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#LetsTalkPERIOD: Impure Film Screening

GIZ Cameroon, in partnership with Team Europe, the French Embassy in Cameroon and the Institut francais du Cameroun, was proud to present the Central African premiere of the German-Kenyan feature film “IMPURE”. Following a message from the co-producer and a

MenstruAction – One goal, many initiatives

NEW: 2015-2025 Anniversary Edition of our MenstruAction Flipbook! 👉 GIZ_MenstruAction-Publication-2025-WEB v15   This year marks the 10th anniversary of the GIZ staff initiative MenstruAction – a decade of breaking taboos, learning from each other, and making Menstrual Health and Hygiene

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GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : GSDP Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment Study Findings

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 GIZ GENDER KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE MEET ꟾ GSDP GENDER EQUALITY and WOMENS EMPOWERMENT STUDY FINDINGS Organized by Indo-German Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development (GSDP) GIZ India recently carried out a study on the effective

Experiencias de trabajo con género en el sector agua y energía

Evento virtual – Storytelling Recogiendo experiencia desde nuestro trabajo: ¿Cómo reducimos las brechas de género desde los sectores de agua y energía? Experiencias de los proyectos EnDev y PROCUENCA de GIZ Bolivia Miércoles 20 de marzo Horas: 10:00 a 11:30

ICM-Lesotho: The Role of Women in Natural Resource Management

The Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) programme in Lesotho commemorates this year’s International Women´s Day with a Community-Dialogue on the role of women in natural resource management (NRM). The goal of the ICM programme is the sustainable management of land and

Periods@Work – Why the topic of menstruation belongs at work

When? Tuesday, 14. March, 13:00 – 14:00 CET Where? MS TEAMS With? Daniela Spies, Equal Opportunities Commissioner, Adela Llatja, Gender Focal Person GIZ Albania, Katrin Freitag, Senior Expert Facility Management, Daphne Manolakos, Member of the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction, …

Promoting Economic and Social Participation of Internally Displaced Persons and Host Population Communities

ReNOKA programme

Lets Talk PERIOD

Change the system, not the women!

Agenda Provincial de Género y Cambio Climático de Cañar

Arabia Felix Brand

Mujeres Shuar se certifican en buenas prácticas agrícolas.

Joint Gender Transformative Approaches Working Group (GTA-WG)


Empowering Women Through Innovative Flower Waste Management

The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility: Making Business easier for Women

27_English_GG2_APLAK_ICR Facility

Strengthening Education and Health Services for Refugees and Host Communities in Pakistan (EHS) “Transforming Lives through Leadership of Afghan Women for Equitable Access to Health & Education”


Small Steps Towards an Empowered Tomorrow

Check out the knowledge product ‘Small Steps Towards an Empowered Tomorrow’, compiled by the Gender Working Group, Natural Resource Management and Agroecology (NRMAE), GIZ India. The Working Group primarily supports projects in its activities towards gender sensitisation, gender equality and

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

Water Women’s Day

We as the SuSanA Secretariat are delighted to jointly host a virtual Water Women’s Day on Tuesday, 7 March with the wonderful women’s networks. We believe as water women we are Stronger Together and we would love to invite you

Schreibwerkstatt: Menstrual Health &Hygiene – Social Media Fokus

Interne Schreibwerkstatt am 09.03.2023, 10:30-15:30 im GIZ Campus Bonn mit der Autorin, Journalistin und Redenschreiberin Friederike Bauer mit dem Ziel: “Geschlechterrollen aufbrechen und soziale Normen verändern, dabei gleichzeitig öffentlichkeitswirksam und gefällig schreiben.” Hintergrund ist die wiederkehrende Kommunikation – vor allem

MenstruAction – From Enthusiasm to Action: See how the GIZ Staff Initiative joined the Global Menstrual Health and Hygiene Movement

Update! Find the newest version of the MenstruAction publication here: FINAL-GIZ_MenstruAction-Publication-2023-03-20-WEB-SP Just in time for Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28th May, the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction celebrates the journey from its beginnings until today in a new GIZ publication, illustrating

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Women inclusion in the Zambian water and sanitation sector

Women Water Leaders
Promoting gender equality within AWARE

Programme “Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia”

Recuperación de prácticas ancestrales para mejorar el manejo de los recursos hídricos

#NepalsMenstrualMovement is reaching millions

Fit for School Program

Gender Award 2022 1st Prize GG1 category

Safe access to water, sanitation and health for women and girls in schools

We can only achieve it together! GIZ colleagues from more than 28 countries join hands for a world free of period poverty and stigma

No one should be kept from realizing their full potential because they menstruate! GIZ colleagues worldwide – from interns to the Chair of the Management Board – raise their hands to support the cause.     Just as the red

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Webinar: Gender Lens Investing

8 March | 16.00 -17.15 CET | public virtual event|
This webinar outlines the concept of gender lens or gender smart investing, and takes a deep-dive into the regional experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Mes de la Equidad, la Igualdad y la Justicia de Género en la GIZ Bolivia y Paraguay

All week | private events for GIZ Paraguay and Bolivia staff and one public song competition |
One week full of activities, events and competitions about gender equality

Menstrual Hygiene Day is happening. Period

Approximately 1.9 billion women and girls menstruate between two and seven days a month on average. The recurring process of menstruation has a decisive influence on the lives of women and girls worldwide. Oftentimes, they are poorly informed, or menstruation is a taboo

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Celebration de la Journée de la femme 2019 – GIZ, Fondation Hanns Seidel, KfW

LA GIZ en RD Congo célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Femme 2019 en collaboration avec la KfW et la Fondation Hanns Seidel. Cette journée d’échanges et de réflexion s’inscrit dans le cadre de la promotion du dialogue entre collègues (hommes-femmes) afin

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Gender Mainstreaming in the Thai-German Climate Change Policy Programme

In order to strengthen gender mainstreaming in the project implementation and also to strengthen the capacities of all staff included in the implementation of the new BMUB Thai-German Climate Change Policy Programme, a 3-hour workshop will be held on March

Maghreb: Conteuses de Maghreb

Contexte et initiative : C’est au nom du Programme régional « Promotion du rôle des Femmes au Maghreb » que nous avons le plaisir de vos présenter une des mesures que nous appuyons en partenariat avec le projet CREM «Coopération

Nepal: Rebuilding life from the Rubble

In Nepal, women are usually assigned traditional gender roles related to the care economy with limited access to markets, education, health care, and decision-making processes. Thus the loss of lives and the destruction of houses and household assets, destruction of

Congo: Il faut briser la glace – La parité, un petit pas pour les femmes, un grand pas pour la REGIDESO

Promotion de la parité entre les sexes dans la structure du partenaire Description du contexte, du secteur et de la situation dans le pays Pour le compte du gouvernement fédéral, la GIZ appuie depuis 2006 l’amélioration de l’accès à l’eau

Photo stories “Super women” / Fotohistorietas “super mujeres”

Event Documentation: “Super women, true women” Exhibition of various photo stories about local women and their work during the events organized by local authorities in the Tungurahua and Napo provinces of Ecuador. We will also host two events where those

Impact du Genre au niveau des partenaires directs ou indirects de la GIZ/RDC

Concernant la semaine Genre, la GIZ/RDC organise des interview auprès de ses partenaires directs ou indirects pour savoir l’impact du Genre dans leurs activités ou même leurs vies. Ses interview seront enregistrés sous forme d’un vidéo de 5 à 10

Closing event of the gender week in Benin: 13 events in total

Event Documentation: GIZ Benin participated in the GIZ Gender Week from 06 to 10 march 2017 by organizing 13 out of 43 events held by the Africa Department, for example an exhibition about gender and equal access to energy which

Switching traditional gender roles / Inverser les rôles traditionnels : Une journée de théâtre continu « Femmes et hommes – Hommes et femmes »

The program Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Benin (ProSEHA) organise a day of role play: for one whole day all employees of ProSEHA will switch the perspective as if they were the “opposite” sex for one day. The event will

Gender lunchbreak Tanzania

Open discussion (ask questions, share experirences) on gender during lunch brek

Zimbabwe: Addressing gender specific needs vs creating space and opportunity to challenge gender roles and promote gender equality

GIZ Zimbabwe –Urban Water and Sanitation Programme –Submission to the Gender Week competition 2016 Addressing gender specific needs vs creating space and opportunity to challenge gender roles and promote gender equality Stephan Lidsba, AV UWSP; Rahel Hermann, Advisor UWSP; Leon

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Palestine: GIZ Water Program Palestine

GIZ Water Program Palestine Prepared by: Fatima Radaydeh, Qasem Saleh, Sabrina Johanniemann, Dr. Thomas Riekel 1 | Promoting Gender Equality The importance of involving women and men in provision, management, and safeguarding of water is recognized globally. Therefore the GIZ

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Jordan: Female Preachers as Water Ambassadors – Mainstreaming Gender in the Cooperation with Religious Authorities

  The competition entry ”Female Preachers as Water Ambassadors – Mainstreaming Gender in the Cooperation with Religious Authorities” from GIZ Jordan can be downloaded here:

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Bolivia: El agua también tiene género femenino

Por qué transversalizar género en la gestión del agua? Ningún recurso ha puesto de manifiesto la relevancia de la transversalización de género como el agua. El rol protagónico de la mujer en la provisión, gestión y protección del agua es

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Cameroon: L’integration du genre dans la gestion et la maintenance des points d’eau comme gage de perennisation et modele de gouvernance locale

Eu égard au rôle prépondérant des femmes dans la tâche quotidienne d’approvisionnement des ménages en eau potable, mais, presque pas impliquées dans le processus décisionnel sur les questions relatives à l’eau, le Programme d’Appui à la Décentralisation et au Développement

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SADC/Botswana: Gender Mainstreaming im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in der SADC Region

Gender Mainstreaming im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in der SADC Region Hintergrund Das Management von Wasserressourcen in einer der wasserärmsten Regionen Afrikas ist noch immer vorrangig eine Männerdomäne. Allerdings gibt es große Unterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern in der Art der Nutzung

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Chad: Gestion des eaux de ruissellement dans le Tchad sahélien

Financé par la DDC (Direction de Développement et de la Coopération Suisse) et mis en oeuvre par la GIZ- International Services, il a pour objectif global d’améliorer la sécurité ali-mentaire des populations vivant autour des périmètres des seuils et d’inverser

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DRC: L’eau potable – Un quotidien au féminin

Au début du projet, les femmes n’étaient pas représentées dans les réflexions concernant le secteur. Mainte-nant, elles jouent un rôle déterminant. (Gertrude Biaya, Point focal Genre au Cadre de Concertation du Secteur de l’Eau, l’Hygiène et l’Assainissement, CSEHA) Dans la

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Jordan: Improved Water Resources Security for Low Income Rural and Urban Communities

Ambassadors of Change in their Communities Jordan is one of the poorest countries in water resources, as the per capita share is 145 m3 which is far below the international water-poverty line (1000m3/year). This crucial problem needs not only wise

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