Violence Against Women
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Guatemala: La campaña Cartas de Mujeres en Guatemala

La campaña Cartas de Mujeres en Guatemala Por: Argelia Chilin, Rosaria Alvarez y Sandra Amanda Sucup/ Asesoras técnicas FOSIT-GIZ   Conocer la experiencia exitosa de Cartas de Mujeres impulsada por el Programa ComVoMujer en el Perú, motivó el interés de

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Egypt: CEYP – Spaces for Civic Engagement and Youth Participation

CEYP started in 2012 as a youth project and by slowly adopting gender sensitive approaches as well as incorporating an additional component on combating sexual harassment in 2014. CEYP has adapted a full fledge gender approach, trying to incorporate our

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Ecuador: ComVoMujer: Together We Are Responsible – Application of Smart Prevention

Context and Initiative In Ecuador, violence against women is a serious human rights issue which affects 6 out of 10 women (INEC, 2011), but also has impacts on society and public health. Its impunity and naturalization is deeply rooted in

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