Experienced Women are inspirational role models for young girls. Known as a male-dominated sector, the energy sector requires high skills, consistency and hard work. More women work in this sector for years now and gained many years of experiences. It’s quite challenging for them but they love their jobs and are committed! These women are working in the electricity distribution companies of the ECOWAS region and they strive to inspire more young girls across the region to embrace and this career… and to be interested in mathematics, sciences and engineering from their youth! The West African Power Pool (WAPP) decided to honour them. WAPP vision which is in line with the ECOWAS Gender policy strives to mainstream gender equality in the implementation of projects and programmes. By accompanying this WAPP’ initiative the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the GIZ energy programme ProCEM (Promotion of a Climate-friendly Electricity Market in the ECOWAS Region) aims at highlighting and encouraging female engineers/experts/technicians in the energy sector.
Presentation of film on GIZ youtube chanel and Benin national television canal 3