We mobilize expertise – interdisciplinary exchange on “Gender in research and practice”
The interdisciplinary exchange on Gender in research and practice on 18th July at GIZ Eschborn has contributed towards the achievement of the Annual Objective: “We mobilize expertise by harnessing the skills and motivation of our staff, working with strong cooperation partners and forming strategic alliances”. More than 30 researchers and external guests including employees of Deval, FriEnt, UBA and medica mondiale as well as over 60 GIZ colleagues followed the invitation.
While GIZ colleagues gained insights in academic questions and research projects, the researchers were particularly interested in practical experiences and operational challenges faced and addressed by GIZ. Both academics and GIZ staff made use the Gallery Walk to introduce and get to know each other For example the sectoral program “Gender Equality” presented the winner projects of the competition “Women’s Empowerment through digital tools” while EcnonoWin talked about Gender Diversity Management in private sector companies in the MENA region. Dr. Ulrike Krause distributed information on her research findings on flight and gender and Lisa Tschörner of the University of Marburg offered a short presentation of her research topic “Doing Gender in the Congo? International Peace Interventions and the depolitisation of Sexualised Violence”.
Joachim Fritz, director of division Governance & Conflict, opened the event followed by expert contributions by Dr. Angela Langenkamp, GIZ Gender Officer and Dr. Ulrike Krause of University of Marburg.
Current challenges: Economic Empowerment, Food Security and Flight
During three parallel debates, the participants discussed the interface of Gender and Economic Development and Participation, Rural Development and Food Security as well as Gender, Peace & Flight.
Winner projects of the competition “Women’s Empowerment through digital tools”
- Stephanie Mumenthaler, Sectoral Program “Gender Equality”
#eSkills4Girls- Transforming the future of women and girls in the digital economy
G20 Study on Women’s Pathwys in the digital sector
- Johanna Hartung
Gender Diversity Management in businesses in the MENA region
- EcnonoWin
Research findings “Doing Gender in the Congo? International Peace Interventions and the depolitisation of Sexualised Violence”.
- Lisa Tschörner
Research findings on flight and gender (Dr. Ulrike Krause)
- Krause, U. (2017). Die Flüchtling – der Flüchtling als Frau. Genderreflexiver Zugang. In C. Ghaderi & T. Eppenstein (Hg.), Flüchtlinge: Multiperspektivische Zugänge (S. 79-93). Wiesbaden: Springer.
- Krause, U. (2016). Wie bewältigen Flüchtlinge die Lebensbedingungen in Flüchtlingslagern? Ergebnisse aus einer empirischen Analyse zu kongolesischen Flüchtlingen in Uganda. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 5(2), 189-220.
- Krause, U. (2016). Hegemonie von Männern? Flüchtlingslager, Maskulinitäten und Gewalt in Uganda. Soziale Probleme, 27 (1), 119-145.
- Krause, U. (2016). Konflikt-Flucht-Nexus: Globales Ausmaß, genderbezogene Auswirkungen und politische Relevanz. S&F Sicherheit und Frieden, 34 (1), 46-51.
- Krause, U. (2016). »It seems like you don‘t have identity, you don’t belong« Reflexionen über das Flüchtlingslabel und dessen Implikationen. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 23 (1), 8-37.
- Krause, U. (2016). Limitations of development-oriented assistance in Uganda. Forced Migration Review, 52, 51-53.
- Krause, U. (2016). Entwicklungsorientierte Flüchtlingsarbeit. Aus der Vergangenheit lernen und für die Zukunft planen. FES-Studie.
- Krause, U. (2015). Friedenslogischer Flüchtlingsschutz. Impulse für eine Neuausrichtung des Flüchtlingsschutzes. CCS Policy Paper, Nr. 3.
- Krause, U.(2015). A Continuum of Violence? Linking Sexual and Gender-based Violence during Conflict, Flight and Encampment, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 24 (4), 1-19.
- Krause, U. (2015). Zwischen Schutz und Scham? Flüchtlingslager, Gewalt und Geschlechterverhältnisse, Peripherie: Zeitschrift für Politik und Ökonomie in der Dritten Welt. 35 (138/139), 235-259.
- Joachim Fritz, Director of division Governance & Conflict
Expert contribution and presentation “Gender in der GIZ”
- Dr. Angela Langenkamp, GIZ Gender Officer
Expert contribution on cooperation between Academia and Practice
- Dr. Ulrike Krause, University of Marburg and University of Oxford
Networking for the future?
The positive feedback of all participants portrait the high interest for an intensified exchange between research and practice. While GIZ is already planning another digital event “Digitial Tools for Gender Equality” inviting both academia and practitioners, academia aims towards closer cooperation by means of joined master thesis and dissertation projects.
Participants: Teilnehmendenliste Fachaustausch GIZ Gender 2017
Agenda: Gender Challenges 2016 GIZ Tunisia Questions
Contact: Dr. Angela Langenkamp angela.langenkamp@giz.de