Game Over: a methodology that shows young Ecuadorians that violence against women is not something to be taken lightly

Imagine a prevention method that is not only educational, but also incredibly “cool”, as Dhanna B., a student at the María Auxiliadora School in Macas, tells us.

What makes Game Over so special? It is a unique blended learning experience, designed for young people aged 12 to 16, that addresses primary prevention of violence against women in a fresh and exciting way.

“Game Over: With Violence Against Women One Does Not Play” was born out of the need of various social actors to have a methodology that would allow them to work with adolescents and young people. At this age, they develop their first relationships which is why it is important to learn how to recognize and prevent violent behaviour.

Since mid-2018, this intervention has been implemented as part of a regular offer of GIZ Ecuador through the Prevention of Violence against Women II (PreViMujer) project. In the country, the Game Over methodology has trained more than 295 facilitators* in 10 cities, who are now able to apply the methodology appropriately with adolescent audiences, ensuring the future sustainability of the intervention. As of February 2024, a total of 3,114 adolescents (1,690 females and 1,466 males) have been reached in formal and non-formal educational institutions (in face-to-face and virtual formats).

One of the main partners for implementation is the Ecuadorian Red Cross. Since 2022, it has adopted the methodology and to date 94 volunteers have been trained as multipliers in ten different cities in the provinces of Esmeraldas, Guayas, Manabí, Santo Domingo, Imbabura, Loja, Machala and Cotopaxi.

Multipliers report a change in the beneficiaries’ behaviour by promoting gender equality. They appreciate the flexibility to adapt de methodology to different contexts and target groups. For instance, comics have been designed that show indigenous people and the methodology has been implemented adolescents with disabilities. Also, the digital app and videos promote the easy application and booster the lessons learned.

Download the Game Over app for FREE on Google Play or App Store!



Contact Details

Name: Christin Schulze
Posted in Gender Week Blog