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No More Missed Days: Ending Gender-Based Violence and Period Poverty in Rwanda

In the light of this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, GIZ Rwanda is hosting the art exhibition #LetsTalkPERIOD to raise awareness that we need to end stigma and taboos around Gender-Based Violence and menstruation. The exhibition highlights

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Women in Law Enforcement in Albania

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to take the opportunity and continue with the informal series of meetings for women to women, and exchange on different topics related to challenges, barriers and biases that women face

GIZ Gender Focus March 2025 – Picture campaign

As part of GIZ Gender Focus March 2025, here in GIZ Pakistan we have launched a picture campaign to highlight our commitment to gender equality and inclusivity. Inspired by the 2025 International Women’s Day theme—”For All Women and Girls: Rights,

MenstruAction – One goal, many initiatives

NEW: 2015-2025 Anniversary Edition of our MenstruAction Flipbook! 👉 GIZ_MenstruAction-Publication-2025-WEB v15   This year marks the 10th anniversary of the GIZ staff initiative MenstruAction – a decade of breaking taboos, learning from each other, and making Menstrual Health and Hygiene

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Presentation of the Boundless Love online exhibition🌈

🌈During Gender Month, we invite you to join us for the online presentation of the Boundless Love exhibition, reflecting on lives of LGBTIQ+ refugees, asylum seekers and people on the move currently residing in Serbia!🌈 Each person featured in this

Women Empowerment: Social Entrepreneurship in Menstrual Hygiene and Female Health – African and European Perspectives

We cordially invite you to an upcoming webinar co-hosted by Siemens Stiftung and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), on the new learning portal “Academy for Impact”: Women Empowerment: Social Entrepreneurship in Menstrual Hygiene and Female Health – African

GIZ India MedTalk : Periods@Work (Menstrual health and Menopause)

GIZ INDIA ꟾ MED- TALK ꟾ Let’s talk about Periods@Work (Menstrual health and Menopause) Organized as a CHM activity for Occupational Health and Safety in collaboration with our Medical Agency It’s time to talk about one of the most natural processes –

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : GSDP Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment Study Findings

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 GIZ GENDER KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE MEET ꟾ GSDP GENDER EQUALITY and WOMENS EMPOWERMENT STUDY FINDINGS Organized by Indo-German Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development (GSDP) GIZ India recently carried out a study on the effective

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : Understanding the New GIZ Gender Strategy Together

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : Understanding and De-coding the NEW GIZ GENDER STRATEGY 2025 – 2029 Considering GIZ’s commitment towards ensuring Gender Equality as a quality aspect of our work, a new GIZ Gender Strategy has been launched

Empowering Diversity: GIZ Bangladesh initiatives towards gender equality

GIZ Bangladesh showcased gender activities from their different clusters in an online event held on 23 May 2024. Fatema Begum, Gender Focal Person, Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development, moderated the event that took off with a welcome speech from

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Projection du documentaire “Mi seeri ma” (Je te repudie) de l’auteur Dr Aissatou

“Mi Seeri Ma”, est un documentaire en langue Fulfulde et transcris en Français, qui aconte la parcourt de vie de mariage d’une jeune femme qui a été mariée 5 fois et répudié 7 fois. Elle relate le contexte socioculturel de

Inclusive Perspectives: Navigating Gender Intersectionality in Our Service Planning and Delivery

As part of this year’s GIZ Egypt Gender Month, we’re thrilled to invite you to an interactive webinar addressing an increasingly relevant topic: (Gender) Intersectionality! An intersectional approach puts the perspective of the marginalized person or group front and center

Découverte littérature féministe locale – GIZ Bénin

With the events in March, GIZ will be celebrating the month of Gender Equality and Gender Justice. For commemorating International Women’s Day on March 8th, GIZ Benin is organising a Brown Bag Lunch on the 21st of march to discover,

Iniciativa de Género y Diversidad para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe

Gender month & IWD in GIZ Nigeria & ECOWAS

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences Women Mobilize Women and Mobycon present the webinar series “Intersectionality of Gender & Mobility”. Delve into the world of mobility with us as we challenge assumptions and embrace inclusivity! 🚶‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚇 The

Gender-Based Violence in Mongolia

Kick-off Gender Week – Gender-based violence in Mongolia: a problem without a solution? GIZ in Mongolia invites a national gender expert and Professor Tumendelger to face the facts of gender inequality in Mongolia. Homes, schools, workplaces and the internet are the

Webinar: Oportunidades de mueres que cambian vidas de mujeres.

    Seminario web: Oportunidades que transforman vidas de mujeres   En conmemoración del Día Internacional de las Mujeres, 8 de marzo, el Grupo Focal de Género de GIZ Ecuador les invita a participar en este webinar dedicado a explorar

Periods@Work – Why the topic of menstruation belongs at work

When? Tuesday, 14. March, 13:00 – 14:00 CET Where? MS TEAMS With? Daniela Spies, Equal Opportunities Commissioner, Adela Llatja, Gender Focal Person GIZ Albania, Katrin Freitag, Senior Expert Facility Management, Daphne Manolakos, Member of the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction, …

Femicide should be qualified as the most serious crime

The Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue carried out the “Stop Femicide” campaign with support of the German Development Cooperation project “Support to social inclusion in Serbia”. The campaign included five panel discussions in the cities of

Posted in Gender Week Blog

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024   Don’t miss – the GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024 on Friday, 8th March, 11:00 – 13:00 h CET Where: Bonn, GIZ Campus, Auditorium and online via livestream   We are honored to count on the

Trade Facilitation in Central Asia

The Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption

Vivamos Nuestros Derechos

Transforming Natural Resources Conflicts through the Three Rs: A Gender-Centric Approach

Safeguarding Housing, Land, and Property Rights of Syria Refugees and Internally Displaced People – HLP II

Self Financed Communities 4 Women Economic Empowerment, Financial Inclusion & Income Generation


Social Mapping boosts gender equality at local level

Strengthening youth and children participation in Climate change policy


Professionals of the Future Project: Competences for Green Economy

Promoting gender mainstreaming in government partners

ReNOKA programme

Promotion de la Formation Professionnelle au Bénin (ProFoP)

Lets Talk PERIOD

LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Mainstreaming: “Do no harm, but do something!”

Machinery rings as self-help organizations for smallholder family farms in Kenya: a project of the Fund for Promotion of Innovation in Agriculture (i4Ag)

Men as champions to end violence against women and girls in Africa: The African Union Positive Masculinity Initiative


Mujeres comunitarias y recicladoras, son ahora la Fortaleza Circular

Mejorando la persecución penal y la resocialización en casos de violencia de género en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

On Behalf of the Participatory Integrated Land Use Planning (PILUP II) and Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment (S2RAI II)

Política de Prevención, Atención y Sanción del Acoso y Hostigamiento Sexual y por Razón de Género

Pioneering Gender Inclusive Urban Development
Application for the GIZ Gender Awards: C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)

GIZ Botswana and SADC Women Economic Empowerment Project (IWEE)

Gestión integrada y transversal de género y diversidad en Centroamérica

Grant Agreement der GIZ Brasilien mit der University of Manchester für den Amazonienfonds der brasilianischen Entwicklungsbank BNDES


La experiencia de la Asociación Mujeres Rompiendo Barreras de Esmeraldas y las rutas de protección para la Mujeres en Ecuador

InsuResilience Center of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions

L’Ambassade d’Allemagne et la GIZ au Sénégal main dans la main pour lutter contre les VBG !

Fostering Gender Equality through Ikiganiro GBV Material Communication & Information material on sexualised and gender-based violence

Formation, Incubation and Acceleration of Youth Initiatives

Women’s Energy Fund – FEM

G500 Genderonboarding

Gender sensitivity and representation in Digital Health

Gender at the Heart of ARISE Plus Project

Gender, Diversity and Human Rights in the Energy and Urban Transformation Cluster (GIZ Brazil)

GESI (Gender Equity & Social Inclusion) Audit Tool

El Poder del Sello Empresa Segura en la lucha frente a la violencia contra las mujeres

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs and Changing Mindsets. A Catalyst for Gender Equality

Empowering women entrepreneurs for employment creation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Empowerment through Feminist Solidarity

Enabling women´s economic empowerment: An AI-and data-driven case study in Mexico

Challenging negative gender and social norms through gamification


Change the system, not the women!

De niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes LGBTIQ+ y sus familias

DGG’s Gender Equality Checklist

COPOLAD III: Web-based training and Practical Guide on Gender
and Alternative Development

Del acuerdo a la acción: reconstruyendo la biodiversidad desde la perspectiva de las mujeres.

Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control (DIPC)

Croissance Qualitative pour l’Emploi (CQE)

Cultivating Safe Spaces and Creative Capacities for Women’s Entrepreneurship

WomenEmpower Armenia Initiative

Agenda Provincial de Género y Cambio Climático de Cañar

Access to Justice for Women and Girls with Disabilities who are Survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Arabia Felix Brand

Capacity Development Support to Governance II (CDSG II)

Build Women’s Skills in Construction

Gender Inclusivity Drive – GIZ Brazil 2024

Learning about and Operationalizing Intersectional and Gender-transformative approaches in GIZ practice

Mobilizing and capacitating the Faith Sector as a credible and effective stakeholder in addressing gender-based violence in South Africa

Joint Gender Transformative Approaches Working Group (GTA-WG)


Empowering Women Through Innovative Flower Waste Management

From gender approach to practice at GIZ Colombia

Tejiendo Innovación

Innovación social y tecnológica para la producción ycomercialización de sombreros y artesanías hechas con paja toquilla, a partir delempoderamiento de la mujer 45_Espanol_GG1_APLAK_Fondo de Innovación

The urban transformation is female!

Proyecto “Creo en mi”

Politique interne de protection: Contre le harcèlement sexuel au travail

Anti-sexual harassment in the workplace A practical guide for employers

Promoting gender diversity at GIZ Viet Nam

EmpowHER: ERADA’s Gender Equality Chronicles


Beit Byout: GIZ’s Gender Advocacy in Lebanese Communities

28_English_GG2_EMZ_Lebanon, Middle East_Gender Working Group

The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility: Making Business easier for Women

27_English_GG2_APLAK_ICR Facility

Output 3 Sustainable Business development and output 4 Fostering employment & Employability


The Ecuadorian business sector is betting on the prevention of violence against women

Violence against women is, unfortunately, a reality for 7 out of 10 Ecuadorian women, and it is up to all of us to fight for change (INEC, 2019). The business sector needs to get involved too! The numbers speak for

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Le droit et l’influence des femmes : « pilier de l’autonomisation des réseaux PFNL » cas de la zone de Messamena

Beitrag der Grünen Innovationszentren in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft
