Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to our Gender Month GIZ Rwanda/Burundi Opening Event in 2023!


Do you sometimes struggle with sharing your achievements because you are afraid of sounding like you are bragging?

Cultural and modesty norms as well as imposter syndrome can prevent individuals from acknowledging their remarkable attributes and expressing their achievements.

Improve self-promotion motivation and skills for women and underrepresented groups and challenge the social perception around self-promotion!


Welcoming remarks from Martin Kraft, Country Director

Interactive Session # I am Remarkable with Samantha D. Raniere

Date: 6 March, 14:00 – 15:45 (CET)

We look forward to an interesting session!

Best regards,

Kathrina Schipper (Gender Focal Person) and Yongmi Schibel (Portfolio Manager)