Women in the Diaspora: Engaging for Sustainable Development

The first ever Colloquium of Engaged Women in the Diaspora was organised by the Programme Migration and Diaspora in Berlin in February. The Colloquium brought together women in the diaspora living in Germany who are engaged in human rights, sustainable development and migration issues. The goal was to offer a space for exchange, networking and the promotion of diaspora women’s voices in shaping development policy and action. We had a wonderful and inspiring day, which we hope will be the start of a process to build more support and showcasing of women migrants as empowered and empowering agents of change. Watch the video documentation here. For us this event is a great example of how feminist development policy can be supported and strengthened in practice. And if you are interested to take a look at the study we commissioned on women in the diaspora and their engagement, you can find it here: giz-2023-en-women-in-the-Diaspora-in-germany.pdf (diaspora2030.de)

Contact Details

Name: Sophie Oliver
Email: sophie.oliver-mahler@giz.de
Posted in Gender Week Blog