International Women’s Day is annually held on March 8 to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations. It is also known as the United Nations (UN) Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. The UN drew global attention to…
From Academy Award-nominated director Richard E. Robbins, Girl Rising journeys around the globe to witness the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world. Viewers get to know nine unforgettable girls living in the…
As we are striving for a bold change, we the Berea team will celebrate the International Women’s Day (IWD) by providing a platform in a form of a seminar for presentations on gender based violence, child protection, youth rights and…
Concernant la semaine Genre, la GIZ/RDC organise des interview auprès de ses partenaires directs ou indirects pour savoir l’impact du Genre dans leurs activités ou même leurs vies. Ses interview seront enregistrés sous forme d’un vidéo de 5 à 10…
Ms. Barbara Kalima-Phiri will be talking on her role during her work at the continental level as Africa Director for a Pan Africa research and advocacy organisation, AFRODAD, leading and managing projects in 10 African countries. She conducted ground breaking…
Event Documentation: GIZ Benin participated in the GIZ Gender Week from 06 to 10 march 2017 by organizing 13 out of 43 events held by the Africa Department, for example an exhibition about gender and equal access to energy which…
Event Documentation: This exchange session, organized by the decentralization project PDDC and initiated as part of International Women’s Day, aimed to enable male and female colleagues to follow the commitments made by the PDDC during the International Women’s Day 2016…
Event Documentation: The project “Green Innovation centres for the agriculture and food sector in Benin” (ProCIVA) dedicated a day to Women Leaders in the rural development. Women Leaders of the sector exchanged on the impacts of ProCIVA’s support on the…
Event Documentation: Gender Quiz: A “questions and answers” game aimed to raising the awareness, participation and reflection of the project staff around the theme of gender equality. Candidates from each site (Parakou, Bohicon and Cotonou) competed in 3 successive rounds…
Event Documentation: On the occasion of the “International Women’s Day” the project “Soil protection and soil rehabilitation for food security in Benin” (ProSOL) launched a debate on the subject “Women and market gardening: access to land and integrated management of…
The energy sector contributes significantly to the key pillars of sustainable, social, economic and environmental development. Unfortunately, women are underrepresented in this sector, whether as members of communities where energy projects are implemented, in public offices where energy programs and…
Event Documentation: On the occasion of the International Women’s Day the program “Macroeconomic advisory service on poverty reduction” (ACMERP) organised a conference on the subject “gender-sensitive budgeting”. The conference took place at the Ministry of Planning. Pictures: Have a look at…
Event Documentation: The Mono RBT Delta project works on the creation of the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve in the Mono River Delta in Benin and Togo. This process actively involves the populations of the project areas. In a vision of sustainable…
Event Documentation: The Global Programme on Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience in Benin (ProSAR) organised a Training for girls on nutrition and their responsibilities for healthy and active living at the Girl’s High School. Have a look at the GIZ…
The “Agricultural Innovation Support Project” in collaboration with its partner AGRITEX Mutare will host a gender event in Mutare rural district. Theme: “Together for gender equality, together for successful development” (Kubudirira kunoda tose) Women disproportionately experience limited opportunities due to…
The program “Energising Development” (EnDev) organise the exhibition “gender and access to energy” to show through pictures the relevance of the gender dimension in the energy sector. The exhibition highlights the negative effects of the lack of access to energy…
The program Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Benin (ProSEHA) organise a day of role play: for one whole day all employees of ProSEHA will switch the perspective as if they were the “opposite” sex for one day. The event will…
Increasing the participation of women in the labor market is an important step to gender equality. The program ProSOL organise a speech and debate on the topic ” Women in a changing world of work: Plant 50-50 by 2030″ to…
A l’occasion de la Semaine du Genre, le Centre culturel Germano-Malgache, le collectif Madagaslam et la GIZ organisent un concours de slam pour faire entendre les voix des jeunes artistes malgaches pour l’égalité femmes-hommes, le 11 mars au CGM d’Antananarivo.…
The GIZ Ghana Gender Network under the auspices of the Country Director is organising a Gender Breakfast Meeting as part of the Gender Week 2017 and also to commemorate the International Women’s Day 2017. The event will be to used to…
GIZ Mali is about to develop a gender equality policy for GIZ staff on country level and to implement a mentoring system to be able to promote female staff to higher positions in order to meet the percentage aimed at…
On the 8th of March 2017, citizens in Mafeteng, Lesotho, are going to be encouraged to voice out their own individual opinions concerning gender. These different opinions will generate an innovative and productive environment for a discussion that will point…
The Qacha’s Nek GIZ PISA team will address the issues of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and child labor. The overall goal will be, to provide young people at the PISA office in Qacha’s Nek with Information about GBV in their…
Looking at the International Women’s Day values, the GIZ PISA team in Leribe is conducting in cooperation with Bacha – re – Bacha the Women Solidarity March on the 8th of March 2017. We want the gender and health issues…
As the GIZ PISA project is a platform that provides political information, we as the local PISA Center in Mokhotlong will, on the 8th of March 2017, concentrate on women’s rights. Especially in rural areas, women are faced with challenges…
We as the GIZ PISA Maseru district team, will spend the entire morning of the 07th of March 2017 on the topic of Gender equality. We have invited two women that are in leading positions, to share with the citizens…
In line with the International Women’s day theme, “Be bold for change”, GIZ Strengthening Human Rights in Uganda, GIZ Uganda Civil Peace Service in partnership with the Ateker Women Land Rights Partners is being bold by conducting 18 community campaign…
Men and women should be treated equally. This very basic topic is going to be our motto here at the PISA district center in Quthing, Lesotho. On Friday 08th of March 2017 we will invite the debating clubs of two…
Event documentation: Gender Equality remains high on the political agenda for development – in Rwanda, in Germany and internationally – and is a guiding principle and quality feature of our work. The event “Be bold for change: Be gender champion” brought…
Open discussion (ask questions, share experirences) on gender during lunch brek
During a recent discussion, we, the Gender Focal Points of GIZ Tanzania, realized that much of our workplace continues to be shaped by gender stereotypes, including professions that are “typically male” or “typically female” and the associations that we make…
During this event, we seek to discuss and exchange some surprising facts about Gender and Gender Equality in Tanzania in a fun and engaging way!
Event Documentation: On the occasion of the celebration of the International Women’s Day by GIZ in Mozambique, the Good Financial Governance („BGF“) program is pleased to present several of its initiatives for gender equity and women empowerment in the country.…
GIZ Tanzania, is widespread throughout the country, with colleagues working in many different towns and regions. In order to enable all of our colleagues to show their support for Gender Equality and come together as one GIZ on this occasion,…
Panel discussion and information market Following UN Women’s theme for this year’s international women’s day „Women in the changing world of work“, GIZ Cameroon will host an afternoon of presentations and discussions around “Breaking gender stereotypes in the world of…
Event Documentation: In the scope of GIZ Gender Week 2017, GIZ Tunisia’s Gender Group members invited their colleagues to be “theatrical”. Our event “Interactive Cinema” started rather conventionally with a warm welcoming by our group members Sarah Chaar and Feriel…
To raise awareness among GIZ and partner organizations’ staff on issues of gender–based violence all GIZ offices in the country will hang up posters with the GIZ ‘Our voice against gender-based violence’ logo. Additionally, stickers will be given out, in…
We would like to raise awareness on the importance of gender in our projects and to look at gender issues amongst staff – the whole GIZ in Mauritania is invited to exchange and discuss these topics. The results of a survey among…
The national chapter of Transparency International in Madagascar produced a short movie (~ 5 minutes) on the topic: “Women, land and corruption”. This short movie will be broadcasted on the national TV channel of Madagascar (TVM) and a private channel…
Discussion on Gender and work-life-balance; focusing on issues such as: – How to balance family and work with women and men pursuing careers equally – Stumbling blocks that prevent equal opportunities for both men and women
The Financial Literacy Initiative (FLI – supported by the GIZ “Promotion of Competitiveness” Programme in Namibia will host its second Women’s Conference to discuss finance, money, investing, teaching kids about money, financial literacy and education among women and with…
Documentation de la Manifestation: Le mardi 08 mars 2016, dans le village de Véha, commune de Lokossa, au Bénin, a été célébrée la journée internationale de la femme. Dans le cadre du projet de Réserve de Biosphère Transfrontalière du Delta…
Documentation of the Event: Throughout the Gender Week GIZ staff members in Tunisia received daily mails asking them to observe, look for, analyse and reveal gender-related inequalities and phenomena in everyday life with a new Topic each day (questions: please see…
Event Documentation: Following the invitation by Petra Dachtler (Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in Tunis) some 80 representatives of Tunisian civil society organisations, other embassies and UN agencies came to watch the BMZ movie on economic participation of…
Documentation of the Event: Am 08. März 2016 wurde vor Ort ein “Course pour la Solidarité Féminine” (weiblicher Solidaritätslauf) organisiert, an dem eine GIZ-Mannschaft teilgenommen hat. Darüber hinaus hat die Mannschaft unter dem GIZ Gender Motto “l’égalité, un atout pour tous” den Fotowettbewerb, der im Rahmen des Laufs stattgefunden…
When: 8th of March Where: Tanzania What: To raise awareness about the celebration of International Women’s Day, GIZ employees in Tanzania were requested to dress in purple, the colour of that special day. Many colleagues followed this request as you…
When? Thursday, 10. March 2016, 9.00-11.00am Where? GIZ Ghana Conference Room, Accra With? Kwaku Obeng Programme: – Breakfast – Presentation of the E4D Project “Female Professionals in Electronics” which won the 3rd price GIZ in the GIZ Gender Contest 2016…
Documentation de la manifestation: SEWoH : « La parité en 2030 : avancer plus vite vers l’égalité des sexes! » Cotonou, salle de réunion ProCIVA La journée du 8 mars 2016, a été célébrée avec la participation des femmes du bureau de…
When: March 8, 11h-12h Where: GIZ Mauritania With: Female national staff GIZ What: Getting to know how female colleagues perceive the impact of gender on their daily work experience
Documentation of the Event: IFMSA & New Imprint Foundation Training (GIZ Egypt) – 24 university students from 10 Egyptian governorates have successfully participated in a three-day intensive training programme on campaigning to combat sexual harassment. The training programme included presentations…
When: 11 – 12 March .2016 Where: Swiss Club, Imbaba, Cairo, Egypt With: Imprint Movement What: WenDo self-defence workshop An additional workshop targeting female volunteers and team members from the New Imprint Foundation, a Cairo based NGO is organized. New…
Documentation of the event: WenDo Workshop (GIZ Egypt) – 12 female colleagues from GIZ Egypt participated in a basic WenDo training workshop organized in the framework of the GIZ Gender Week 2016. WenDo is a holistic self-defence approach that teaches participants…
Documentation de la manifestation: L’activité a permis d’échanger à l’interne du programme par rapport à l’un des trois objectifs genre 2016 de la GIZ Benin et objectif 4 de la « Stratégie de mise en œuvre « Genre » du département…
When: March 8th Where: Kenyatta International Convention Center With: The Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs This event is held to commemorate the international women’s day, in attendance will be, H.E the First Lady Margret Kenyatta, Director the…
When: March 6th Where: Kenya; Nyayo Stadium With: The first lady of Kenya What: Marathon seeks to raise funds to increase access to better health so as to improve the health of mothers and children. Organized and coordinated by the…
When: March 22nd Where: GIZ Kenya, Nairobi With GIZ: Kenya Gender Focal Persons and Gender Focal Points from partner organisations What: Gender Training: Gender Focal Persons serve as resource persons within their respective programmes and their partner’s organisations. They are…
Event Documentation: Around 50 GIZ staff watched the Tunisian movie “Narcisse” followed by a debate with director Sonia Chamkhi and several actors. The movie tells the story of Hind, a 30-year-old actress, who has the lead role in a play…
Documentation of the Event: Framed by a thought-provoking and informative input by Salwa Kennou, president of the NGO AFTURD and expert on participation of women in (local) politics, around 15 GIZ staff met with several participants in the project “La…
Documentation de la manifestation: « Genre » en tant que thème transversal et l’égalité entre les sexes comme modèle sont partout, aussi là où à première vue on ne le dirait pas. A travers de courtes vidéos les programmes ont…
Events in Maputo, Mozambique Capital: GIZ’ efforts for gender equality will be celebrated on Thursday, 10 of March in Mozambique’s capital Maputo. During the afternoon, GIZ colleagues will meet in the CaféKULTUR, a small familiar restaurant linked with the Mozambican-German…
When: 6 march, 14-16.00h Where: Algiers Office of GIZ Algeria With: Retired Judge and Assistant Professor at the Algerian School of Magistrates What: Presentation of a new Algerian law incriminating violence against women for the first time in history
Gender Activity in N’Djamena, Tchad When: Wednesday, 16th March 2016, 9-11h Where: N’Djamena With: A Gender Focal Point from Cameroon will lead the workshop. (tbd) What: An interactive workshop on “Gender” as a sociological concept and its importance for the…
Documentation de la manifestation: La 9ème édition de la série d’évènements «Semaine Genre» de la coopération allemande s’est déroulée du 2 au 4 mars 2016. La coopération allemande – à travers la Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung, le Goethe-Institut, la KfW, le DAAD…
When: 8 March 2016 Where: Kigali, Rwanda With: all colleagues of GIZ Rwanda and colleagues of GIZ Burundi currently residing in Kigali What: The event „Five Questions to Gender Equality“ creates space for reflection, discussion and exchange of ideas on…
When: 8.3. 15:30-17:30 (reception); exhibition until the beginning of August Where: GIZ Office Kinshasa With: All GIZ employees, German embassy, KfW, political foundations, Goethe Institute What: A la journée mondiale de la femme, il y aura une réception à l’occasion…
Renforcement de l’institutionnalisation de la Politique Nationale Genre (PNG) au secteur de de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement au Mali When: 08/03/2016 Where: Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, Bamako, Mali With: Coalition Nationale de la Campagne Internationale de…
LES POINTS FOCAUX GENRE COMMUNAUX AU NIGER: Moteurs de changement au niveau local Pays sahélien, le Niger couvre une superficie de 1 267 000 km2 avec une population estimée à 17 129 076 habitants, une densité moyenne de 13 habitants…
UNION DES COOPERATIVES DES FEMMES DE L’ARGANERAIE TISSALIWINE Participation au concours au concours genre avec la présentation d’une Succes Story d’un projet de femmes appuyé par la GIZ depuis plus d’une décennie : L’UCFA est le fruit du Projet Conservation…
GIZ Zimbabwe –Urban Water and Sanitation Programme –Submission to the Gender Week competition 2016 Addressing gender specific needs vs creating space and opportunity to challenge gender roles and promote gender equality Stephan Lidsba, AV UWSP; Rahel Hermann, Advisor UWSP; Leon…
Contexte de la mesure En Tunisie, les femmes assument une part très importante des tâches dans l’agriculture, l’élevage ainsi que dans la transformation des produits agricoles, en dépit de cela, elles restent désavantagées par rapport aux hommes notamment en ce…
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Food security
Overview Cocoa is one of the main agricultural products and exports of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo and Cameroon. More than three million smallholdings produce 70% of world cocoa supply. Additional agricultural income is derived mainly from food production. The…
Projet H’lib Dzair Ensemble pour renforcer et professionnaliser le métier de l’élevage en Algérie Background du projet Avant de présenter l’apport du projet H’lib Dzair dans le cadre de l’égalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes, nous avons…
ENERGISING DEVELOPMENT KENYA COUNTRY PROGRAMME BY JULIA MAKOKHA AND ANNA INGWE Energising Development (EnDev) is an energy access partnership currently financed by six donor countries – the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Australia, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für…
L’accès aux énergies renouvelables : une opportunité pour l’autonomisation économique des femmes rurales Le Sénégal a fait de grandes avancées dans la prise en compte du genre dans les différents secteurs du développement, mais un long chemin reste encore à…
Engagement du Programme du maintien de la Biodiversité et de la gestion Durable des Forêts (PBF en sigle) en faveur de l’égalité entre les sexes dans la province du Maniema, en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) 1. Contexte ; La…
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According to the DFID Country Gender Report 2012, Nigeria has one of the lowest rates of female entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa. As micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are an important source of employment and income, especially in rural areas,…
Eu égard au rôle prépondérant des femmes dans la tâche quotidienne d’approvisionnement des ménages en eau potable, mais, presque pas impliquées dans le processus décisionnel sur les questions relatives à l’eau, le Programme d’Appui à la Décentralisation et au Développement…
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Gender Mainstreaming im grenzüberschreitenden Wassermanagement in der SADC Region Hintergrund Das Management von Wasserressourcen in einer der wasserärmsten Regionen Afrikas ist noch immer vorrangig eine Männerdomäne. Allerdings gibt es große Unterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern in der Art der Nutzung…
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Country Context: Gender Equality in Egypt From a global and comparative perspective, Egypt does not fare well in regards to gender equality: In the 2014 Human Development Report’s Gender Equality Index, which measures gender disparity in the realm of empowerment…
Le projet foncier de GIZ Burundi : pour l’égalité des genres et la gouvernance foncière Natacha Kashirahamwe est la première femme à prendre le volant des véhicules de la GIZ Burundi, au sein du Projet foncier. Sereine, souriante, elle ne…
The competition entry ”Reaching the population with information on gender-based violence ” from GIZ Zambia can be downloaded here:
1. Promotion de l’égalité entre les sexes • Contexte : Le Grand Sud, une région où les femmes sont marginalisées Le « Grand Sud » de Madagascar, notamment les régions Androy, Anosy et Atsimo Atsinanana, est la zone…
The competition entry ”Gender Commitment of the Small Ruminant Value Chain” from GIZ Sierra Leone can be downloaded here:
By Victor Ndyabagye & Joseph Oketcho Omalla, GIZ Uganda “Wherever women are deprived of their rights and freedoms, wherever they are humiliated and abused, development is invariably limited,” Angela Merkel, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, at global leaders’ meeting on gender…
1. Promotion de l’égalité entre les sexes Contexte A Madagascar, les femmes subissent les effets des pesanteurs socioculturelles et des préjugés sexistes qui entravent le plus souvent leur contribution au développement, elles sont les premières victimes des crises et des…
Financé par la DDC (Direction de Développement et de la Coopération Suisse) et mis en oeuvre par la GIZ- International Services, il a pour objectif global d’améliorer la sécurité ali-mentaire des populations vivant autour des périmètres des seuils et d’inverser…
GIZ – Concours genre 2016 Expérience de Mlle Nakoulma 1ère femme chauffeur de la Coopération Allemande au Burkina !!! En réponse à l’appel de la Chancelière Allemande, Angela Merkel, lors de son discours à la réunion des dirigeantes et dirigeants…
«A mon retour, mes camarades étaient déjà partis. Le professeur me demanda si j’avais un ami. Il me dit que je lui plais, qu’il a envie de sortir avec moi…» Benin hat alle internationalen Resolutionen und Verträge…
1. Présentation sommaire du Programme d’appui à la décentralisation et au Dévelop-pement Communal de la GIZ Le Programme bénino-allemand d’appui à la décentralisation et au Développement Communal (PDDC) est un programme soutenu par le ministère fédéral allemand (BMZ) et mis…
Le « Programme Décentralisation et Développement Communal (PDDC) » est un programme de la coopération allemande, exécuté par la GIZ, qui travaille avec des partenaires étatiques et de la société civile au Burkina Faso. L’approche présentée relève de la…
CEYP started in 2012 as a youth project and by slowly adopting gender sensitive approaches as well as incorporating an additional component on combating sexual harassment in 2014. CEYP has adapted a full fledge gender approach, trying to incorporate our…
CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In total 15.4 million people in SSA live directly from cotton production. Against this background, the Competitive African Cotton Initiative (COMPACI) aims at enabling 680,000 small-scale farmers in twelve countries of SSA (Zambia/ Malawi/Mozambique/ Benin/Burkina Faso/Cameroon/Ivory Coast/Ethiopia/Ghana/Tanzania/…
Résumé Le Projet d’Appui à la Planification au Développement et Budget (PAPDEV) est un projet d’appui conseil-technique rattaché au cabinet du Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et du Plan au Sénégal. Son objectif principal est d’appuyer une meilleure prise en…
Promoting gender equality The objective of our programmes is to raise awareness among policymakers and relevant stakeholders of women’s distinct financial needs. We promote gender sensitive national financial inclusion processes by building capacity of policymakers and private sector actors to…
Contexte et justification Dans le cadre de l’amélioration de la situation sanitaire des femmes et des enfants et dans le but d’accorder plus d’importance au droit à la santé de la reproduction, le Ministère de la santé publique a adopté…
1. Förderung der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter 1.1 Regionaler Kontext Die aktive Teilnahme von Frauen am öffentlichen Leben ist in weiten Teilen Mosamiks eher die Ausnahme. Im patrilinear geprägten Süden sind Frauen häufig finanziell abhängig von ihrem Partner und verfügen über…
Background: GIZ Zambia, namely the country director Mr. Thomas Schaef and the Gender working group1 are helping to contribute towards the company wide and Africa Department gender strategies, by promoting gender at country as well as program level and making…
Au début du projet, les femmes n’étaient pas représentées dans les réflexions concernant le secteur. Mainte-nant, elles jouent un rôle déterminant. (Gertrude Biaya, Point focal Genre au Cadre de Concertation du Secteur de l’Eau, l’Hygiène et l’Assainissement, CSEHA) Dans la…
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GIZ – SIR Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy (2015) identifies gender equality and female empowerment as universally recognized ‘core development objectives, fundamental for the realization of human rights, and key to effective and sustainable development outcomes. Gender…