Indonesia: Inspiration From Nature – Gender Mainstreaming In The Indonesian Forestry Sector


The FORCLIME approach
FORCLIME’s approach is derived from the recognition that responsibilities, vulnerabilities
and decision-making powers of individuals and groups in relation to forestry and climate
change can be attributed to social structures based on characteristics such as gender,
ethnicity, place, health, sexual orientation and age. Different genders play different roles in
their societies and have different needs. They also have different access to public services
and, therefore, benefit differently from their projects. This will contibute to make the world
worth living.

The context: Gender in the Indonesian forestry sector
In 2000, responding to gender inequality, Indonesia President issued Gender Mainstreaming
Regulation No: 9 Year 2000 on Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming for National
Development. This regulation needed to be implemented in each ministries and bodies in
Indonesia at national and sub-national level. Hence in 2013, Minister of Forestry (MoFor)
issued Regulation No 08 Year 2003 on the formation of Gender Mainstreaming Taskforce
(Pokja PUG) tasked for mainstreaming gender in the ministry of forestry and its sub-national
offices. This taskforce was the entry point of FORCLIME for collaboration in supporting the
ministry for gender mainstreaming. FORCLIME focuses on the policy and gender sensitive
planning and budgeting.

In 2004, the minister issued regulation No. 528 Year 2004 regulated on how the issue of
gender should be mainstreamed into the ministry including its activities, output and
performance including gender sensitive planning and budgeting.
From 2004 to 2013, the implementation improved slowly. The minister achieved Grade 1 of
Gender Rating (Award) given by Ministry of Women Empowerement and Child Protection in
2013. Since 2013 after FORCLIME assigned a FORCLIME Gender Officer to liase with GIZ
and Gender Taskforce of the Ministry to support and improve the process of gender
mainstreaming and gender sensitive planning and budgeting.

The condition or baseline of the Ministry of Forestry and regulation on gender mainstreaming
at the time when FORCLIME intervention started, its intervention and current condition
described on the table below:


No Conditions Pre Support Intervention with support of GIZ FORCLIME (see pictorial attachment 1 of the activities and attachment 2 for naration) Conditions now Collaboration
1 Outdated Regulation Revised Regulation on Gender
Revised and updated
regulations on
Gender Taskforce,
Consultants, UI
and IPB
2 Limited Trained staffs on
Training and ToT
on Gender
Over 200 staffs
trained on
and more than
100 women
farmers trained
on the topic
Consultant of
AusAid, Ministry
Staffs, Provincial
and district
staffs, Inspirit
3 Low commitment of decision makers Convince them the
importance of
Gender in the
forestry sector
thorugh training,
socialisation and
commitment in
the decision
makers from
Echelon 1 to
Echelon 4.
consultants and
NGO Inspirit
through th
development of
16 years Gender
Mainstreaming in
the Forestry and
Ministry (MoEF)
4 Low level of gender
sensitive budget for the
Intensive Trainings
on PPRG (Gender
based planning
and budgeting)
More than 100
staffs trained on
PPRG and the
increased of
budget sensitive
from..$$.in 2013
to.$$ 2017
MOEF, Auditors
5 Hold lower grade of
Gender Mainstreaing
rating from Ministry of
Women Empowerement
(Grade 2, Madya) for 3
years in a row, 2013-2015
implemented with
other Ministries,
NGOs and
Academics ( Jurnal
Perempuan, IPB,
The grade
moved to grade
3 of Utama after
the interventions
(higest grade is
grade 4 of
Mentor grade)
MoWE, Jurnal
(NGO), MoEF,
IPB and UI
6 No donor/Iternational
Instution support
Hold meetings with
other donors on
gender issues
increased from
Women and
Other GIZ
projects, UNDP,
UN Women,
7 No Monev system for
gender mainstreaming in
the ministry
Intensive trainings
on gender sensitive
100 auditors
trained on
MoEF, Auditors
8 Outdated MoU between
Ministry of Women
Empowerement and
Ministry of Forestry
Hold many
discussion and
FGD meetings on
the revision of MoU
Updated MoU
had been signed
in December
9 Limited pilot areas of
gender based forestry
Collaboration in
setting more pilot
areas in FORCLIME
Activities of
Districts Malinau,
Berau and Kapuas
Collaborate with
women farmers
group and farmer groups in
the 5
Activities Area of
Village, District &
Governments, Farmer Groups
and MoEF
10 No gender curriculum in
the ministry
Developing Gender
Curricullum with
Centre for
Environment and
development of
the curricullum is
on going
involving the
ministry of
and Child
and Forestry
Training Centre,
IPB University


How did we support gender mainstreaming?
GIZ FORCLIME supported the Gender Working Group at MoEF in the inclusion of gender
aspects into the Ministry’s Strategic Plan (RENSTRA 2015-2019) as well as in piloting the
field implementation. This included establishment of demonstration activities at sub-national
levels and – in a strategic partnership with the GIZ Strengthening Women Rights project (GIZ
SWR) – leveraging SWR’s work with the Ministry of Women and Empowerment (MoWE)
towards the forestry sector, using a multilevel approach.
Our close collaboration beginning in 2013 continued until now, with collaborative
program/activities planning in the end of each year and implement them starting at the
beginning of the next year. The exensive list of activities in the above table is one of
indication the quality of collaboration in implementing the strategy of gender mainstreaming
in the ministry of Environment and Forestry.
The recognition of GIZ FORCLIME support can be seen and noted in many joint publication
of Gender related topics between the ministry and GIZ FORCLIME (see attachment 3 of
book titled “Inspirasi dari Alam” p.10, p.19, P.84-85). GIZ FORCLIME support to the ministry
had been awarded by GIZ Indonesia on its “Communiting Gender Award” as First place
winner in 2015 and Third place winner in 2017. It is widely recognized within the ministry that
gender support always related to GIZ FORCLIME. In the attached book, “Inspirasi dari Alam”
describing 16 years of gender mainstreaming in the environment and forestry sector, the
head of Gender Taskforce explicitly thanked GIZ FORCLIME for its unfailing commitment in
page 10 of the book.

GIZ FORCLIME gender work is recorded in the offer to BMZ and reported yearly on its
progress. The gender support to the partner is also reported in yearly Project Steering
Committee meeting in the ministry. In FORCLIME, the traffic light system of monitoring is
also used to monitor the implementation of its support to the ministry. The ministry also has
to report two yearly its gender mainstreaming activities to the Ministry of Women
Empowerement where the GIZ FORCLIME support has to be reported also.
GIZ FORCLIME’s work is documented in our products and is integral part of our Results
Based Monitoring system. The qualitative surveys of the Most Significant Change
approach has been used to document our activities, outcomes and impacts.

What did we achieve so far?
GIZ FORCLIME support has been recognized and by the ministry. The award of gender
mainstreaming (Anugerah Parahita Ekapraya, APE) given by MoWE to the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry to second highest award proved the harder effort of the ministry
especially the Gender Taskforce in mainstreaming gender in the ministry had brought some
changes and impacts. This effort is interlinked with the support of GIZ FORCLIME. Before
the support of FORCLIME, for three years in a row, the ministry stucked in second grade
award out of four level grade of Pratama, Madya, Utama and Mentor.
From 2012-2014, the ministry received the award or evaluation from MoWe of Madya level.
However, after FORCLIME support, the award or the evaluation ranking moved to Utama
level (second level) in year 2016. This Utama level meant that the 7 MoWE criteria of gender
mainstreaming had been practiced and already part of the culture in the ministry. The seven
criteria are commitment; policy, institution, human resource/budget, Gender Tool Analysis,
Gender Data and community participation.
The gender sensitive budget also had increased from Rp. 29.932.510.000 in 2013 at the
beginning of intensive collaboration and Rp. 193.804.474.000 in 2016.
In the book of Inspirasi dari Alam, page 99, it was noted that the important changes had
happened in the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming with the support of GIZ

– Mindset changes happened in the decision makers whereby the echelon 1 had
supported the changes in regulation related with the non-descrimination principle and
the increase of women role in the the decision making process
– Increased in the capacity of the implementator of gender mainstreaming
– Increased collaborative and networking in implementing the gender mainstreaming
– Increased number of regulation such as in the Social Forestry whereby the
Directorate General always putting the clause of non-discrimination principle and
ascertain same access for women and men
– Gender Taskforce had been strengthened
– Developed and innovated gender mainstreaming programs

These achievements had been achieved with some challanges. The challenges are changes
of person in charge for the gender programme and different standards of operation
procedures of gender responsive planning and budgeting of the MoEF. However the
challanges had been minimized by key success factors which are: supportive enabling
conditions, partners’ willingness and enthusiasm and partnership (respecting one and
another) approach.

Please watch the video of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to learn more about our
joint activities:
Submitted by Mohammad Rayan and Wandojo Siswanto (GIZ FORCLIME)