GIZ Serbia is organising a panel discussion “Breaking Barriers: Women and Power – Towards Equality”. The event will give a deeper insight into the history of women’s movement in Serbia and the position of women in modern Serbia in three…
GIZ Serbia is organising a panel discussion “Breaking Barriers: Women and Power – Towards Equality”. The event will give a deeper insight into the history of women’s movement in Serbia and the position of women in modern Serbia in three…
Seminario web: Oportunidades que transforman vidas de mujeres En conmemoración del Día Internacional de las Mujeres, 8 de marzo, el Grupo Focal de Género de GIZ Ecuador les invita a participar en este webinar dedicado a explorar…
GIZ Data Lab & Data Service Center: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Climate Policies through AI-Driven Solutions In climate policy documents, identifying references and concrete measures concerning demographic groups in vulnerable situations poses significant challenges due to the complexity and expansiveness of…
During the Gender Focus Month 2024, International Services (InS) is organising an online campaign to raise awareness on the constant fight for gender equality worldwide, and in particular on the topics of leadership and political participation, menstrual health and hygiene,…
The Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue carried out the “Stop Femicide” campaign with support of the German Development Cooperation project “Support to social inclusion in Serbia”. The campaign included five panel discussions in the cities of…
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During her visit to Latin America, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock honoured Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez with the Unidas Award for Women’s Rights and Democracy at the end of Unidas Week 2023, the most important annual network meeting of…
(see German and French versions below) At the occasion of the International Day of Women’s Rights, the GIZ Niger presented a special event in honor of the 8th march. Led by GIZ Niger’s Gender Focal Person, Hannah Blum, a fairy…
The “Leave No One Behind” (LNOB) principle is crucial for many projects and has positive effects from which both the marginalised groups and the project itself benefit. In her article, Hannah Schabert, who is part of the “Experts for Partners”…
The first ever Colloquium of Engaged Women in the Diaspora was organised by the Programme Migration and Diaspora in Berlin in February. The Colloquium brought together women in the diaspora living in Germany who are engaged in human rights, sustainable…
In the context of the International Women’s Day, the GIZ gender month and the publication of the new German feminist development policy, GIZ Cameroon is organising a panel discussion on this policy. The policy underlines the importance of working in…
The online info session will be organised on the occasion of the International Women`s Day on 08.03.2023 (14.00h-15.15h CET) with the topics: Reason for celebrating International Women’s Day (historical perspective) Feminist movement in Serbia Where are do we stand today…
GIZ Liberia supports local partners in the Southeast of the country, one of the remotest and hardest-to-reach places in the country, with their awareness campaigns. The Tubman University in Harper is supported to organize a workshop for faculty staff and…
Dear colleagues, Indigenous women and girls play a key role as leaders, knowledge-bearers, and human rights and environmental defenders. At the same time, Indigenous women and girls face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence. Nationally and internationally,…
In March 2023, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) will launch its Feminist Development Strategy. The policy was already announced in early 2022, raising questions about what it would imply, especially for implementing agencies like GIZ…
FMB intern – 4C: Der 8. März, was war das doch gleich für ein Tag? Genau, internationaler Tag der Frauen. An diesem und rund um diesen Tag finden sowohl innerhalb der GIZ als auch außerhalb verschiedene Termine statt (z. B.…
We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative…
Dear GIZ colleagues, the GIZ staff initiative MenstruAction invites you to a general info session on Friday 3rd of March from 10 to 10.30 CET to inform you about the planned activities and products in 2023 and around the worldwide…
Les femmes du Bureau National de l’État Civil ensemble pour UN MONDE DIGITAL INCLUSIF : INNOVATION ET TECHNOLOGIES POUR L’ÉGALITÉ DES SEXES/ Registration: An Important Tool for the Protection of Women and Girls’ Rights in Digital Spaces There will be…
Você já ouviu falar de Justiça Climática? O fato que as mudanças climáticas afetam diferentes grupos de forma distinta já é um conhecimento comum, falando-se muito em “vulnerabilidades”. Embora o reconhecimento de que as consequências impactam a população de forma…
@Federal Foreign Office On 1 March 2023, 14:00h – 15:00h CET the German Federal Foreign Office will launch its Guidelinies on Feminist Foreign Policy. The event, which will be hosted by Foreign Minister Baerbock, will take place in the Weltsaal of…
Concurso de Género de la GIZ 2022 Postulados: Asesor y coordinadora del Programa S I Frontera. Proyecto ROLESSS (Redes de Orientación y Liderazgo para la Superación del Sufrimiento Social). Lugar de ejecución: municipios fronterizos de Cúcuta y Villa del Rosario…
12 March | 19.00 CET | online event for GIZ staff |
Reflect on the justiciability of the rights of indigenous women in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Oaxaca; in order to mainstream the perspectives of interculturality; racism, gender and legal pluralism in its various lines of work.
8 March | 16.00 CET | Workshop for Gender Group Mexico and CSOs |
Discussion of the effects of confinement on men and women, as well as the actions and challenges of care from the perspective of organized civil society.
Mobility is a fundamental part of urban life. As long as we live in cities, people and goods will need to move from A to B for various reasons. In the past, cities have been designed for car use so…
All week | physical and virtual events in French|
One or more events every day, exploring gender equality in many different sectors.
10 March | 11.00-12.00 CET| Online event for GIZ staff and partners – presentations attached |
We will be unpacking concepts of intersectionality as a framework for project implementation and the working environment.
8 March | event for gender FPs in Chad | reports in English et en francais |
Presentation on Gender & Professionalism and film streaming
8 March | 16.00 -17.15 CET | public virtual event|
This webinar outlines the concept of gender lens or gender smart investing, and takes a deep-dive into the regional experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean.
All of March | virtual activities, publication launch, #womenmobilize |
Follow the Hashtag #womenmobilize on Social Media to stay updated with new campaigns, insights and events! Publication of the third “Remarkable Women in Transport”
9 March | 15.00 – 15:30 CET | Virtual event for GIZ staff |
In the framework of GIZ Gender Week, we would like to introduce you to our new podcast and give you the chance to be part of our conversation
17 March | 09.00 – 11.00 CET | Virtual event |
If you ever wondered what role Women Economic Empowerment can play in your project, hop in and get inspired!
Fecha: 12 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Karina Blanco (Iniciativa Agenda 2030) |Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB) |Oficina de la Presidencia de la República (OPR) Duración: 13:00 – 15:00 hrs (2 horas) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia GIZ México Objetivo: Contribuir…
Fecha: 13 de marzo, 2020. Participantes: Miriam Monterrubio- EUROCLIMA+ y C40CFF (GIZ) | Gisela Méndez – Ex Secretaria de Movilidad del Gobierno del Estado de Colima. Duración y Horario: 13:00 – 14:00 (1 hora) Lugar: Sala de talleres – Agencia…
Lancement du Réseau des Femmes Elues Municipales Tunisiennes 07 et 08 mars 2020 La Fédération Nationale des Villes Tunisiennes (FNVT) cherche à soutenir les femmes élues dans leur mandat de gestion des affaires locales à travers la création d’un…
Panel Discussion concerning “Zebra style politics and women’s rights – How has this approach contributed towards curbing cultural barriers to gender equality?” This session marks the official opening of the Gender Week 2020! Refer to attachment for detailed agenda, speakers…
The highlight of the week will be a small conference (rather gathering style with some snacks) where some the project participants/beneficiaries will be invited to talk about their experiences. It will be a great opportunity for first-hand insights into the…
On 8th March, GIZ Ecuador Programmes Procambío II and Previmujer jointly participated in the Muisne Municipality Forum on the occasion of the International Women´s Day. The event, organized by the Spanish NGO Paz y Desarrollo, gathered together around 300 participants.…
Girls2Leaders (Communication sur le leadership féminin suivi d’un slam des 24 stagiaires intègres de la Ministère de Finances et Ministère de Plan et de Développement (MEF/MPD/INSAE) sur leur expérience comme femme en profession Une activité du projet “Appui-Conseil Macroeconomique pour…
Leadership féminin et Promotion des Objectifs du Développement Durable en Afrique Francophone : Colloque en coopération avec la Délégation de l’Union Européenne à l’université Abomey-Calavi
When? Thursday, March 7, 2019, 10:00 -11:30 Where? GIZ Bonn, Mäanderbau Donau Hall Who? Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Bonn and all interested colleagues In this open workshop, we would like to listen to you and jointly elaborate on equal…
Atelier de sensibilisation/réflexion sur la Promotion du Genre au sein du Ministère de la décentralisation et de la gouvernance locale
Girl’s Day Les ENEAMES à la découverte des professionnels de la politique économique du Bénin Visite par une cinquantaine d’étudiantes dans les deux ministères (lancement DC et Ambassade)
Indonesia’s identity as a multicultural country, with the fourth biggest population worldwide and as one of the twenty most important industrial and emerging market economies (G 20) is one of the largest and most influential economies in the region (ASEAN)…