Panel Discussion: Gender Responsive Budgeting: Mainstreaming Girls, Women and Children with Special Needs in Climate Change Adaptation Techniques

GIZ will work with Women Lawyers Association of Malawi to unpack how government can or is supporting girls and women and children with special needs in disaster affected districts. This will be done through:

• Discuss budget allocated to the Department of Disaster Management and how the budget reflects needs of girls and women and children with special needs;

• Explore whether the budgetary support can accommodate issues of menstrual hygiene and access to sexual and reproductive health commodities for girls and women and children with special needs;

• Examine the role of women lawyers in ensuring that funds targeting girls and women beneficiaries allocated to the Department of Disaster Management is spent on intended purpose in flood prone districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa;

• Raise awareness on Child Protection Principles especially among GIZ partners