The Interactive Path – Step by step against violence: A successful initiative that crosses borders

In 2012, the Interactive Path- Step by step against violence methodology was developed by the regional ComVoMujer programme implemented by GIZ, which recognized that addressing violence against women at an early stage is one of the most effective preventive measures. The methodology works with children from 6 to 9 years old, as they form ideas about who they are and their relations to others.

The interactive path serves as a catalyst for reflection, action, and self-esteem, empowering beneficiaries to be active protagonists. Through playful activities across five stations, children engage in activities addressing gender dynamics: 1) Girls and boys are equally capable, 2) Violence hurts us, 3) Girls and boys are valuable, 4) United in the face of gender violence, 5) Raise your voice.

Additionally, a mobile app offers a video game as a complementary digital tool, enhancing in-person training by providing a didactic and motivating way for children to reflect on and reinforce the concepts from each station. This approach aims to cultivate understanding and empower children to become future agents of change.

How does it work?

Training Facilitators for Child-Focused Learning

Ensuring the successful implementation of the Interactive Path approach involves training facilitation teams with specialized skills for interactive learning focused on children’s experiences. Facilitators receive a comprehensive manual with pedagogical guidelines. Over the past 12 years, over 3,300 facilitators have been trained globally, reaching more than 41,000 children across countries like Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Honduras, Colombia, South Africa, Morocco, and Germany. In Ecuador, currently the bilateral PreViMujer project continues to improve and expand the impact of the methodology through partnerships with various sectors, including the private sector, education (formal and informal), civil society and universities.

The Interactive Path Methodology in Academia and Beyond

This innovative methodology has attracted attention not only internationally, but also in academia. Several universities, including those in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Germany, have integrated Interactive Path into disciplines like education and psychology. Notably, the Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences extended the methodology to an NGO, ensuring women’s and children’s rights, and it has been successfully implemented in and around the city of Wiesbaden for more than six years.

A Pioneering “whole-school” Approach

To drive comprehensive structural change, a two-primary-school pilot project in Wiesbaden, Germany employs a whole-school approach, integrating the Interactive Path approach into a broader strategy for gender-based violence prevention. This approach recognizes schools as integral components of society, influencing and reflecting societal values. Beyond transmitting educational content, the initiative aims to strengthen relationships among teachers, school management, students, parents, community members, education decision-makers, and civil society organizations. The shared objective is to reduce inequality and transform norms and practices that perpetuate violence.

“I learned that men and women have the same rights”; “I am a treasure, although, at first, I was afraid to look at myself in the mirror”; “I really liked making the posters and marching to say no to violence against women” 

Testimonies of children participating in the Interactive Path methodology.

Contact Details

Name: Christin Schulze
Posted in Gender Week Blog