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Exhibition “Girls”

During the March month, we have the pleasure to host at GIZ Albania the exhibition “Girls” by the activist and artist Elga Mitre! 🌟 Embracing Imperfection and be you 🌟 🎨 Finding the Artist Inside You! 💡 You Don’t Have

“New Wave” Documentary

During the March Month we want to invite you to the screening evening of the documentary “New Wave”! For over three decades, Albanian families have gone through the hurdles of migration, and “New Wave” takes a powerful dive into this


GIZ Albania this year is joining BashArt on International Women’s Week, supporting the third edition of #FemFEST 2024. From 4 to 8 March, the festival gathers artists, activists, writers and politicians to give voice to issues of gender equality and

Social Mapping boosts gender equality at local level

Lets Talk PERIOD


Towards Feminist Development Policy in GIZ Albania

Girls Day – Kmaza MFC (Albania)

Women in Leadership ” Movie Night”

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to build and strengthen the network of women leaders in Tirana, so that we can become stronger in pushing forward the gender equality agenda in Albania. Together with the Country

Book Club talks – Women in Migration

GIZ Gender Group, the GIZ Book Club and the Programme Migration & Diaspora want to invite you to a reading and discussion on Migration and Women. This book club reading event aims to bring together individuals with a shared interest

Feminist Approaches in Alternative Development: The Case of Albania

14. March, 08:00-09:00 CET, Vienna International Center This side event is held in the margins of the 66th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and organized by GIZ’s Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development (GPDPD). It

Empowering women and protecting the environment though recycling and upcycling of waste

Safe access to water, sanitation and health for women and girls in schools

From organized crime to gender equality

Presentation of Gender Mainstreaming in EU Accession Talks (Internal Market Policies)

What? Presentation of the Gender Mainstreaming Booklet When? 21.02.2022, 11.00-12.00 hrs. Where? MS Teams Who? GIZ SANECA, GIZ Albania On Monday, 21st February 2022, the GIZ run project “Support to accession negotiations in the economic chapters of the acquis” (SANECA)

Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would like to take the opportunity to exchange on different topics related to challenges women face in Albania and how to address those through economic empower. Together with the Country Director of


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in collaboration with GIZ, will organize an event to share the results of the project Upcycling MAPs into Detergents (UMID), the distribution of vocational training certificates, an exhibition of the products produced and

Make It in Albania- I can become a driver of change

8 March | public social media video |
Messages from 11 women who made their dream come true and broke stereotypes and prejudices, in Albania.

Gender Equality in Land Tenure

5 March | 10.00-11.00 CET | online discussion for GIZ staff |
Assuring equal right and equal access of women and men to land ownership

Women in Agriculture

Workshop in a rural area such as Ersekë, Albania,  with the participation of local producers, business women, professors from the University of Agriculture. There will be talks and discussions regarding the challenges that women face regarding entrepreneurship in agriculture field.



South Eastern Europe: Empowering Women through Access to Land

Photo credits Jutta Benzenberg, Copyright GIZ EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH ACCESS TO LAND OPEN REGIONAL FUND FOR SOUTH EAST EUROPE – LEGAL REFORM CONTEXT AND INITIATIVE Although it is widely recognized that equality in land ownership rights has a positive impact

Albania: Talents and Ideas for Albania’s Future – Women can make it

Type of intervention: Street fair – “ Shero- talk” The “German October” is a traditional event which occurs in Albania since 2007. The activities are mainly organized by the German Embassy in Tirana in cooperation with other German actors in

Regional Workshop on Target Group Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming in the context of Migration in the Western Balkans

Regional Workshop on Target Group Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming in the context of Migration in the Western Balkans   Concept Note The Regional Workshop on Target Group Engagement and Gender Mainstreaming will aim to offer a platform for the exchange

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Female lawyer breakfast

The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Legal Reform (ORF-LR) project together with the IPA 2017 project “Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans”, organized on the 26th of March in Tirana, Albania, a “Working Breakfast with Female

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Albania: From moving away to moving mountains: How Albanian rural women and returnees shape their future

BUSINESS IDEAS COMPETITION OF THE ALBANIAN ALPS 1. Challenge Rural women, especially in the Albanian Alps the access to know how and information is very limited and even inexistent in many cases. They are not exposed to any information on

Empowering women through access to land

On 10 March the conference “Empowering Women through Access to Land” will take place in Tirana, Albania, jointly organised by GIZ and FAO, in cooperation with the International Union of Notaries. The conference will be organized into three panels. In

Albania (Tirana) – Get Together with Female Lawyers

Successful female lawyers are being invited to an informal get together to discuss on how to promote female lawyers. The meeting will be a gathering of prominent females who are active in practicing law in their country. During the meeting

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