SDG 07: Affordable and Clean Energy
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Women in Energy Networking Iftar

H2Uppp, the program managed by GIZ Maroc and commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, along with Women in Green Hydrogen, the initiative launched by The International International Power-to-X Hub, is organizing – in collaboration with IN-VR,  The Net-Zero

Symposium: Unleashing Economic Potential in Albania toward High-Income Status and EU-Accession: UNTAPPED GREEN POTENTIAL

GIZ, World Bank and AFD is organizing the Symposium: Unleashing Economic Potential in Albania toward High-Income Status and EU-Accession: Untapped Green Potential This symposium is the second of a series of three events designed to discuss key challenges and opportunities

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : GSDP Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment Study Findings

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 GIZ GENDER KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE MEET ꟾ GSDP GENDER EQUALITY and WOMENS EMPOWERMENT STUDY FINDINGS Organized by Indo-German Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development (GSDP) GIZ India recently carried out a study on the effective

Posicionamiento de mujeres en energía sustentable: retos y factores de éxito

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Knowledge Exchange Meet – Learning Together – Gender in Agrivoltaics

GIZ India – ‘Gender in Agrivoltaics’ – Knowledge Exchange Meet Agrivoltaics, the practice of having solar panels and food crops on the same land is a topic that is steadily gaining traction globally! To get ourselves ahead of the curve,

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024   Don’t miss – the GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024 on Friday, 8th March, 11:00 – 13:00 h CET Where: Bonn, GIZ Campus, Auditorium and online via livestream   We are honored to count on the

Promoting gender mainstreaming in government partners


Women’s Energy Fund – FEM

EnDev: Financer une enquête ménage permettant au ministère de l’énergie de disposer des données d’accès à l’énergie désagrégées par sexe

Gender, Diversity and Human Rights in the Energy and Urban Transformation Cluster (GIZ Brazil)

Contribuciones Relativas a la Transversalización del Enfoque de Género en el Programa de Energías Renovables (PEERR) en Bolivia

Empower Energía: Advancing Gender Equality in Chile’s Energy Sector

Promotion de l’Electrification Rurale pars les Energies Renouvelables (PERER) – GIZ Madagascar

Refroidissement Respectueux de l’Ozone et du Climat en Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale (ROCA)

Energía Renovada: ¡Una Propuesta Transformadora para un Mundo Equitativo, justo y sostenible!

Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)


Gender Month Mozambique 2023

In Mozambique, a full Gender Month is being celebrated every year between March, the 8th (International Women Day) and April, the 7th (Mozambican Women Day). In 2023, GIZ Mozambique and EnDev were elected to follow the main theme of the

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative


ASEAN-German Energy Programme’s (AGEP’s) gender inclusive approach on the region’s energy development

One swallow doesn´t make a summer:
A Success history of women network in the Solar
Energy in Brazil

Design Thinking (Pensamiento de diseño). Capacidades de mujeres de comunidades indígena-originarias para codiseño de tecnologías con energías modernas – un enfoque sensitivo a género –

Gender Promotions in technical Careers

GCF Kenya

Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)

1. Rationale of Intervention – Setting the Context Around 700 million people in India gained access to electricity between 2000 and 2018. This reflects strong and effective policy implementation efforts by various players (International Energy Agency, 2021). But providing reliable

Taller participativo “Inclúyete al género: Análisis con perspectiva de género de las brechas de inclusión financiera para las mujeres mexicanas”

8 March | 10.00 CET | for the Gender Working Group |
Workshop to share an analysis of the existing gender gaps in financial inclusion issues and the benefits of promoting it through the programs promoted by GIZ.

Women economic empowerment/ Women entrepreneurship

All week | physical and virtual events in French| 
One or more events every day, exploring gender equality in many different sectors.

Role of Women in building an energy conscious society

10 March | 09.5-11.15 CET | virtual event for APLAC gender focal points |
Panel discussion with national gender experts from academia, industry and the public sector will attempt to shed light on the rarely explored gender-energy nexus

Cómo cerrar las brechas de género – buenas prácticas de Centroamérica

11 March | 17.00-18.30 CET | public virtual event |
Closing gender gaps in the sectors of transport, REDD+, violence prevention, energy and geothermal energy

Mes de la Equidad, la Igualdad y la Justicia de Género en la GIZ Bolivia y Paraguay

All week | private events for GIZ Paraguay and Bolivia staff and one public song competition |
One week full of activities, events and competitions about gender equality

Women for the energy sector: let’s inspire our young generation!

Experienced Women are inspirational role models for young girls. Known as a male-dominated sector, the energy sector requires high skills, consistency and hard work. More women work in this sector for years now and gained many years of experiences. It’s

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Women and their environment across the ages

The German cooperation is celebrating women’s day with a day of discussions around the change women face due to a changing natural environment and changes in the legal situation of women in the past hundred years in Europa and in

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Resumen del Seminario “Juntas Crecemos con Energía, mujeres liderando la innovación con Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética”

Conversatorio_final Desde Chile compartimos un ejemplo de buena practica: Seminario “Juntas Crecemos con Energía, mujeres liderando la innovación con Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética”  Para difundir las posibilidades que las Energías Renovables y la Eficiencia Energética ofrecen a los emprendimientos

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Focus Group Female Journalists

This Wednesday, March 7th, as part of the commemoration of Women’s Day, the Energy programme of the GIZ in Chile organizes a Focus Group linking female journalists from the Energy sector to learn about women’s inclusion in the sector, depending

« La contribution des femmes du Bénin aux objectifs de l’Agenda 2030 »

Ouverture de l’exposition de photos « La contribution des femmes du Bénin aux objectifs de l’Agenda 2030 »

Gender Mainstreaming in the Thai-German Climate Change Policy Programme

In order to strengthen gender mainstreaming in the project implementation and also to strengthen the capacities of all staff included in the implementation of the new BMUB Thai-German Climate Change Policy Programme, a 3-hour workshop will be held on March

Gender Awareness Workshop

In the course of Gender Week 2018, GIZ Uganda’s Mainstreaming Task Team conducted a total of 4 activities. The start of Gender week was celebrated with a Join in Circuit (JIC). The JIC is a practical and interactive tool, developed

Marocco: Translating GIZ Gender Strategy into practice

Starting with the designation of two new Gender Focal Points in 2015, the GIZ Office in Morocco worked towards the implementation of the GIZ Gender Strategy through a strategic and concerted effort. In early 2016, the Gender Focal Points organized

Bangladesh: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program

1. Promoting gender equality Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is one of the three priority areas of German development cooperation in Bangladesh. The objectives of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP) are:  Developing locally customized technological solutions on

Congo: Il faut briser la glace – La parité, un petit pas pour les femmes, un grand pas pour la REGIDESO

Promotion de la parité entre les sexes dans la structure du partenaire Description du contexte, du secteur et de la situation dans le pays Pour le compte du gouvernement fédéral, la GIZ appuie depuis 2006 l’amélioration de l’accès à l’eau

Kenya: Gender Pays Off!

BY JULIA MAKOKHA In Sub-Saharan Africa, the lack of access to clean cook stoves and fuels for cooking is especially acute. In rural areas in particular, rural poor cook their daily meals over open fires and inefficient stoves. Exposure to

Kenya: EnDev-Kenya Female Solar Gurus-A story of Resilience

EnDev-Kenya Female Solar Gurus-A story of Resilience, from an LME to permanent employment By Evelyn Munihu EnDev’s objective is to accelerate access to clean energy for the Kenyan rural population, in particular through fuel-saving cook stoves and small solar systems.

Kenya: #SheShapesSolar

Using social media to create awareness and interest of women by women in the solar industry The Campaign 1.How we got here 2.The process 3.How does it look? 4.So what? How did we get to a campaign? Selected project outputs

Eschborn: GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2018

Where? Friday, 9. March 2018, 12 noon – 3:00 pm Where? Eschborn, Audi 1+2, Live Stream With? Tanja Gönner, GIZ Board Member and Caren Grown, World Bank Group Senior Director GIZ Gender Award 2018: Gender equality is a quality feature

Central America: Programa Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética en Centroamérica

1. Fomento de la equidad de género (40%) ¿Qué objetivos y resultados se han alcanzado? Describa el contexto, la unidad organizativa, el sector o la situación en el país o la región, y explíquenos cuáles han sido los enfoques exitosos,

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