In the light of this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, GIZ Rwanda is hosting the art exhibition #LetsTalkPERIOD to raise awareness that we need to end stigma and taboos around Gender-Based Violence and menstruation. The exhibition highlights…
NEW: 2015-2025 Anniversary Edition of our MenstruAction Flipbook! 👉 GIZ_MenstruAction-Publication-2025-WEB v15 This year marks the 10th anniversary of the GIZ staff initiative MenstruAction – a decade of breaking taboos, learning from each other, and making Menstrual Health and Hygiene…
Imagine a prevention method that is not only educational, but also incredibly “cool”, as Dhanna B., a student at the María Auxiliadora School in Macas, tells us. What makes Game Over so special? It is a unique blended learning experience,…
More than a third of female professors and students in Ecuadorian universities claim have been assaulted by their (ex) partners and members of the university community. And almost a third of male students and lecturers admit having assaulted their (ex)…
Since 2018, actors from different sectors, including the business sector, the public sector, academia and the media, have been working together to address the widespread problem of violence against women and girls in Ecuador, as part of a strategic campaign…
In 2012, the Interactive Path- Step by step against violence methodology was developed by the regional ComVoMujer programme implemented by GIZ, which recognized that addressing violence against women at an early stage is one of the most effective preventive measures.…
In celebration of GIZ Gender Month, the Regional Project Sport for Development in Africa is hosting an online Sport for Gender Equality session. We adapted one of our trainings to fit an online format and are excited to share our…
GIZ Albania this year is joining BashArt on International Women’s Week, supporting the third edition of #FemFEST 2024. From 4 to 8 March, the festival gathers artists, activists, writers and politicians to give voice to issues of gender equality and…
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Seminario web: Oportunidades que transforman vidas de mujeres En conmemoración del Día Internacional de las Mujeres, 8 de marzo, el Grupo Focal de Género de GIZ Ecuador les invita a participar en este webinar dedicado a explorar…
When? Tuesday, 14. March, 13:00 – 14:00 CET Where? MS TEAMS With? Daniela Spies, Equal Opportunities Commissioner, Adela Llatja, Gender Focal Person GIZ Albania, Katrin Freitag, Senior Expert Facility Management, Daphne Manolakos, Member of the GIZ Staff Initiative MenstruAction, ……
Innovación social y tecnológica para la producción ycomercialización de sombreros y artesanías hechas con paja toquilla, a partir delempoderamiento de la mujer 45_Espanol_GG1_APLAK_Fondo de Innovación