Communicating Gender
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Women free from violence: This is how Ecuador wins!

Since 2018, actors from different sectors, including the business sector, the public sector, academia and the media, have been working together to address the widespread problem of violence against women and girls in Ecuador, as part of a strategic campaign

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Empowering Diversity: GIZ Bangladesh initiatives towards gender equality

GIZ Bangladesh showcased gender activities from their different clusters in an online event held on 23 May 2024. Fatema Begum, Gender Focal Person, Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development, moderated the event that took off with a welcome speech from

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Découverte littérature féministe locale – GIZ Bénin

With the events in March, GIZ will be celebrating the month of Gender Equality and Gender Justice. For commemorating International Women’s Day on March 8th, GIZ Benin is organising a Brown Bag Lunch on the 21st of march to discover,

Conférence nationale sur la femme rurale et l’agriculture sous condition irriguée

De concert avec le collège des femmes agricultrices de la Coordination togolaise des organisations paysannes et de producteurs agricoles (CTOP), cette conférence sera organisée le 12 mars sous le thème : « L’irrigation : un levier de renforcement de l’autonomisation économique des femmes

Final conference withing the Campaign “Improve Gender equality”

The German Development Cooperation project “Support to Social Inclusion in Serbia (GIZ SIP)” has supported the Ministry of Human, Minority Rights and Social Dialogue (MHMRSD) to conduct the campaign for improvement of gender equality in Serbia. The aim of the


GIZ Albania this year is joining BashArt on International Women’s Week, supporting the third edition of #FemFEST 2024. From 4 to 8 March, the festival gathers artists, activists, writers and politicians to give voice to issues of gender equality and

Gender Awareness Campaign

This year, the internal service providers are organising an awareness-raising campaign at the German sites. Part of the campaign is a video that illustrates the ideas of a gender-equitable world. The video will be shown on the in-house TV screens

ELVIS Cinema

As part of Gender Month, we are showing a relevant film that deals with gender inequality. In doing so, we are taking a look beyond national borders. The colleagues of the Procurement, Contracting, Properties, Property Management, Language Services (ELVIS) department,

MenstruAction – One goal, many initiatives

As highlighted by the German Development Minister Svenja Schulze on the international Menstrual Hygiene Day in 2022, “Menstruation should not be a taboo!” Aligned with BMZ’s ‘Feminist development policy – for just and strong societies worldwide’, we, the staff initiative

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Iniciativa de Género y Diversidad para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe

Innovando en el procesamiento y transformación de la paja toquilla

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Gender Month 2024 Event Plan

Navigating Feminisms: A Contextualization of BMZ´s Feminist Development Policy in MENA

Its been almost exactly a year that BMZ has published its strategy for a feminist development policy. Time to celebrate? Not really, or – at least – not yet. Resistance against feminist struggles and an ever-growing gender backlash are on

“Lunch Quiz – How much do you know?” and movie night “Women (2019)” Arthus-Bertrad

GIZ has been active in China since 1979, focusing on promoting sustainable and inclusive development through various projects and programs. In recent years, GIZ has placed a significant emphasis on green development, working closely with Chinese partners to address environmental

Gender-Based Violence in Mongolia

Kick-off Gender Week – Gender-based violence in Mongolia: a problem without a solution? GIZ in Mongolia invites a national gender expert and Professor Tumendelger to face the facts of gender inequality in Mongolia. Homes, schools, workplaces and the internet are the

GIZ Data Lab & Data Service Center: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Climate Policies through AI-Driven Solutions

GIZ Data Lab & Data Service Center: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Climate Policies through AI-Driven Solutions In climate policy documents, identifying references and concrete measures concerning demographic groups in vulnerable situations poses significant challenges due to the complexity and expansiveness of

InS Gender Focus Month Campaign

During the Gender Focus Month 2024, International Services (InS) is organising an online campaign to raise awareness on the constant fight for gender equality worldwide, and in particular on the topics of leadership and political participation, menstrual health and hygiene,

AI for All: African and Arab Feminist Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence

AI for All: African and Arab Feminist Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence  (MS TEAMS, moderated panel discussion, 18. March, 11:30 – 13:00 CET)  Recent dynamics in AI development have fired euphoria and dystopian fears alike. AI’s interaction with gender relations and

Periods@Work – Why the topic of menstruation belongs at work

When? Tuesday, 14. March, 13:00 – 14:00 CET Where? MS TEAMS With? Daniela Spies, Equal Opportunities Commissioner, Adela Llatja, Gender Focal Person GIZ Albania, Katrin Freitag, Senior Expert Facility Management, Daphne Manolakos, Member of the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction, …

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024

GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024   Don’t miss – the GIZ Gender Award Ceremony 2024 on Friday, 8th March, 11:00 – 13:00 h CET Where: Bonn, GIZ Campus, Auditorium and online via livestream   We are honored to count on the

The Justice and Prison Reform for Promoting Human Rights and Preventing Corruption

Vivamos Nuestros Derechos

Women economic empowerment along
the plastic value chain in Addis Ababa

ZERO TOLERANCE TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Enhancing staff awareness through the Art of Comic Book

Sanitation for Millions Colombia: Global Handwashing Day impact stories

Social Mapping boosts gender equality at local level

Scaling digital Agriculture Innovations through Start-ups

Supporting Peaceful Coexistence in Yemen (SPCY) Action Area Women and Gender Empowerment

Strengthening youth and children participation in Climate change policy

Promotion de l’Égalité des Genres à Thiès, Sénégal

Promoting gender mainstreaming in government partners

Lets Talk PERIOD

LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Mainstreaming: “Do no harm, but do something!”

Men as champions to end violence against women and girls in Africa: The African Union Positive Masculinity Initiative

Mujeres comunitarias y recicladoras, son ahora la Fortaleza Circular

Mejorando la persecución penal y la resocialización en casos de violencia de género en Latinoamérica y el Caribe


Piloto de empoderamiento de mujeres cacaoteras en contexto de postconflicto, en el departamento de Caquetá, Colombia

Política de Prevención, Atención y Sanción del Acoso y Hostigamiento Sexual y por Razón de Género

Gestión integrada y transversal de género y diversidad en Centroamérica


Grant Agreement der GIZ Brasilien mit der University of Manchester für den Amazonienfonds der brasilianischen Entwicklungsbank BNDES

L’Ambassade d’Allemagne et la GIZ au Sénégal main dans la main pour lutter contre les VBG !

G500 Genderonboarding

Fostering Gender Equality through Ikiganiro GBV Material Communication & Information material on sexualised and gender-based violence

EnDev: Financer une enquête ménage permettant au ministère de l’énergie de disposer des données d’accès à l’énergie désagrégées par sexe

Formation, Incubation and Acceleration of Youth Initiatives

Gender sensitivity and representation in Digital Health

El Poder del Sello Empresa Segura en la lucha frente a la violencia contra las mujeres

Empowered to Play, Period.

Enabling women´s economic empowerment: An AI-and data-driven case study in Mexico

Challenging negative gender and social norms through gamification


Contribution Projet d’Appui à la résilience socio-économique des jeunes vulnérables au Nord du Cameroun-GIZ/PARSE III

DGG’s Gender Equality Checklist

WomenEmpower Armenia Initiative

Access to Justice for Women and Girls with Disabilities who are Survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Agenda Provincial de Género y Cambio Climático de Cañar

Beyond the Blueprint: Joining hands for Gender Transformative Approaches

Arabia Felix Brand

New Face of Woman in Rural Areas

Breaking ground: Empowering Indigenous Women as Guardians of Biodiversity in Laos

Mainstreaming decent work conditions for women gig workers: paving way for digital and fair work

Learning about and Operationalizing Intersectional and Gender-transformative approaches in GIZ practice

Mobilizing and capacitating the Faith Sector as a credible and effective stakeholder in addressing gender-based violence in South Africa

Periods@Work – Many initiatives, one goal

CITIES: trazando la ruta hacia el enfoque género transformador

Joint Gender Transformative Approaches Working Group (GTA-WG)


Unite! 16 days of activism against gender-based violence


From gender approach to practice at GIZ Colombia

INA goes Feminist

Towards Feminist Development Policy in GIZ Albania

Woman’s Path Festival

Together for WoMEN: GIZ Jordan’s Holistic Approach to Gender Mainstreaming

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Destination WEE in ICT in Jordan

Anti-sexual harassment in the workplace A practical guide for employers

Promoting gender diversity at GIZ Viet Nam

Planting seeds of change in India: How communal gardening and nutrition trainings improve nutrition security for women and young children and transform gender roles


Beit Byout: GIZ’s Gender Advocacy in Lebanese Communities

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The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility: Making Business easier for Women

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Output 3 Sustainable Business development and output 4 Fostering employment & Employability


The Ecuadorian business sector is betting on the prevention of violence against women

Violence against women is, unfortunately, a reality for 7 out of 10 Ecuadorian women, and it is up to all of us to fight for change (INEC, 2019). The business sector needs to get involved too! The numbers speak for

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit (DEI Audit)

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Gender-Mainstreaming mit Fokus LGBTQI+

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Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)


Employment for Development Employment/Promotion for Women for the Green Transformation in Africa


Combating Sexual Harassment: Empowering Labour Market Actors in the Agri-Food Sector in Western Kenya


Revolutionizing Urban Mobility through Gender Transformative Interventions in India


Alliances for Trade Facilitation (A4TF): Sensitization for Women in Cross Border Trade Ghana

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Textilarbeiterinnen in Bangladesch: Faktenbasierte Pfade zur Überwindung struktureller Benachteiligung von Frauen


Holistic Approach: Highlighting the DIGITS-wide Initiative ‘DIGITS… ist bunt’


Fund for Regional Stabilization and Development within ECOWAS


Empowering schoolgirls against gender-based violence in Benin

Teaser: To raise awareness of gender-based violence (GBV) and its gender-specific effects, EnDev organised a training session for students at an agricultural technical school in Benin. As a result, one girl found the courage to report a harassing teacher. Marie

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Unidas Week 2023 – Foreign Minister Baerbock presents Unidas Award to Colombian Vice-President Márquez

During her visit to Latin America, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock honoured Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez with the Unidas Award for Women’s Rights and Democracy at the end of Unidas Week 2023, the most important annual network meeting of

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Weblog article: “Creating ‘Integrated and safe neighbourhoods for all’ through international peer learning exchange”

Creating public spaces in which all genders and vulnerable groups feel safe is a task of global significance. What works and what doesn’t in implementing this goal is therefore not limited to one place or project. On the contrary, projects

Weblog article: „Navigating the Concrete Jungle: The Gender Divide in Urban Life”

Different genders experience cities in distinct ways. Nine out of ten women feel unsafe in public spaces, they continue to face inaccessibility, insecurity and various forms of sexual harassment and violence. In her Urbanet article Paula Meth addresses the intersection

First Export Consortia of women owned/led businesses in Tunisia launched

In Tunisia, the month of March was dominated by feminist foreign and development policy. Shortly after Svenja Schulze presented the strategy for feminist development policy for the BMZ, the new strategy was put into practice in the country. With the

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Small Steps Towards an Empowered Tomorrow

Check out the knowledge product ‘Small Steps Towards an Empowered Tomorrow’, compiled by the Gender Working Group, Natural Resource Management and Agroecology (NRMAE), GIZ India. The Working Group primarily supports projects in its activities towards gender sensitisation, gender equality and

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Innovation and Technology in Bangladesh for Gender Equality

On 14 March 2023, GIZ Bangladesh came together to commemorate International Women’s Day and Gender Month. The event focused on digitalisation, technology and innovation and its potential for enhancing gender equality and digital and economic empowerment.   Ms. Nina Clausing,

Posted in Gender Week Blog

Activités de la Journée Internationale de la Femme (JIF) au Cluster Bonne Gouvernance

Objectif global : Sensibiliser les collègues sur les questions du Genre, Leave no one Behind et sur la promotion de l’accès équitable et responsable des femmes et filles au numérique, dans les projets programmes respectifs du Cluster Bonne Gouvernance Objectifs