Gender, Peace & Displacement

Debating Gender, Peace & Displacement focussing on SGBV and Displacement

Agenda: Agenda Fachaustausch mit der Wissenschaft Gender Frieden Flucht

Conflicts, migration and Displacement impact on gender relations and the socially constructed gender roles accompanying them. Similarly, humanitarian aid and development actors affect gender roles and relationships intentionally or unintentionally through their programs.

From a feminist perspective, international guidelines on Displacement were criticized for being gender blind and male dominated during the 1980s. By adopting the UNHCR Policy on Refugee Women (1990) the focus shifted towards Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality.

However, the specific situation of female refugees and migrants’ vis-à-vis their male peers and the role of women not as victims but as active participants in conflicts and development are often overlooked. This is partly caused by female refugees being portrayed as primarily poor, caring, dependent, passive and vulnerable victims who need saving. Any measures of humanitarian and developmental nature based on the latter are potentially liable to further engrave the constructed gender binary of vulnerable “women and children” and aggressive male perpetrators.

A critical perspective on female refugees, migrants and community members should address and represent them on equal footing with their male peers taking their gender specific needs, demands, aspirations and potentials into account. The Refugee Status Determination Guidelines are only partly meeting these criteria.

Thus, the event is meant to provide an open space to enlarge and enhance a constructive exchange and dialogue between the ongoing academic discourse and field experiences and practical guidelines governing the German Development Cooperation in the context of Gender, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Peace and Displacement.

Academics and practitioners came together to share insights into their work and discuss the following topics:

The debate on “Gender, Peace & Displacement” highlighted gender sensitive and gender transformative approaches as quality indicators for German development cooperation in fragile contexts. The importance of gender diversity and gender-aggregated data seems to remain underestimated during peace processes. Both academics and practitioners agreed on ‘gender’ as a societal process which entails women’s empowerment as one important topic out of a number of issues. One interesting presentation on gender dynamics in the context of Displacement explained the special needs of men during Displacement and in times of crisis and indicated an implicit bias in refugee protection.

Geschlechterbeziehungen im Kontext von Konflikt und Flucht

  • Sonja Meyer (GIZ GV Flüchtlinge)

UNSC Resolution 1325 und ihre Umsetzung in der deutschen EZ

  • Anne von Au (GIZ SP Gleichberechtigung)

GIZ / UN Women Kooperation zur Förderung der Beteiligung von Frauen an Friedensprozessen im Nahen Osten

  • Julie Brethfeld (FriEnt)

SGBV in  Sierra Leone – alte Probleme und neue Prioritäten von Entwicklungsakteuren

  • Dr. Anne Menzel (Universität Marburg)

Hegemoniale Maskulinität oder soziale Entmännlichung? Diskussion über Auswirkungen von Flucht und Flüchtlingsschutz auf Männer

  • Dr. Ulrike Krause (Universität Marburg)

Stress- und Traumasensibilität im Kontext von Gewalt und Flucht


Kontakt: Sonja Meyer