocacy organisation, AFRODAD, leading and managing projects in 10 African countries. She conducted ground breaking…
Launch of the Gender Equality and Religion Platform for the Gender Responsive Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development / CSW 61 15 March 2015 | United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations in New York There is growing…