Kick-off Gender Week – Gender-based violence in Mongolia: a problem without a solution? GIZ in Mongolia invites a national gender expert and Professor Tumendelger to face the facts of gender inequality in Mongolia. Homes, schools, workplaces and the internet are the…
On 07.03.2023 Gender Focal Persons from Mongolia of the GIZ East Asia Regional office organize a breakfast to discuss what the Feminist Foreign Policy is. Open face to face conversation to discuss different views, perceptions and most importantly what it…
Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training (cTVET) developed and submitted recommendations to formulate gender sensitive articles to be integrated in the TVET law revision. The government working group for TVET law reform process were working together with national gender…
On March 15, 2022 German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT), will set the spotlight on the GIZ Gender Analysis developed for the new project duration. During the event the new Gender Analysis and trainings for partners will promote a…
15 March | online publication and podcast – find links here |
Starting the first episode of the series in honor of the International Womens’ Day will set a sign for gender equality in TVET and skills development.
12 March | Private event for project members in Mongolia |
Discussion on how we can support gender equality initiatives with access to training, events, and workshops.
ULAANBAATAR CITY BACKGROUND: Mongolia is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. The sparsely populated countryside contrasts with the capital city Ulaanbaatar, which is home to almost 1.5 million inhabitants, or half of the country’s population. In Ulaanbaatar,…
The Biodiv project had a ‘Gender Fact Corner’ for the week. They aimed at (1) making the colleagues realize the fundamental facts about gender issues and how everybody is influencing/participating through their everyday life, (2) raising awareness on the importance of being sensitive…
In every year, GIZ celebrates the GIZ Gender Week in March to highlight the central role gender equality plays in sustainable development. GIZ supports the attainment of equal rights, duties and opportunities for women and men is an explicit goal,…
In every year, GIZ celebrates the GIZ Gender Week in March to highlight the central role gender equality plays in sustainable development. GIZ supports the attainment of equal rights, duties and opportunities for women and men is an explicit goal,…
Overview of legal and institutional framework for promotion of gender equality in Mongolia Mongolia is a landlocked country in Central Asia, located between the Russian Federation and China, occupying the territory of 1.5 million square kilometers and it is the…
Introduction Forestry is considered a gender blind sector naturally, because it is traditionally a male dominated, labor intensive sector. Internationally, women’s role in forestry is becoming vital for their positive contributions in terms of farming and food production in agroforestry…
Background information Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Integrated Mineral Resource Initiative (IMRI) program supports the Mongolian decision makers in promoting sustainable social and economic development, economic policies…
Event Documentation: During GIZ Gender Week 2017, the Gender Focal Points (GFP) of GIZ Mongolia created a Gender corner in the Country Planning Workshop on March 10, 2017. The gender corner introduced the GFPs as well as promoted the GIZ…
Das Projekt „Kooperative Berufsbildung im Rohstoffsektor“ unterstützt die Durchführung von Girls‘ Days in der Mongolei gemeinsam mit dem mongolischen Ministerium für Arbeit und Sozialschutz. Das Ziel des Girls‘ Days ist es, den Schülerinnen der Oberstufen und Abschlussjahrgänge, die kurz vor…
Event Documentation: GIZ globally announced the Gender week 2016 between March 7-11, 2016 on the topic of gender equality and women’s empowerment. In accordance with this occasion, IMRI program organized an event of “Current gender equality issues in Mongolia” in…
When: March 12, 2016 Where: GMIT, Nalaikh, Mongolia With: Students and student candidates and parents (Christina Seidler, DAAD-Fachlektorin & Associate for Student and Intercultural Affairs; Munkhtsetseg, Bachelor student) What: Information about gender distribution in engineering, chances and challenges for women…
Biodiversity and Adaptation of Key Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change II Programme “Promotion of the gender equality in the forestry sector of Mongolia” INTRODUCTION Nomadic Mongolians’ livelihood patterns, their traditions and values, basic economy including labor division of men and…
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The topic will be “Meet and Greet – Gender Triangle”. The event aims to exploit network effects by inviting various actors, who also invite actors implementing gender-related activities in Mongolia. It provides an opportunity to get to know each other…