Internal Gender Mainstreaming Activities
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Iniciativa de Género y Diversidad para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe

ZERO TOLERANCE TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Enhancing staff awareness through the Art of Comic Book


Rural Development goes Feminist! A sector-wide approach to Feminist Development Policy

LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Mainstreaming: “Do no harm, but do something!”

Política de Prevención, Atención y Sanción del Acoso y Hostigamiento Sexual y por Razón de Género

Gestión integrada y transversal de género y diversidad en Centroamérica

#TeamGender quest for Gender Mainstreaming.


L’Ambassade d’Allemagne et la GIZ au Sénégal main dans la main pour lutter contre les VBG !

G500 Genderonboarding

Gender, Diversity and Human Rights in the Energy and Urban Transformation Cluster (GIZ Brazil)

Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control (DIPC)

WomenEmpower Armenia Initiative

Beyond the Blueprint: Joining hands for Gender Transformative Approaches

Contribuciones Relativas a la Transversalización del Enfoque de Género en el Programa de Energías Renovables (PEERR) en Bolivia

Empower Energía: Advancing Gender Equality in Chile’s Energy Sector

Learning about and Operationalizing Intersectional and Gender-transformative approaches in GIZ practice

Periods@Work – Many initiatives, one goal

CITIES: trazando la ruta hacia el enfoque género transformador

Joint Gender Transformative Approaches Working Group (GTA-WG)


The choice to pursue a corporate career and motherhood are not mutually exclusive: A tale of breast-feeding moms

Unite! 16 days of activism against gender-based violence


From gender approach to practice at GIZ Colombia

INA goes Feminist

Capitalizing On Good Practices of Gender Mainstreaming at GIZ

Towards Feminist Development Policy in GIZ Albania

Energía Renovada: ¡Una Propuesta Transformadora para un Mundo Equitativo, justo y sostenible!

Woman’s Path Festival

Together for WoMEN: GIZ Jordan’s Holistic Approach to Gender Mainstreaming

40_English_GM_EMZ_Gender Focal Points Jordanien

Politique interne de protection: Contre le harcèlement sexuel au travail

Promoting gender diversity at GIZ Viet Nam

A holistic GIZ approach to promoting gender equality and diversity in Malawi

24_English_GM_AFRICA_Gender & Diversity Working Group

Anchoring the Feminist Development Policy in the technical cooperation with Egypt

22_English_GM_EMZ_FemDP technical cooperation

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit (DEI Audit)

13_English_GM_AFRICA_DEI Audit

Gender-Mainstreaming mit Fokus LGBTQI+

10_Deutsch_GM_EZM_Konferenz Queere EZ

Holistic Approach: Highlighting the DIGITS-wide Initiative ‘DIGITS… ist bunt’


It needs capacitated Gender Focal Persons to deliver!

Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Team
Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment in a holistic, cross organizational way


S4DA Gender Champions vying for the Real Champions Crown

Genderrollen transformieren, Gleichberechtigung erreichen

GIZ Gender Award 2022 1st Prize GM category

A contribution of the Gender Circle – GIZ Morocco: Promoting Gender Diversity in companies as a key performance driver – starting with ourselves!

French version below

Empowering Women for Leadership:
GIZ Namibia Women in Leadership Mentorship Pilot Programme 2021

GIZ Cambodia Contributions to Internal Gender Mainstreaming


The Working Group on ‘Gender-Transformative Approaches in Rural Development (GTA RD)’
of the Sector Network Rural Development (SNRD)

Sexualised misconduct at the workplace – A holistic approach to implement GIZ’s Zero Tolerance Policy

Sensibilisierung für LSBTI Inklusion in einem herausfordernden Kontext in Ruanda


Proposition de candidature Togo Concours genre GIZ 2022


Gender in (post-)conflict contexts in the Arab region

Tejiendo la transformación:
Procesos integrales para la igualdad de
género en GIZ Portafolio SICA.

GIZ Gender Award 2022 2nd Prize GM category

G100 Frauen in Führung

Inclusive and Non-sexist Language (LINS) in Brazil

Leadership has no gender

Contribution by GIZ Viet Nam’s Gender Circle 1. Corporate culture (50% of marks) Gender equality is a key value and part of how we see ourselves. Describe your contribution, i.e. the measures, processes and/or approaches you use to make gender

A SAFE SPACE FOR ALL Makes a great workplace

1. Corporate culture (50% of marks) Gender equality is a key value and part of how we see ourselves. Describe your contribution, i.e. the measures, processes and/or approaches you use to make gender equality visible as part of our corporate

Intersectional Diversity Management Initiative

“Intersectionality is a lens through which you can see where power comes and collides, where it interlocks and intersects. It’s not simply that there’s a race problem here, a gender problem here, and a class or LGBTQ+ problem there. Many

FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL – an entire month dedicated to gender equality

Activities of the Gender and Human Rights Working Group of GIZ Brazil

Gender-Sensitive Event Management – Checklist for practitioners: A building block for internal gender mainstreaming

Mentoring program “Women for Leadership” “Frauen gehen in Führung” 2021: A gender empowerment and mainstreaming initiative of G400

Candidature dans les catégories mainstreaming du genre GIZ Burkina Faso

Gender Group Egypt

Gender Award 2022 3rd Prize GM category

Intégration de la dimension du genre dans l’entreprise (GIZ-NIGER)

Introduction Le “genre”, les “études de genre”, “l’approche de genre” sont des notions parfois mal comprises par les populations. Transposé de l’anglais “Gender”, le genre est un concept sociologique désignant les “rapports sociaux de sexe” et de façon concrète, l’analyse


GENDER WORKING GROUP OF BRAZIL: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MAINSTREAMING Gender Competition 2020 – Gender Mainstreaming – 3rd Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Brazil, gender-based inequalities permeate the economic, educational, political, health, safety and work spheres. They are historical and structural

Germany: Gender @ Global NDC Conference

A HARASSMENT-FREE CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In 2019, the two projects NDC Assist (BMZ) and the Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (BMU) organized an international climate conference in Berlin, the Global NDC Conference.


CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The peace agreement of 2016 has changed Colombia: Many people in the country want reconciliation and believe in an upswing. The oldest leftwing guerrilla movement has surrendered most of its weapons. But the post-conflict country is facing

Germany: Out of the blind spot – Visibility to women professionals

1. Corporate culture When at a conference, we try to count the number of women and men at the audience. Not surprisingly, women are often in a numeric balance, if not in advantage. Nevertheless, this advantage cannot be extrapolated when

Germany: Changing Norms on Menstruation – Co-creating Menstrual Health and Hygiene Actions

Introduction In November 2019 the German Parliament agreed that from January 2020 the tax on sanitary products – the so-called Tampon Tax – would be decreased from 19% to 7%. At this year’s Menstrual Hygiene Day (28.05.) PtS Flachsbarth (

Jordan: “What are Masculinities?”

1. Country context Jordan Bordering Syria, the West Bank, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Jordan is in the center of the ‘Middle East’ with approximately 10.5 million inhabitants and categorized as a lower-middle income country. In the recent decades, the Hashemite

Germany: Gender-Offensive beim Betriebssport – Fußball für alle in der GIZ

„Fordert das, was euch zusteht!“ rief Marta, brasilianische Nationalspielerin, in die Kameras zu den Mädchen während der Frauen-Weltmeisterschaft im vergangenen Sommer in Frankreich. Mit ihrem Tor gegen Italien im dritten Spiel Brasiliens bei der Frauen-WM wurde Marta die beste Torschützin

Kyrgyzstan – Vision needs Attitude – Attitude meets Action

Vision needs Attitude – Attitude meets Action. With this already well-known motto, GIZ Kyrgyzstan office has started its new approach in promotion of gender equality. We call it a ‘reboot’ in the internal system of GIZ Kyrgyzstan office and projects


DEVELOPING AN ANTI-SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY FOR GIZ JORDAN AND LEBANON CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE In Jordan and Lebanon, sexual harassment at the workplace is widespread and constitutes an obstacle to equal employment of women and men. Yet, both the Jordanian and

Bangladesh: GIZ Bangladesh’s Journey towards Gender Equality

#SAY YES TO “HARASSMENT FREE WORLD” CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The Government of Bangladesh has ratified Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 1979 and adopted the National Women Development Policy 2011. To achieve gender equality

Brazil: Development of a GIZ Brazil Policy Against Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

  Intro The development of internal guidelines for GIZ Brazil office to combat sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the workplace brought up innovative actions to the national office context. A specific external ombudsman for these types of cases was

Brazil: Gender Working Group

GIZ Brazil’s gender working group (WG gender) has been improving and expanding its activities with the objective of transforming the organizational culture of GIZ on gender equity and respect for diversity. As Brazil is increasingly distant from achieving gender goals,

Brazil: Intersectionality and inclusive non-sexist language: Gender Working Group and SFF Human Rights

Gender mainstreaming within the company Introduction – Social and political scenario Despite the constitutionally guaranteed rights and ratified international obligations regarding human rights and gender equity, Brazil continues to face cultural and political barriers that are structurally patriarchal, sexist and


GENDER GROUP TUNISIA: FOR A CULTURE THAT RESPECTS DIFFERENCE Gender Competition 2020 – Gender Mainstreaming – 1st Place CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Tunisia is undergoing profound political, social and juridical changes. Since 2011 Tunisia has embarked on a democratic transition, in

Pakistan: Female Internship Program

Background GIZ Pakistan as part of its commitment to mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda (SDG: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), and alignment of personnel structure to have a diversified workforce with adequate and balanced gender ratio, set

Bolivia: Y la actitud se encontró con la acción – Política de Recursos Humanos sensibles a la equidad de género en la GIZ Bolivia

Antecedentes Han pasado más de 50 años de presencia y trabajo de la Cooperación Alemana en Bolivia, actualmente la GIZ como empresa ejecutora de programas y proyectos de la cooperación técnica entre el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia y la República

Germany: Vision needs Attitude, Attitude meets Action

Die „Gespräche zur Internationalen Zusammenarbeit“ am Weltmädchentag in der GIZ-Repräsentanz Berlin Gezielte Förderung von Mädchen und jungen Frauen, Gleichberechtigung in allen Lebensbereichen, weltweit. Aus einer gemeinsamen Vision ist eine gemeinsame Aktion mit Tradition geworden. Seit drei Jahren nimmt die GIZRepräsentanz


CONSTAT Faible taux de présence des femmes aux postes de responsabilité et aux postes techniques dans le Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances (MEF) et le Ministère du Plan et du Développement (MPD) CONSÉQUENCE L’absence de femmes aux postes de

Liberia: #WeAreProtected

GIZ LIBERIA STAFF PROTECT EACH OTHER AGAINST SEXUAL HARASSMENT CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE After a hard-hitting article on sexual abuse at a Liberian girls’ school was published in US media in October 2018, Liberian women’s rights activists started to mobilize under


BUILDING BLOCKS TO LARGE CHANGE IN GIZ VIETNAM Gender Competition 2020 – Gender Mainstreaming – 2nd Place CONTEXT The Vietnamese culture is influenced by Confucianism’s interpretations, characterised by male privilege and hierarchical relationships, resulting in gender stereotypes and inequality. This


                                          CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNAL GENDER MAINSTREAMING Annex 1: Corporate culture Gender equality is intrinsically linked to sustainable development and is vital to the realization of human right for all. The   overall objective of gender is a society in which women

Plurinational: The GIZ Rainbow Network

Promoting a more inclusive gender approach Advocating respect for human rights, equal opportunities and integrity are core values of GIZ. The GIZ Rainbow Network is actively pursuing to make this a lived reality by promoting structural embodiment of lesbian, gay,

Marocco: Translating GIZ Gender Strategy into practice

Starting with the designation of two new Gender Focal Points in 2015, the GIZ Office in Morocco worked towards the implementation of the GIZ Gender Strategy through a strategic and concerted effort. In early 2016, the Gender Focal Points organized

Tunisia: View of Gender Focal Point Tunisia

Soumission au Concours Genre 2018 Au nom du Groupe Genre de la GIZ Tunisie, nous avons le plaisir de soumettre notre dossier pour le Concours Genre 2018, dans la catégorie “Intégration de la dimension du genre dans l’entreprise”. Nous espérons

Pakistan: Thinking Pink at GIZ Pakistan

Gender as a cross-cutting topic in Pakistan German development cooperation has been engaged in Pakistan for more than 50 years. Pakistan currently represents one of the biggest portfolios of GIZ worldwide. According to the country strategy of the Federal Ministry

Pakistan: Gender and Security

Presently, GIZ employs around 45 international and 350 national staff and implements projects throughout Pakistan, a male and Muslim dominated country. Cultural as well as gender considerations differ considerably from Western norms with gender mainstreaming often considered to be a

GIZ Bolivia: Community of Practice Practice Gender and Interculturality// Bolivia: GIZ Bolivia Hace Camino Al Andar El Grupo De Temas Transversales

CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE The plurinational state of Bolivia shows one of the highest indicators of gender-based violence and feminicide in the Americas. Statistically, 7 in 10 women will experience some sort of violence in their life, most likely during´a romantic

Indonesia: View of Gender Focal Points Indonesia

Indonesia has ratified the major international conventions that uphold principles of gender equality and empowerment of women. Nevertheless, there is a wide gap between the content of the Indonesian laws and their applications. The Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace

Benin: Gender House

  Le tableau ci-avant présenté montre plusieurs dimensions du genre à savoir : Tout d’abord, l’homme sur l’échelle en train de mettre l’enseigne GIZ et la femme qui met la peinture sont un noir et une blanche tous deux employés

Mauritania: Khaima Pipi

The competition entry can be downloaded. (In German)  

Uganda: Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Many of Uganda’s developmental issues can be traced back to underlying Gender inequalities. Over half of married women report to have experienced violence by their partner. Internationally Uganda has the highest percentage of women (40%) and men (36%) who agree