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8 March walk – Without us the world will stop!

  Traditional 8 March Walk organised by feminist CSOs where international organisations are joining the walk. Gender Network Serbia will participate in the walk.  

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : Understanding the New GIZ Gender Strategy Together

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : Understanding and De-coding the NEW GIZ GENDER STRATEGY 2025 – 2029 Considering GIZ’s commitment towards ensuring Gender Equality as a quality aspect of our work, a new GIZ Gender Strategy has been launched

Exhibition “Girls”

During the March month, we have the pleasure to host at GIZ Albania the exhibition “Girls” by the activist and artist Elga Mitre! 🌟 Embracing Imperfection and be you 🌟 🎨 Finding the Artist Inside You! 💡 You Don’t Have

Gender, Mobility, and Socio-Economic Status: Perspectives from India

Exciting news! 🗣 The next premiere of Women Mobilize Women’s highly anticipated webinar series in collaboration with Mobycon is just around the corner! In this webinar series, we dive into topics surrounding the intersectionality of gender and mobility. In episode

Opening Event #I am remarkable

GIZ Rwanda/Burundi invites to the virtual Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event in 2024! Do you sometimes struggle with sharing your achievements because you are afraid of sounding like you are bragging?  Cultural and modesty norms as well as imposter syndrome

Infostand of the GIZ Equal Opportunities Commissioner Bonn

8 March is International Women’s Day, a day that stands for equal rights and against discrimination against women*, a day for solidarity among and with women* – and therefore a day on which we would like to come together with

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences Women Mobilize Women and Mobycon present the webinar series “Intersectionality of Gender & Mobility”. Delve into the world of mobility with us as we challenge assumptions and embrace inclusivity! 🚶‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚇 The

Gender Evidence: Mapping the Terrain

Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to our online Session “Gender Evidence: Mapping the Terrain”. In celebration of Gender Month this March, we aim to explore and share insights into the existing and various sources of evidence on

GIZ Data Lab & Data Service Center: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Climate Policies through AI-Driven Solutions

GIZ Data Lab & Data Service Center: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Climate Policies through AI-Driven Solutions In climate policy documents, identifying references and concrete measures concerning demographic groups in vulnerable situations poses significant challenges due to the complexity and expansiveness of

The Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption

Trade Facilitation in Central Asia


Machinery rings as self-help organizations for smallholder family farms in Kenya: a project of the Fund for Promotion of Innovation in Agriculture (i4Ag)


Gestión integrada y transversal de género y diversidad en Centroamérica



G500 Genderonboarding

Gender at the Heart of ARISE Plus Project

El Poder del Sello Empresa Segura en la lucha frente a la violencia contra las mujeres

Embrace Equity: Empowering Women for Cross-Border and Fair Business in ASEAN

Concurso de género Equidad para un futuro sostenible: El rol vital de las mujeres en Centroamérica y República Dominicana

WomenEmpower Armenia Initiative

A Feminist Lens to Food Security in Cambodia

Boosting women representation in TUEWAS sectors

Periods@Work – Many initiatives, one goal

The choice to pursue a corporate career and motherhood are not mutually exclusive: A tale of breast-feeding moms

Promotion de l’Electrification Rurale pars les Energies Renouvelables (PERER) – GIZ Madagascar

From gender approach to practice at GIZ Colombia

The A2ii-SSN Report on the Gender Equity Survey of the Argentinian Insurance Market

Together for WoMEN: GIZ Jordan’s Holistic Approach to Gender Mainstreaming

40_English_GM_EMZ_Gender Focal Points Jordanien

Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Rohstoffsektor für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation

34_Deutsch_GG1_GLOBE_Geschlechtergerechtigkeit Rohstoffsektor

Renforcement de la résilience des femmes à travers les cultures de diversification


The Pink Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Patna as part of the Circular Waste Solutions Project in India


The Ecuadorian business sector is betting on the prevention of violence against women

Violence against women is, unfortunately, a reality for 7 out of 10 Ecuadorian women, and it is up to all of us to fight for change (INEC, 2019). The business sector needs to get involved too! The numbers speak for

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Strengthening Education and Health Services for Refugees and Host Communities in Pakistan (EHS) “Transforming Lives through Leadership of Afghan Women for Equitable Access to Health & Education”


Holistic Approach: Highlighting the DIGITS-wide Initiative ‘DIGITS… ist bunt’


Feminist development policy and gender transformative approaches

Joint Event Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Rwanda and GIZ Rwanda’s Project Prevention of sexualised and gender-based violence Gender norms and stereotypes determine and shape our lives. They are anchored in legislation, in traditions, in formal and informal institutions, in religion, cultural

“Rana hna – Les femmes algériennes dans le secteur des déchets”

Le projet PEMLO vous invite à découvrir son exposition de témoignages des femmes actives dans le domaine des déchets au sein des différentes communes pilotes. 08.-14.03. GIZ Algérie Alger

Women in Leadership ” Movie Night”

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to build and strengthen the network of women leaders in Tirana, so that we can become stronger in pushing forward the gender equality agenda in Albania. Together with the Country

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

MenstruAction Updates 2023 – Info Session

Dear GIZ colleagues, the GIZ staff initiative MenstruAction invites you to a general info session on Friday 3rd of March from 10 to 10.30 CET to inform you about the planned activities and products in 2023 and around the worldwide

White Feminism Part II: Against White Feminism – a panel discussion with Rafia Zakaria

The Equal Opportunitites Team at GIZ is happy to host the second part of our two-part series on White Feminism on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2023, 15:00-16:15 CET. Acclaimed journalist and writer Rafia Zakaria, author of “Against White Feminism”,

International Women’s Day – sport event

What: Open Fun sports Day Who: 80 kids (40 girls, 40 boys) When: 11th March, 10am- 2pm Where: Jordan-Al Karak Objective: Celebrating the International Women’s Day Concept: There will be 8 stations/topics with several exercises. Kids will be divided into

Gender-Sensitive Event Management – Checklist for practitioners: A building block for internal gender mainstreaming

Gender diversity 2.0

Integrating disadvantaged men into Cambodian weaving

How to grow women-led ventures

Women face special challenges when starting and growing a business. Accelerators provide mentorship and training. However, many are unduly tailored to the needs of men. Including more women as mentors, investors, and jury members can help to attract more women

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Gender Week 2020

GIZ Rwanda conducted a Gender Week jointly with equal opportunities officer Sabine Guertner. A number of sessions took place throughout the week, e.g. on: Sexual misconduct at the workplace Female career development in GIZ Overcoming the unconscious bias with focus

Gender Month “Changing Gender Roles in the Household”

GIZ Rwanda conducted a Gender Month Competition on the topic of “Changing Gender Roles in Household”. All programme teams had sessions and discussions on the topic of “Changing gender roles in Household” and each programme was asked to design a

Make It in Albania- I can become a driver of change

8 March | public social media video |
Messages from 11 women who made their dream come true and broke stereotypes and prejudices, in Albania.

#womenmobilize – Showing diversity in the mobility sector

Mobility is a fundamental part of urban life. As long as we live in cities, people and goods will need to move from A to B for various reasons. In the past, cities have been designed for car use so

Posted in Gender Week Blog

COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Gender Equality in Tunisia

10 March | 10.00 CET | Online event for GIZ staff in French |
Presentation and discussion of the findings of a COVID-19 impact analysis on gender equality in Tunisia, including 

Individual Coaching on “Gender sensitivity in the workplace”

12 March | private event – enter lottery by 8 March |
Individual 30-min coaching on topics such as gender diversity, the ability of organisations to learn, sustainable management and social entrepreneurship

Role of Women in building an energy conscious society

10 March | 09.5-11.15 CET | virtual event for APLAC gender focal points |
Panel discussion with national gender experts from academia, industry and the public sector will attempt to shed light on the rarely explored gender-energy nexus

Campaign #womenmobilize

All of March | virtual activities, publication launch, #womenmobilize |
Follow the Hashtag #womenmobilize on Social Media to stay updated with new campaigns, insights and events! Publication of the third “Remarkable Women in Transport” 

Podcats from Space – Live Recording with Women Mobilize Women

9 March | 15.00 – 15:30 CET | Virtual event for GIZ staff |
In the framework of GIZ Gender Week, we would like to introduce you to our new podcast and give you the chance to be part of our conversation

Quiz on Gender Equality

All week | This is a private activity for the Programe Migration & Diaspora | 
Each day, the quiz will focus on a different topic: Gender and Covid-19, Gender within GIZ, Gender and Migration, Facts on the topic of Gender, Women as Role Models.

Mes de la Equidad, la Igualdad y la Justicia de Género en la GIZ Bolivia y Paraguay

All week | private events for GIZ Paraguay and Bolivia staff and one public song competition |
One week full of activities, events and competitions about gender equality

The implications of Emerging Tech on Gender Equality – Workshop

14 April | 09.30 – 11.30 CET | this is a virtual event with limited spaces – RSVP by email to register |
In this Workshop, we want to understand the implications of disruptive technologies concerning gender equality. Together we will outline the impact on gender equality that may infer from the technologies listed in the Tech Detector.

GIZ Bangladesh celebrates International Women’s Day 2020 – Breaking Gender Stereotypes

The Gender Working Group of GIZ Bangladesh hosted the International Women’s Day 2020 event at Long Beach Hotel in Dhaka on 8 March 2020 on the theme of Breaking Gender Stereotypes to discuss about Champions in Bangladesh who are already

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Fecha: 09 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: 15 Colaboradores varones de GIZ México (entre practicantes nacionales, Asesores técnicos (Junior/Senior), AV y coordinadores de clúster) Duración y Horario: 09:30-11:30 am (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México (AGM) Objetivo:

GIZ Bangladesh celebrates International Women’s Day 2020

The Gender Working Group of GIZ Bangladesh hosted the International Women’s Day 2020 event at Long Beach Hotel in Dhaka on 8 March 2020 on the theme of Breaking Gender Stereotypes to discuss about Champions in Bangladesh who are already

GIZ India : Gender Market Place : ”When ‘Attitude Meets Action”

GIZ India Gender Day 2020 : When ”Attitude Meets Action”  We at GIZ India kicked off the Gender Week 2020 with a Gender Breakfast Meeting organized on Monday, 3rd March by the project – Womens Economic Empowerment (Her&Now). The Breakfast meeting focused

Gender Day

GIZ in Yemen celebrated Women’s Day in a unique way this year, the Gender Year. We, the GFP Group, also rewarded all the women working at GIZ. In addition to many other activities, we also had a photo gallery expressing

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Bangladesh Women’s Day 2019 Session: Innovation, Technology and Women’s Empowerment

On 21 March 2019, a session on “Innovation, Technology and Women’s Empowerment” was organized by the GIZ Bangladesh Gender Working Group focusing on the UN Theme for women’s day this year – “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.” All

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Addressing different attitudes towards gender roles and changing gender roles in the household – lively discussions, a creative competition and a final event around Gender Equality

For GIZ, the promotion of gender equality is not only a commitment, but a guiding principle and a quality feature of its work. GIZ Rwanda, through the One Mainstreaming Team is organizing a Gender Month, which is dedicated to reflect

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Photo competition #Balanceforbetter

GIZ Nigeria organized a photo competition amongst it’s programmes to depict their understanding of the theme for International Womens’ Day 2019 #Balanceforbetter.GIZ Nigeria_Gender Week photo competition

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Kick-off: IDA Community MAP & Employment

Kick-off: IDA Community MAP & Employment 6.3.2019, 14:00-15:30, CET   Finding work, but how? When an applicant has secured a job abroad, but their partner is unable to find employment, plans for a foreign assignment can begin to fall apart.

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Journée internationale des droits des femmes.

 GIZ Algeria organized on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 workshops on the theme of gender. The sessions were led by Ms. Aicha Zinai, gender expert and member of the National Council of Human Rights ; as well as and by the

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Awareness Raising Event at TVET school in Tripoli, North Lebanon

Gender Equality Awareness Raising Event at TVET school in Tripoli, North Lebanon In the frame of International Women’s Day 2019, an awareness raising event on gender equity and equality took place at Al Saade Technical Institute, a public TVET school

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Gender Reloaded

Gender Reloaded in South Africa “Gender equality lies at the core of what GIZ stands for: A future worth living. Without it, we will not achieve sustainable development nor will we have fair and just societies. But gender equality is

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GIZ India Gender Meet: Gender Reloaded

GIZ INDIA GENDER DAY 2019 SYNOPSIS REPORT FOR GIZ GENDER MEET: GENDER RELOADED 7th March, GIZ Office, New Delhi, India GIZ India organized a Gender Meet: Gender Reloaded’ on Thursday, 7th March, 2019 to take into cognizance the new reloaded

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Dinner and a TED Talk: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s ‘We should all be feminists’

‘Dinner and a TED Talk’ at GIZ Uganda as part of Gender Week 2019            Link: Invitation TED Talk On Wednesday, 6th of March 2019, we will have a get together after work. The evening, that will kick off with

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GIZ Gender-Slam: Gender Reloaded

  Gender-Slam – Programm – ENGL (Eschborn, March 8, 11:00-13:00 am, Auditorium and live-streamed on the Intranet) Please find the recording of the GIZ Gender Slam 2019 here (click for internal link – GIZ staff only). Copyright: GIZ/Rajiv Raman On

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Mauritania: Khaima Pipi

The competition entry can be downloaded. (In German)