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Madagascar Gender Month 2023

Madagascar Gender month 2023_Eng

Activités de la Journée Internationale de la Femme (JIF) au Cluster Bonne Gouvernance

Objectif global : Sensibiliser les collègues sur les questions du Genre, Leave no one Behind et sur la promotion de l’accès équitable et responsable des femmes et filles au numérique, dans les projets programmes respectifs du Cluster Bonne Gouvernance Objectifs

Feminist development policy and gender transformative approaches

Joint Event Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Rwanda and GIZ Rwanda’s Project Prevention of sexualised and gender-based violence Gender norms and stereotypes determine and shape our lives. They are anchored in legislation, in traditions, in formal and informal institutions, in religion, cultural

Gender Month Mozambique 2023

In Mozambique, a full Gender Month is being celebrated every year between March, the 8th (International Women Day) and April, the 7th (Mozambican Women Day). In 2023, GIZ Mozambique and EnDev were elected to follow the main theme of the

Gender Month Events of the Regional Programmes E4D and WE4D

GIZ GENDER MONTH 2023 Events organised by the ‘Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D)’ and the ‘Employment promotion for women for the green transformation in Africa (WE4D)’ programmes   Together with the programmes‘ regional partners in sub-Saharan Africa,

Table ronde “digitalisation et inlcusion”

Ensemble, nous allons nous plonger dans un sujet qui a plus d’actualité que jamais: celui de la digitalisation. Dans unc adre convivial et interactif, nous allons revoir les concepts de base, discuter les opportunités et les défis qu’y sont liés

“Rana hna – Les femmes algériennes dans le secteur des déchets”

Le projet PEMLO vous invite à découvrir son exposition de témoignages des femmes actives dans le domaine des déchets au sein des différentes communes pilotes. 08.-14.03. GIZ Algérie Alger

Lancement Concours Tremplin « Women Sports Entrepreneurship »

En Afrique, environ 20 millions de jeunes arrivent sur le marché du travail chaque année, ce qui représente le plus grand potentiel de main-d’œuvre du monde. Pour atteindre l’objectif de « ne laisser personne pour compte » et d’une «

New BMZ Feminist Development Policy: Approaches and Implementation in Cameroon

In the context of the International Women’s Day, the GIZ gender month and the publication of the new German feminist development policy, GIZ Cameroon is organising a panel discussion on this policy. The policy underlines the importance of working in

Gender Equality Week Egypt – REPRESENTATION – Business Future is Female

Agenda March 8th German Gender Equality Week REPRESENTATION – Day 3 – Business Future is Female – is the closing event of the GEW 2023 on International Women’s Day 2023. Hosted by the German Embassy in Cairo, in cooperation with

Gender Equality Week Egypt – DIVERSITY – Digital Access for ALL.

DIVERSITY – Day 2 German Gender Equality Week is organized by GIZ Egypt’s InnoPA project and aims at gathering insights of relevant stakeholders of the Egyptian digital society on key values and principles for digital inclusion. Sessions will address how

RIGHTS – WenDo self-defence and –assertion training

6 March 2023 Gender Equality Week RIGHTS – Day 1  offers a holistic WenDo self-defence and –assertion training, tailored for women and is considered as a means of preventing violence. WenDo goes beyond the concept of teaching physical techniques as

Formation sport pour le développement (S4D) & égalité du genre

En Afrique, environ 20 millions de jeunes arrivent sur le marché du travail chaque année, ce qui représente le plus grand potentiel de main-d’œuvre du monde. Pour atteindre l’objectif de « ne laisser personne pour compte » et d’une « transition juste », les

Tech’Action 4 Women

Les 07 et 08 Mars 2023 le Programme Migration pour le Développement (PME) organise au Centre Sénégalo-Allemand  une formation pour quinze (15) femmes entrepreneurs en activité. Cet atelier de formation initié en partenariat avec l’Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de

Panel sur : « les mutations du digital en cours dans le monde du travail : opportunités et menaces pour les travailleuses et travailleurs »

Le Ministère du Travail, du Dialogue social et des Relations avec les Institutions, en partenariat avec la GIZ, à travers le projet : « Ensemble vers la réforme du travail », organise un panel sur : « les mutations du

L’Aventure de Naïma – Conte théâtralisé

Increasing women’s participation in ICT – Techher

7th March, 1:00 – 2:00 pm GMT 30-minute online presentation on MS Teams – “increasing women’s participation in ICT” (experience sharing from TECHHER – a Nigerian based NGO). The presentation is facilitated by the GIZ MOVE project working in both

Gender Equality – Gender Awareness Events (GIZ Liberia)

GIZ Liberia supports local partners in the Southeast of the country, one of the remotest and hardest-to-reach places in the country, with their awareness campaigns. The Tubman University in Harper is supported to organize a workshop for faculty staff and

💭 Imagining Women-Centric Digital Futures

💭 Imagining Women-Centric Digital Futures To be able to create thriving futures for women, we first need to imagine and envision what we want to create 🌌. But, designing for everyone often leads to one-size-fits-men solutions 😕.   On the

Le pouvoir du langage inclusif ou de la communication inclusive !

Saviez-vous que le langage (écrit ou oral) peut être un outil d’inclusion ou d’exclusion ? Il sera organisé pour le staff de la GIZ Bénin une session interactive et pratique sur la compréhension du langage inclusif et notre responsabilité ou

Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event

Dear colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to our Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event in 2023!   Do you sometimes struggle with sharing your achievements because you are afraid of sounding like you are bragging? Cultural and modesty

Let´s shout out “Women, AHEAD!”

Awareness Campaign: Women, AHEAD! Women all over Africa are excelling in their fields and fighting for women’s rights every day. They are feminists, actively or unconsciously paving the way for others and overcoming stereotypes and discrimination. On the lead-up to

Demystifying Feminism. Local feminist achievements and challenges

In March 2023, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) will launch its Feminist Development Strategy. The policy was already announced in early 2022, raising questions about what it would imply, especially for implementing agencies like GIZ

Movie Screening on Human Trafficking

The Coalition Against Trafficking in Person Uganda (CATIP-U) and the Better Migration Management Programme are proud to present a screening of the BBC documentary “Forced to Beg”. This powerful film offers a glimpse into the harsh reality of human trafficking

Workplace talk on “Domestic Violence”

In light of International Women’s Day, it is crucial to recognize the continued battle against gender-based violence. As part of this effort, a workplace talk on domestic violence will be held with guest speaker Ms. Opolot. Ms. Opolot is not

Causerie éducative “Vers une amélioration de l’accès au financement agricole pour les femmes”

Au Cameroun, 85 % de la population pauvre vit dans les zones rurales. Les trois quarts de la population rurale travaillent dans l’agriculture. Pourtant, les potentiels de rendement ne sont pas exploités en raison du manque de disponibilité d’intrants de

INFO CARAVANS: Innovation – Technology for the Gender Equality in Civil Status

Les femmes du Bureau National de l’État Civil ensemble pour UN MONDE DIGITAL INCLUSIF :  INNOVATION ET TECHNOLOGIES POUR L’ÉGALITÉ DES SEXES/ Registration: An Important Tool for the Protection of Women and Girls’ Rights in Digital Spaces There will be

#hackathon basé sur les solutions vocales (#IVR : Interactive Voice Response)

Les projets d’appui au Centre de Transformation Digitale (CTD) de la GIZ  Bénin organisent la Journée de l’Inclusion Numérique et du Genre (JING 2023) le 08 Mars 2023. Dans ce contexte, un #hackathon basé sur les solutions vocales (#IVR :

Gender Issues in Cross-Border Trade: A Virtual Roundtable

  Thursday, 16.03.2023, 10am UTC What are the challenges for women in cross-border trade – and how can we adress them? We cordially invite you to a roundtable to discuss challenges of women and small-scale traders. We are eager to

Feminist Development Policy – Events and activities in Kenya

Feminist Organizations’ engagement : This will involve engagement with local feminist organizations to facilitate a better understanding of feminism within the Kenyan context. The engagement will specifically seek to enhance an understanding of the approach these organizations take, challenges they face,

It needs capacitated Gender Focal Persons to deliver!

La Caravane de l’Entrepreneure – Networking and sharing event for female entrepreneurs in Cameroon

On International Women’s Day 2022, the Cameroon Women Entrepreneur Network (CWEN), with support from GIZ Business Scouts for Development and the Gender Focal Point of Cameroon, organised a 2-day networking and sharing event for female entrepreneurs based in the Septentrion,

The Join-Circuit in Zambia: an effective and efficient tool for Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)

Engaging Religious and traditional actors to prevent Gender-Based Violence (GBV)


Women inclusion in the Zambian water and sanitation sector

Gender for Basic Education and Professional Training in Mozambique

The Women Development and Training Centres in Libya (WDTC)

GIZ GHANA – GovID Programme


The Public Service – Change Agent for Gender Equity

116 GIZ colleagues including management, representatives of the German Embassy, the Mozambican-German Cultural Centre (CCMA) and KfW participated during the virtual launch of the GIZ Gender Month in Mozambique on March 8, 2022. During the launch, participants raised awareness and


Women Water Leaders
Promoting gender equality within AWARE

S4DA Gender Champions vying for the Real Champions Crown

Panel sur la promotion de l’accès à l’emploi, de la lutte contre les discriminations et de la protection sociale des femmes au Sénégal

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Projet Ensemble vers la Réforme du Travail, la GIZ a tenu un panel de partage autour de l’égalité de genre sous la présidence effective de Monsieur Samba SY, Ministre du Travail,

Gender Equality – A Key Principle of GIZ

A virtual event with interesting programme on different topics around Gender Equality. Part I Input from special guests Daniela Spies and Esther Loehr (Equal Opportunities Commissioners) on equal opportunities within GIZ Discussion and exchange Part II Project activities in Rwanda

Empowerment for Women

The virtual workshop Empowerment for Women  addresses female GIZ staff  and aims to provide them with self-empowerment skills, which they can use in their working lives and everyday lives. The webinar opens a space for self-reflection and personal development –

A contribution of the Gender Circle – GIZ Morocco: Promoting Gender Diversity in companies as a key performance driver – starting with ourselves!

French version below

Appui à l’amélioration de la gestion du foncier « Sen Souf »

Unbeatable Gender Equality Approaches by the “Sustainable Employment through Agribusiness” (AgriBiz) Programme in Ghana

Empowering Women for Leadership:
GIZ Namibia Women in Leadership Mentorship Pilot Programme 2021

Partager pour mieux préserver

GIZ Mali | Briser les préjugés #SheMapsAndGIS #MasculinitéPositive

Briser les préjugés, pas seulement aujoud’hui, mais tous les jours.  Quand : 08 Mars 2022 Où : Bamako, Mali sur MSTeams Qui: GIZ Mali, OpenStreetMap-Mali, SheMapsAndGis   La GIZ Mali célébre la réussite des femmes dans le domaine de la

Female participation in syndicale organisations

GIZ Chad organises a round table discussion about female participation in syndicale organisations. The objective of the event is to inform female staff about the role of syndicats and about the importance of female participation and to increase the number

Femmes et MakerSpaces

Du 01 au 05 Mars 2022, une vingtaine de femmes a pris part à une activité de prototypage au Makerspaces de la Commune de Garoua 2, au Nord du Cameroun. Venant de différent corps de métiers, elles se sont familiarisés

Experience sharing

Experience sharing by projects and the HR Department on how they integrate gender/promote gender equality in their work.

Panel Discussion: Gender Responsive Budgeting: Mainstreaming Girls, Women and Children with Special Needs in Climate Change Adaptation Techniques

GIZ will work with Women Lawyers Association of Malawi to unpack how government can or is supporting girls and women and children with special needs in disaster affected districts. This will be done through: • Discuss budget allocated to the

Gender promotion messages

With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as background we will share gender promotion messages every day throughout the Gender Week.

Comic Book Launch

Launch of a Comic Book on Sexual Harassment prevention and response.


The practical capacity development journey for agripreneurs ‘Gender makes Business Sense’

Gender Promotions in technical Careers

Projet « renforcement des structures de santé, en particulier dans le domaine de la planification
familiale et de la santé des droits sexuels et reproductifs au Burundi »

Sexualised misconduct at the workplace – A holistic approach to implement GIZ’s Zero Tolerance Policy

Sensibilisierung für LSBTI Inklusion in einem herausfordernden Kontext in Ruanda

Nigeria: Empowering Women in Male-dominated Skills Sectors and Support for Vulnerable Groups.

GCF Kenya

« Accès aux services et soins de santé pour tous·tes »

Proposition de candidature Togo Concours genre GIZ 2022

Gender meets Religion

Der „Nationale Preis für Mädchen im Bereich Berufliche Bildung in Somaliland“ eine Intervention im Vorhaben Förderung der Beruflichen Bildung in Somalia Phase II

 Epilog: Wenn über eine Person nichts gesagt wird, wird diese schnell vergessen. In Somaliland w über junge Frauen und Mädchen nicht gesprochen, eine halbe Gesellschaft wird hier im täglichen Leben vergessen.  LGBTX ist eine Straftat. Es stellt sich die Frage,

FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL – an entire month dedicated to gender equality

Concours genre 2022 (contribution GIZ/BGF/PIREDD/Maniema)

Candidature dans les catégories mainstreaming du genre GIZ Burkina Faso

GIZ Burkina Faso, Projet Promotion de l’emploi pour les Jeunes en milieu rural (ProEmploi)

Gender Group Egypt

Gender Award 2022 3rd Prize GM category

Intégration de la dimension du genre dans l’entreprise (GIZ-NIGER)

Introduction Le “genre”, les “études de genre”, “l’approche de genre” sont des notions parfois mal comprises par les populations. Transposé de l’anglais “Gender”, le genre est un concept sociologique désignant les “rapports sociaux de sexe” et de façon concrète, l’analyse

Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food sector Kenya

Introduction In Kenya, agriculture, inclusive of the subsectors of forestry and fishing, is an important sector of the economy that accounts for around 29% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Thirty-six (36%) per cent of the population lives below the

GIZ Namibia | 15 Suggestions on How to Raise a Feminist Child

Based on the book “Dear Ijeawele – A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions” by Chimamanda Adichie Ngozi, GIZ Namibia staff will receive every day one of the 15 suggestions via email, starting one week before the gender week (28 February)

GIZ Namibia | Talk Show on Women in Leadership Mentorship Programme

GIZ Namibia colleagues are invited to the WiL talk show, a golden opportunity to meet the first group of GIZ Mentors and GIZ Mentees of the “Women in Leadership” mentorship pilot programme of GIZ Namibia.  A major aim of the

GIZ Namibia | Informal Coffee Discussion on Gender & Diversity

GIZ Namibia colleagues and colleagues from partner organisations are invited to an Informal Coffee gathering and discussion around the intersection of gender and diversity with the main objective targeted at broadening the understanding of inequalities, discrimination and injustices experienced within

GIZ Namibia | Brown Bag Lunch: Gender Inequality & Domestic Violence

When: Mo, 7 March 2022   12h00-13h00 Where: MS Teams link GIZ Namibia colleagues are invited to an informal virtual discussion around gender inequality and domestic violence in Namibia, based on a short public video that is presented. The project leader

BreakTheBias – Gender Awareness Event

Half-day event on stereotypes and gender roles – understanding them and what can we do to change them. Planned are games to explore topics – a roleplay on gender roles and how they can affect freedom of choice/decisions; collection of

GIZ Namibia | Gender Week Photo Competition

Colleagues from GIZ Namibia are called for action to change gender stereotypes by submitting photos of themselves doing tasks typically done by the opposite sex. A photo collage will be published with all submitted photos. Two winner photos will be

Workshop: Gender Sensitive Climate Risk Insurance (CRI)

The event – taking place as a physical meeting in Lusaka – aims at creating a platform for exchange on equal access for women to insurance and the development of ideas on gender-sensitive awareness creation for climate risk insurance (CRI).

Tackling the gender digital divide – insights from #eSkills4Girls in South Africa

8th March, 15.00-15.50 CET Join the session here Digital development offers the opportunity for human rights-based sustainable development. In particular, women in all their diversity and further marginalized groups can use the Internet to develop their potential in education, employment,

Initiation au Marketing Digital pour les femmes du Moungo

Dans le cadre de la célébration de la journée internationale de la Femme, nous avons choisi d’appuyer avec ActivSpaces les femmes qui avaient participé aux trois jours de formation sur le Marketing Digital fin novembre 2021 à Nkongsamba 3ème pour

Gender Corner

12 March | all day | event for Sierra Leone staff
Internal competition about gender topics to promote engagement for creating a more equitable workplace and society.

Gender Week 2020

GIZ Rwanda conducted a Gender Week jointly with equal opportunities officer Sabine Guertner. A number of sessions took place throughout the week, e.g. on: Sexual misconduct at the workplace Female career development in GIZ Overcoming the unconscious bias with focus

Gender Month “Changing Gender Roles in the Household”

GIZ Rwanda conducted a Gender Month Competition on the topic of “Changing Gender Roles in Household”. All programme teams had sessions and discussions on the topic of “Changing gender roles in Household” and each programme was asked to design a

Achievements and Challenges of women in Rwanda

8 March | Virtual event |
Sessions, discussions and music

Namibia’s Gender Week – Respect Her

All week | campaign and activities |
Joint campaign with the White Ribbon Campaign, panel discussion, masculinity session and GIZ photo campaign

Video to promote formal land usage rights

8 March | video publication – French|
Awareness raising video for formal land usage rights in Benin

S4DA: Brunch, Challenge, Quizzes & Advocacy

All week | Online events & activities for the Sports for Development in Africa project |
Moderated discussion and exchange, quizz, advocacy articles, brunch

“Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”

9 March | all morning | physical event for GIZ staff in Uganda |
Awareness and engagement event to galvanize support for gender mainstreaming and programming in Uganda.

Launch of Gender Equality Toolbox for Inclusive Business Models in Mozambique

10 March | 10.00-11.CET | GIZ virtual event |
Launch of the gender equality toolbox for the inclusive business models and developmentpartnerships with the private  sector.

Women economic empowerment/ Women entrepreneurship

All week | physical and virtual events in French| 
One or more events every day, exploring gender equality in many different sectors.

Accès au foncier de la femme

8 March | TBD | conférence pour GIZ employé-es à Madagascar | 
Le Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire et des travaux Publics et la GIZ  ProPFR, vont organiser une conférence-débat  portant le thème “Accès au foncier et développement durable”

COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Gender Equality in Tunisia

10 March | 10.00 CET | Online event for GIZ staff in French |
Presentation and discussion of the findings of a COVID-19 impact analysis on gender equality in Tunisia, including 

Intersectionality 101

10 March | 11.00-12.00 CET| Online event for GIZ staff and partners – presentations attached |
We will be unpacking concepts of intersectionality as a framework for project implementation and the working environment.