Kick-off: IDA Community MAP & Employment

Kick-off: IDA Community MAP & Employment

6.3.2019, 14:00-15:30, CET


Finding work, but how?

When an applicant has secured a job abroad, but their partner is unable to find employment, plans for a foreign assignment can begin to fall apart. Often this is because the destination country doesn’t issue work permits to accompanying partners. For some partners, it’s simply difficult to find a job in their field.

Whether an assignment abroad is an enriching experience for accompanying partners as well currently depends largely on their own motivation and creativity. The Human Resources Department wants to work with staff to change this.

‘We want to be able to provide our staff and their partners with better advice on employment opportunities for accompanying partners,’ says Luise Zagst, a member of the Human Resources Department team responsible for implementing the Human Resources Strategy. To this end, the Human Resources Department is focusing mainly on experience gained in the field structure: what employment opportunities can global programmes or internal service providers offer accompanying partners? What is the situation in locations where it’s difficult to obtain a work permit? ‘We want to discover what solutions people have found and look into measures that could be rolled out for large parts of the company,’ says Ms Zagst.

Sharing experiences

Do you have experience of ways in which accompanying partners can find employment (either jobs at GIZ locations or location-independent jobs) or are you familiar with best practices from other institutions? Then join our ‘MAP and Employment’ (MAP is the German abbreviation used to refer to accompanying partners) IDA.Community. The ideas shared in this community will be used in mid-2019 to draw up specific recommendations on how the company can support accompanying partners more effectively. The closing date for registration is 4 March. A community kick-off meeting will take place on 6 March from 14:00 to 15:30 (CET).

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