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Africa Regional: Gender Mainstreaming within the African Peace and Security Architecture

The GIZ Support Project to the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) has supported the KAIPTC in developing a Gender Policy, which was officially launched in September 2014 and is being implemented by the KAIPTC since September. Gender has

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Ghana: Female Professionals in Electronics – Boosting the number of women in technical professions

Context and Initiative Girls Vocational Training Institutes in Ghana typically offer education and training in female dominated trades only, such as catering, tailoring or cosmetology. The project instead promotes future female professionals in sales, installation and servicing of electronic appliances

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Madagascar (Antananarivo) – Madagaskar ruft zur Genderstunde

Während der diesjährigen Genderwoche wurden in Madagaskar vom 4 bis 6 März die Gender-Kapazitäten der GIZ Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen gestärkt. Ziel der dreitägigen Fortbildung war die Auffrischung des Genderwissens der GIZ-BeraterInnen insbesondere in Bezug auf die GIZ-Genderstrategie. Die vorgestellten Werkzeuge

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Benin (Cotonou) – Celebration of International Women’s Day: Filmscreening “The Other Way Round”

In celebration of International Women’s Day, the GIZ office in Benin screened the film “L’égalité des sexes au Bénin: « sens inverse »,“ to incite discussion about gender roles in Benin.  The film, created by the Decentralization Programme in Benin, showed a

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Benin (Cotonou) – Celebration of International Women’s Day by the Programme for Water, Hygiene, and Sanitation (ProSEHA)

The dinner-discussion brought together local authorities in charge of water and health and partners of the Sectorial Programme for Water, Hygiene, and Sanitation (ProSEHA/GIZ). When? 6th of March 2015, 19h30 – 21h30 IMPRESSIONS OF THE EVENT: Highlights of the event

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Benin (Cotonou) – Celebration of the International Women’s Day by the Programme for Decentralization (PDDC)

The main aim of the event is to encourage interest in the theme and reinforce plans for gender advocacy to be executed with partners of the Programme for Decentralization (PDDC). Therefore a questionnaire with ten questions was sent to the

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Zambia (Lusaka) – Breakfast Meeting: Being a professional woman in GIZ Zambia

The Gender Working Group organized a breakfast meeting to commemorate the Gender Week and International Women’s Day by inviting staff members to discuss about being a professional woman in GIZ Zambia. To listen to women’s experiences, they had the opportunity

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Benin (Cotonou) – “Pause détente Genre” – Internal Gender Week celebration of the Programme Promotion of Agriculture (ProAgri)

While ProAgri’s main event for the Gender Week took place in the North of Benin in the form of a workshop to promote female entrepreneurship in the rural area, the office in Cotonou organized an internal celebration. All ProAgri employees

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Uganda (Kampala) – Empowerment of Women and Girls is Progress for All: Three Decades of Gains for Ugandan Women and Girls

IMPRESSIONS OF THE EVENT: Ministry of Energy in Uganda Holds First Gender Day On Friday 6th March, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD), supported by GIZ PREEEP held its very first Gender Day. The event aimed at not

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Egypt (Cairo) – Training of Trainers for Sexual Harassment Activities in Youth Centers

With the support of civil society organsiations, the Ministry of Youth and Sports organized a training of trainers on the topic of sexual harassment. The training aimed at providing the trainers the knowledge on the highly sensitive topic as well

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Tunisia (Tunis) – Spreading the Word about Social Issues Related to Gender Equality

GIZ Tunisia’s gender working group takes the 2015 gender week as an opportunity to spread the word about social issues related to gender equality, such as the so called “gender pay gap”, “sharing domestic tasks”, “gender related violence in daily

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Morocco (Rabat) – Forestry: A Sector also for Women

The High Commissioner of Water and Forest and Combating Desertification, Dr. Abdeladim Lhafi, will open the celebration. Afterwards, the word is given to six young and experienced women working in the forest sector: Some of them at the beginning of

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Tunisia (Tunis) – SEX SELLS – Surtout à Hollywood

Movie evening and debate All GIZ staff in Tunisia is invited to watch a movie that has been part of pop culture in recent years. At the beginning of the evening a vote on the film will be held: “Crazy,

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Egypt (Cairo) – Interactive Workshop: Women and Water – Role of Women in Cairo’s Informal Area

In the frame of an ongoing empowerment process, the BMZ-financed Water and Wastewater Manangement Programme invites NGO representatives, both men and women, to participate in a one day interactive Workshop to raise awareness on gender related roles and responsibilities in

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Egypt (Cairo) – Awareness Raising and Promotion of Gender Equality on the Campus of the American University

Exhibition of many international organizations, institutions and donors etc. in the Greek Campus in Cairo on the occasion of International Womens’ day initiated by UN Women.  GIZ will have a booth and present gender related activities, short movies, material etc.

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Egypt (Cairo) – Gender Fair

The BMZ-financed Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP) of GIZ Egypt is implementing a gender fair to celebrate international women’s day together with the public in general and the residents of the targeted informal areas in particular. The NGOs

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Egypt (Cairo) – Where the National Employment Pact (NEP) stands on Gender and the Way Forward

The National Employment Pact (NEP), supported by the BMZ-financed GIZ Labour Market Access Programme (LMAP) is Egypt’s know-how platform for placing job seekers into fair blue collar jobs. After four successful years of offering employment solutions, LMAP is supporting the

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Cameroon (Yaoundé) – Femmes et Filles Fortes 2015: Peace March

The event “Femmes et Filles Fortes” (FFF) contributes towards raising gender awareness in Cameroun for already eight years. The GIZ together with other institutions of the German Cooperation in Cameroun organise a series of activities around the International Women’s Day.

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Cameroon (Yaoundé) – Femmes et Filles Fortes 2015: “Conflicts and Peace Processes”

The 4-day-event “Femmes et Filles Fortes” (FFF) contributes towards raising gender awareness in Cameroun for already eight years. The GIZ together with other institutions of the German Cooperation in Cameroun organise a series of activities around the International Women’s Day.

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Cameroon (Yaoundé) – Femmes et Filles Fortes 2015: “Soil”

The 4-day-event “Femmes et Filles Fortes” (FFF) contributes towards raising gender awareness in Cameroun for already eight years. The GIZ together with other institutions of the German Cooperation in Cameroun organise a series of activities around the International Women’s Day.

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Cameroon (Yaoundé) – Femmes et Filles Fortes 2015: Opening Event and Exposition

The 4-day-event “Femmes et Filles Fortes” (FFF) contributes towards raising gender awareness in Cameroun for already eight years. The GIZ together with other institutions of the German Cooperation in Cameroun organise a series of activities around the International Women’s Day.

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Mozambique (Beira) – The Impact of Climate Change on Women

In support of the International Women’s Day (8 March), the Adaptation to Climate Change Project in Mozambique (AMC-Moz) organized a public debate about the role of women in climate change, reflecting on how climate change affects women and about their

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Mozambique (Maputo) – Public Debate on Gender Equality

What will happen? a program’s gender focal point -Aurora Foguette- will provide an overview of the GIZ Gender Strategy with regard to southern Africa; a Mozambican sociologist will talk about “what Mozambican men can do for gender equality”; and the leading

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Mozambique (Maputo) – Imagine Gender: Photo Contest on Gender Equality

The GIZ gender week will be the occasion to gain an overview of the integration of gender equality aspects into the programs of GIZ Mozambique and for awareness-raising: The gender focal points of each program will be asked to choose

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Tanzania (Dar-es-Salam) – Power Walk and Introduction to Gender

The gender group will conduct a power walk with new GIZ national and international staff. The idea is to raise awareness of structural differences between men and women in Tanzania. Afterwards, there will be a short time for reflection and a

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Malawi (Lilongwe) – Musical Workshop: Raise Your Voice for Gender Equality!

GIZ Malawi will commemorate the GIZ Gender Week with a musical workshop for young people provided in collaboration with Positivo. Under the banner ‘Raise your voice for gender equality’ (Working Title), the event will enable 30 young people (20 from

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South Africa (Johannesburg) – Roundtable on Women and Agricultural Finance

Unlocking funding and business opportunities for women throughout the agricultural value chain By bringing together gender, agriculture and financing experts, the roundtable discussion aims to unlock funding and business opportunities for women throughout the agricultural value chain. Through this initiative,

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Zimbabwe (Harare) – Positive Masculinities and HIV Prevention

As part of the HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme, the HIV/AIDS mainstreaming officer at the GIZ Zimbabwe country office regularly organizes Staff Sensitization Talks, usually on the last Friday every month. To commemorate the International Women’s Day, the March Staff Talk will

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Rwanda (Kigali) – The Role of Men in Realizing Gender Equality

Awareness raising activities on the role of men in achieving gender equality as a follow-up of the  campaign “Proud of Her” initiated in 2014: Warm up questions Film/dokumentary projection Working in groups & discussing the following questions: According to CEDAW,

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Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) – Awarding Improved Cooking and Baking Stoves (ICS) and pico PV systems

EnDev Ethiopia will display its energy-efficient fuel saving stoves and solar devices. Partnering with the responsible Ministry, EnDev Ethiopia will award Tikikil stoves for female officers distinguished as “role models” at the Federal Ministry. When? Friday, 5th of March 2015,

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Burundi (Bujumbura) – Challenging Gender Roles: Short film featuring GIZ colleges

GIZ Burundi is producing a short film starring colleagues from all projects who answer the same 5 questions. The short film will then be used as an introduction to a series of discussion rounds during the gender week. When? 3rd,

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Benin (Cotonou) – Girl’s Day

The decentralization program accompanies its partner ministry to organize a girl’s day.

Senegal (Dakar) – Engagement in Gender Mainstreaming

Turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus winter purslane kale. Celery potato scallion desert raisin horseradish spinach carrot soko. Lotus root water spinach fennel kombu maize bamboo shoot green