On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to take the opportunity and continue with the informal series of meetings for women to women, and exchange on different topics related to challenges, barriers and biases that women face…
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to take the opportunity and continue with the informal series of meetings for women to women, and exchange on different topics related to challenges, barriers and biases that women face…
What In celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD) 2025 and its theme, “Accelerate Action,” we run a social media campaign in the second week of March. The IWD 2025 theme, #AccelerateAction, advocates transformative efforts to advance gender equality, particularly in…
H2Uppp, the program managed by GIZ Maroc and commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, along with Women in Green Hydrogen, the initiative launched by The International International Power-to-X Hub, is organizing – in collaboration with IN-VR, The Net-Zero…
GIZ, World Bank and AFD is organizing the Symposium: Unleashing Economic Potential in Albania toward High-Income Status and EU-Accession: Untapped Green Potential This symposium is the second of a series of three events designed to discuss key challenges and opportunities…
We cordially invite you to an upcoming webinar co-hosted by Siemens Stiftung and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), on the new learning portal “Academy for Impact”: Women Empowerment: Social Entrepreneurship in Menstrual Hygiene and Female Health – African…
GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 GIZ GENDER KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE MEET ꟾ GSDP GENDER EQUALITY and WOMENS EMPOWERMENT STUDY FINDINGS Organized by Indo-German Partnership for Green and Sustainable Development (GSDP) GIZ India recently carried out a study on the effective…
GIZ India Gender Focus March 2025 : Understanding and De-coding the NEW GIZ GENDER STRATEGY 2025 – 2029 Considering GIZ’s commitment towards ensuring Gender Equality as a quality aspect of our work, a new GIZ Gender Strategy has been launched…
It is with great pride that we announce the end of this edition of our “Gender Diversity Management” process, which brought together 10 companies committed to promoting gender diversity and inclusion in the workplace. For several months, we worked…
GIZ Bangladesh showcased gender activities from their different clusters in an online event held on 23 May 2024. Fatema Begum, Gender Focal Person, Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development, moderated the event that took off with a welcome speech from…
“Mi Seeri Ma”, est un documentaire en langue Fulfulde et transcris en Français, qui aconte la parcourt de vie de mariage d’une jeune femme qui a été mariée 5 fois et répudié 7 fois. Elle relate le contexte socioculturel de…
In celebration of GIZ Gender Month, the Regional Project Sport for Development in Africa is hosting an online Sport for Gender Equality session. We adapted one of our trainings to fit an online format and are excited to share our…
With the events in March, GIZ will be celebrating the month of Gender Equality and Gender Justice. For commemorating International Women’s Day on March 8th, GIZ Benin is organising a Brown Bag Lunch on the 21st of march to discover,…
The TUEWAS Women Expert database is a crowd-sourced database of women experts working in transport, energy, water, environment/climate, and urbanism. As women are notoriously underrepresented in Asian scientific conferences and policy events, as well as consultancy work, especially those not…
Dans le cadre de la célébration de la journée internationale pour les droits des femmes, le 08 Mars 2024, placé sous le thème de : « Investir en faveur des femmes : accélérer le rythme ! », nous avons le…
De concert avec le collège des femmes agricultrices de la Coordination togolaise des organisations paysannes et de producteurs agricoles (CTOP), cette conférence sera organisée le 12 mars sous le thème : « L’irrigation : un levier de renforcement de l’autonomisation économique des femmes…
GIZ Albania this year is joining BashArt on International Women’s Week, supporting the third edition of #FemFEST 2024. From 4 to 8 March, the festival gathers artists, activists, writers and politicians to give voice to issues of gender equality and…
GIZ has been active in China since 1979, focusing on promoting sustainable and inclusive development through various projects and programs. In recent years, GIZ has placed a significant emphasis on green development, working closely with Chinese partners to address environmental…
Seminario web: Oportunidades que transforman vidas de mujeres En conmemoración del Día Internacional de las Mujeres, 8 de marzo, el Grupo Focal de Género de GIZ Ecuador les invita a participar en este webinar dedicado a explorar…
During the Gender Focus Month 2024, International Services (InS) is organising an online campaign to raise awareness on the constant fight for gender equality worldwide, and in particular on the topics of leadership and political participation, menstrual health and hygiene,…
Innovación social y tecnológica para la producción ycomercialización de sombreros y artesanías hechas con paja toquilla, a partir delempoderamiento de la mujer 45_Espanol_GG1_APLAK_Fondo de Innovación
24_English_GM_AFRICA_Gender & Diversity Working Group