Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:30 PM |
Schwarzkopf Stiftung Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Mitte, Deutschland |–1 |
Equal pay for equal work? Gender equality is claimed to be one of the EU’s founding values, written since 1957 in the Treaty of Rome. However, in 2019, men & women are still not equal within Europe: Women still earn 16,3% less for the same job in Europe.
By portraying and connecting 17 women from different professions, backgrounds and locations, the project Sisters of Europe wants to encourage lively discourse on the issues that women confront in our democracies. Four agoras in four European capitals (Paris, Berlin, Warsaw and Athens) discuss specific issues that women are confronted with geographically speaking, as well as create a network.
In Berlin, we want to launch the website and organize the panel “Money. Power. Independence – How do we create equal rights between women and men?” on all the financial and political aspects of gender equality.
After the introduction of the idea behind the project by Elina Makri and Prune Antoine, a poetry slam by Svenja Gräfen (tbc) on the topic „Feminism“ will be followed by a public discussion with Prof. Dr. Jutta Allmendinger, activist duo HERR & SPEER, journalist Martha Dudzinski, managar and professor Prof. Dr. Ulrike Detmers.