Germany (Bonn) – Webinar: How to work as a gender working group on country level? – Exchange of experiences and lessons learnt

In many countries the tasks and responsibilities of GIZ Gender Focal Points are shared within a team – the so-called gender working groups.

The webinar is open to all gender focal persons of the Africa Department and provides an opportunity to share experiences on how best to set up gender working group on country level and link up across the continent for future exchange.

If you want to participate, please register with until Friday 27.02.2015.

When? Friday, 06th of March 2015, 10:00 -11:30

What is a webinar?

The term webinar is short for web-based seminar, which is an online event – a conference, lecture, workshop or seminar – that is transmitted over the web. A webinar allows a speaker hosting the event to share PowerPoint presentations, videos, web pages or other multimedia content with audiences that can be located anywhere in the world. The participants can also interact with the speaker because they can ask questions in real-time through microphones or instant messaging tools. Therefore, webinars are a great opportunity for sharing experiences and knowledge with colleagues around the world.  


Please download a detailed documentation and illustration of the events organized in Bonn here:


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