Le Projet Forêt Environnement et Climat a tenue à célébrer la femme à son bureau situé au Carrefour Golf à Yaoundé suivant deux orientations. La première était orienté sur la compréhension des concepts clés lié au genre. En effet à…
Le Projet Forêt Environnement et Climat a tenue à célébrer la femme à son bureau situé au Carrefour Golf à Yaoundé suivant deux orientations. La première était orienté sur la compréhension des concepts clés lié au genre. En effet à…
The Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) programme in Lesotho commemorates this year’s International Women´s Day with a Community-Dialogue on the role of women in natural resource management (NRM). The goal of the ICM programme is the sustainable management of land and…
31.05.2023, 10:45-11:45 AM (CEST) This side event at the margins of the BMZ High-Level Forum on Mineral Supply Chains will be jointly organized by the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) and the multi-stakeholder group Women’s…
Check out the knowledge product ‘Small Steps Towards an Empowered Tomorrow’, compiled by the Gender Working Group, Natural Resource Management and Agroecology (NRMAE), GIZ India. The Working Group primarily supports projects in its activities towards gender sensitisation, gender equality and…
Dear colleagues, Indigenous women and girls play a key role as leaders, knowledge-bearers, and human rights and environmental defenders. At the same time, Indigenous women and girls face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence. Nationally and internationally,…
We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative…
Forests play a central role as natural carbon sinks in Viet Nam’s goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 as they cover 42 per cent of the nation’s land area. However, forest quality remains poor, species diversity is low, forests…
GIZ Gender Award 2022 1st Prize GM category
All week | physical and virtual events in French|
One or more events every day, exploring gender equality in many different sectors.
This year, GIZ celebrates the first anniversary of the implementation of the GENDER strategy in its countries of intervention, an opportunity that we seize to allow you to learn more about the first female cooperatives in Algeria created as part…
Enregistrement d’émission radio grand public de 45min en langue locale avec des femmes agricultrices sur le thème « La femme agricultrice et la Gestion Durable de Terre (GDT) pour son autonomisation et celle de sa famille. » Diffusion des émissions enregistrées à…
Emission grand public avec un groupe de 30 femmes qui communiqueront sur: « l’intensification des exploitations agricoles dirigées par les femmes » : plaidoyer des femmes pour diriger des exploitations agricoles
GIZ Madagascar is taking part in the gender week celebrations led by the Ministry promoting gender equity. Numerous women’s associations that we support from our intervention regions – eco-tourism, protected area management, jewelry linked to artisanal mining, women’s mayors association…
CONTEXT Municipalities in Kosovo face a huge challenge when it comes to providing essential services for their citizens and this is evident in the waste management sector. The country still lacks an organized integrated system of waste management. As it…
LESSONS LEARNED FROM EXTENSION WORKERS FOR AGROFORESTRY AND GREEN ECONOMY – MALINAU, NORTH KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA – Just recently, after discussing gender concepts in a meeting of young extension workers (penyuluh) in Malinau, North Kalimantan, a male member of the group…
Country: GIZ In INDIA Full Name of the program Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in India (CMPA) PN (complete 12 digits) 11.9299.6.001.00 AV / Program Director Dr. Konrad Uebelhoer Name of Team Members Dr. Michael…
1. Contexte et objectifs Le « Programme de gestion des eaux de ruissellement dans le Tchad sahélien », mis en oeuvre par la GIZ-International Services, la DDC souhaite contribuer à l’amélioration de la production agropastorale des zones sahéliennes par le…
La promotion de l’égalité du genre dans la gestion durable des ressources naturelles à la périphérie du Parc national de Taï en Côte d’Ivoire: Cas des ressources halieutiques du Lac de Buyo et des arbres forestiers alimentaires. Introduction Depuis 1993,…
Concernant la semaine Genre, la GIZ/RDC organise des interview auprès de ses partenaires directs ou indirects pour savoir l’impact du Genre dans leurs activités ou même leurs vies. Ses interview seront enregistrés sous forme d’un vidéo de 5 à 10…
Event Documentation: GIZ Benin participated in the GIZ Gender Week from 06 to 10 march 2017 by organizing 13 out of 43 events held by the Africa Department, for example an exhibition about gender and equal access to energy which…
Event Documentation: The Mono RBT Delta project works on the creation of the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve in the Mono River Delta in Benin and Togo. This process actively involves the populations of the project areas. In a vision of sustainable…
The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform provides wide access to information and knowledge for sustainable development. The section on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment offers a rich array of resources on the topic of gender and sustainable development – including publications,…
Biodiversity and Adaptation of Key Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change II Programme “Promotion of the gender equality in the forestry sector of Mongolia” INTRODUCTION Nomadic Mongolians’ livelihood patterns, their traditions and values, basic economy including labor division of men and…
Engagement du Programme du maintien de la Biodiversité et de la gestion Durable des Forêts (PBF en sigle) en faveur de l’égalité entre les sexes dans la province du Maniema, en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) 1. Contexte ; La…
1. Promotion de l’égalité entre les sexes Contexte A Madagascar, les femmes subissent les effets des pesanteurs socioculturelles et des préjugés sexistes qui entravent le plus souvent leur contribution au développement, elles sont les premières victimes des crises et des…
GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN THE INDONESIAN FORESTRY SECTOR The FORCLIME approach FORCLIME’s approach is derived from the recognition that responsibilities, vulnerabilities and decision-making powers of individuals and groups in relation to forestry and climate change can be attributed to social structures…
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Lead executing agency: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) Duration: 10/2012– 03/2016 Gender Marker: 1 0. Introduction As a new independent country (2002), Timor-Leste is facing a range of development…