Promotion of Equal Access to High-Tech Medical Services

BOOKLET_Gender week_HTM Project_2019

The following events are held within the framework of the Gender Week 2019 in Uzbekistan:

  1. On March 5, we will celebrate the week of promoting gender equality regarding “Gender equality in GIZ” at the GIZ Uzbekistan Office. The following program will be presented:
    • Familiarization of employees with the GIZ Gender Strategy and discussion and development of a country strategy
    • Presentation of results of quantitative survey on gender views and stereotypes among GIZ staff in Uzbekistan
    • Presentation of results of reviewing process of all projects’ and programs’ information materials with a gender perspective
      Venue for conduction of event: GIZ Uzbekistan Country Office conference room, March 5, 2019, 10 am – 12:30 pm
  2. Within the framework of the project “Improving the qualifications of medical and technical personnel to work on modern high-tech medical equipment in Uzbekistan”, an action is planned under the motto “High technologies improve access to women’s health” from 4 to 13 March, 2019 in pilot health facilities.
  3. An action to encourage women to undergo breast cancer screening, where women from low-income families and remote rural family clinics will be invited to a survey in regional perinatal centers. Project-trained experts will conduct screening on ultrasound machines. Screening coverage of women is expected at 100 women per day for 3 days in 2 areas, in total between 500 and 600 women. Further, the action will have a continuation of the oncological centers of the regions.
  4. Master classes in 3 perinatal centers for the provision of services in the field of minimally invasive gynecological care for women.


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