SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
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EU INTPA x ICR Facility – Info Point: How to make the business environment work for women’s economic empowerment (WEE)?

On Thursday 13 March 2025, from 11:00 to 12:30 (CET), the regular EU INTPA Info Point will focus on the experience from the ICR Facility, a Team Europe project led by the GIZ, that supports African, Caribbean and Pacific countries

Symposium: Unleashing Economic Potential in Albania toward High-Income Status and EU-Accession: UNTAPPED GREEN POTENTIAL

GIZ, World Bank and AFD is organizing the Symposium: Unleashing Economic Potential in Albania toward High-Income Status and EU-Accession: Untapped Green Potential This symposium is the second of a series of three events designed to discuss key challenges and opportunities

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : GSDP Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment Study Findings

GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 GIZ GENDER KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE MEET ꟾ GSDP GENDER EQUALITY and WOMENS EMPOWERMENT STUDY FINDINGS Organized by Indo-German Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development (GSDP) GIZ India recently carried out a study on the effective

Launch: “Gender: First Steps”

The methodology emerges as an innovative proposal in response to the limitations of traditional gender training approaches for public servants and private sector employees. Developed from the Conversápolis exchange space, facilitated by GIZ/German Cooperation, this methodology aims to overcome the

develoPPP impacts female entrepreneurs in Ecuador

Dear colleagues and partners, We invite you to join us for an event showcasing the cooperation between GIZ and private sector partners through develoPPP, featuring a successful project that empowered female entrepreneurs in Ecuador. In partnership with Banco ProCredit Ecuador,

Projection du documentaire “Mi seeri ma” (Je te repudie) de l’auteur Dr Aissatou

“Mi Seeri Ma”, est un documentaire en langue Fulfulde et transcris en Français, qui aconte la parcourt de vie de mariage d’une jeune femme qui a été mariée 5 fois et répudié 7 fois. Elle relate le contexte socioculturel de

Sessão de Abertura Mês da Mulher 2024

Opening Session Gender Month 2024 in GIZ Mozambique

Découverte littérature féministe locale – GIZ Bénin

With the events in March, GIZ will be celebrating the month of Gender Equality and Gender Justice. For commemorating International Women’s Day on March 8th, GIZ Benin is organising a Brown Bag Lunch on the 21st of march to discover,

Through the Lense of Intersectionality: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as an Integral Component of Feminist Policies

Through the Lense of Intersectionality: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as an Integral Component of Feminist Policies If you leaf through our clients’ most recent strategic documents, it becomes clear: whether Feminist Development Policy, the Human Rights Concept of German

Iniciativa de Género y Diversidad para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe

Innovando en el procesamiento y transformación de la paja toquilla

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Gender month & IWD in GIZ Nigeria & ECOWAS

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences

Gender, Mobility, and Disability: The intersection of varied experiences Women Mobilize Women and Mobycon present the webinar series “Intersectionality of Gender & Mobility”. Delve into the world of mobility with us as we challenge assumptions and embrace inclusivity! 🚶‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚇 The

Webinar: Oportunidades de mueres que cambian vidas de mujeres.

    Seminario web: Oportunidades que transforman vidas de mujeres   En conmemoración del Día Internacional de las Mujeres, 8 de marzo, el Grupo Focal de Género de GIZ Ecuador les invita a participar en este webinar dedicado a explorar

Del diseño a la implementación de políticas públicas con perspectiva de género

GIZ LNOB Innovation Forum: LNOB, Inequality and Fiscal Policy

FISCAL POLICIES MATTER! RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GENDER-TRANSFORMATIVE TAX-POLICY. “The wealth of the world’s five richest billionaires has more than doubled since the start of this decade, while 60% of humanity has grown poorer”. Inequality INC, Oxfam International January 2024 In times

AI for All: African and Arab Feminist Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence

AI for All: African and Arab Feminist Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence  (MS TEAMS, moderated panel discussion, 18. March, 11:30 – 13:00 CET)  Recent dynamics in AI development have fired euphoria and dystopian fears alike. AI’s interaction with gender relations and

Trade Facilitation in Central Asia

Transversalización de la Perspectiva de Género: Avances y Resultados

Transforming Natural Resources Conflicts through the Three Rs: A Gender-Centric Approach

Scaling digital Agriculture Innovations through Start-ups

Serious Game „Gender – Next Level“


Social Mapping boosts gender equality at local level

Supporting Peaceful Coexistence in Yemen (SPCY) Action Area Women and Gender Empowerment




Promoting Economic and Social Participation of Internally Displaced Persons and Host Population Communities

LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Mainstreaming: “Do no harm, but do something!”

Machinery rings as self-help organizations for smallholder family farms in Kenya: a project of the Fund for Promotion of Innovation in Agriculture (i4Ag)

Lets Talk PERIOD

Mujeres comunitarias y recicladoras, son ahora la Fortaleza Circular

Niñas y adolescentes lideran el camino hacia la igualdad sin fronteras

Piloto de empoderamiento de mujeres cacaoteras en contexto de postconflicto, en el departamento de Caquetá, Colombia

Gestión integrada y transversal de género y diversidad en Centroamérica

LA RED DE MUJERES: Un espacio para fortalecer el liderazgo y compartir saberes que contribuyen a la sostenibilidad de la reserva de biosfera

InsuResilience Center of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions

L’Ambassade d’Allemagne et la GIZ au Sénégal main dans la main pour lutter contre les VBG !


Women’s Energy Fund – FEM

EnDev: Financer une enquête ménage permettant au ministère de l’énergie de disposer des données d’accès à l’énergie désagrégées par sexe

Formation, Incubation and Acceleration of Youth Initiatives

El Aja y las lideresas de Tsapau

Empowering FemPreneurs in Togo through digital offline learning

Embrace Equity: Empowering Women for Cross-Border and Fair Business in ASEAN


Concurso de género Equidad para un futuro sostenible: El rol vital de las mujeres en Centroamérica y República Dominicana

Contribution Projet d’Appui à la résilience socio-économique des jeunes vulnérables au Nord du Cameroun-GIZ/PARSE III

Croissance Qualitative pour l’Emploi (CQE)

De niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes LGBTIQ+ y sus familias

Del acuerdo a la acción: reconstruyendo la biodiversidad desde la perspectiva de las mujeres.

Cultivating Safe Spaces and Creative Capacities for Women’s Entrepreneurship

AI and Data Science Bootcamp for Women* and Minorities by FAIR Forward

Access to Justice for Women and Girls with Disabilities who are Survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Capacity Development Support to Governance II (CDSG II)

Mujeres Shuar se certifican en buenas prácticas agrícolas.

Contribuciones Relativas a la Transversalización del Enfoque de Género en el Programa de Energías Renovables (PEERR) en Bolivia

Gender Inclusivity Drive – GIZ Brazil 2024

Empower Energía: Advancing Gender Equality in Chile’s Energy Sector

CITIES: trazando la ruta hacia el enfoque género transformador

GIZ Forest and Climate Change

Tejiendo Innovación

Innovación social y tecnológica para la producción ycomercialización de sombreros y artesanías hechas con paja toquilla, a partir delempoderamiento de la mujer 45_Espanol_GG1_APLAK_Fondo de Innovación

The A2ii-SSN Report on the Gender Equity Survey of the Argentinian Insurance Market

Energía Renovada: ¡Una Propuesta Transformadora para un Mundo Equitativo, justo y sostenible!

Woman’s Path Festival

Gender Mainstreaming and Inclusion – Creating Impacts for East Africans

Proyecto “Creo en mi”

Digitalization and Women in Tech in Rwanda

Step aside Gentlemen – Female Innovators coming

Politique interne de protection: Contre le harcèlement sexuel au travail

Promoting gender diversity at GIZ Viet Nam

Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Rohstoffsektor für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation

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The Pink Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Patna as part of the Circular Waste Solutions Project in India


Importance of Research and Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming in a Sustainable Economic Development Project

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¡Intercambio de saberes entre y para mujeres! Una apuesta por la incidencia política, económica y social de mujeres rurales en Colombia.

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Renforcement de la participation socioéconomique des déplacées internes, des réfugiées et des communautés hôtes vulnérables (PAPSE)


Elevating Gender Equality Initiatives in Lao PDR: Advancing through the Continuation of the Emission Reductions Programm


Le droit et l’influence des femmes : « pilier de l’autonomisation des réseaux PFNL » cas de la zone de Messamena

Beitrag der Grünen Innovationszentren in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft


TechHER: Fortalece tu liderazgo en el mundo tecnológico


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit (DEI Audit)

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Gender-Mainstreaming mit Fokus LGBTQI+

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Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)


Gender Equality in the Maasai Mara, Kenya

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Weblog article: “Creating ‘Integrated and safe neighbourhoods for all’ through international peer learning exchange”

Creating public spaces in which all genders and vulnerable groups feel safe is a task of global significance. What works and what doesn’t in implementing this goal is therefore not limited to one place or project. On the contrary, projects

Weblog article: „Navigating the Concrete Jungle: The Gender Divide in Urban Life”

Different genders experience cities in distinct ways. Nine out of ten women feel unsafe in public spaces, they continue to face inaccessibility, insecurity and various forms of sexual harassment and violence. In her Urbanet article Paula Meth addresses the intersection

Weblog Article: „Leave No One Behind – Including Marginalised Communities Through Inclusive Urban Planning”

The “Leave No One Behind” (LNOB) principle is crucial for many projects and has positive effects from which both the marginalised groups and the project itself benefit. In her article, Hannah Schabert, who is part of the “Experts for Partners”

Activités de la Journée Internationale de la Femme (JIF) au Cluster Bonne Gouvernance

Objectif global : Sensibiliser les collègues sur les questions du Genre, Leave no one Behind et sur la promotion de l’accès équitable et responsable des femmes et filles au numérique, dans les projets programmes respectifs du Cluster Bonne Gouvernance Objectifs

Weblog Article: „Feminist Urbanism: Smashing the Patriarchy in Urban Design”

The spatial component of feminism is often underestimated. In her article „Feminist Urbanism: Smashing the Patriarchy in Urban Design” Sneha Visakha, legal researcher and host of the “Feminist City Podcast”, raises the questions who cities are made for, who makes

Mga Awit, Tula, at Kwento ni Dakila (Advocacy Concert)

In celebration of the International Women’s Month, GIZ Philippines, together with the German Embassy Manila and UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, will be holding an advocacy concert to promote gender equality across all spaces. The event aims to

Increasing women’s participation in ICT – Techher

7th March, 1:00 – 2:00 pm GMT 30-minute online presentation on MS Teams – “increasing women’s participation in ICT” (experience sharing from TECHHER – a Nigerian based NGO). The presentation is facilitated by the GIZ MOVE project working in both

Rights, resources, representation: Indigenous women and girls in German development cooperation

Dear colleagues, Indigenous women and girls play a key role as leaders, knowledge-bearers, and human rights and environmental defenders. At the same time, Indigenous women and girls face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence. Nationally and internationally,

Let´s shout out “Women, AHEAD!”

Awareness Campaign: Women, AHEAD! Women all over Africa are excelling in their fields and fighting for women’s rights every day. They are feminists, actively or unconsciously paving the way for others and overcoming stereotypes and discrimination. On the lead-up to

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

INFO CARAVANS: Innovation – Technology for the Gender Equality in Civil Status

Les femmes du Bureau National de l’État Civil ensemble pour UN MONDE DIGITAL INCLUSIF :  INNOVATION ET TECHNOLOGIES POUR L’ÉGALITÉ DES SEXES/ Registration: An Important Tool for the Protection of Women and Girls’ Rights in Digital Spaces There will be

Gender Issues in Cross-Border Trade: A Virtual Roundtable

  Thursday, 16.03.2023, 10am UTC What are the challenges for women in cross-border trade – and how can we adress them? We cordially invite you to a roundtable to discuss challenges of women and small-scale traders. We are eager to

Rethinking the digital economy for gender justice and decent work

GIZ’s project ‘Future of Work’ and ILO invite you to the webinar series, taking a closer look at the realities and future of women’s work in the digital economy. After a very successful first session, the second webinar will take

It needs capacitated Gender Focal Persons to deliver!

The Join-Circuit in Zambia: an effective and efficient tool for Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)