Gender-Based Violence in Mongolia

Kick-off Gender Week – Gender-based violence in Mongolia: a problem without a solution?

GIZ in Mongolia invites a national gender expert and Professor Tumendelger to face the facts of gender inequality in Mongolia. Homes, schools, workplaces and the internet are the places where women and girls are being violated, harassed and abused every day. Leaving marks not only on the women’s bodies and mental health but also affecting the country economically. Economic_costs_of_intimate_partner_violence_in_Mongolia  study found that intimate partner violence costs Mongolia USD 247 million (MNT 601.2 billion) every year. There is no denying that the reality behind these numbers paints a stark and heartbreaking picture.

  • Every second Mongolian woman has experienced violence from an intimate partner at some point in her life (physical, sexual, emotional and economic violence, and controlling behaviours)
  • Non-partner violence is prevalent among young people. Since age 15, 17.3% of women have experienced non-partner physical violence during their lifetime and 4.5% experienced it during the last 12 months
  • Alarmingly, 10.7 % of underaged girls reported sexual abuse before turning 15, with family members often being the perpetrators.
  • 1 in 4 women, regardless of her social and economic status, agreed that a husband is justified in beating his wife if she is unfaithful.

In first half of 2023, reports announced that domestic violence increased by 20% compared to the previous year.