SDG 01: No Poverty
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Through the Lense of Intersectionality: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as an Integral Component of Feminist Policies

Through the Lense of Intersectionality: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as an Integral Component of Feminist Policies If you leaf through our clients’ most recent strategic documents, it becomes clear: whether Feminist Development Policy, the Human Rights Concept of German

Innovando en el procesamiento y transformación de la paja toquilla

162_Spanish_GG1_APLAK_Cadena de la Paja

GIZ INDIA ꟾ Gender Knowledge Exchange Meet – Learning Together – Gender in Agrivoltaics

GIZ India – ‘Gender in Agrivoltaics’ – Knowledge Exchange Meet Agrivoltaics, the practice of having solar panels and food crops on the same land is a topic that is steadily gaining traction globally! To get ourselves ahead of the curve,

AI for All: African and Arab Feminist Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence

AI for All: African and Arab Feminist Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence  (MS TEAMS, moderated panel discussion, 18. March, 11:30 – 13:00 CET)  Recent dynamics in AI development have fired euphoria and dystopian fears alike. AI’s interaction with gender relations and

Women economic empowerment along
the plastic value chain in Addis Ababa

Triangular Cooperation Pilot on Women Agribusiness Incubator in Malawi

Scaling digital Agriculture Innovations through Start-ups

Self Financed Communities 4 Women Economic Empowerment, Financial Inclusion & Income Generation


Promotion de l’Égalité des Genres à Thiès, Sénégal


Promoting Economic and Social Participation of Internally Displaced Persons and Host Population Communities

Programa de Mujeres Cafeteras y Café de Jóvenes de la cooperativa Coocentral en Huila, Colombia

Rural Women of Pakistan Embrace Innovative Agriculture Practices to Combat Climate Change

Promotion de la Formation Professionnelle au Bénin (ProFoP)

Machinery rings as self-help organizations for smallholder family farms in Kenya: a project of the Fund for Promotion of Innovation in Agriculture (i4Ag)

Mujeres comunitarias y recicladoras, son ahora la Fortaleza Circular

Piloto de empoderamiento de mujeres cacaoteras en contexto de postconflicto, en el departamento de Caquetá, Colombia


feminist & fair

Women’s Energy Fund – FEM

EnDev: Financer une enquête ménage permettant au ministère de l’énergie de disposer des données d’accès à l’énergie désagrégées par sexe

Gender Equality in the implementation of Multistakeholder Partnerships (MSP)

Empowering women entrepreneurs for employment creation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs and Changing Mindsets. A Catalyst for Gender Equality

Enabling women´s economic empowerment: An AI-and data-driven case study in Mexico


Empowerment through Feminist Solidarity

Contribution Projet d’Appui à la résilience socio-économique des jeunes vulnérables au Nord du Cameroun-GIZ/PARSE III

Concurso de género Equidad para un futuro sostenible: El rol vital de las mujeres en Centroamérica y República Dominicana

Croissance Qualitative pour l’Emploi (CQE)

A Feminist Lens to Food Security in Cambodia

Mujeres Shuar se certifican en buenas prácticas agrícolas.

New Face of Woman in Rural Areas

Breaking ground: Empowering Indigenous Women as Guardians of Biodiversity in Laos

GIZ Forest and Climate Change

Tejiendo Innovación

Innovación social y tecnológica para la producción ycomercialización de sombreros y artesanías hechas con paja toquilla, a partir delempoderamiento de la mujer 45_Espanol_GG1_APLAK_Fondo de Innovación

Towards Feminist Development Policy in GIZ Albania

The A2ii-SSN Report on the Gender Equity Survey of the Argentinian Insurance Market

Refroidissement Respectueux de l’Ozone et du Climat en Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale (ROCA)

Together for WoMEN: GIZ Jordan’s Holistic Approach to Gender Mainstreaming

40_English_GM_EMZ_Gender Focal Points Jordanien

Renforcement de la résilience des femmes à travers les cultures de diversification


The Pink Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Patna as part of the Circular Waste Solutions Project in India


EmpowHER: ERADA’s Gender Equality Chronicles


Renforcement de la participation socioéconomique des déplacées internes, des réfugiées et des communautés hôtes vulnérables (PAPSE)


Le droit et l’influence des femmes : « pilier de l’autonomisation des réseaux PFNL » cas de la zone de Messamena

TechHER: Fortalece tu liderazgo en el mundo tecnológico


Textilarbeiterinnen in Bangladesch: Faktenbasierte Pfade zur Überwindung struktureller Benachteiligung von Frauen


Fund for Regional Stabilization and Development within ECOWAS


Weblog article: „Navigating the Concrete Jungle: The Gender Divide in Urban Life”

Different genders experience cities in distinct ways. Nine out of ten women feel unsafe in public spaces, they continue to face inaccessibility, insecurity and various forms of sexual harassment and violence. In her Urbanet article Paula Meth addresses the intersection

Activités de la Journée Internationale de la Femme (JIF) au Cluster Bonne Gouvernance

Objectif global : Sensibiliser les collègues sur les questions du Genre, Leave no one Behind et sur la promotion de l’accès équitable et responsable des femmes et filles au numérique, dans les projets programmes respectifs du Cluster Bonne Gouvernance Objectifs

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

Causerie éducative “Vers une amélioration de l’accès au financement agricole pour les femmes”

Au Cameroun, 85 % de la population pauvre vit dans les zones rurales. Les trois quarts de la population rurale travaillent dans l’agriculture. Pourtant, les potentiels de rendement ne sont pas exploités en raison du manque de disponibilité d’intrants de

Launch Event of the German Federal Foreign Office Guidelines on Feminist Foreign Policy

@Federal Foreign Office On  1 March 2023, 14:00h – 15:00h CET the German Federal Foreign Office will launch its Guidelinies on Feminist Foreign Policy. The event, which will be hosted by Foreign Minister Baerbock, will take place in the Weltsaal of


Empoderamiento de las mujeres indígenas Wayuu en la actividad artesanal como modelo
sostenible en el Parque Nacional Natural Bahía Portete Kaurrele en La Guajira, Colombia

Proyecto para el Fortalecimiento de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en México (PROFOSC)

Panel sur la promotion de l’accès à l’emploi, de la lutte contre les discriminations et de la protection sociale des femmes au Sénégal

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Projet Ensemble vers la Réforme du Travail, la GIZ a tenu un panel de partage autour de l’égalité de genre sous la présidence effective de Monsieur Samba SY, Ministre du Travail,

Programme “Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia”

Partager pour mieux préserver

GIZ Cambodia Contributions to Internal Gender Mainstreaming

Experiencias con Enfoque de Género en GIZ Colombia

Marzo 9 11-12 tiempo columbiano El Programa de Manejo Integrado Marino Costero – MIMAC  y la organización social “Hilo Sagrado”, le contarán a todo*as lo*as colaborador*s de GIZ Colombia, los retos y desafíos para trabajar el enfoque de género con

Conversatorio: Una Buena Práctica para Incluir el Enfoque de Género en GIZ Colombia

10 Marzo 11-12 tiempo columbiano El Programa de Empleos Verdes en la Economía Circular -PREVEC de GIZ Colombia, presentará en un conversatorio la construcción y los retos de una Guía con Enfoque de Género para trabajar con la Población Recicladora

Femmes et MakerSpaces

Du 01 au 05 Mars 2022, une vingtaine de femmes a pris part à une activité de prototypage au Makerspaces de la Commune de Garoua 2, au Nord du Cameroun. Venant de différent corps de métiers, elles se sont familiarisés

Gender promotion messages

With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as background we will share gender promotion messages every day throughout the Gender Week.

Incorporación de mujeres en procesos de aserrío

The practical capacity development journey for agripreneurs ‘Gender makes Business Sense’

GCF Kenya

« Accès aux services et soins de santé pour tous·tes »

Mozambique: Examples from an Inclusive
Business Approach combining Baobab fruit
commercialisation, life skills and nature

Strengthening capacity of government agencies in integrating gender equality in the development of legal normative documents

Promoting gender equality (40% of marks)Which objectives and results has your initiative achieved?Describe the context, the organisational unit, the sector or the situation in your country or region. Tell us which approaches have proven effective, which results have already been

GIZ Burkina Faso, Projet Promotion de l’emploi pour les Jeunes en milieu rural (ProEmploi)

Gender diversity 2.0

Integrating disadvantaged men into Cambodian weaving




For more information and to register visit this site: #smartdevelopmentday – Scaling innovation in an interconnected world (

COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Gender Equality in Tunisia

10 March | 10.00 CET | Online event for GIZ staff in French |
Presentation and discussion of the findings of a COVID-19 impact analysis on gender equality in Tunisia, including 

Generation Equality Forum – GIZ internal Info Session

4 March | 09:30-10:00 CET and 16:00-16:30 CET | virtual event for GIZ staff |
The SP Gender informs about the Generation Equality Forum, Germany’s role and thematic focus in the Action Coalition Economic Justice and Rights.

Gender Meets Tech: Young Iraqi startups develop digital solutions to end gender-based violence

11 March 2021 | 13.00 CET | virtual public event |
Two GIZ project will discuss their jointly implemented online hackathon to find innovative digital solutions to prevent violence against women and girls in Iraq.

WBG Women, Business and the Law 2021 report and findings & German policy provisions and actions aimed at closing existing gender gaps

10 March | 15.00 – 16.30 CET | public virtual event | 
Presentation, discussion and exchange with high-level members of the WBG, BMZ and GIZ. 

Cameroon: A strong voice for equal opportunities

Radios and women entrepreneurs in rural Cameroon call for gender equality Five radio stations in the rural north of Cameroon produce a series on micro-entrepreneurs of nontimber forest products (NTFP). In fifty programmes, the women talk about their business and

Germany: Providing Gender-responsive Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance

Closing the gender gap The InsuResilience Partnership – Envisioning Climate Risk Adaption The InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP) for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) Solutions was established to strengthen the resilience of developing countries and pro-tect the lives

India: Targeted Public Distribution System

1. Brief Introduction As per the World Food Programme’s gender policy report (, women and girls make up 60% of the world’s chronically hungry. Little progress has been made in ensuring the equal right to food for women as enshrined

India: Community Nutrition Gardens: Empowering women in rural India

Introduction: The GIZ Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience Project (FaNS) is part of the global special initiative ‘One world – No Hunger’ of the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). FaNS aims to improve the food and

Regional: Competitive African Rice Initiative

Business-driven women working in rice value chains in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania Context. Rice is one of the key staple foods in Africa. The demand is rapidly increasing: the population is growing, people are moving to urban areas

Pakistan: Economy Wins When Women Work – “E4W”

Pakistan is an enormously diverse, multiethnic and multicultural society characterized by uneven development and distribution of resources. There are massive inequalities along social strata, regions, religions, gender and urban-rural manifestations. By international comparison, Pakistan is one of the countries with

Chad: GIZ Gender Competition 2020

CONTEXT GIZ in its global vision aims specifically at strengthening the participative dynamics of local development and the implementation of local initiatives in a balanced development with women as decision-makers. Indeed, the target groups of this contribution are rural women

Gute Ernährung – nicht nur Frauensache

8. März, 13.00 – 14.30 Uhr, Bonn, Saal Donau Die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter ist in vielerlei Hinsicht eng verknüpft mit den Themen Ernährung und Ernährungssicherung. Die Zusammenhänge werden, u.a. in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, seit vielen Jahren international diskutiert. Verschiedene Studien verweisen

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Women can do anything! Crafts, entrepreneurship, local governance!

Women can do anything! Get active in the craft sector, build enterprises, construct communities. A dual apprenticeship system exists in Kpalimé, Togo. Yet, young women are largely underrepresented in classes. They lack role models who could inspire them to go

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Women in agricultural production

Exposition de posters sur les femmes transformatrices de produits agricoles et d’échantillons de ces produits agricoles Jeux de cartes par rapport aux ODD entre collègues en vue de refléter l’impact genre du programme à l’atteinte de l’Agenda 2030

Women in rural areas

Réflexion du personnel ProSOL sur « l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles en milieu rural »

Women in agriculture

Emission grand public avec un groupe de 30 femmes qui communiqueront sur: « l’intensification des exploitations agricoles dirigées par les femmes » : plaidoyer des femmes pour diriger des exploitations agricoles

« La contribution des femmes du Bénin aux objectifs de l’Agenda 2030 »

Ouverture de l’exposition de photos « La contribution des femmes du Bénin aux objectifs de l’Agenda 2030 »

Workplace Talk: Best Practice Example for external Gender Mainstreaming

In the course of Gender Week 2018, GIZ Uganda’s Mainstreaming Task Team conducted a total of 4 activities. The start of Gender week was celebrated with a Join in Circuit (JIC). The JIC is a practical and interactive tool, developed

Germany: eSkills4Girls

For digital technologies to unfold their positive potential on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, the gender digital divide has to be overcome – this is the main message of the BMZ initiative #eSkills4Girls. Currently, women only hold 24 percent of

MENA: Regional approach to institutionalize gender mainstreaming

Women’s political participation in the Middle East is among the lowest worldwide. A goal of the programme Strengthening Women in Decision Making in the Middle East – LEAD is to support an enabling environment for gender equality and women’s leadership

Nepal: Rebuilding life from the Rubble

In Nepal, women are usually assigned traditional gender roles related to the care economy with limited access to markets, education, health care, and decision-making processes. Thus the loss of lives and the destruction of houses and household assets, destruction of

India: Conservation And Sustainable Management Of Coastal And Marine Protected Areas In India

Country: GIZ In INDIA Full Name of the program Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in India (CMPA) PN (complete 12 digits) 11.9299.6.001.00 AV / Program Director Dr. Konrad Uebelhoer Name of Team Members Dr. Michael

India: Promoting Gender Equality in the Value Chain Development

Country: GIZ INDIA Full Name of the program: Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector – India (GIC) PN (complete 12 digits): 14.0967.1-012.00 AV / Program Director: Jonathan Ziebula Name of Team Members: Dhananjaya B N and Rajeshwari

Benin: Grünes Innovationszentrum (ProCIVA)

Grünes Innovationszentrum (ProCIVA) Benin Oder wie Unternehmerinnen für eine Besserstellung der Frauen in Benin sorgen In vielen afrikanischen Ländern haben die Frauen noch einen langen Weg bis zur Emanzipation vor sich, so auch in Benin. Das traditionelle Rollenbild ist fest