SDG 05: Gender Equality
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Step aside Gentlemen – Female Innovators coming

Together for WoMEN: GIZ Jordan’s Holistic Approach to Gender Mainstreaming

40_English_GM_EMZ_Gender Focal Points Jordanien

Politique interne de protection: Contre le harcèlement sexuel au travail

Destination WEE in ICT in Jordan

Anti-sexual harassment in the workplace A practical guide for employers

Promoting gender diversity at GIZ Viet Nam

Planting seeds of change in India: How communal gardening and nutrition trainings improve nutrition security for women and young children and transform gender roles


Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Rohstoffsektor für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation

34_Deutsch_GG1_GLOBE_Geschlechtergerechtigkeit Rohstoffsektor

Renforcement de la résilience des femmes à travers les cultures de diversification


The Pink Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Patna as part of the Circular Waste Solutions Project in India


Importance of Research and Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming in a Sustainable Economic Development Project

31_English_GG1_EMC_Economic participation vulnarable groups

¡Intercambio de saberes entre y para mujeres! Una apuesta por la incidencia política, económica y social de mujeres rurales en Colombia.

30_Espanol_GG1_APLAK_Propaz II

EmpowHER: ERADA’s Gender Equality Chronicles


Beit Byout: GIZ’s Gender Advocacy in Lebanese Communities

28_English_GG2_EMZ_Lebanon, Middle East_Gender Working Group

The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility: Making Business easier for Women

27_English_GG2_APLAK_ICR Facility

Output 3 Sustainable Business development and output 4 Fostering employment & Employability


Renforcement de la participation socioéconomique des déplacées internes, des réfugiées et des communautés hôtes vulnérables (PAPSE)


A holistic GIZ approach to promoting gender equality and diversity in Malawi

24_English_GM_AFRICA_Gender & Diversity Working Group

The Cities Challenge Empowering women* as active shapers of sustainable urban development

23_English_GG1_GLOBE_Woman urban development

Anchoring the Feminist Development Policy in the technical cooperation with Egypt

22_English_GM_EMZ_FemDP technical cooperation

Elevating Gender Equality Initiatives in Lao PDR: Advancing through the Continuation of the Emission Reductions Programm


Le droit et l’influence des femmes : « pilier de l’autonomisation des réseaux PFNL » cas de la zone de Messamena

Strengthening Education and Health Services for Refugees and Host Communities in Pakistan (EHS) “Transforming Lives through Leadership of Afghan Women for Equitable Access to Health & Education”


Beitrag der Grünen Innovationszentren in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft


TechHER: Fortalece tu liderazgo en el mundo tecnológico


Women United for Export

14_English_GG1_EMZ_Women United for Export

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit (DEI Audit)

13_English_GM_AFRICA_DEI Audit

Promotion of Solar Water Pumps- Indo-German Energy Programme

11_English_GG1_APLAK_PSWP Module

Gender-Mainstreaming mit Fokus LGBTQI+

10_Deutsch_GM_EZM_Konferenz Queere EZ

Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN ACCESS)


Employment for Development Employment/Promotion for Women for the Green Transformation in Africa


Combating Sexual Harassment: Empowering Labour Market Actors in the Agri-Food Sector in Western Kenya


Gender Equality in the Maasai Mara, Kenya

06_English_GG1_AFRICA_Maasai Mara

Revolutionizing Urban Mobility through Gender Transformative Interventions in India


Alliances for Trade Facilitation (A4TF): Sensitization for Women in Cross Border Trade Ghana

04_English_GG1_AFRICA_A4TF, WiCBT

Textilarbeiterinnen in Bangladesch: Faktenbasierte Pfade zur Überwindung struktureller Benachteiligung von Frauen


Holistic Approach: Highlighting the DIGITS-wide Initiative ‘DIGITS… ist bunt’


Weblog article: “Creating ‘Integrated and safe neighbourhoods for all’ through international peer learning exchange”

Creating public spaces in which all genders and vulnerable groups feel safe is a task of global significance. What works and what doesn’t in implementing this goal is therefore not limited to one place or project. On the contrary, projects

Madagascar Gender Month 2023

Madagascar Gender month 2023_Eng

DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality

The GIZ Vocational Training Sri Lanka (VTSL) project, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM), aims to align vocational training with the local market demands. The project

Weblog article: „Navigating the Concrete Jungle: The Gender Divide in Urban Life”

Different genders experience cities in distinct ways. Nine out of ten women feel unsafe in public spaces, they continue to face inaccessibility, insecurity and various forms of sexual harassment and violence. In her Urbanet article Paula Meth addresses the intersection

Gender inside GIZ: STOP IT – Preventing and dealing with sexual harassment

Gender inside GIZ Feminist Development Cooperation in Practice   Dear colleagues,   You are invited! STOP IT – Preventing and dealing with sexual harassment 30.03.2023 13:00 – 14:00 CET   What is sexual abuse and harassment? What are the consequences?

CSW67 – Digital solutions to prevent gender-based violence in Lesotho

The sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) takes place from March 6 to 17 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The CSW principal global intergovernmental body is exclusively dedicated to the promotion of

GIZ India ꟾ SENU_Gender Transformative and Behaviour change approaches


Activités de la Journée Internationale de la Femme (JIF) au Cluster Bonne Gouvernance

Objectif global : Sensibiliser les collègues sur les questions du Genre, Leave no one Behind et sur la promotion de l’accès équitable et responsable des femmes et filles au numérique, dans les projets programmes respectifs du Cluster Bonne Gouvernance Objectifs

Feminist development policy and gender transformative approaches

Joint Event Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Rwanda and GIZ Rwanda’s Project Prevention of sexualised and gender-based violence Gender norms and stereotypes determine and shape our lives. They are anchored in legislation, in traditions, in formal and informal institutions, in religion, cultural

Individual Coaching during the Gender Month 2023

Dear colleagues of GIZ, As part of the GIZ Gender Month 2023, which is taking place in March, we would like to draw your attention to the 45-minute individual coaching on the topic of “Gender sensitivity in the workplace” offered

Gender Month Mozambique 2023

In Mozambique, a full Gender Month is being celebrated every year between March, the 8th (International Women Day) and April, the 7th (Mozambican Women Day). In 2023, GIZ Mozambique and EnDev were elected to follow the main theme of the

The Gender/Digitalisation Nexus in development cooperation and project management: Introducing the serious game “Gender – Next Level”

  Gender Inside GIZ Dear colleagues, You are invited! The Gender/Digitalisation Nexus in development cooperation and project management – Introducing the serious game “Gender – Next Level” – developed by the German Government and Federal States Programme 28.03.2023 11:00 –

Weblog Article: „Feminist Urbanism: Smashing the Patriarchy in Urban Design”

The spatial component of feminism is often underestimated. In her article „Feminist Urbanism: Smashing the Patriarchy in Urban Design” Sneha Visakha, legal researcher and host of the “Feminist City Podcast”, raises the questions who cities are made for, who makes

International Women’s Day event – Karachi (Sindh)

The event will celebrate women’s stories from the Urban Cohesion Hub (UCH) project in Karachi (Sindh) and advocate for better inclusion and acceptance of women refugees in the local social and economic landscape.

International Women’s Day event – Quetta (Balochistan)

International Women’s day celebration and young girls (both Afghan refugees and host communities) graduation ceremony of I.T Course and English language course in Quetta (Balochistan).

Gender Month Events of the Regional Programmes E4D and WE4D

GIZ GENDER MONTH 2023 Events organised by the ‘Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D)’ and the ‘Employment promotion for women for the green transformation in Africa (WE4D)’ programmes   Together with the programmes‘ regional partners in sub-Saharan Africa,

Table ronde “digitalisation et inlcusion”

Ensemble, nous allons nous plonger dans un sujet qui a plus d’actualité que jamais: celui de la digitalisation. Dans unc adre convivial et interactif, nous allons revoir les concepts de base, discuter les opportunités et les défis qu’y sont liés

“Rana hna – Les femmes algériennes dans le secteur des déchets”

Le projet PEMLO vous invite à découvrir son exposition de témoignages des femmes actives dans le domaine des déchets au sein des différentes communes pilotes. 08.-14.03. GIZ Algérie Alger

Lancement Concours Tremplin « Women Sports Entrepreneurship »

En Afrique, environ 20 millions de jeunes arrivent sur le marché du travail chaque année, ce qui représente le plus grand potentiel de main-d’œuvre du monde. Pour atteindre l’objectif de « ne laisser personne pour compte » et d’une «

New BMZ Feminist Development Policy: Approaches and Implementation in Cameroon

In the context of the International Women’s Day, the GIZ gender month and the publication of the new German feminist development policy, GIZ Cameroon is organising a panel discussion on this policy. The policy underlines the importance of working in

Info Session: Internationa Women`s Day

The online info session will be organised on the occasion of the International Women`s Day on 08.03.2023 (14.00h-15.15h CET) with the topics: Reason for celebrating International Women’s Day (historical perspective) Feminist movement in Serbia Where are do we stand today

Café Temático: Justiça Climática – o que é e por que precisamos dela?

Você já ouviu falar de Justiça Climática? O fato que as mudanças climáticas afetam diferentes grupos de forma distinta já é um conhecimento comum, falando-se muito em “vulnerabilidades”. Embora o reconhecimento de que as consequências impactam a população de forma

Gender Equality Week Egypt – REPRESENTATION – Business Future is Female

Agenda March 8th German Gender Equality Week REPRESENTATION – Day 3 – Business Future is Female – is the closing event of the GEW 2023 on International Women’s Day 2023. Hosted by the German Embassy in Cairo, in cooperation with

Gender Equality Week Egypt – DIVERSITY – Digital Access for ALL.

DIVERSITY – Day 2 German Gender Equality Week is organized by GIZ Egypt’s InnoPA project and aims at gathering insights of relevant stakeholders of the Egyptian digital society on key values and principles for digital inclusion. Sessions will address how

RIGHTS – WenDo self-defence and –assertion training

6 March 2023 Gender Equality Week RIGHTS – Day 1  offers a holistic WenDo self-defence and –assertion training, tailored for women and is considered as a means of preventing violence. WenDo goes beyond the concept of teaching physical techniques as

Formation sport pour le développement (S4D) & égalité du genre

En Afrique, environ 20 millions de jeunes arrivent sur le marché du travail chaque année, ce qui représente le plus grand potentiel de main-d’œuvre du monde. Pour atteindre l’objectif de « ne laisser personne pour compte » et d’une « transition juste », les

Tech’Action 4 Women

Les 07 et 08 Mars 2023 le Programme Migration pour le Développement (PME) organise au Centre Sénégalo-Allemand  une formation pour quinze (15) femmes entrepreneurs en activité. Cet atelier de formation initié en partenariat avec l’Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de

Panel sur : « les mutations du digital en cours dans le monde du travail : opportunités et menaces pour les travailleuses et travailleurs »

Le Ministère du Travail, du Dialogue social et des Relations avec les Institutions, en partenariat avec la GIZ, à travers le projet : « Ensemble vers la réforme du travail », organise un panel sur : « les mutations du

L’Aventure de Naïma – Conte théâtralisé

LIVE TALK: Exploring New Frontiers in Gender-Smart Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Policymaking: A Toolkit

Exploring New Frontiers in Gender-Smart Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Policymaking: A Toolkit 8 March 2023, 14:30- 15:30 (CET) About the Webinar This is the sixth session of a LIVE TALK series on Gender and Climate Risk Finance jointly hosted by the

Mga Awit, Tula, at Kwento ni Dakila (Advocacy Concert)

In celebration of the International Women’s Month, GIZ Philippines, together with the German Embassy Manila and UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, will be holding an advocacy concert to promote gender equality across all spaces. The event aims to

Increasing women’s participation in ICT – Techher

7th March, 1:00 – 2:00 pm GMT 30-minute online presentation on MS Teams – “increasing women’s participation in ICT” (experience sharing from TECHHER – a Nigerian based NGO). The presentation is facilitated by the GIZ MOVE project working in both

Gender Equality – Gender Awareness Events (GIZ Liberia)

GIZ Liberia supports local partners in the Southeast of the country, one of the remotest and hardest-to-reach places in the country, with their awareness campaigns. The Tubman University in Harper is supported to organize a workshop for faculty staff and

💭 Imagining Women-Centric Digital Futures

💭 Imagining Women-Centric Digital Futures To be able to create thriving futures for women, we first need to imagine and envision what we want to create 🌌. But, designing for everyone often leads to one-size-fits-men solutions 😕.   On the

Le pouvoir du langage inclusif ou de la communication inclusive !

Saviez-vous que le langage (écrit ou oral) peut être un outil d’inclusion ou d’exclusion ? Il sera organisé pour le staff de la GIZ Bénin une session interactive et pratique sur la compréhension du langage inclusif et notre responsabilité ou

GAP Breakfast – Feminist Foreign Development Policy and what does it mean for the new projects?

On 07.03.2023 Gender Focal Persons from Mongolia of the GIZ East Asia Regional office organize a breakfast to discuss what the Feminist Foreign Policy is. Open face to face conversation to discuss different views, perceptions and most importantly what it

Rights, resources, representation: Indigenous women and girls in German development cooperation

Dear colleagues, Indigenous women and girls play a key role as leaders, knowledge-bearers, and human rights and environmental defenders. At the same time, Indigenous women and girls face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence. Nationally and internationally,

Training workshop on gender equality in the workplace for returning experts

On 10 March 2023, the GIZ Programme Migration and Diaspora (PMD) in Viet Nam will organise a training workshop on gender equality in the workplace for returning experts. This workshop aims to create a platform for the PMD alumni and

Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event

Dear colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to our Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event in 2023!   Do you sometimes struggle with sharing your achievements because you are afraid of sounding like you are bragging? Cultural and modesty

Let´s shout out “Women, AHEAD!”

Awareness Campaign: Women, AHEAD! Women all over Africa are excelling in their fields and fighting for women’s rights every day. They are feminists, actively or unconsciously paving the way for others and overcoming stereotypes and discrimination. On the lead-up to

Demystifying Feminism. Local feminist achievements and challenges

In March 2023, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) will launch its Feminist Development Strategy. The policy was already announced in early 2022, raising questions about what it would imply, especially for implementing agencies like GIZ

Women in Leadership ” Movie Night”

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to build and strengthen the network of women leaders in Tirana, so that we can become stronger in pushing forward the gender equality agenda in Albania. Together with the Country

Movie Screening on Human Trafficking

The Coalition Against Trafficking in Person Uganda (CATIP-U) and the Better Migration Management Programme are proud to present a screening of the BBC documentary “Forced to Beg”. This powerful film offers a glimpse into the harsh reality of human trafficking

Workplace talk on “Domestic Violence”

In light of International Women’s Day, it is crucial to recognize the continued battle against gender-based violence. As part of this effort, a workplace talk on domestic violence will be held with guest speaker Ms. Opolot. Ms. Opolot is not

Social media awareness campaign – via employee-generated-content (EGC)- conveying our stand for Gender Equity and Inclusion

At the GIZ-Pakistan Country Office level, we are planning a social media awareness campaign – via employee-generated-content (EGC) – conveying our stand for Gender Equity and Inclusion. We aim to publish content on a daily basis throughout March on Twitter and

Talk Show “What does gender equality mean to men?”

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Gender & Diversity Working Group of GIZ Viet Nam will organize a Talk Show “What does gender equality mean to men” which will happen from 13:30 – 15:00 (07:30 – 09:00 CET), Friday

Mini-launch of the study report “Post-Covid-19 Green Recovery assessment of road transport in Viet Nam – From a gender perspective”

Transport certainly remains a pillar for any development model and economy. To recover the operation of road transport enterprises in the “new normal” and improve adaptability to ensure a stable and sustainable economy, it is essential to conduct this study

Women Together in the Pacific – A Talanoa on Women in Climate Change

Background: Women face disproportionate vulnerabilities to climate change across the world. Men and women often have different roles and responsibilities, determining whom has access to power and decision-making authority within the household and community. These social dimensions impact women’s access

Lauching Central Asia Feminist Development Team

We are launching our CAFD Team. Our mission is to raise awareness about feminist development policy; inform and support the operationalisation of feminist development policiy in our work across Central Asia and to set an example of creative and innovative

Causerie éducative “Vers une amélioration de l’accès au financement agricole pour les femmes”

Au Cameroun, 85 % de la population pauvre vit dans les zones rurales. Les trois quarts de la population rurale travaillent dans l’agriculture. Pourtant, les potentiels de rendement ne sont pas exploités en raison du manque de disponibilité d’intrants de

Book Club talks – Women in Migration

GIZ Gender Group, the GIZ Book Club and the Programme Migration & Diaspora want to invite you to a reading and discussion on Migration and Women. This book club reading event aims to bring together individuals with a shared interest

MenstruAction Updates 2023 – Info Session

Dear GIZ colleagues, the GIZ staff initiative MenstruAction invites you to a general info session on Friday 3rd of March from 10 to 10.30 CET to inform you about the planned activities and products in 2023 and around the worldwide

INFO CARAVANS: Innovation – Technology for the Gender Equality in Civil Status

Les femmes du Bureau National de l’État Civil ensemble pour UN MONDE DIGITAL INCLUSIF :  INNOVATION ET TECHNOLOGIES POUR L’ÉGALITÉ DES SEXES/ Registration: An Important Tool for the Protection of Women and Girls’ Rights in Digital Spaces There will be

#hackathon basé sur les solutions vocales (#IVR : Interactive Voice Response)

Les projets d’appui au Centre de Transformation Digitale (CTD) de la GIZ  Bénin organisent la Journée de l’Inclusion Numérique et du Genre (JING 2023) le 08 Mars 2023. Dans ce contexte, un #hackathon basé sur les solutions vocales (#IVR :

Beit Byout – Theatre play on Gender Based Violence (GBV) awareness

Beit Byout theatre play was created within a project by the UPW – Union of Progressive Women funded by GIZ – PVAWG project. It is written and directed by Dr. Lina Abyad, a Lebanese director. The play presents real stories

Gender Issues in Cross-Border Trade: A Virtual Roundtable

  Thursday, 16.03.2023, 10am UTC What are the challenges for women in cross-border trade – and how can we adress them? We cordially invite you to a roundtable to discuss challenges of women and small-scale traders. We are eager to

Justiça Climática – o que é e por que precisamos dela?

Você já ouviu falar de Justiça Climática? O fato que as mudanças climáticas afetam diferentes grupos de forma distinta já é um conhecimento comum, falando-se muito em “vulnerabilidades”. Embora o reconhecimento de que as consequências impactam a população de forma

Launch Event of the German Federal Foreign Office Guidelines on Feminist Foreign Policy

@Federal Foreign Office On  1 March 2023, 14:00h – 15:00h CET the German Federal Foreign Office will launch its Guidelinies on Feminist Foreign Policy. The event, which will be hosted by Foreign Minister Baerbock, will take place in the Weltsaal of

develoPPP impacts gender inclusivity in textile supply chains

With develoPPP, GIZ pools resources, knowledge and capital from companies and development cooperation so that both sides achieve more than they would alone (win-win). With this interactive event, we want to showcase the possibilities of cooperation with the private sector

Feminist Approaches in Alternative Development: The Case of Albania

14. March, 08:00-09:00 CET, Vienna International Center This side event is held in the margins of the 66th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and organized by GIZ’s Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development (GPDPD). It

Iraq: Roundtabel on gender-responsive public services

Baghdad, 12th of March 2023: How can gender equality improve the efficiency and quality of public services in Iraq? How can the voices of women be taken more into account within decision-making processes of the public administration? Female representatives from governmental

Gender Equality in GIZ – Where Do We Stand?

Gender Equality in GIZ – Where Do We Stand? 13th March, 11.30PM CET via MS Teams (Link to the event) Do you wonder about the status of gender equality in GIZ? About whether we reached gender parity in our workforce

Schreibwerkstatt: Menstrual Health &Hygiene – Social Media Fokus

Interne Schreibwerkstatt am 09.03.2023, 10:30-15:30 im GIZ Campus Bonn mit der Autorin, Journalistin und Redenschreiberin Friederike Bauer mit dem Ziel: “Geschlechterrollen aufbrechen und soziale Normen verändern, dabei gleichzeitig öffentlichkeitswirksam und gefällig schreiben.” Hintergrund ist die wiederkehrende Kommunikation – vor allem