Call for contributions for CSW61 CoAction: Women Determined to Win Equality!


The International Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation proposes a hashtag campaign on the occasion of the sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women. Learn about their motivation here.

For information on how to participate check out the instructions below and send in your contribution!

3 immediate concrete actions for CSW61:

1. Twitter is the best reading of some so-called leaders, let’s tweet for the CSW61: we propose to all use the same
hashtag #CSW61CoAction

2. We propose to use and promote a common slogan: “Women determined to win equality!”
The idea is to tweet it from all over the world during the CSW61, with at least one chosen momentum when all the tweets would be promoted by those of us present at the United Nations in New York; the huge number of our tweets would be impressive for tweet’s listeners in order to promote our action.

3. Our tweets will link to this webpage where we will all present our opinions, decisions and statements, related to women’s rights situations in our own countries. All these important elements will be linked to our common Facebook page and other social medias.

Your ideas to coordinate our worldwide action in solidarity count!

Posted in Gender Week Blog