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Images tagged "color-image"

21 comments on “Images tagged "color-image"
  1. This makes us all very proud! Its a pleasure and an honor to work for GIZ knowing it is very serious about gender equality . Commiting to engage and work specifically on issues related to Women’s Economic Empowerment, advocating for equality of opportunity and rights. Empowering women in business by closing the gender gap in wage distinctions is a big move in our day and age. In this day and age, this seems so basic, and is yet so required!

    The best news so far, this GIZ Gender Week! 🙂

    In Solidarity, Scherry
    Technical Expert – Gender and Cross Cutting Issues,
    GIZ India

  2. Julia Makokha says:

    Great work in addressing gender among communities.

  3. Julia says:

    I would like to open the live stream but I receive a server error

  4. Annabelle Metzner says:

    New BACKUP Health factsheet ‘Addressing sexual and reproductive health and HIV needs among key populations’

    The factsheet summarises the results of the past collaboration between BACKUP and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) on the ‘Shadows and Light’ project. The factsheet and the documentation of four related webinars can be accessed here:

  5. Julia Unger says:

    Is there any information available on the gender activities this year 2017?

  6. Anne Ramp says:

    Wird es auch eine virtuelle Möglichkeit der Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung geben? Oder beschränkt sich dies auf Umfragen während der Veranstaltung?
    VG, Anne Ramp

  7. Scherry Siganporia says:

    Thank you for sharing this. Very important information for us as GIZ Gender Focal Points. Also, this is a very good approach to be taken by DAC.

  8. anonymous says:

    Thank you for this great initiative! Is there some kind of agenda for the event as we plan to join it from Pakistan via livestream – at least for some time.

  9. anonymous says:

    Dear colleagues,

    Why are you no stereotype? Let’s contradict stereotypical gender associations and support GIZ Pakistan’s Women’s Day campaign #ImNoStereotype (#SDG5) today! ?

    Follow us now at

    GIZ Pakistan

  10. anonymous says:

    I just read about your interactive mapping tool which sounds really interesting. We are working with GIZ in the area of external audit and I am currently responsible in our organisation to better integrate gender equality.
    I tried to look at the tool but apparently one needs to be signed up to be able to access it. It would be great to get your help here.
    THanks in advance.
    Best regards
    Petra Schirnhofer

  11. anonymous says:

    Hi there
    I just stumbled upon this announcement and would be interested to know more about negotiating and positioning myself as a woman. Would be great if such training could be repeated also involving the Aussenstruktur or if the slides could be shared.

    Thanks in advance and kind regards

  12. anonymous says:

    Merveilleuses initiatives, les femmes africaines ont des talents de techniciens mais les normes sociales, les perceptions endogènes et les pratiques religieuses cachent en elles.
    Travaillons pour l’épanouissement professionnel des femmes.

  13. anonymous says:

    Am Bernard chirwa from Malawi the one who took part on music workshop at Dzenza primary school. This workshop was very nice I can’t forget

  14. anonymous says:

    I would to share a short video on “Menstrual Hygiene during Pandemic”

  15. anonymous says:

    Empowering women farmers is very key to break the inequality gap the African women faces in all spheres of life. The main challenge to the woman farmer is access to land. And I think it is most important in addition to education (digitalization) for development partners to team up with African leaders to embark on radical land reforms as were the case of Mexico in 2007.

    Access to agricultural land is key to secure the educational prospects of the girl child from Rural Africa. There are many evidence to this effect. Women rice steamers from Benin who participated in ATVET4W attested to this. It is also true that women employed at farming sectors were much secured relative women employed in urban informal sector during the Covid crises. But if the woman has no access to farm land, then the girl-child risk dropping out of school.

    I am tempted to believe that quite an appreciable number of the African woman who has break the odds to rub shoulders with the male counterparts have their source of strength from the Woman farmer (a family relation). Hence issues of land rights is prerequisite for the African woman to ensure a bottom-up sustainable women empowerment and by implication bridging the gender and socio-economic inequality gap.

  16. anonymous says:

    This is awesome, engaging the whole country team and actively making staff focus on GBV and equality. Great initiative. Well done Sierra Leone.

  17. anonymous says:

    The resilience of the women of Sierra-Leone to withstand shocks has been constantly tested in the past years.
    Even though they constitute a majority of less or poorly paid, with limited protection, health care, social and domestic workers jobs-and with a much greater risk of any infection not only COVID-19 or EVD, their greatest, yet undefeatable enemy is GBV and inequality!
    Fighting for their rights is part of daily life-at work and at home, an uphill battle.
    The pandemic-induced reduced access to maternal and health care services just like during the Ebola crisis due to reallocation of scarce resources added insult to injury.
    Therefore, recognizing that the road to achieving SDG 5 still remains a bumpy one, and highlighting issues around gender equality- was for GIZ staff and the health team in Sierra-Leone a no brainer.
    Kudos and Chapeau again to all colleagues who participated!

  18. anonymous says:

    In schools, social and civic studies should be broadened to include GBV to enable young people develop positive life styles that promote healthy living and social relations.
    A very sensitive GBV organization equals organizational development and profitable project implementation.

  19. anonymous says:

    Perfect work. Bravo to the Gender team and all staff that participated to make this competition successful. and finally bravo to the winner – health project.

  20. anonymous says:

    Gender Equality is a mechanism for peace development and stability of a nation. Equality is fairness for all, irrespective of the gender.

  21. anonymous says:

    What a great initiative! Although this ass not the first time GIZ Sierra Leone celebrated the International Women’s Week, I can proudly say that this was the first time we did it on this “GRAND STYLE”!!!